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Flying Blind Looking Backwards & Forward

Most people have absolutely no idea what they are doing & few are aware of this or willing to admit it even if they understand they are flying blind on the seat of their pants in the ephemeral now or ever passing instant where people exist, not in the past of future, I am talking about right now where you find yourself! 

Look around at people in traffic, in a crowded stadium, at peoples shopping habits online or what people are searching for on search engines like or google search from alphabet inc. respectively.

Upgrade but do you keep your old one. People pay rent for storage spaces in America to store things they rarely use. Do you know how many of these perfectly useful assets go to trash dumps when the owner suddenly dies without removing the stuff? 

No one knows everything & no one is able to know everything. This is why it's wise to be skeptical of people with all the answers or who claim to know it all. Moreover if people claim to be able to interpret meaning or purpose for your life without knowing much about you, they probably do not have your best interests at heart 

Our finite number of interactions with other people can be fantastic or horrible depending on who you are interacting with. The more time you spend with someone, the more you become like that person. We absorb the ideologies of people wee regularly communicate with. 

Love can be translated into other languages as like or to like someone. But love has multiple meanings too. Romantic love can encompass sexual interactions, while platonic love does not. But sometimes platonic love more intense. Consider that long term or life long marriage often starts out with sexual attrition & sexual interactions but transitions throughout life to companionship, best friendship, mutual support, nostalgic throwback memories to all the shared life experiences and many other aspects of marriages that have a special aspect at every age, every day, in every season, ever year, often over decades. 

Think of people on a spectral distribution like electrodynamic energy, from Gamma rays to X rays to ultraviolet, to visible, to infrared, to radio waves & longer, the blue to red shift in space time in astronomy for example. Where do you exist on these spectrums, socially, emotionally, politically, financially, mentally, physically? Are you fit mental moral or physical the way a boy scoot proclaims with the scout Moto? 

Many people when asked say that food comes from the grocery store. 

People have been isolated from mechanized industrial agricultural systems owned by large corporations like Monsanto that engage in synthetic chemical farming with little if any respect to how it hurts people or nature long terms since their single primary obsessive focus on maximizing next quarters earnings. 

The executives are even legally required to maximize profits as part of their fiduciary responsibility to the owners or shareholders to make money on money, the way that all wealthy people multiply their wealth with wealth concentration merger & acquisition largely unregulated to the ultimate formation of super monopolies like for the benefit of one or a few people, even if it harms, hurts & destroys many others. 

Often and especially nature & ecosystems are harmed or damages or degraded with inconsiderate materialistic thoughtless harmful industrialization. Largely because of the 9 billion human scale of human activity in the biosphere of Earth. Growing income inequality in America also hollowed out the previous largely middle class in OECD countries while people in development nations are experiencing dramatically improved economic function as they go from radical poverty and scarcity to relative abundance and high functioning economies. 

Consider Nutrition Confusion Carbohydrate Starch Sugar Abuse with Food Servings too Large too Often

SAD or Standard American Diet consists of processed, highly processes, and ultra processed food like substance of stuff that is quasi-edible in contrast to real natural whole organic foods. Consider a candy bar with the same number of net cars as a fruit like a nectarine. While both may have the same about of sugar, they are nutritionally very different. 

Hallmarks or characteristic features of the American Diet averages consist of the following imbalanced

~ Too many carbohydrates, starches & sugars, high glycemic that raise blood glucose levels

~ Not enough fiber, fiber important to digestive health & gut floral health, gut biota health

~ Not enough water to keep the kidneys & brain hydrated, evident with pee or urine of a light straw color

~ Too much caffeine & too much alcohol or adult beverages, juices, soda, pop & other dehydrating energy drinks or engineered fluids as I call them. 

~ Too much Omega 6 & 9 & not enough Omega 3 fats that are good for the brain, skin, eyes, liver, 

~ Too many servings and too large of servings. In other cultures a food serving is what you can hold if you make a cup with both hands. Go to many restaurants in America an an entree size serving enough to feed 3 people or more. 

~ Eating too close to bed time such that their gut busy digesting food while they are trying to sleep. This interferes with the repair mechanisms of sleep, deep sleep, delta wave sleep. Combining this with too much caffeine & artificial light exposure from bulbs, lamps, smartphone screens, laptops screens, TV screens & ambient outdoor lighting, thus sleep disorders have increased substantially since the 1st Industrial Revolution, noteworthy given that even 5 lumens of light from a typical candle burning enough to hit the human eye retina SCN feedback control mechanism for the circadian rhythm regulation so as to reduce melatonin levels in the blood stream & increase cortisol levels in the blood, causing reduced sleep quality or reducing the restorative property of sleep from chronic stress & over stimulation. 

Pollution On Food, In Food, Hard To Remove From Food

GMO + Insecticide + Herbicide + Fungicide + Pesticide / chemical weapons applied to controlling pests in agriculture. Some crops like cotton are sprayed with 56 different pesticides since there are so many pest species that will destroy a cotton crop. Consider the extensive nature of cotton use in fabrics & soft items and the value of cotton seed oil in hydrogenated forms for cooking & baking use cases. This means that people are eating the pesticides that are soluble in the cotton seed oil. Add in micro plastics from tire tread wear away erosion products & plastics not recycled, stress from the 24 hour per day NEWS cycle & then social division inducing content on social media & similar popular websites and online information platforms designed by foreign intelligence agents to cause social division to increase by triggering hatred, negativity & unforgiving that sickens people via toxic thinking & the mind body connection firmly establish in medicine & physiology science & long described in many world religions for many thousands of years. 

Some of the edible waxes applied to apples for example allow pesticides & fungicides to dissolve into the wax as oily substance since like dissolves like in chemistry. This means that people are getting hit with a steady stream of low concentration pesticide residues or basically people are micro-dosing on a symphony of different synthetic pest control substances which are almost exclusively made using petrochemistry as down stream products of oil refining in synthetic chemical engineering, not healthy for people or the environment as many are persistent organic pollutants that do not break down easily in ecosystems or nature. 

Artificial dye, artificial flavor, artificial colors, artificial textures, preservatives, mold inhibitors, stabilizers, emulsifiers, softeners, pH buffers, anions, cations, electronic surface property modifying agents, polymers, acrylic, semi-synthetics, and other toxic or questionable chemicals are added to increase the shelf life or improve the appearance of food stuffs, or processed junk food. Some of these substances are addictive & psychoactive such that popular junk foods give a user experience so intense that it can easily cause food abuse of these products. Like Oreo cookies with 57 different essential oils that give a very distinctive flavor experience vs competitors like Newmans O's / 

I could go on & on with additional examples, but I am sure you understand the main theme here. It's diseases of civilization from western modern synthetic processed diets of non-natural foods & processed & ultra processed garbage, trans fats, veggie oil like cooking your food in pesticide. Use butter or ghee or lard or coconut oil or EVOO or Almond Oil // you understand that healthy fats are good for you & sugary carbs are bad for you body & mind. But how can these things be bad if they taste so good? We are genetically wired to enjoy sugar & salt, but its the excess consumption of both with the wrong fats that cause so many preventable diseases to form when people regularly eat the SAD or standard American diet that makes most people obese or fat, sick & unhappy. 

Who wants to feel tired & sick all the time? Its not eating this way once that sickens people, but a daily lifestyle habit of eating all the wrong things too often, in portions that are too large to the point of making people tired after they eat! I use nutritional confusion as an example of how people are flying blind looking backwards at what they learned about food from family & other people, while looking forward to making the same bad choices over and over again expecting a different outcome, which is also the definition of insanity. 

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