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What is Real/ is this the Real Reality? How you can you prove your not in a simulation in the distant future experiencing history of what went wrong on Earth back "now"

Everyone a sinner, flawed & makes mistakes! No one is perfect & no one has all the answers. To question the questions means you are asking a philosophical question about if you really exist or if this life you think is real is actually a simulation plugged directly into your conciseness so that you cannot distinguish this life from the real truth, some mysterious higher dimensional space. Perhaps we are just here living in a recreation of the past, the distant past & our real selves are in the distant future long after Earth's Sun boiled off the oceans & turned Earth into Mars like conditions. 

Perhaps God sends people to this plane of existence in the 3rd or 4th dimension, a lower level, to perfect our soul or spirit. The subjective reality you are experiencing might seem unreal given the growing radical inequity in the world, rising sea levels, crime & corruption, human trafficking, arson, murder, greed & other kinds of mental illness so common. Perhaps this just an artificial construct designed to entertain & test our soul, the very basis of who we are as energetic beings made of energy & information. 

So many unanswered questions about why so many problems still exist & persist despite access to technology that if applied rationally in a free market of globalization could make the world a virtual utopia by comparison to how it exists in this supposed"existence" that people call the real world. Do you ever even stop to think about who you really are? 

Maybe you felt guilty about living a life of unending pleasures in a future utopia & sought to perfect your soul & made a choice to enter into a conscious simulator that takes you back to this time in history when humans on Earth' were making terrible choices that doomed mankind & Earth with runaway climate change & sea level rising, loss of land worldwide, air & water pollution increasing steadily & converting the biosphere into a toxic waste dump progressively. 

If you think the Walmart'ing of America or rise of as a ubiquitous monopoly in the e-commerce space across multiple domains of the global economy. Alibaba & Ebay, the rise of computers & compute as information clothing & accessories, 5G networks, WIFI, radio, microwave, millions of electrical signals that are invisible to our senses magically surging through the biosphere of Earth, oxygen laced nitrogen gas mixes with a trace of argon & other gases leaking into space, CO2, Methane, Hydrogen. 

The sun ionizing gases in the stratosphere & higher to make the Northern Lights. Does this all seem too real to actually be real. Perhaps it's unimaginable given how long society has existed that such radical strife & pain & suffering that you see in the world news is actually real. Perhaps what you see as news just exists as misinformation, disinformation, all designed to confuse & misdirect people's focus, to trick people into believing things preposterous like the Earth is Flat or that vaccines cause autism. 

Does it seem unimaginable that YouTube would allow someone to post a Tide Pod's video challenge that challenges children to eat laundry detergent packets such that tens of thousands of kiddos ended up in the emergency rooms of hospitals from eating Tide Pod's inspired by a criminally negligent malicious & harmful video that Google & YouTube & Alphabet inc. allows to stay online, even though it hurt & seriously injured & resulted in the death of children in "Realty" What about reality TV, is that even real. Given the state of AI & deep fake CGI technology, people on TV might just be fake projections of people that used to exist. 

Perhaps what we call reality actually fake & made up just like the fiat currencies that seem to keep leaking buying power under the pressures of quantum easing & globalization of manufacturing capacity. If all human people are in this life together, why so much war & strife & fallout & death? Nuclear weapons? Does it not seem like a history book of what went wrong in the past that forced people to find other habitable planets & develop nuclear fusion & ZPE powered spacecraft to relocate human societies onto other planets long ago. 

To who's benefit are we acting, if not even to our own health or wellness. I see obese people buying ice cream & am left wondering what kind of self hatred or traumatic memory or stress they must be dealing with, since I abuse sugar to cope with stress & gave myself type II diabetes. I am not judging others, I only wonder how we can help everyone more. 

Can we win over each persons mind with more love & teach other people to love themselves so that they can love other people. Can we each other to forgive ourselves of our sins & inequities & also to forgive others who sin against against us? 

Do you think we have a better future ahead or does it seem inevitable that sin & evil will convert life into a dystopian unfair & unjust future ? Do you know that you have the power in every choice to make your life & the lives of other people better ? That we can apply existing off the shelf technology to reduce air & water pollution, to reduce sea levels, to gain control over climate change & to replace burning carbon with nuclear energy, fission & fusion with element recycling of isotopes & up cycling of radioactive elements. 

We have the potential to solve all problems right now, leveraging carbon combustion to pave the way to a cleaner, safer & more intelligent future thats better & more enjoyable to live in, for all people! That we can improve nature instead of degrading ecosystems. That we can make more dirt & soil with composting & mushrooms used on agricultural waste. Think of creative designs present in DNA in animals & in ecosystem, in nature, natural simple ways, like telluric currents in the earth that can make free electricity 24/7 with no downtime, forever (contextually) as long as the Sun burns hydrogen via fusion to helium nuclei, for another billion years or so. 

Did you know that your body is an ecosystem? On you skin, in your gut, eyes, mouth, ears, in your gastrointestinal system, colon, on your hands & feet, in your hair, everywhere inside & out you have helpful bacteria & other beneficial microbes that are easily poisoned by heavy metals & toxic food dye & other synthetic food like ingredients used in ultra-processed foods & other western industrialized foods.

For example cows treated with RBGH or produce drenched in pesticides of more than 600 kinds & genetically modified foods that have the pesticides engineered into the flesh so that you cannot wash it off. What do you think happens when that stuff goes in your body? Diseases, disease that are preventable, that come from eating toxic junk food & fast food & GMO food & pesticides & artificial ingredients & things so new that people for all of history never ate anything like this & we have had no chance to adapt to these radical changes in diet undermining the SAD or standard American diet or preventable disease forming diet of inflammation & missing fiber & too much trans fats & dehydration & all the other hallmarks of unhealthy diet choices common in America. 

This posting based on the first episode of Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams & exists as a fictional work for entertainment purposes & does not reflect or represent reality of existence, the real world as known by empirical scientific inquiry & research analysis repeated observation confirmed facts, since facts matter! You know what is real because of social networks where people post their opinions as fact. You know that your everyone & that everyone a special person deserving of basic human rights & that animal rights for pets & animals in agriculture & wild animals in nature are moral & ethical. You know that your feelings & perceptions are the most real to you. With a sane, well balanced & well controlled mind you know that the above posting fictional, made up or fake, produced as an artistic interpretation of a video based on short stories written by Philip. K. Dick, the science fiction writer. That hues of philosophy & history are integrated into the above work as the sole copyright protected work of fictional literature, a fabricated blog posting based on fiction & itself fictional for entertainment purposes only. 

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