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Heart Disease #1 killer with 18+ million Victims Dead From Chronic Inflammation due to Eating UPF as 73% of Diet

Welcome to America or the USA where UPF or Ultra Processed Foods comprise 73% of the calories that fat sick Americans who have a low nutritional IQ consume as nearly 3/4 of their total calories consumed every year. 

Not just in America, in every country where they have adopted soda pop, UPF junk foods, candy, unhealthy highly fractionated added chemical artificial colors and flavors in box or bag garbage food, where these pseudo UPF foods, people are becoming fatter and sicker with preventable diseases. That's because what they are eating is not real food in any sense, but were made of real foods before they used chemical engineering originally meant for oil refining and pharmaceutical manufacturing to food processing UPF foods that are popular and sell well at grocery stores and supermarkets on all the isles in the center of the store.

More than 70,000 items sold at Safeway for example are UPF the kinds of foods with added sugars, unhealthy omega 6 fats from refined vegetable seed oils like canola oil thats also UPF since it goes though so many manufacturing stages and highly processed or highly refined, and very little or no fiber soluble or insoluble, no protein or very little, and mostly starches and carbohydrates that become blood glucose increasing when you eat and digest them. 

When you eat a large serving of UPF, the whole box or bag, your blood sugar levels rapidly rise, causing insulin spikes that become insulin resistance if you continue eating UPF junk for months and years, gaining weight and experiencing inflammation, fatigue, loss of the ability to focus or form new memories or difficulty recalling things or brain fog. 

People in India and China and Polynesian states that have adopted western disease causing diets high in UPF and added sugars, in all these place obesity rates, kidney failure rates, diabetes rates, these are all epidemics, with unhearing foot ulcers, blindness, stokes robbing people of their mind or damaging their brain, robbing them of mobility, blinding people, causing morbid obesity and diseases of the vascular system including and especially by damaging the capillaries or fine arteries and veins causing numbness or lost of feeling in the hands and feet but also damage to the organs, and especially damaging the brain with what might as well be called the metabolic dysfunctional basis of Dementia. 

Real whole natural foods can be found around the outside edge of a grocery store, and have been foods throughout human history in all countries all around the world, long before UPF or modern food like substance or artificial flavors or colors or preservatives were even invented, that is these were foods long before the first Industrial Revolution throughout all off human history. 

Nuts, seeds, fish, dairy, meet, chicken, vegetables, leafy greens, fruits, berries, spices, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, non starchy root veggies like carrots, or blackberries, or raspberries, blueberries, eggs pasture raised, butter, extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, MCT, lard, tallow, walnuts, pecans, almonds, macadamia nuts, chia seeds, flax, hemp, pumpkin seeds, avocado, tubers like potatoes, rutabaga, turnips, celery, carrots, herbs like garlic, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, cloves, cardamon, cilantro, parsley, basil, dill, rosemary, thyme, black pepper, salt, pepper flakes, the list goes on. 

Real food contains less than 5 ingredients if it's prepared or ready to eat. An apple for example may continue the same amount of fructose as a small glass of apple juice, but eating the whole apple vastly metabolically superior for your health whereas drinking apple juice terrible because juice is like soda pop and raises blood sugar rapidly, giving rise to insulin resistance, fatty liver, pre-diabetes, heart diseases and brain problems that affect people of all ages who have chronically elevated blood glucose levels from eating too many carbs, too much starch, too many added sugars, unhealthy fats, not enough water or fiber and low quality and insufficient amounts of protein. 

Watch this video and learn

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