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China Hype Drive Ghost Cities / CCP's Hype Driven Economy Collapsing

Trillions spent across China in a construction boom building out railways, theme parks, hotels, apartments, commercial spaces, buildings and infrastructure including roadways, power plants, water utilities, natural gas, gasoline stations, grocery stores & more, in ghost cities that a few people visit to document the Face Saving / Image driven (Internet Image Search Attraction Designed by CCP) that highlight some of the architectural flare & innovate cool looking designs applied to structures in these largely vacant cities. 

Now benefits cuts, salary decreasing, pay cuts, delays in subsidy payments and other CCP driven actions to short the working public in china by reducing their pay, thus increasing poverty and shrinking the middle class in China. Not just currency manipulation and intellectual property theft of all kinds, China on the decline as not just a cheater and bully, but also as a pompous arrogant bragging liar of a country! 

The CCP is widely considered the most unethical government in the world! June 4th Incident! 

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