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The Only Time You Have Alive

Shrouded in mystery since "time" an arbitrary abstraction of the continuum, that continual or continuous nature of reality that comprises your life & the lives of other people, animals, insects, fungi, plants, planets, stars & star systems, solar systems; and networks of elements interacting like the cells in your body. 

The math of life, DNA, the architecture of genomes & epigenetic transfer of aspects of a beings life, your mind & soul so complicated they exist beyond the scope of scientific inquiry, but underpins the very axiomatic basis of how humans focus their attention & what they focus on & how they make decisions. 

You a curious being, even if you consider yourself otherwise. Your brain is constantly scrambling to make sense of reality & to find meaning & purpose in an arbitrary cold harsh reality that does not care about you & where money cannot hug or love you like a person that does so freely on their own free will & volition or agency, with contrition. 

We all started as an egg in our mothers ovary & a sperm in our fathers testes, that united to produce a single cell that ends up with unique blended DNA to comprise, via repeated splitting, a new person. We all started as a single cell & became a network of cells interacting in organ systems. Made of recycled star dust made in stars larger than Earth's Sun, billions of years ago, the elements f the body are continually recycled by nature in Earths ecosystems or biome, the biosphere of Earth where nearly all known life exists. 

Life is ancient & its origin still shrouded in mystery that people hope to uncover with information generated by the Jame Web Space Telescope, Godspeed & Blessings to that device & its mission. We need to find other habitable planets now so that we can escape the one we are ruining with pollution & run away climate change caused by carbon combustion emissions that also produces air pollution that sickens people IRL with preventable diseases that are driving up the costs of healthcare worldwide. 

Try to make the best of it in life! When you wake up, say "Woo Hoo, I got another day alive & try to have fun & have a sense of humor. 

I know what it like to feel self hatred. I was trained to become something I never wanted to be. I am a lover not a hater. Christ Jesus my Lord & Savior & teaches his followers to love all other people; ALL other people! I was trained to be a tool by a system I resent that makes no logical sense at all. War only kills people & the problems remain. We have to win people over with improved ideologies & ways of thought & thinking that include social progress, socialization, mental & emotional & Spiritual health & wellness. We have to teach each other to love one another & to play nice & fair together as one human people on Earth. 

Socialism the only way forward to prevent never ending income inequality increasing to the point of becoming a "haves & have's not divided global economy. Today we have billionaires by the thousand why millions of people live in harsh hard starving poverty without basic sanitation; without clean running water, without electricity that's reliable with good uptime. 

I am a socialist who wants to see all other people thrive more. It sickens & saddens me to see poverty & the lack of basic sanitation that causes millions of people to suffer. Refugee's & other people who suffer because of human rights violations & war. Human trafficking, rape, murder, crime & corruption. 

Pollution the real sickness, externalities that destroy air & water quality so that a tiny opulent minority can buy things other people cannot even pronounce, to live a lavish life with wealth & possessions so extreme & so outrageous that the people enjoying them have to take anti-depressant drugs because they realize how unfair the world is & how they are living the high life as others people just like them suffer needlessly & senselessly. 

Why are we doing this to other people, to other humans & each other, other people with feelings & dreams & emotions. We are all human on Earth & all in this life together. Why do people continue hurting each other senselessly? Why can't we just play nice together the way we teach children to do. Why do we have to keeping hurting each other by turning a blind eye to the suffering of others. Why materialism, a failure that I continue to suffer with, via Amazon. 

Why do we want things ? Why does anyone buy anything they do not need? What do you want? A happy life not about stuff, its about people, but you can't buy people on Ebay or Amazon, you have to go to the dark web for that. Human trafficking & crime & corruption. I am a flawed sinner & hypocrite just like everyone else. Why is the wrong question anyway. The real question is how can we solve all of these problems? Starting with upgrading the minds of each person. We need to upgrade everyones philosophies & ideologies about life! 

Gay people are people too, so are transgender people. Atheist people are people & so are agnostic people, muslims, jews, christians, bahai, we are all people. We are called to help other another, to accept one another, our differences are what makes life interesting & worth living anyway! Imagine a world where everyone the same, that would be boring & horrible. This is why I hate China, the PRC & CCP, they want to make everyone the same, a lame world not worth living in. 

We can lift each other up & help each other & those of us lucky enough to be given more are required to help other out a little more since we are the ones who can afford to make that kind of difference that the inefficient government's of the world could never do. 

You can be a real leader by showing other people kindness & respect & looking at other people through eyes of supernatural love & empathy & sympathy & understanding that transcends understand because its informed by faith in something bigger than a person, faith in God! Aiming for more excellence in all ways inspired by God's sublime & undeserved love. The love God shows his people, amazing given how people treat God, how some people blame God for the inequities of their bad or unwise personal choices & actions & the bad deeds of others, when evil spirits & satan are actually responsible for corrupting the minds of people. 

You always have agency & free will to make better ethical & moral choices, to do the "right thing" when no one else looking or to change the trajectory of who you are becoming by focusing on pursuing greater excellence in all ways informed by & inspired by God! Even if you do not believe, read what it says in Ecclesiastes in the Christian Bible about how people are supposed to treat one another! 

Fiat currencies are all subject to inflation & renumeration just like what happened in Mexico with the Peso in 1993. The EURO & US dollar and RMB are not immune to this any more than the global population immune to the covid19 virus without vaccination. Flu viruses incidentally have been hurting & killing people all along, before COVID19 pandemic. 

I am glad we are now wearing face masks or chin diapers or facial underwear, so we are not breathing each others spit when talking in first person. I am a social extrovert & talker & love interacting with other people. 

Today I had an absolutely interesting discussion with Jack Horton, a student who accidentally rode my bus even though I no longer take kids to his neighborhood. We made the best of it anyway & I broke route & brought him home & we had an interesting talk because of his interest in economics & art. We thanked each other for the interesting discussion as he left the bus so that I could return it to the transportation hub where I work. 

It the people that make all the difference, people! 

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