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Annoying Trends in Societies Worldwide

Understanding Societal Decay 

1. The world has become more complicated in many different ways. Currency losing value from hyperinflation leading to renumeration, higher prices for everything, making life so expensive that its become a luxury to be able to afford having children since housing so costly nearby (Issaquah, Wa, USA)

2. Specialization of labor evidenced in industry specific jargon. From research science, aviation, engineering, medicine, physiology, R&D, there are many industry specific legal jargon terms & technical terms such that English the language has more than 8 million words now.

3. Highly specialized jobs pay the most in medicine in America, causing healthcare costs to rise, but also because of dehydration causing kidney failure, chronic inflammation from being obese from eating carbs & starches & sugars that all become blood sugar stored as body fat increasing, such that people eating UPF heavy western industrial food dominate diets become sick with Type 2 diabetes and many other metabolic syndrome disease and disorders or become fatter and sicker with time, something even affecting children now. 

4. Very hard to be a board certified surgeon in more than one area of specialization. The complexity of the human body means that no one doctor an expert at every branch of medicine. Nutritional confusion amounts such that many doctors deny the benefits of water fasting even though the science of fasting very clear that it helps people undo or reverse metabolic syndrome disorders like Type 2 diabetes, caused by a low fat high carb diet full of processed and ultra processed easy fast cheap junk foods, refined white flour and added sugars and strange chemical additives in colorful bags and boxes with huge ingredients listings containing multiple things that no normal person can even pronounce or understand, namely artificial additives synthetic and chemical, obviously not healthy to consume and not part of any real food historically in any traditional diet of any country worldwide. 

5. Professionals in engineering require regular testing & ongoing learning. This means professional societies with high bar hard expensive to acquire in college industry specific skills and knowledge like how to execute a high accuracy gas chromatography test of a substance sample for drug testing urine or blood for example on expensive low volume bespoke scientific equipment with huge complex owners manuals and complicated calibration, cleaning and maintenance that becomes a virtual full time job for a scientist and lab technicians. 

6. Trade imbalances & currency manipulation outsource simple labor to cheaper labor markets abroad, to exploit cheap labor in poor countries so that first world rich economies can profit from a higher valued added knowledge based service subscription economy, where core mining and manufacturing of raw materials, crude oil, minerals, rare earths & similar happen abroad, like cobalt mining by armed gangs and child labor in the DRC or Democratic Republic of the Congo. 

7. Human overpopulation means mass productions required for fuel & food, so that 8+ billion humans can be alive at the same time, such that the emissions associated with each human life multiply by the billions such that we have pollution of many kinds emitted at increasing scales as more people worldwide are embracing materialism like America has since the end of WWII. 

8. Many advances in chemistry & physical already achieved, now the challenge to make better products & services with this knowledge. In small volume its possible to make titanium foam bubbling argon through a ceramic super hot crucible with boiling hot liquid titanium alloy, such that a continual stream of argon titanium alloy foam bubble sheet rectangular cross section sheet exits the top, cut to length after cooling to harden with forced air blown at it to solidify it faster to trap the bubbles. This ultra low mass strong titanium foam used in aerospace, in space satellites, but so costly to make that automakers can't feasibly make use of it. 

BMW significantly worked with BASF to make a kind of "Hot Glue" like fast carbon fiber hot cold stamping that can crank out a large stiff carbon epoxy part in less than 1 minute, or about 240X faster than vacuum bagging into an autoclave to pressure cook for 4 hours like is done for carbon carbon ultra high performance military helicopter parts. In this example we can see the low volume aerospace method vastly too expensive, but the fast hot forming press cooled carbon fiber production for the i3 electric or REX range extended electric BMW I3, means that BMW the first automaker to medium volume produce main automotive parts in a cost effective way cheaply out of carbon fiber.

9. Technological lock-in, entrenchment, bribery & corruption mean many kinds of applied technology or science are blocked. When Sony went to the battery makers in Japan in the late 1980's for a better energy density battery for Walkman portable music player, Sony scientists wanted aerospace tech lithium-ion batteries that were developed for missiles in America & Britain in the 1960's. In Japan NiCD makers and NiMH makers were not interested in commercializing Li-Ion because doing so would reduce the sale of NiCD & NiMH batteries that said makers had spend many billions of dollars setting up the manufacturing for. In a similar vain Lead Acid or PbA batteries, like a common automotive SLI 12v car battery, an entrenched industry that deliberately forced Nickel Iron batteries that are superior out of production. While a typical 12 lead car battery lasts 3 to 6 years, the NiFE or Edison Nickel Iron batteries last 20 years. In the lithium ion battery space LFP & Lithium Titanate batteries much longer lasting, 10 years and 3000 cycles for LFP and 20 years and 50,000 cycles for Lithium Titanate. Lithium Cobalt Oxide Carbon batteries are the most common kind of Li-Ion in consumer electronics of all kinds because they have the best initial energy density & predictable 3 year life before fading capacity causes people to upgrade their smartphone or wearables like Apple AirPods because the battery life sucks after a few years of regular daily use & can't be easily changed. The AirPods are effectively e-waste when the original batteries are in poor working performance and sonic welded into the case such that a complicated surgery to remove AirPod batteries breaks the AirPods. Many big oil companies like Shell or Big Pharmaceutical companies, big tobacco or big alcohol or big UPF processed food companies. You tell me why it can be dangerous to be correct on matters for which powerful people are wrong. 

10. Merger & Acquisition + transnational corporations means super monopolies like Amazon has 1151 lobbyists & Jeff owns the Washington Post read by people on congress & the senate. Many large Tech companies like Microsoft or Alphabet Inc the parent company of Google go on tech buying spree's to buy up and coming new emerging technology companies to integrate the new IP or intellectual property into the products and services to enhance software or server/ cloud function to improve speed of access with constantly improving security to minimize the proliferation of malicious software or computer viruses, or to ensure the financial integrity of online purchases on Ebay or Alibaba or Amazon or many other online retail stores of many kinds using the secure socket layer or nested security sandboxing and similar. 

11. Some billionaires have more money & power than entire economies like that of Russia or Italy. This is people with hundreds of billions of dollars that weird global economic and political power like a first world nation. Some of these sickos are operating under the motto "All for us and nothing for anyone else" and are effectively self worshiping narcissistic sickos. 

12. Adam Smith wrote about the 10 Principles of the Concentration of Wealth and Power in his book The Wealth of Nations. One "Reduce Democracy" Two "Shape Ideology" Three "Redesign the Economy" Four "Shift the Burden" Five "Attack Solidarity" Six "Run the Regulators" Seven "Engineer Elections" Eight "Keep the Rabble In Line" Nine "Manufacture Consent" and Ten "Marginalize the Population" 

I know a surgeon who makes $650+ thousand per year, nearly $1.3 million in income every two years, but has to pay 43% income tax in the highest US tax bracket since he does not engage in unethical financial trickery like triple nesting his income offshore like Glock pioneered to shield his income from the Austrian government, for example. He says to me "Even if I work for 30 years until he is almost 70, as a surgeon, at that pay, he will only make about $20 million total and on see less than half of that after taxes and life expensively living large with a glacial mansion and similar. He said he will never have the political or economy power or influence of a billionaire even though he is by income standards and elite income earner, just not rich enough to buy elections like some billionaires do. See the previous point listing above about the 10 Principles of the Concentration of Wealth and Power. 

13. We have more kinds of distraction to keep people watching content streaming or playing many types of electronic gaming. I am not just talking about E-Sports like CS:GO matches that have huge payouts for the winning team, I am talking about app games on smartphones and tablets abused by even small young children daily for hours as their parents find such a convent way to keep the child amused so the parents can get relief and relax, known as the electronic nanny by some. Its streaming movies, music, TikTok videos and YouTube videos and many other kinds of online radios and video streaming on Amazon Prime Video or similar. The internet can become an endless vortex of continual additive distraction easily. I recently spoke to a 15 year old teenage girl and her parents, who together told me that during he summer break away from school its "nearly impossible to get her away from constantly watching YouTube videos on the floor of her room on a laptop" I operate a YouTube channel and post to X or formerly twitter and publish this blog by hand typing the content on my physical keyboard of a 2019 iMac that Meg & I bought on a discount off cycle at Costco, that last Intel iMac before apple M1, M2, M3 and so further Apple Silicon based chipsets became iMac IC's or integrate circuits or the chips that make the action happen on the motherboard or mainboard logic inside the MacBook or iMac or iPhone, as CPU, GPU or integrate entirely systems as a chip SOC or systems on a chip the brains of a smartphone or tablet computer. 

14. Extreme housing prices & currency inflation making life more expensive or costly, thus shrinking the middle class, some 15% less middle class in America since 1968, still the largest wealthiest middle class in the world, yet America does not provide American Citizens with Universal Basic Healthcare though some states like Washington State have a Medicare/ Medicaid/ Social Security funded Apple Healthcare plan for people who cannot afford private insurance. 

15. Global 24/7 news cycle acidic to peoples minds, stressful, hard to stomach, anxiety, depression on the rise as a result. Say "Information Overload" as people are bombarded with ads on TV and the internet almost continually so much that I pay $25/mo to not watch YouTube ads with a YouTube premium subscription given that I watch a lot of YouTube videos and make and upload them as well. You get faster upload speeds with a YouTube premium account (Shhh don't tell anyone else lol) 

16. Sound & light pollution, air and water pollution, traffic congestion, social division, there are many kinds of internal society decay now. Not just school shooting by even Sonya Massey called 911 for help with a prowler around her home, and the police that showed up, the state police, murdered her in cold blood for no reason. Artificial lights and bulbs and lamps making seeing the stars in space harder at night time, even during the winter when it gets dark earlier in the day. Sound pollution near airports, trains blowing their loud annoying horn at 3am when people like me have to be at 5am for work, causing peoples blood pressure to rise, like barking dogs and crying babies and similar. 

Add in things like the 2008 Mortgage Market Collapse or COVID19 Pandemic and its no wonder than School Shootings are increasing. People are so disturbed they challenge even the shape of the Earth, with some erroneously claiming the Earth is flat when all the evidence shows that the Earth, Sun and Moon are roughly spherical in shape, like human eye balls. 

They are plenty of life steaming video channels from Space from the ISS or video documentaries about Astronomy or a virtual mountain of evidence suggesting that the Earth is not flat but round or spherical in shape. It could not be easier to look up facts on your phone on Google, on the internet, even with voice search using Echo Dot or similar "Hey Goggle" or "Hey Siri" voice searches queries. 

People are not thinking to look up evidence or supporting facts and espouse their misinformed personal opinions on social media, giving rise to things like the Flat Earth movement. I can't help but wonder if prions are causing a reduction in mental executive performance of such peoples brains,  in order that they are able to hold such inaccurate false ideas a personal opinion without any evidence. 

When I purchased by then new 2005 Prius my late mother claimed that Prius could not go freeway speed because of something she watched on FOX news. In reality the FOX news reporter (Sean Hannity) was saying that the manufacturing impacts of making a Prius with more computers, a larger NiMH battery with lanthanum and nickel, all the added wires, electric motors, that this made the Prius more eco-toxic than the GM H2 Hummer- but that did not consider the lifetime fuel consumption of both vehicles and the second gen. Prius has a top speed of 105 MPH perfectly able to travel at 60 MPH or 70 MPH or even 85 MPH in the middle America where Freeway speeds are 80 MPH & people travel slightly faster to cover the vast swaths of area. 

Automotive air pollution emissions increase as the service life of the engine & emissions controls reaches beyond 3000 hours. Piston rings even with oil film lubrication, eventually shave down the walls of the cylinder, giving rise to a loss of compression, oil dilution and oil blow by. Even the best automotive engines like the 2JZ or 1UZ, only operate well if well maintain with regular oil changes, for 20,000 hours. Many industrial turbo-diesel truck engines also have a service life of around 20,000 hours. 

Many aircraft turbojet and turbofan engines have a useful working life before teardown rebuild of 20,000 hours. In all cases because of entropy or decay, the engines performance slowly degrades and emissions increase. Catalytic converters wear out too as the noble metal slurry on the ceramic core slowly boils away the platinum palladium and rhodium in the hot exhaust stream gasses after 150,000 miles of operation. Nothing lasts forever, even the human heart, the most durable pump known, only works for around 100 years, which is a drop in the bucket compared to the age of the Earth or Sun, or The Universe as we know it from science #science from latin "To Know" 

Then again I am a savant polymath so things that seem easy to me are very hard for other people, and things that are easy for other people are very hard for me. I am not perfect and do not have all the answers and feel like a flawed hypocrite sinner because thats an accurate description of my natural propensity to judge other adults for not being more intelligent or at least well informed, since its really easy to acquire information online about almost anything nearly instantly in the palm of your hand with a common popular smartphone that nearly everyone has now. 

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