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Skin Color Racism (Genetics determine skin, hair & eye color) #Science #Facts

You did not pick your natural skin or hair or eye color, no one does & no one did; thats impossible right now because we do not genetically engineer human babies yet, ok! Thats just factually true!

When I had a 23&Me spit test performed, the data given back shows that I am part African & Asian, even though I have fair skin & lighter eye color & look European. I immediately became woke, realizing that all people are multi-colored. I had an earlier mental revolution in middle school on a form that asked about my race & skin color, where I looked down at my pale light skin & said I was "white, with shades of green & blue & pink & yellow" & I actually got in trouble at school for writing that! 

For years the words "black" & "white" did not seem like applicable descriptions of actual human skin colors, since everyone skin a translucent mixture of layers with different colors from the arteries & veins & flesh. People who are called "black" are shades of brown & people that are called "white" are shades of pink & yellow. 

I was watching a YouTube video, years ago, of an artist finger painting people on an Apple iPad & noticed that to accurately paint a persons skin tones, many many colors have to be precisely blended to simulate the light interaction variability that produces natural skin appearance color variation. 

Peoples skin furthermore changes as they age, in more than one way than just color. People also change color, when tanning for example the UV exposure illicit a melatonin response in the skin to darken light colored skin tones. Fair skinned people that hail from higher latitudes, needed a way to make D3 in their skin with less sun exposure. 

In history, as people moved away from Africa towards less sunny locals, genetic decent with modification *evolution* selected lighter skin tones because that gave people the advantage in less sunny locals of making D3 in their skin faster with less sun exposure. This is just genetic trait machinery & has no basis in the cultural history of racism or bigotry - those are social decay & ignorant divisive aspects of culture that should be left behind in a future where people are all light brown & the same "race" mixed, or multicolored! 

Sad that I even feel motivated to have to publish this posting to give others a mental update with ethics & morality about evaluating other people based on their personality & character attributes, not genetic traits that are dictated by DNA from their parents. 

People make free willed agency based choices as humans that influence the development of their personality & character attributes, preferences & other variables not influenced by DNA or epigenetic factors. 

Humans are mental, cognitively thinking conscious animals, very much unlike the other animals in nature. Humans also have a natural negativity focus bias because that helps people identify problems to solve & has been operating that way in humans all throughout history as a mental cognitive advantage. This enabled human animals to invent all kinds of technologies to make life less hard & to make more things possible. 

Sadly, we engineered our way so far into carbon combustion technology that the CO2 emissions from these engines & furnaces by the billion are now negatively changing Earth's atmosphere & disrupting the energy balance in Earth's atmosphere, the causal basis of Climate Change & why CO2 emissions are a trending topic in social spheres & governments worldwide! 

Its not what they "look like" it what they are "like" what they are "into" its about their personality & character, aspects of their personal that they have agency to change. Not genetic traits that govern the develop of our body & color of our skin & eyes & hair. Stop being ignorant & judging other people! Racism is wrong. Bigotry is wrong. We are all in this life on Earth together as one human people & you know this deep down in your mind, body & soul. That ecosystem in your gun tells you that you are part of nature. All those microbes on your skin are part of ecosystems. This is why pollution so evil, it indescrimately hurts, harms & kills people with preventable diseases because of the toxicity of the air & water & soil pollutants. 

The medical science of toxic impacts of pollution perfectly clear & unambiguous, pollution causes preventable disease & exists as a growing public health debacle getting worse overtime as more people embrace energetic lifestyles inspired by America, using fossil fuels like natural gas, gasoline & diesel to get there, to that upgraded 1st world standard of living. If 10 billion people develop like Americans, we will need 5.7 more Earth's worth of natural resources to exploit of our purposes. 

Bigotry & racism are toxic mindsets based on ignorant assumptions & have no place in current or future life on Earth. We need to ban & make racism illegal & punish people with fines & imprisonment who go around hurting other people with hate speech & other forms of social attacks. We need to hold each other accountable to raise each other up to a life of greater excellence in all ways, inspired by Christ Jesus & his message about treating all "ALL" other people with love & kindness & forgiveness & forbearance & respect. One human people on one planet Earth, all in this life together & don't forget that! Think about it! 

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