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WWII Ignorant War at it Best | Governments with a Monopoly on Murder under the banner of Warfare

I hate war, crime, injustice, income inequality, pollution, greed, evil, bribery, corruption, abuse, rape, murder, theft, and many other evils that people do to each other and wild animals and nature. 

I have posted about WWIII or World War 3

Click the link to watch a very interesting documentary film about WWII

Ask yourself, why does human civilization on Earth wage wars against human civilization on Earth?

Why do we teach young children to play nice and not fight & to be polite and respectful and then set a terrible example by waging wars, permitting crimes, engaging in immoral and unethical pollutant emission knowing that is sickens other people with preventable disease while degrading ecosystems and nature and drives climate change worse faster? 

I don't know, but blame war and every other problem created by people for people who suffer at the hands of other people, I blame all of this on Satan and demons and the Kingdom of hell and people who take weird satanic oaths for personal financial or fame benefits, but then engage in evil acts that harm, hurt, kill and destroy other people, forests, lakes, rivers, the atmosphere, fogged perpetually with microplastics, coal power emissions of heavy and toxic and radioactive metals and particulate toxic to human lung cells and worse. I blame viral outbreaks and pandemics and pathogens and other negative toxic aspects of society on Satan, who corrupts peoples minds along with his demons that whisper thoughts into peoples heads in the person own voice so they agree with it and buy into it philosophically. 

Everything on Earth is connected by the biosphere, atmosphere, oceans and with jet aircraft globalizations means with money you can go anywhere on Earth within about a day! People are moving, people are shopping, people are consuming, people are emitting, people are killing each other and animals, we are conquering nature with ignorant toxic overdevelopment and ecosystem harm with water & air pollutants emitting from greedy processes that could be cleaned up and made less toxic if the billionaire owners of industry gave up a small fraction of their profits to reduce emissions, like the metal mining in Russia for platinum and nickel, or similar toxic emission mines all around the world or carbon burning power plants or toxic jet turbine emissions or toxic engine emissions in tailpipes, previously fogging everyone with lead with leaded gasoline, that was phased out and now unleaded gasoline with up-to 10% GMO corn ethanol content sold widely at millions of Gas Stations in the USA. Americans drove cars 3.2 trillion miles in 2023 as the most car crazed people in the world. It was better fuel supply chain logistics that allowed the allies to win WWII. 

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