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In the spirit of the 2022 Olympic Games & inspired by Christ Jesus, I forgive China, the PRC & the CCP

I want to formally apologize to the nation of China & the government of China for my harsh, critical & negative judgmental words & speech & actions towards China. This does not excuse environmental & human rights violations that might be ongoing in China or anywhere else in the world.

This apology to the nation of China moreover part of acknowledging that we are one human people on planet Earth & can work better together working to build a better future by pragmatically applying physics & chemistry & other aspects of science in real world solutions right now. 

Apparently other world leaders do not agree with me forgiving China, they are claiming that China, the PRC & CCP in specific are still committing acts of basic human rights violations & similar sanctionable evil, mean spirited, sick, immoral actions against the Chinese people & other people & organizations worldwide; that are unforgivable. Vladimir Putin does seem to mind what China up to, he was there at the games, spectating the happenings at the opening ceremony! I didn't see his buddy Donald Trump! 

When talking about what China doing wrong that is widely considered unethical & immoral, I am not just talking about a few things. I am not just talking about making super clones of ROLEX wrist watches or every other product manufactured in China by a foreign company. I am not talking about currency manipulation of the RMB. I am not talking about the lack of labor unions or workers rights or L&I or weekends off & paid time off or other kinds of unethical employer violations or slave driving if you want to call it that. 

Think of working conditions at Foxconn where Apple & TSMC partner up to make state of the art iPhone, iMac & other designed in Cupertino, California, USA & Made in China hardware, not withstanding that Foxconn a Taiwanese company, from the ROC. 

I am talking about China at the state level with the state police, spies & other agents working for the CCP & PRC, doing evil sick stuff to hurt, harm & kill people that speak out against the CCP or any specific Chinese government official. 

The Chinese government extremely sensitive to any critical remarks about it & responds with fast effective hardline harsh deadly methods to silence critics, to imprison those who speak against it in concentration style camps where nationalistic state focused PRC reeducation the brainwashing topic that the offender force to watch & subsequent after some beating & similar torture, required to pledge allegiance o the black flag of the PRC & its despot leadership, who have the emotional maturity of a distempered teenager undergoing hormonal emotional fluctuations. I believe the Chinese government undergoing reforms to improve its state, to develop a "thicker skin" & become "less reactive" & "less brutal" & more "humanitarian" "benevolent" "global progress focused" & "less maniacal" 

For example, to address air & water pollution & climate change, broad decarbonization of energy needs to happen worldwide for all people, while at the same time we need to invest in New Nuclear Reactors & other Renewables like Solar, Wind & Geothermal energy! In China, this kind of progress with nuclear reactor development, wind turbine deployment, solar panel manufacturing & deployment, hydropower dam construction & operation & other forms of renewable energy development; aimed at reducing dependence on coal combustion that makes local air quality in China terrible, while also reducing china's dependents on importing liquid fossil fuels from Russia & the USA & elsewhere. For China to become energy independent while also improve each Chinese persons access to 6kw of electrical energy 24/7, massive amounts of renewable Fast Neutron breeder reactors & forms of renewables & energy storage have to be manufactured & deployed & operated in a symphony of electrical power production thats clean without emitting a lot of air pollutants toxic to public & environmental health, like a typical coal power plant. 

We need to phase out burning carbon fuels, hydrocarbons & other forms of carbon combustion & replace all of that pollution generating activity that dumps so much CO2 into the atmosphere while also depleting oxygen levels in the air that are needed for Human Brain function. 

No easy feat to make food & resources available to 10 billion people alive at the same time. Since energy required to manipulate matter to make anything happen, we need abundant cheap clean electricity made from renewable Nuclear Fuel Breeder Fast Neutron Reactors & Solar Photovoltaic Energy & Wind Power Turbines & Geothermal Power & a broad mix of other renewable energy capture technologies like Tidal energy or Wave Energy Recovery. 

Homes need air source heat-pumps that are energy efficient for HVAC applications that are fast & effective while using less electricity & producing less waste heat. The mini-split air source Mitsubishi heat pumps are the best ones that I am able to locate after doing market research online. They can heat or cool the air in your home, while only consuming small amounts of electricity. They are relatively compact & have an excellent return on investment & tend to be reliable as long as the heat exchangers are kept clean so the heat sink radiators can effectively exchange heat energy with the gases in the air inside & outside your home or building. Room sized, zonal heating means you can keep different parts of your home at different temperatures, for further gains in energy conservation or savings on your electrical utility bill. 

Electric vehicles can be charged with electricity made from renewable or intermittent power, as most privately owned cars & SUV & trucks are parked for 20+ hours per day, often at night when its dark outside & solar PV panels are not making electricity, but it might be windy & the hydro power & nuclear power are still online. 

Lithium-ion batteries are not the only way to store electrical energy as chemical energy in electric vehicles. Sodium ion, aluminum ion, magnesium ion, there are actually more than 100 different rechargeable battery chemistries being developed & many are being commercialized because of problems with lithium & cobalt mining supply levels to make billions of electric vehicles of all kinds to replace fuel burning engine vehicles. 

Did I mention that most of the metals in an EV & conventional car can be scrap recycled & smelted into new metals for further future value added manufacturing of new vehicles. This means that all these complaints about E-waste & EV waste & wind turbine & solar panel waste, are really an issue of developing better recycling processes like the fuel reprocessing used on nuclear waste created by more than 400 different commercial nuclear fission power plants in operation around the world today! 

China, significantly, developing many 4th gen fission reactors to embrace broad phasing out of coal power plants, to improve air quality in China & to make clean electricity 24/7 with good uptime & load following, since they will run out of rivers to damn up with hydropower & geothermal energy not practical to access everywhere. I hope they use the model of Palo Verte Reactor Cooling where sewer waste fluid streams are used as the heat sink for excess thermal energy from the nuclear fission reactors.

Did you know that nuclear fission reactors can be made as small as 3 kw thermal & 1kw electrical as MMR micro-modular reactors like the NASA Kilopower & that having one of those buried in the front yard of your home could be making your home warm air & hot water & electricity 24/7 for up to 20 years before the unit would need to be extracted by the manufacturer for reprocessing of the core & recycling of the other parts into new units, mass produced & shipped around the world at practical prices that normal working people can afford to buy for their homes. 

You might wonder, how does apologizing to China have anything to do with these other energy topics in this posting. Well, China the leading consumer of energy per capita & their national rate of power consumption increasing faster than anywhere else in the world. Given the scope of impacts of climate change accelerated by carbon combustion of gasoline, diesel, kerosine, jet fuel, rocket fuels, natural gas, propane, butane & coal, the topic of decarbonization specifically applies to ongoing & future development in China. 

We do not want China to follow the wasteful materialism mistakes of modern American culture, where excess & wasteful consumption are culturally acceptable & promoted not only as normal, but as an ideal to aim for as a man, where the unspoken subtext essential saying "the more you own & more stuff you have & control, the more of a man you are" while Women in America are expected to quote "look like they are 23 years old, even as their age advances", which is unrealistic, unfair & mean spirited to older women. On YouTube & other platforms, people discuss how "younger women" are intrinsically more physically attractive" because they are "better suited to reproduce children, have nicer skin & hair & so forth, & are not encumbered by physical ailments associated with advanced aging, yet" //

 I hope that China learns from the mistakes of the USA as they too are forced to "outsource" labor to other cheaper east Asian economies in Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, etc. Eventually, we will of course, run out of new "exploitable" people in developing economies as everyone around the world enjoys increased standards of living, sanitation, more electrical energy available more of the time, less pollution, better education & better healthcare & thus a strengthening economy with more value added opportunities embraced by healthy educated people looking to capitalize their skills & advantages into profitable business activity making products or services that other people want to buy, thus generating revenue that the government can subsequently tax, regulate & control in a big circular positive feedback loop of economic development. 

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