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Pasta, Noodles, Rice : History of Food

Yes, I have demonized sugar, modified starches, refined carbohydrates or high glycemic index foods since the abuse thereof responsible at least in large part to the emerging pre-diabetic epidemic, type 2 diabetes epidemic, and metabolic syndrome and disease epidemic worldwide making people fatter and sicker with many kinds of preventable disease and medical disorders.

I have blamed added sugars, artificial colors, strange chemical additives, artificial flavors, preservatives, the basic building blocks behind all the ultra proceed food powders used to make junk food like Oreo Cookies or Dorito Chips as common examples of popular well selling UPF items that move in huge volumes in many grocery stores and supermarkets of America where many Americans are getting up to 75% of their food calories from UPF items that the executives of UPF food companies never eat because these food like items are metabolic poisons of the cell mitochondria which becomes metabolic diseases when such are abused in larger than normal serving sizes multiple times per day in what is accurately described as diseases of civilization, or SAD the standard American diet or nutritional excess with acute intake deficiency in fiber, healthy mono-unsaturated omega-3 anti inflammatory fats or lipids, and vitamins missing or not enough high quality protein or amino acids, such that many industrial western processed foods are mostly made of add sugars, modified starches and cheap carbohydrates made from industrial powders with added fake flavors and fake colors to make such appear like real food. 

But the spread of noodles and pasta across the world out of China into the middle East and then Europe into Italy and then westward eventually becoming a staple food in America, Canada & Mexico, while noodles and pasta are also being broadly adopted in South America, Africa, South East Asia, and the rest of the world. Flour, Water, Salt and Possibly Eggs or Butter or Oil, the basic ingredients of noodles and pasta are similar in that the idea to stretch gluten to create long tangles strands that become elongated thin noodles or thin pasta able to hold up like pizza dough to repeated strength to thin layers like phyllo dough or that which is used to make dumpling casings or ravioli filled with cheese, meat, seasoning, flavor, taste, experience amazing etc. 

I just made a soup for lunch based on 2 cups of filter water, a table spoon of dry garlic powder, Italian herbs and spices, no salt spice mix, the seasoning packet and noodles of a Maruchan Raman Noodle Soup smashed to small bits in the big with a wooden mallet. I sprinkled a little bit of hot chili flake into the soup after adding 3 organic chick eggs to the boiling noodles and broth. While I did this in a stainless steel pot on our electric glass top stove, Meg went aerospace and put the noodles & chicken broth in a white ceramic bowl into the Radar Range or Microwave oven to heat and cook it & gave me the included seasoning packed because it contains MSG that she avoid and that I love the flavor of. That nearly 2 grams of salt & 54 grams of carbs, so I also added about 2 tablespoons of olive oil to the finished soup while it was cooling down. I cooked it boiling hot for 4 minutes to get the egg to a soft boiled state where the yoke not totally cooked solid and still a gel in part with some solidified. By adding eggs, olive oil, spices and flavors the soup goes from ok to spectacular in terms of nutrition and taste and aroma :) Yummy

So how can I eat noodles and also claim that refined carbs are making people sick. In part because I burn 2400 calories per day sitting still most of the day and easily burn 3000 calories daily if I am highly active. I have a kind of excess production of thyroid hormones T3 and T4, and when I was a younger man in my 20's was able to burn 6000 calories daily and 8000+ calories if I was super active all day from 5am till 11pm and regularly did that to jam more life in my time alive, working, going to college full time, and snowboarding 3X per week for 8 years :) 

Holy YOLO amazing, I have memories that so fantastic I reflect on them often wishing that I was still 23 years old and super active, though NMN has helped me regain some of my mojo if you will. This age reversal NMN helps boost glucose processing or enhances the way the body makes ATP from blood glucose by activating the Sirtuin system. See epigenetic modification and age reversal technology as a reference in gerontology or the science of aging and why we age and why we do not have to age. If Noah lived for 950 years, so can you or I if we figure out the difference between his food, diet and biochemistry and ours today. 

We can become younger longer and live longer free of disease even eating the wrong things, exposed to pollution and microplastic and similar that Noah never had to deal with, but using the best of emerging genetic reprogramming age reversal technology as it is broadly commercialized as the best selling product worldwide in 2028 onward. Selling the worldwide public age reversal genetic reprogramming will be generating trillions of dollars of profit to the company that sells Genetic Reprogramming Age Reversal to the most number of customers worldwide. This company that broadly commercializes Genetic Reprogramming will become the most profitable company in the world, exercising incredible geopolitical control of world government while wielding incredible power over world economies. The company that commercializes and sell high volumes of effective age reversal pills (2 weeks of pills, like the Hepatitis C cure) will become the most powerful organization in the world. The principal founder of this Age Reversal Genetic Reprogramming company will become the wealthiest and most influential person in the world. That means you can eat noodles without gaining weight and enjoy them ;) 

Watch this History of Noodles Video

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