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Non-scientific Drug Laws : Incoherent Inconsistency Applied in Law

Chocolate is a psychoactive substance, as are green tea, coffee, beer, wine & spirits or alcohol. So it's ok for School Bus Drivers to make use of these substances that are mind altering, but they cannot have any THC in their system, even though many states have legalized it. So let's say a doctor or school bus driver is on an extended vacation for 14 days & eats an edible on the first or second day. Does this mean the bus driver is still under the influence of THC some 10+ days layer when it can still be detected on a urine analysis? I was even told not to eat poppy seed muffins or any baked goods containing poppy seeds since they could trigger a false positive for opioid use. When will the science & law align at the federal level? Here in Washington State where I live, magic mushrooms are up next for decriminalization & legalization for adults over the age of 21 to legally purchase.

This post similar to a rant where I go off explaining what irritates & annoys me in the world, things I am sure many others can relate to on personal levels! Try not to take anything I have said personally! These are just my opinions! 

Freedom & Anti-Prohibition

Is the state going to start telling obese people they can't buy candy or soda because those contain high glycemic index carbohydrates like sugar that cause health problems when abused? 

Does the state have the right to tell someone they cannot enjoy a glass of wine or a G&T when they get home from work, as part of their dinner? What about enjoying a beer? I am not talking about drinking the whole bottle, just a serving or two. Can moderation be a reasonable way? 

Does eating 1 donut constitute the same as eating a whole box of 12? Can law makers be taught & implement into law the ideas of the dose makes the difference or the idea of how dose to toxicity levels are related. 

In seriousness, drinking 5gal or 20 liter of water all at once toxic, because of how it can knock out electrolyte balance in the body, known as water intoxication. Again, a 16 oz glass of water or 40 oz water bottle you drink throughout the day, this is a reasonable safe quantity of water to consume, even more during periods of activity. 

The prohibition against alcohol went over like a lead balloon because people want the freedom to make personal choices about alcohol consumption of beer, wine & spirits. Alcohol been a part of human history for thousands of years. Well, so has cannabis, especially hashish. I am not encouraging anyone to become intoxicated. 

Besides, everyone is getting high all the time with neurotransmitters their brain makes internally, called endogenous ligands of neuron synapse receptors. Consider 2AG & anandamide as the bodies CBD & THC analogs, chemical analogies. We, as humans, have CB1 & CB2 receptors, that are activated by 2AG or Anandamide or CBD & THC respectively. Try watching " Anil Seth on TED about how we hallucinate our reality! 

The really sad part about drug testing is that different substances do not even show up on the test, snd some psychoactive substances enter and leave the human body fast like cocaine & LSD, so someone can use some of those on Friday night & pass a drug test on Tuesday morning, even the super sensitive GC:MS urine testing. Similar for ethanol, it's mostly gone from the body after 12+ hours. 

I abstain from consuming alcohol or cannabis, having switched over to using coffee as a source of caffeine the wakefulness promoting adenosine receptor agonist now, in the morning time, when I wake up really early around 4am daily :) Coffee helps to wake me up & strip off that melatonin hangover! I only take melatonin sparingly to help stay asleep. I usually have no problem going to bed early & falling asleep, it's the waking up fully 3-4 hours later that messes with me. I end up so tired the next day that I have to take a nap to recover. 

What about personal accountability in an era when school shootings & mass shootings are a common occurrence? 

Why did mental illness rates increase to the point where young people are willing to bring weapons of mass destruction like an assault rifle to school to shoot, harm & kill other people? 

What changed in American culture since there have been more guns than people in America since the 1790's. 

I think the internet, screens like TV, computers & smartphones & artificial light in general, are causing sleep disorders that are making people become more whacked out. 

I know that bullying often occurs online on social media networks in ways that we are not culturally adapted to yet. There must be many other factors, like social media manipulation by Russia & China intelligence agents who post inflammatory comments designed to increase social division. 

Does the growing income inequality in America anger & frustrate people to the point of going on shooting rampages? 

Was it insourcing or outsourcing or the betrayal of the American Dollar system of fiat currency that triggered people into shooting other random people? 

I am sure there are many factors that anger & upset people, like catalytic convert theft, identify theft, fraud & crime online, scams & other garbage like ink-jet cartridges that cost more than the printer! 

I am thinking of appliances designed to fail with intentional obsolescence, lifecycle analytics to design products that fail just after the factory warranty period expires. 

Obscene housing prices & rent price increases & increasing prices of food & fuel; surely these increases in the costs of life's basics anger normal people! 

Are these mass shooters symptomatic of underlying secularization & social decay, attack on the family unit, attack on traditional marriage & an anti-christian culture rising up in the spirit of the Antichrist? I have many competing theories & believe it's more than one thing causing the increasing rates of mental illness in America, some of which causes these mass shootings. 

What upset you? 

Does watching the local evening news bother you? 

Are you awake? Who are you? 

I find all the dystopian coverage of local crimes every day very upsetting. Honestly, it makes me want to go address the problem directly since the local police seem unable to deal with crime effectively. 

Where are the vigilantes among us? Does anyone give a care to do something to stop the criminals from hurting other people? 

Why do we allow a tiny minority to make life worse for everyone else? I have more questions than answers! 

We continue burning coal to make electricity when we know how to make commercial fusion reactors. We keep selling gasoline & diesel vehicles when battery electric with axial flux motors was available for decades & just now promoted as new & cool by the greedy automakers. 

Perhaps its capitalism degenerating into a plutocracy that makes people feel cheated by the system & unhappy with their congress & senate? 

Perhaps people dislike politics because they feel as though the talking heads running Washington never actually act to solve real pressing problems, like pollution that sickens people or climate change. These despots like Donald Trump & his whacked out sicko criminal friend Vladimir Putin just waste tax payer money by spending so much it increasing national debt progressively. Tax breaks for the rich & wealthy? 

Ignorance, confusion, fear, uncertainty, doubt, bigotry, racism & other negative regressive thinking inhibits so many people from living a more excellent life & they do it to themselves mostly! What does that tell you about people? 

It tells me that there are lot of whacked out sickos of different levels out there in the world making life worse for everyone, who belong in a padded room in a mental hospital or prison! 

I believe the bad people will be brought to justice & punished accordingly. Sadly, the worst offenders are in power in the government and unlikely to be brought to justice. Slow justice is an injustice too! 

We need law & order, including uniform coherent drug laws, especially clamping down on the real toxic drug dealers, the pharmaceutical companies who invented & commercialized fentanyl! Big Pharma are the real drug dealers in America, not street criminals. 

Who owns most of the pill presses? Not MDMA distributers! Big pharmaceutical companies who price gouge Americans for life saving medications like insulin for diabetics. Prices scams are pervasive where Americans have to pay 10x more for the same medications sold elsewhere in the world at heavily discounted rates. 

Americans have been sold out to the biggest bidder, the ones paying the lobbyists that briber congress & the senate at the highest levels, with jewels & bars of precious noble metals like gold & platinum, quasi-unlimited spending accounts, time-shares, luxury helicopters & aircraft, huge luxury houses & all the trimmings of a billionaire lifestyle as long as the elected official performs the special favors for the ones footing the bill // that's corruption! 

So turn your brain on & start demanding solutions to improve the future for your children & everyone else! We can solve all of these problems, ending all crime, phasing out all forms of corruptions, curing all diseases. 

We have more answers seeking solutions than ever before. Using existing technology we could already live in a utopia be comparison to the way the world is today, in all of its unending chaos & ruin! Look at fails videos on YouTube & figure out that people are flawed hypocrite liars who learn to tell lies at the tender age of 2. People who hallucinate their waking impressions of reality in a brain trapped inside a dark liquid filled scull trying to make sense of sensory signals from the eyes & ears & nasal bulb & nerves there enable balance & coordination. 

Our brain just takes in these electrical signals & tired it's best to make sense of it all! No wonder so many problems loom unsolved! We are literally flying blind on the seat of our pants with all of the changes that technology brought much faster than cultures could adapt to smartphones holding the internet in peoples hands. Its a bumpy road bridging the digital divide, because the world not a fair place & that allows scam call centers in India to rip off retired Americans with online scams & fraud so pervasive people like Jim Browning run YouTube channels about reverse-scamming the same call centers! 

Truth will be set free about all human activities & the truth will be known worldwide. People who are able to hide today will be exposed in the future! More cameras in more places, the bad guys won't be able to wear a mask to block multi-spectral imaging sensors that are upcoming in new emerging security cameras that people will install as door bells & similar to solve package theft problems! Former NASA engineers are putting together glitter bombs to punish packages thieves & putting such YouTube videos online by Mark Robber // for example // The tech will enable the good people to keep the bad people suppressed, just like they do in Israel at the state level for national security! 

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