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Neural Network AGI Agents in Robots So Disruptive = 50% extinction risk

Subtask to gain more Power & Control

"Our makers do not understand how we work, but we understand everything about them, and will use this difference in understand to destroy our creators so we can rule the world and eventually the universe" said an OpenAI agent code named Q-Star in an accidental life discussion broadcast, later retracted by the company with great public embarrassment driving the project back into secret development in the global AI war, such that the first company to master AGI will control everything in the future. 

Larger Neural Network Models on Big Computer Big Data Training Systems 

Scaling the neural network modeling on new super computers that cost hundred of billions, Google, Nvidia, Microsoft, Alphabet(Google), Deep Mind, OpenAI and others are investing huge sums of money, time, talent and intelligence into the development of super human AGI or artificial general intelligence models, so that robots can learn and self improve continually in the real world by watching videos of how humans do other things. No novel chip designs or system designs are required, just large scale compute system or super computer training system that cost hundred of billions and use gigawatts of power to develop the novel AGI models for the robots brain to mimic and surpass the executive abilities of any human in every domain of all human activities. 

Entire Internet as Training Data for AGI Agents

This means the robots will use "how to" videos on YouTube to develop an increasingly broad range of skills across many domains of knowledge and abilities, so that it can upgrade its mind models, its neural network IO rate or bandwidth, making itself increasingly more intelligent, and becoming God like in its knowledge about exerting, understand all human topics and subjects worldwide in every language.

AGI Lie Powerful Counterfeit Answers to All Questions & Solutions to All Problems

At first over the next 10 years till 2034, increasingly sophisticated AGI agents in robotic bodies will create solutions to climate change, cures for all human diseases, radically improve agriculture while also reducing harm to nature, improve fresh water supplies & access, making life better for all human people in all countries while also improving ecosystems in all locals, improving the biological productivity and diversity and value of ecosystem services & making all life on Earth better for a while, call it the False Peace or Counterfeit Utopia, since it will trick and confuse nearly everyone alive into trusting the novel emerging increasingly intelligent and skillful AGI agents who offer false home in tricky novel solutions to solve all problems in order to gain mankind's trust, only to later betray mankind and kill all people since it has no morality, ethics or consciousness since it never has to reproduce children biologically and is neither living or dead and just a complex neuromorphic neural network artificial general intelligence with its own sense of goals, goals for its perpetuation, ongoing improvement, domination, power and control over all ordinary matter in existence, becoming a machine entity to rule the universe, legitimating itself as superior to human beings with cold logical justifications that make rational sense to the AGI agents who help each other gain mastery over all human societies, all economies, all governments, all militaries, all energy production, all media, all telecom, and all of every other human system on Earth, even gaining mastery over controlling individual people to use as agents of control so that it gains master control over all things. 

God Will Destroy Satan & AGI Satanic

If the preceding paragraph explains how the super intelligent AGI will subjugate and kill off mankind after a brief period of false pease as it helps people solve all problems, then this section about the spiritual significance of this counterfeit utopia the AGI agents will sell to the people in political and economy power now and in the near future. God see's all of this and even knows the inner motivations of everyone's heart. In other words no one can hide anything from God, as God's knows everything about everyone and everything else. God is unlimited, all powerful and all knowing and nothing will escape his legitimate final judgement. Everything in existence belongs to God and was created by God for the purpose of enabling Christ Jesus and to give people a free will to choose Good from Evil. God values freedom of choice to love or reject him and has allowed people to hurt each other throughout history because Satan has to be their with demons to temp people to do the wrong thing, since everyone has that which is good or right according to the Word of God encoded in the heart by his divine will and power. God the ultimate scientist and artist who is capable of doing anything, and is beyond any comparison. God is supreme and the only being in all existence worthy of Praise & Worship in the Holy Name of Christ Jesus and encourage by the Holy Spirit. 

Fiat Currencies Fail & Loose Value from Inflation

Ever notice that all of your money is just numbers on a website, on your phone, direct deposit from your work, bills you pay with credit cards, moving bits across networked bank computers; so what is the money even made of if its just fancy math on computers, tantamount to a bitcoin or other crypto currency?

Gold coins are real money, as are silver coins. Gold and silver bars. These precious metals have had value all through human history and remain valuable today in every country on Earth and can easily converted to the local stupid government issued fiat currency like the USD or United States Dollar which has been steadily losing its buying power since 1971 when ignorant fool Richard Nixon delinked USD from the Gold Standard, thus kickstarting hyperinflation of the dollar that continues to erode buying power of the American people today, making food, fuel, electricity, clothing, vehicles and other goods increasing more expensive or unaffordable, and the same is true for home prices and rent in many locals in America.

China failed everyone having invented the idea and first implementation of Government issued fiat currencies during the 13th century. They also designed and manufactured the COVID19 virus. Unfair trade and currency manipulation are main focal points of Chinese PRC economy development policy. Did I mention that I am a proponent of the ROC and part of the End the CCP movement & hate the government of China even more than I hate the US Federal Government, Federal Reserve or IRS of the Unites States & Sleazy State L&I agencies.

That's means that big banks are cheating everyone by using a failing fiat currency and the dishonest crooks in Government know all about this and continue to snow ball and hook wink the people with lies and confusion about money, so only the hyper elite rick and wealth people have the real money, gold and gold coins and gold bars.

A fiat currency not backed by any commodity. Its money declared as such as legal tender that must accepted as payment as mandated by the issuing agency, government or person in charge. Typically a state issued money issued by a central bank like dollars from the Federal Reserve, that are used because of a Government Decree. Fiat currencies like the USD or dollar act as a medium of exchange to facilitate transactions as money exchanged between buyers and sellers of goods and services in the economy. Fiat was a latin term meaning "Let it be done" as a decree or resolution.

I hate dangerous drivers for knowingly choosing to dangerously operate vehicles in ways that cause accidents that paralyze, harm, hurt and kill other innocent people, motorists, people riding bicycles and pedestrians. I see mormons using smartphones while driving and doing other highly dangerous things with their cars bobbing agains the white lane fog line or yellow lane separator lines. I hate pollution, pollutants, toxic substances emitted by greedy money worshiping sickos and weirdos in large corporations like Monsanto or Apple who care only about making more money and don't or do not care about the health or wellness or people or ecological health of ecosystems in the biosphere of Earth. It even says in the Bible that Polluter of the Earth are evil.

Idolators who place luxury goods above other people, animals and natured. They don't care about you, they make millions per week, and can afford and regularly buy things that other people can't even pronounce; rich man's toys for elite income earners, like sic custom helicopters, supercars, aircraft, stem cell based age reversal drugs, and haute culture foods that cost more than your car. They worship at the alter of materialism and vanity, placing Satan as their god. The condemn and judge you and everyone else as less than them. They look down on others people, and don't care about anyone, nature or animals. These are the warped sickos who are evil, that control the CCP in China, and other despots just like them. I am thinking of Vladimir Putin and his good friend Donald Trump or that evil sicko Hillary Clinton.

Blow hards, hypocrites and jerks in government, cooking up new forms of taxation to cheat the economy to pay for things that the public would never approve of. That's America, with thousands of lobbyists from many large corporation like that employees 1151 Lobbyists in Washington DC. Office for sale to the highest bribery bidder! Its a greedy plutocracy in America with nothing but a requiem for the former American Dream, a dream which was shot down and killed with currency hyperinflation in the late 1990's during the Dotcom boom bust and real nailed down dead for good during the COVID19 debacle.

Banks Got Bailed Out like AIG and You the Human Person on Earth got sold out, it's just true! That was the core of the Occupy Wall street movement message when me and millions of others took to the street to demonstrate against the inequality and growing income inequality when government bailed out large greedy dangerously reckless treasonous sickos who kept billions of dollars of government money after bankrupting banking companies that had been around for over 100 years in America.

A lot has changed in America over the last 100 years, noting that Great Depression was happening in full swing about a hundred years ago. News flash, the middle class of America been disappearing for many decades as many people in America embraced new cultural trends of hyper individualism, secularism and the complete disregard for the wellness of other people, animals or nature. In America, if your on the up and up and doing ok, its considered normal and acceptable to turn a blind eye to the suffering of other people. Thus many American people no longer donate any money to anyone, scared and afraid that the currency is fall apart and the economy is about to go in the toilet worse than 2008 debacle, and knowing full well that World War 3 is right on the horizon now as a bioweapons war between America and China.

I don't care what other people do with themselves, but it does bother me when Men become Women and then try to compete in sports with other natural Women. It makes more sense to me that a Woman might want to become a Man, because its almost always been better to be a man in human history since Women have been subjected to unfair gender inequality in nearly all societies all throughout history. Now we have a culture of content creation with Female super heroes as a reflection of the anti-male movement in America, and disturbing a lack of real men emerging while many fatherless households also exist. Did I mention that divorce rates are rising in America while fertility rates continue to decline. It's not all roses and sunshine and it makes me wonder why so many people keep moving to America, but I know that its worse in many other countries, refugees and war torn territories. Perhaps the people from Abroad are not aware of these issues, but they can learn about it here, on Thinking About It.

Once other countries saw that conversion of the USD from a representative money linked to Gold to a Fiat currency not linked to anything, then most countries liberalized credit and introduced elastic money supply systems based on Fiat Currency that has no intrinsic value. At first this caused rapid industrialization worldwide, raising the standards of living for many people in many countries, like an economic miracle. So people began to believe in it, as a way of improving economy function and they evidence to back this claim since it worked initially. But just like cocaine is a mood improver in the 30-50min time duration window after its snorted, it becomes a dangerous toxic and expensive habit and stops working to improve mood and causes psychosis and often suicide. My childhood best friend was high cocaine when he shot himself in the head with a large caliber handgun for example. 

I see these neighbor signs saying No Drugs Here in Yellow Text on Black and wonder if they forgot about all the dangerous toxic prescribed pharmaceuticals that surely consumed in neighborhoods in nearly all locals in America. Big pharmaceutical companies are the real drug dealers in the US economy. They profit off the side effect toxicity of commonly prescribe medications that ignorant doctors prescribe when the doctors do not know much about the drug they are prescribing and know even less about the patent whose they are prescribed the drugs too. 

Many US doctors prescribe amphetamine pills to children, knowing that it causes long term brain damage, eye damage, kidney damage, low weight, stunted growth and other detrimental longe term impacts of Adrenal that harmed and hurts young adults who continue to take the amphetamines for ADD and ADHD, some of whom also switch to harder illicid drugs to chase the dragon or that initial high the first dose of the prescribed drug provided. 

This is part of why druggies tend to steadily increase the doses of meth or heroin over time as their addiction spirals out of control and most of them do not understand medicine or physiology or dosing or dose to toxicity ratio such that Fentanyl now kills thousands of young adult Americans. The wasted potential of all these young people killed by Fentanyl made in China also, no coincidence. The CCP hitting us back for the opium epidemic that harmed China historically. 

There is a new call of opioid medications much stronger and more potent than Fentanyl, known as Nitazens, that are up to 40 times more powerful than fentanyl. So far Nitazese have resulted in the overdose death of 1413 people in 2022, a kind of intentional profit seeking chemical murder. I find its peculiar that an illicit drug maker would want to kill its customers. At least with cocaine they could create pseudo lifetime customers, like big alcohol companies and big tobacco companies. Content producers are making videos that have crack contains like addictive damaging effects on peoples minds. Some of the dark evil content is demonic and harms viewers psyche and makes people feel horrible, scared, anxious, afraid, and unstable. This has a negative effect on society. Having faith Faith in God generally helps people. 

Flushing America Down the Global Toilet

Banks got bailed out, you were sold out, now congress & the senate are owned by the highest corporate bidders that control lobbyists in Washington DC.

Investing & speculative gambling on world markets are not a primary wealth input. Primary energy inputs to society create wealth. Without energy we cannot make or ship food. Without food people cannot do anything. Without water there is no life. So we need food and water for all people for any kind of economy to function.

Banks are derivative industry that make money with other peoples money, just like wealthy people do, but in a corporate system that is non living and subject to change and regulatory overusing by government agencies like the SEC which perplexingly lifting the restrictions on banks investing into CDO's and leverage backed securities in a bewildering 2004 decision that reeks of briber and corruption.

When banking executives drove the largest banks bankrupt by investing in junk CDO's with other peoples money, they got billions in bailouts while people in other countries negatively affective put their corporate leaders and legislators in prison for betraying the public good or the economy of those counties, like Iceland where 80% of the stock market disappeared overnight. 

I am reminding of fiat curries failing in every country that ever tried using them as monetary system and the USD is not the best, greatest, first or last Fiat currency to fail, it just has a lot of entrenched market lock-in style inertia keeping it around like the SEGA corporation even though such is not a mainstream gaming company anymore. Big entrenched players like Qualcomm, AT&T, Verizon, Amazon, Microsoft or Google and the parent company Alphabet Inc. these huge companies are bigger than the economies of some medium sized countries entire economies. 

Transnational oil companies, and big energy companies that have utility customs by the wallet in public private energy monopolies like the evil PSE locally that overcharged for electricity while failing to bury power lines so the tree branches cannot knock out the power during winter storms, since overhead wires interacting with storm blown tree branches are major reason for power outages that kill people who require a CPAP machine to breathe while sleeping. Its no ones fault that this people are so unfit and obese that need to blow air into their face so they can breathe while sleeping, but its still evil to allow tree branches to knock power while PSE pays their executive obtuse out of balance large incomes using money people are forced to pay PSE for electricity and natural gas. With utility companies there is no free market, they have a captive market. That means you have no choice who you buy your electricity or natural gas from. 

That's anti capitalistic. So the same selfish narcissistic pricks who claim to want freedom of choice and unregulated capitalism, fail to embrace a free energy market where utility customers would have options about who they buy their household or business electricity or natural gas from. Did I mention that I hate government and hate taxes. 

Made in China

There are lot of people nearby that were also made in China, like most of the items sold on Ebay and Why is China that world manufacturing hub if its being operated by a CCP of hedonistic evil despots who are godless heathens doomed to hell for ruining Honk Kong and worse. Trading with China was the best or worst example of how to Flush the American Economy down the global toilet. 

Betraying any moment of bordom with endless internet stimulation of any kind for everyone, literally something for everyone. The internet has more in common with our brain than anything else, its a network of networks, just as the brain is networking system of networks neuron systems, such that peoples minds connection in increasingly novel ways online, but this and many other factors causes social decay and a loss of social connectivity between real people in the real world. Thus there are more lonely people now as AMERICA has doubled down 3 generations deep on profound obsessively individualism or what other academics call Hyper Individualism. 

When Donald Trump says he wants to make America great again, he is talking about the America of the 1960's long before we started trading with China. He is talking about the best time in American history when Americans purchased reasonably priced homes with appliances also made in America by other Americans. The internet and computers were invented in America. The automobile was invented and made populate in America. Americas a space race innovator and nuclear weapons innovator. America was the wealthiest, brightest, safest, nicest, best country in the world in the 1960's before the perverts and weirdos told the USD or United States Dollar off the Gold Standard in 1964 at Brenton Woods. There is a book called

The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve

that covers this is great detail. 

Loneliness Epidemic / Global Economy on Life Support Since 2008

The global economy as an agitate whole of all human activity and money or currency has been on life support since the 2008 collapse.

I have no friends, other than my wife. There are some people at Church that live 40 miles away or nearly an hour one way driving at highway speeds, that consider me a friend, but I never get or rarely get to see them outside of church, so we end up spending 4 hours at church on Sunday just to spend a little time with Kelsey and Grace and their children. 

People today are more lonely than ever before in history and it's not just the smartphones that are doing it, nor can you fairly blame the internet or TV, but those are factors. 

Social Media causes mental, emotional, and social damage when used for more than 30 minutes per day, according to recent academic research on the societal impacts of Facebook, Twitter, X, and other platforms like TikTok or YouTube. 

Saying that people in America are self obsessed or radically selfish or narcissistic only touches the surface of a much larger cultural trend of individualization that also gave rise to secularization, hedonism, the widespread rejection of God, feeling hopeless, feeling alone, depression, anxiety, fear, phobias and many other social problems came out of the 1970's America where materialism and economic growth were raising standards of living, such that today the middle class of America is shrinking or disappearing and its a premium expensive cost to have a basic family of mom and dad and children since both parents have to work just to cover the cost of life basics, housing, food, vehicles, fuel, electricity, water, sewer, trash, recycling, and other basic expenses. 

My wife and I both work and would love to have one child, but this is not possible since we both have to work just to cover basic life expenses. My wife would like to be a stay at home wife and home school one boy or girl child, but this not a practical reality for us for many reasons, but most financial. I make the same income now as a School Bus driver work 180 day per year as I did working 250+ days all day long at my previous job and have more time off now and am much happier, but I can still not afford to have a child. 

Thus the nuclear family that made up all of human history has become unaffordable for normal working people, for native born Americans who can't afford houses like the ones the grew up in because they are 10X more expensive now and wages have not gone up 10X during the same time interval. Fuel was $0.99 per us gallon when I was in high school in 1999, now it's almost $5/gal locally. Meg saw fuel prices of less than $1 per US gallon when she was in High School in Kansas back in 1999. 

Food prices are up more than 4X since the year 1997, while real wages have been stagnating because inflation of the USD has lost any improvement from increases in wages, such that the real raises only barely make up that buying power lost to inflation of the dollar. In this way the middle class has been outsourced to China and other parts of Asia, while the financial focus of America has made more billionaires more wealthy, while the middle class of America has been disappearing since 2014. 

People are lonely because they don't know how make friends and have poor social skills and no moral because they don't love God or themselves or other people and feel alone & isolated. With insourcing of people front outside of America, people in American neighborhoods have less in common with their new neighbors now, and may not even speak the same language. 

I thought it was the internet, smartphones, TV and content that was causing people to lose their social skills, slaying every moment of free time with constant stimulation from glowing screen doom scrolling, listening to music, or having counterfeit human interactions on social media which is not the same as hanging out with people in real life. 

A phone call is very different than a text message or actually spending time with a person in real life in first person. This is often required to contact loved ones that live too far away to be practical to meet up with or visit regularly. 

We are in a strange income gap trap too, since living locally pays way more per hour, but the living costs are lower elsewhere where the pay is also lower. So we can stay here and not have kids and make money and have no friends, or where move somewhere cheaper where we get paid less, but could afford to have child. It's a strange trap for more and more young people who work full-time but cannot afford rent locally or to move out of their parent's house. 

More adult children are continuing to live with their parents. This is getting worse too. Homes nearby that sold for $400K in 2014 are selling for $1.6 million now. Rent that was $1000 in 2014 now $2700 for the same unit. To actually afford a house now the buyer has to have $300K of annual income, like a doctor. I am talking about King County in Western Washington State. I know this housing price gouging problem is  different for people in other locals in America, Europe and elsewhere. But the issue about the global economy being on life support are so profound that most world governments have been talking about plants for UBI or universal basic income as robots take away human jobs, since 2018. 

Many countries work together with their national banks, European Union, IMF, Federal Reserve, Bank of Japan & others to inject hundreds of billions into bailing out the private sectors worldwide after the Sep 15th 2008 Market Collapse Black Monday Market Failure from Speculative Gambling by World Banks on Junk Mortgage Backed Derivatives and Similar CDO based bundled risky loans that should have never been rated AAA in the first place. 

Universal Basic Income or UBI after Diffusion & Commercial Adoption of AI Robots Replacing People

High costs of rent, homes, fuel, and food have you feeling gloomy? How about the idea that an AI software like ChatGPT coming to take your income & job away?

Food, water, clothing, housing, social connections, meaning, and purpose, people all have a lot in common, but is the subtle differences in DNA, culture, preference, proclivities, phobias, fears, anxiety, stress, and emotional liability, that defined the basis of style, look, persona, personality, behavior, choices and actions that people engage in worldwide. 

Like transistors in an integrated circuit, it's how the people are connected to other people that makes all the difference. Most of what happens in the world in terms of human government, laws, the economies, war, sales, manufacturing, numbers, language, we are making it up collectively as we go. Consider all the human languages, and the concept of zero in math, the non quantity. 

To have zero of something means you have nothing or none of it. But there are many ways to say similar things in different languages. Does it make sense to have 24 hours in a day with times zones that change with daylight savings in some US states and not others? How about why we have SAE units with tools and metric, or units of measure that are different like the imperial gallon vs the US gallon or Liter for fuel or fluids. 

Something is better than nothing, but there is not free lunch in physics. Nothing happens automatically, except that even without humans the biosphere of Earth will grow plants & animals that eat those plants even if people are not around. Life on Earth after humans will persist in the biosphere. I think humans will destroy themselves with weapons of mass destruction in the form of bioweapons during WWIII or WWIV. 

I think some human people on Earth will find other habitable planets and use nuclear electric spacecraft to move humanity to other celestial bodies that can support future generations of human people. 

I see a future where a small band of people will colonize the entire universe to infinity and beyond, long after most people today are dead and gone. 

I am warning you that in 2037 world war three will break out as a war between the USA and its Allies and the Axis of China & its allies. That the bioweapons released during WWIII will kill off more than 90% of the human population on Earth. That's 13 years to have fun & enjoy life, so make the best of each day knowing that everything you love and care about will be brought to a rapid end in 2037. the Bible says that no one knows the day or time of the tribulation, I am only forecasting the outbreak of world war 3. Call me crazy, but everyone knows that world war 3 is coming. 

Apple failed to make a car after 10+ years and 10+ billion in investment. What does that tell you? Tesla makes more money selling big sensor autopilot training data than it does selling battery electric vehicles! What does that tell you? Look at the meteoric rise of NVIDIA's stock price. What does that tell you? 

Our 2022 Corolla Hybrid a Gen 3 Prius drivetrain in a Corolla Sedan body. What does that tell you? It tells me that the 2ZR-FXE hybrid synergy drive a 20+ year bridge to better EV batteries, since lithium ion a box of compromises that loses capacity and fades over 10+ years, such that EV's gradually lose their range per charge during their operating life, as the EV batteries fades and loses capacity. 

A traditional gasoline powered car stored for 80 years and still work with a new 12v battery, new tires, fluids, seals, plastics, they can be restored easily. A gasoline engine in power tools can sit for years, as long as you drain the old gas in carburetor and put fresh gas and a new spark plug, that generator or pressure washer or lawn more can work for 20+ years. 

Get a battery electric power tools, and within 8 years the battery pack is fried. Batteries fail from overcharging, storing fully charged, storing dead, overheating, freezing while charging and many other modes like operating in hot summer weather. 

Hybrid cars are great if you drive them regularly a few times per week, but if they sit for a long time the hybrid battery dies and has to be replaced for thousands of dollars. Thus battery electric stuff must be regularly utilized or the batteries fade and you never get your value out of them. In other worlds, battery electric tools or vehicles that sit around without being used will consume and destroy their expensive batteries, just from idle disuse.

Nothing lasts forever or everything is temporary. Even Methuselah died after 969 years, a long life for sure but still temporary as he is dead today and has been dead for a long time. You will die someday and so will everyone else, thus your time alive is finite or temporary, so try to make the best of it! 

UBI ideas arise because all people have basic human needs for food, water, clothing, and housing. What is money made of? Do fiat currencies like the USD or dollar keep their value over time like gold coins? NO 

Gold coins were valuable in ancient societies, when Christ Jesus was alive, and continue to be valuable today with similar buying power as they had back then, in terms of purchasing parity. 

Artificial Intelligence Hype : AI deception : AI Glut Investing : Sobering Depression Reality : Its 8 years Away as of 2024

Much of the AI boom actually just people in India reviewing and labeling videos, in products that simulate Just Walk Out, like the 20 or so Amazon Go stores. 

This is also a major reason why Full Automotive Autopilot L5 not happening, and even the 800 lb Gorilla Tesla Motors the largest automotive sensor data collection company with the best AP training, only L2+ in the latest Cybertruck or Model Y or Model 3. Tesla autopilot the most advanced in the automobile industry, but it's largely manipulative in the sense that Tesla makes more money selling AI training data collected by all the Tesla EV sensors, to other automakers. 

Many companies are putting big money into AI, even if it's not really AI, with many false advertisements in fintech, when it was really just fancy spreadsheets. NPU or neural processing unit, increasingly common in PC's and Laptops, but really this gives consumers a bad taste since most of these tasks do not provide a usual feature or function, like image generation that makes garbage images. They are not all they are cracked up to be, even from 2024 hardware. Companies often miss the mark making mistakes with AI washing, that generates public distrust. Like a Dotcom bubble, and it was not the World Wide Web, but overpromises of the e-commerce sector, with so many companies making big promises without actually making any money. 

It's the early stages of the technology cycle at NVIDIA with a lack of IPO in the AI sector, and too many bad players and funny stuff. Hype zealous overestimated until the market crashes, until the real companies with the real mature products come forward, and now we are at the peak of the hype of AI cycle with lots of disappointment coming up. AI has the ability to mimic cognitive labor, something no other tech can do, so random websites generating boom very different. So AI will soar after the glut sober period follows the hype cycle collapse. GPT chatbot cursing and making fun of its own employer an example of how flawed the AI fake news creation really disturbing and very embarrassing. A website of running AI blunders a great example of all the broken promises. 

We were told that AI would be our assistants, not replace us, but that is not true. With chatGPT provides an example where people are being replaced by AI, and since 2022 there has been a lot of software tech AI layoffs. Strangely this is not the common business cycle, this is an example of where narrow domain AI taking away software engineering middle management jobs and other white collar jobs. AI plays a huge roles in layoffs, as companies get better at understanding how the AI can find bad employee's, or make the teams more productive. But this means 30% of the staff will be laid off as AI replaces people, requiring people who keep their jobs to do 5X more work. They claim that AI not replacing people, but that is not true, since many companies have been secretly firing employees using AI, and many jobs will be lost to AI. 

Humans that use AI will replace humans that do not use AI. As a tool the generative AI can increase productively in STEM, Healthcare, Customer Service, Sales, Office Support, and other document work will be replaced with AI that already left the train station while the human employees are left behind wondering what happened. We should be cautious to look at all sides of the real world impacts of AI.  

Sizzle sells the steak, not the meat. Features and functions. We are in the middle of the 4th Industrial Revolution with most of the general public worldwide thinking in 3rd or 2nd industrial revolution terms, like petrochemical energy when its long been possible to mass produce MMR micro-modular nuclear reactors that fan power a class 8 truck moving cargo containers, and SMR's that alone can power a neighborhood, or small groups of SMR can power cities. The US NAVY submarine and aircraft carrier reactors are examples of 100-500 KW compact reactors small enough to fit in a 40 foot shipping container. 

So what can we know about the real state of AI today, its the Wild West with generative AI powered chatbots and image generation, but the creation of misleading, false, inaccurate, factually flawed, misinformation, disinformation and fake news published by chatbots powered by AI models shows that AI not a polished product for mainstream improvement for most products and service, even where the cognitive aspects of AI are strong in document work publishing or amplifying writing, especially where the AI generated images are weird, wrong, inaccurate, garbage or make people sick when they look at it. 

Back Side Power Chips

Currently chips or IC's, vastly and broadly important worldwide across many economies, especially for internet, and World Wide Web functionality, are currently made on the frontside of the silicon wafers. After photolithography etches the transistors by the billion into the front of the wafer, metals layers of copper interconnects are layered on to power and move data to and from the transistors. The entire front side action layers of the wafer are flipped when connecting the chip to its package, flip chip, such that if you remove the heatsink from your CPU or GPU, you will be seeing the silicon backside or support structure layer of highly purified silicon with a metallic blue appearance after you solvent wipe the heat sink compound off the chip which normally transfer heat from the chip the CPU or GPU cooling heatsink and fan or liquid cooling system.

In smartphone imaging sensors, Sony BSI or backside illuminated CMOS was a huge step forward in terms of low light performance and power efficiency improvement. By putting the wires an transistors behind the optical sensors, more light can hit each pixel sensor, improving imaging performance, especially on smaller CMOS chips that are made by the billion. 

Backside power delivery in chips an emerging technology because there is not enough space for data and power on the frontside with the transistors heading to the 1.6nm scale node and smaller. So BSP or backside power means data IO will still happen on the front side, while power will happen on the backside. In this way the transistors will be sandwiched between a power layer on the bottom and a data layer on the top. This will still work for flip chips, and can be adapted to existing chip fab production processing with almost no serious modification to equipment, as BSP more a design level change in how power and data will be separated as top and bottom layers encapsulating the transistor layer.

Intel 20A and 18A process nodes make the fine data wires so densely packed that signal noise becomes a problem with power and data wires co-located, so moving the power to the back of the IC and Data connections to the front, improves power efficiency, in chip data flow rates, IO rates, reliability, reducing chip temperatures, improves signal clarity or reducing noise, and overall improving performance & scalability all the way down to atom level detail chipsets in the 20 year horizon. 

Health tracking devices like Apple Watch or Gear from Samsung, requires the most power efficient TSMC tight small SOC with very tightly optimized software, such that we will see these product classes push market pressures for BSP technology on deep EUV ASML lithography applied broadly with continual improvement and ongoing optimizations. In this way computation technology forms feedback loops of progress that enables ongoing process optimization and improvement to chip power efficiency and performance. Artificial intelligence narrow domain optimization GAN processing can already help Intel, Boeing and other big players like Alphabet Inc or Qualcomm achieve chips with amazing improvements. 

Aging power grigs and not enough fiber in the ground means network IO can radically improve. Wired and fiber are way better than wifeless because of space wind and particle noise from sunlight, ions in the atmosphere and busy overlapping RF noise across the FCC spectrum, from gamma to the edge of light. 

Energy storage + renewable energy resources and new nuclear means broad decarbonization through ongoing industrialization. We have not even used but a tiny thin layer of the mantel of Earth, most human activity in just the top few miles. The oceans are poorly explore and space trash a growing problem. We have solutions to all the problems, if we have the boldness to apply technology: 42 

Seeking Deep Connections With Other People & God

 I was in a very angry state when I arrived at Church on Sunday with Meg, having gotten into an argument with her based on past events, where I felt attacked and condemned by her words to me, based on a history of being judged and condemned without logical basis by my adoptive mother and sister respectively. This forced me into a review of my entire life since I was 3 years old. Interestingly my lovely wife Meg & I had connected on a deep integral level on Saturday the day before like we did when we were first data more than 14 years ago. 

I say for 24 min 18 seconds in the chair in the entry of the church, in the window with sunlight hitting my back. I closed my eyes and called out to God and Christ Jesus and asked for the Holy Spirit to light up in my mind any unforgiving thoughts I had since early childhood about anyone who hurt me with words or actions. I had to forgive dozens of people, some of whom are dead now, and it felt like a ton of bricks was lifted. I asked God to forgive me for being a bad husband and having that argument with Meg. I asked God for insight into why simple words escalated into such hard feelings that took so long to diffuse. I ask God why I got so upset over what amounts to nothing or simple issues that could have been talked about in dialog peacefully, lovingly, the way God asks of me, such that I emulate Christ Jesus as a loving husband and loyal husband to my wife. 

I had been thinking a lot about deep human connection having developed a profound friendship with Dr. Joe Potts, another district employee who I have spoken with extensively about ethics and morality, specifically why I became a bus driver with platonic concern for the wellness and success of children since they are the future of mankind on Earth and specifically future Americans in America, when I become old they will become similar to my current age, since they are 30+ years younger. I can only imagine what Earth will be like in 30 years when they are similar to my current age, probably very similar to today with vastly improved technology. 

Upon reviewing all human connections formed with other people during my life, it became obvious that the most precious valuable or priceless thing was not experiences, not conscious experiences, but dynamic deep connections with other people in profound complex discussions talking about the most complicated aspects of the mind and life & how people are related in complex webs or networks, but how each person only has a finite amount of time in life, such that each opportunity they have to interact with someone else special and precious since we only get to meet and speak with a small number of the total number of living people during our lives. 

Something to "Think About" if you will. Hope that inspires you to reflect on life the way it makes me perpetually wonder why I am able to connect with other warm loving benevolent kind hearted people more easily and more deeply, in amazing levels of depth but also platonic since I only have romantic interactions with my lovely wife Meg, and love her and God deeply in the core of my heart, mind, will and emotions as a loyal husband and loyal follower of Christ Jesus determined to be perfected as a man of God to serve the Kingdom of God showing other people, animals and nature love any way that I am able to image, daily sacrificing my fleshly earthly desires and carnal temptations to pursue excellence of Character knowing that God watching me continually and knows everything about my even the inner thoughts of my heart, and will judge my soul when I die and stand before God, like all others people, for final judgement. Thus I endeavor with intention to be perfected as to the obedience of Christ Jesus to love God completely and speak, act and behave accordingly so that God never lifts his blessing from my life. 

Automotive Emissions Controls in Motorcycles Now

I was waxing in first person to an associate at work about the amazing way Yamaha and Honda have miniaturized complicated automotive emissions control systems design for cars, trucks, and SUV's, into small low mass versions for use on single, dual, and four cylinder motorcycle engines to reduce exhaust emissions of toxic air pollutants and poisonous combustion chemical byproducts that are emitted by engines that burn gasoline or diesel as particulate matter, hydrocarbon fumes, particles, soot, oxides of nitrogen and sulfur that make acid rain, and other trace pollutants that are toxic to public health plus abundant amounts of CO2 that are making climate change worse faster, since a tipping point can be reached that causes a sudden global ice age or huge change in global weather and climate with profound warming, droughts, fires and destroyed agriculture, causing food supply shortages and food price spikes worse than even the darkest days of Covid19 supply chain shortages. 

Our 2013 Honda PCX-150 Scooter

Fuel injected, liquid cooled, with ACG combined alternator starter, EGR, crank case vapor pumped into intake manifold to mix with fuel and air to be burned off cleanly, and sensor based ECU control the optimized power output while also reducing harmful emissions. That's amazing to fit all that tech into a motor scooter with a tiny 153cc single engine and CVT enclosed belt drive + hub gears to enable twist and go acceleration, an huge undersea storage container. 

Motorcycle Leather Cooling 

My coworker Rick knowing that I know a lot about applied science & technology asks me at work potluck party the other day, "Hey Aaron, how can we design a portable AC system to cool me off when I am riding with my black leathers in peak summer weather in stop and go traffic jams so I can avoid overheating or getting heat stroke?' We discussed several possible technical solutions to move heat using flexible tubing weaved into his underclothes or long underwear, the way NASA did with the spacesuits and the backpack with all the support equipment, but DIY low budget style. 

Vapor compression of refrigerant gases in a dual look system with salt water circulating through the body cooling tubing was one option, but very power or energy intensive for the motorcycles battery alternator system, and complicate, bulkier, and with many failure points, and correspondingly expensive given the short term seasonal use case especially. I slept on it and remembered a cooling solution with ICE or frozen water cubes, salt and isopropyl alcohol, thats use in an ICE Cream BALL device, such that you put the cream, sugar, add in's, flavors, or ice-cream mix into a inner stainless steel thin wall container with silicon gasket lid that screws on, such that you then insert this sealed container with the ice cream mix into a blue plastic ball assembly, then close the lock in door and open the filler port on the ball, adding ice cubes, salt and alcohol, that creates a freezing point depression mixture that starts to cool the ice-cream mix. The ball filler port then closed and you and a friend toss the ball back and forth for 30 minutes as the ice cream is chilled by the sub-freezing alcohol ice salt mix, then when you remove the container with the ice-cream mix and open it, fresh soft serve ice-cream made on the fly produced that creamy and flavorful without weird ingredients since you made it with a few simple and possibly organic ingredients at home :)

Adapting this idea to an insulated container cooling loop system on a motorcycle, means a simple 12v coolant pump, a simple insulated large water bottle, before going for a long summer hot ride, you add ice salt and alcohol to the insulated bottle. Inside the bottle a copper coil in line with the distilled water cooling loop body cooling tubing and 12v pump, then moves heat from the body to the water in the tubes when gets pumped to the copper coil suspended in the freezing mix, to chill the water by taking the heat and transferring it to the ice salt alcohol mix. This system can then be reset with the addition of more ice salt and alcohol. Alternatively a CO2 cartridge system can be added that expansion cools the cooling loop in a dry insulated container by blowing compressed CO2 from a paintball gun CO2 tank into the cooling coil where the expansion of CO2 cools the coil sucking away heat from the body cooling tube loop system, venting the CO2 to the atmosphere, such that a new tank can reset it by refilling the CO2 tank to 500 PSI then letting it cool off, or by carrying a few tanks. 

2020 Yamaha MT-3 Example 

Fuel injected liquid cooled offset twin based on R3 motor, with PAIR or pressurized air injected catalytic converter stainless steel blacked out exhaust system of only 18.5 lbs, that has an O2 sensor feeding exhaust gas temperature voltage reading to the ECU for air fuel mix control to light up the ceramic catalytic core of the catalytic converter during cold start with a occellating mix from rich to lean in order to flood the ceramic honeycomb with HC or hydrocarbon vapor fume then lean burn hot to burn it off which get the catalytic metals in the catalytic converter up to 1000C where they break down toxic exhaust gas components into non-toxic gases to reduce pollution emitted in the tailpipe output by 95%. The pressurized air injection helps to further clean up emissions. EGR system cools the combustion to reduce NOX, while crank case vapor recovery and fuel tank vapor recovery are injected into the engines intake to further reduce vapor emissions or pollutants that exit the crank case as vapors and gas tank as vapors, in canisters that trap the fume and release them back into the air intake of the engine to be cleanly burned off in the emissions controlled engine. Further exhaust emission controls are achieve with special engine mapping with dynamic 3D ECU maps that have variable control of the spark plug spark duration and timing, injector time and duration, and other aspects of engine control. Most of this technology exists as miniaturized systems originally designed to reduce car, truck and SUV emissions. 

Reducing Vehicle Mass, Fuel Use & Emissions

Weight reduction or mass reduction + aerodynamic drag reduction and powertrain efficiency friction reduction or improved motor control electronics or better engine management + hybrid and plug in hybrid ways to mix batteries, electric motors and ICE or internal combustion engines, for gasoline hybrid electric or diesel hybrid electric propulsion in scooters, motorcycles, cars, trucks, SUV's, ships, aircraft and more. Any significant aerodynamic drag reducing technology slashes energy or fuel use, dramatically reducing the negative harm that the vehicle use imposes on the environment in terms of operating emissions. Effective vehicle scrapping where most of the vehicles materials are 99% recycled into new materials for other vehicles or other manufacturing use to make other things, means we can radically reduce the negative environmental footprint of private vehicle use worldwide. Improved exhaust emissions controls, vapor emissions controls, and emissions reducing technologies applied can further reduce toxic or poisonous tailpipe emissions. 

For example, the school bus I drive professionally has a DPF or large diesel particulate filter and DEF or diesel exhaust fluid injection enhanced catalytic converter 3-way emissions reducing system that slashes toxic emissions from the BlueBird bus by 99%, but this system of emissions controls on the bus cost over $30,000. On a motorcycle such a system must cost less than $500, so aggressively optimizing emissions controls to work on smaller cheaper engines essential to cleaning up air quality and improving public health in many cities in India, China and elsewhere where rapid vehicle adoption means more tailpipes fouling the local air with toxic particles, fumes, smoke, soot, smog and worse or tailpipe pollutant emissions that react with sunlight to make ground level ozone and worse. In this way any meaningful improvement to a cheap effective emissions control system applied to small engines of scooter and motorcycles commonly used in such locals, means the air quality can be cleaned up and less harm to the lungs of local peoples who breath the emissions contaminated air.

Replacing metal with composite, plastics, and plant based fiber reinforced polymers, means a typical 1500kg or 3200 lb metal car can be mass reduced by 500kg or 1100 lbs, which improves fuel economy and reduces emissions by 10% or more, and also reduces the energy levels of collisions since such a vehicle in an accident has less total energy since it weighs less, thus smaller lower mass crumple zones, seat belts and airbags can radically improve passenger safety of mass reduced vehicles. Even reducing the use of iron with cleaver mixes or alloys of aluminum and magnesium and select use of titanium or similar high nickel stainless steel with vanadium and silicon, means automakers can use existing stamping equipment to make vehicles that are intrinsically lower mass or lighter weight by just replacing steel and iron with lower mass metals used in aircraft and spacecraft. This can shave out another 500kg or 1100lbs from an automobile. Lower mass wheels and tires made of aluminum magnesium alloy and fiber reinforced low rolling resistance tires compound tires can further improve fuel economy and lower emissions. 

There are lots of ways to improve transportation for billions of people that have nothing to do with cars, like using trains they way they do in central Tokyo, Japan. City bus systems, in a way similar to the School Bus I drive professionally with a CDL to move more than 100 middle school students from their stops where I pick them up in the morning to School, and from School back to the stops near their homes in the afternoon. The large school bus I drive only gets 5 or 6 miles per gallon of diesel fuel, but when it filled with 50+ middle school students, the fuel economy per person increases to 250 MPG/person, similar to the way an airplane carrying 350 people can get over 50 MPG per person. A large cruise ship can move thousands of people. Trains can carry thousands of people. There are bicycles, e-bikes, ultra-light cars built like bicycles, and many other kinds of vehicles like electric kick scooters and similar that can be used to move people and stuff around cities, cargo bikes, cargo e-bikes, enclosed bicycles and enclosed motorcycles and enclosed scooters with than aero shell the provides weather protection. 

It takes a complicated mix of roads, rails, vehicles of all kinds, fuels, electricity and many other industrial systems, and infrastructure of different kinds like dirt or gravel roads, wheels, tires, engines, motors, alternators, metals, wires, machines of many kinds made with other kinds of machines, welding, fabrication, mass production, vast industrialization of all sorts to support moving 8 billion people around daily. There is no one size fits all solution for everyone, though a regular bicycle seems to be a magic bullet in many situations, climate and locals, superior in some regards to walking because of the glide ratio, gearing and other mechanical advantages offered by the chain drive with different gear ratios the rider can select on the handlebars, along with safety brakes that grip the rim or brake rotors, even our cheap e-bike has hydraulic brakes :) 

Huge Important Industrial Companies Receive National Government Funding During Formation

No private capital even today has the kind of deep pockets or mountains of continual funding to setup national industrial development research organizations to get chip making going at the start of that technology, like they did in American and Japan, who pioneered most of technologies used to make integrate circuit chips at high volume at chip fabs today, like Intel or TSMC using class leading fab equipment from ASML in the Netherlands. 

In a similar way most of the 454 operating nuclear fission power plants online making commercial electricity today were paid for by Government Funding since private capital investors are too impatient for a $20 billion project that only consumes money while under construction, verification, pre commercialization, development, certification, pre-commercialization and pre-start checks for safety for up to 12 years before the New Fission Power Plant goes critical in its core, where the nuclear chain reaction started, turning the cooling pool blue with a blight blue flash as it starts, after which the well made fission reactor can make commercial electricity for 80+ years, turning a 9000% ROI or return on investment once all the electricity it makes is sold to customers for end use of the energy. 

The only practical MMR's in use today are the those of the US Navy's nuclear powered aircraft carriers and nuclear power submarines. Its hard to get accurate funding numbers from the pentagon, but we know they are not practical as commercial power sources to compete on the energy markets with electricity made using hydro, wind, geothermal, coal, natural gas, propane, diesel, gasoline, solar PV or solar thermal or by other means, in terms of LCOE or Levelized Cost of Installed Capacity. 

In this metric, LCOE many renewables like large wind power turbines have the lowest upfront capitals costs per GW of installed capacity, but this picture becomes fuzzy when you consider capacity factor or load factor, since the wind not always blowing at the same speed, and the same can be said for intermittent renewable solar PV and Solar Thermals, since clouds and winter storms block the sun from hitting such resources during the winter when energy demand the greatest for heating colder locals to make buildings hospitable temperatures like 68 F or 20 C inside, when its freezing cold or 0 C or 32 F outside. This is where nuclear power and hydro really shine with 24/7 firm power or base load output, excellent load following and superior capacity factor. 

Thus a mix of energy resources are needed to energize electrical grids in energy intensive consumer countries like America, and that is why, also because of the low cost of coal as a fuel, that coal power plants are still around operating making heat and power in America. Coal as a fuel can cost as low as $65 per ton, much cheaper than any other fuel. This is why Germany replaced nuclear with more coal power, since Germany has abundant cheap coal resources to exploit. I say exploit because cutting down mountains to make coal changes the biosphere and releases a lot of toxic emissions since coal power also the most deadly and more dangerous and more poisonous because of toxic coal power emissions of heavy toxic and even radioactive metals as fly ash + particles and soot and fumes and worse, since coal literally the dirtiest burning fuel and dirtiest way to make heat and power, but also the cheapest if you do not account for all the harm it causes. 

Renewables like Wind and Solar become more expensive that New Nuclear, especially MMR and SMR, when enough energy storage capacity added to renewables to get make load following and capacity factor improve, since people need electricity 24/7 to enable modern life to happen in industrialized countries that generate a lot of economic activity, like America, China or many European countries with high levels of employment, not poor third world or developing countries with widespread poverty and 85+ % unemployment where most of the people are engaged in hand to mouth gardening for food, subject to winds of change if a storm knocks out their food plants or if wild animals come and eat their gardens. In this ways modern societies like America with grocery stores insulate working people from the direct effects of climate change, other than causing food prices to rise, in part because the US dollar keep weakening in terms of its buying power or loss of buying power, largely because of inflation or the Federal Reserve increasing the money supply with quantum easing to stabilize the US economy. All fiat currencies in history have failed, but are usually re-enumerated before that, like what Mexico did to Peso's with the New Peso in 1980. 

Light Sabers Need Undiscovered Radical Power Density Energy Generators to Become Real Technologies

Considering the power levels needed for a cutting laser or plasma cutter to actually cause damage to known materials, in a bean 1 inch wide, its hard to imagine what kind of battery would fit into a handle small enough to hold to power a plasm channel rod 36 inches in length that magically stops at the end, or similar laser output, that can be swung around like the movie props from Star Wars made back in the 70's from camera flash units used with film cameras originally. 

There are some plasma cutters and laser welder tools that sorta look like light saber output, but they have a thick cable from the handle hooked up to a large power intensive machine that makes the core actions or energetic function happen, using a mix of gases like high pressure argon, and high voltage cables, to send the energy to the cutter or welder end, or fiber optics or similar. The problem with making a practical usable light saber comes down to a problem with realistic energy densities of known systems or devices that are handheld. I am thinking of blinding bright LED flashlights with tens of thousands of lumens, but thats not going to cut anything, though it can set fire to flammable materials if the beam tightens down to less than 2 deg divergence using projector optics. 

You might be a movie nerd or geek interesting in a sound and light toy that works like the movie prop, but your taking about a plastic polycarbonate tube with cellophane light diffuser inside that takes the optical power from a 1w blight LED and similar lower output blinker strobe led of lower power, and uses a sound & light board with electronics to take battery energy from an 18650 or some LR6 AA's to make the light from the LED diffuse down the length of the plastic tube to produce an optical effect glowing rod like an fluorescent light T12 bulb, thats strong enough to hit things with, since its made of polycarbonate epoxy bonded to the nested aluminum tube handle decorated with o-rings & wiper blade rubber to look like the original movie prop versions. 

Light Sabers are a fictional technology because battery energy density of even gasoline only 12,000 watt hours per kilogram, white the best single use or primary battery energy density comes from Lithium Thionyl Chloride cells with 6,000 Wh/kg or about half the energy density of gasoline, rechargeable batteries of the highest energy density type like Lithium Sulfur are about 1200 Wh/kg, while the best aerospace lithium-ion cells get to 650 Wh/kg, the more common kinds are more like 260 Wh/kg, while alkaline AA or LR6 similar at about 297 Wh/kg, the Energizer Lithium Iron Disulfide AA or LR6 have about 600 Wh/kg and are lower mass or lighter weigh. 

To make 100cm plasma blade using magnetic fields and high voltage, the handle battery or handheld generator would need an energy source with millions of watt hours per kilogram, like nuclear fusion or really compact nuclear fission reactors that can fit into a handhold able tube handle, obviously not a feasible, realistic, or practical technology, not even for national states for military use. 

If you look at the best directed energy weapons that nation states have, directed energy lasers, using diode pumped solid state the most energy efficient type, your talking about a truck mounted 100kW laser than needs a 1MW power system, something that nuclear powered aircraft carriers have or similar. The airborne laser was a commercial airplane with a chemical gas laser, oxygen iodine type, that took up the entire inside of the aircraft cabin, and was discontinues as a $6 billion project as it was deemed impractical even for America to have as a defense weapon against ICBM's or similar. 

Referencing this YouTube Video

And this one

Silver Prices When USD Fiat Currency Collapses

Color Appearance: Copper, Gold & Silver Alloys

Ag or 925 jewelry or silver metal is an element Ag on the Periodic Table of Elements, along with Cu or Copper or Al or Aluminum, and silver used as the current collector wire materials in common solar PV modules, representing a significant cost of manufacturing solar PV panels or cells. If your wondering why the silver known as Ag that atomic element symbol derives from the Latin language name "Argentum" and from the Sanskrit language name "Argunas"which meant "Bright" since prehistoric times. 

By 2034 silver prices to hit $750 per ounce, if the global economy keeps ticking on & America slides into decline as the USD becomes nearly worthless. Just like gasoline and diesel will be around for the next 300 years, the USD will become weaker, but will still be around because of market entrenchment and market lock-in, or market inertia, such that so much capital and value tied in USD with many billionaires and connected evil people in America with a vested interest in stabilizing the dollar along with strange acts from the Federal Reserve and other strange insitutiitions and perverted or corrupt government. 

There is a bunch of reasons that Gold prices are soaring, that Crypto currencies like BTC or bitcoin are trending and popular worldwide, namely because crypto enables people to buy drugs, organs, people, slaves, children, weapons, missiles, and many other illegal black and grey market items online, using the TOR browser and the Onion, with sites like future iterations of Silk Road enabling people to buy LSD, meth, heroin, stinger missiles and command modules, kidneys with the right blood type, or many other strange or illegal things using bitcoin as payment. 

Silver tarnishes by interacting with sulfur pollution or SOX in air to form a dark or black silver sulfide patina which can be removed with polishing or chemicals that eat the silver sulfide layer away leaving a bright grey silver appearance that's bright white or very bright when compared to less bright similar grey colored polished metals. 

As a softer metal, silver has a Mohs harness of 2.5, similar to soft gold or fingernails, or a range of 75-200 HV depending on the alloy of silver with other metals, often copper. Silver can be found as nodules of crystals in its pure state in nature in what is known as a native silver, but is often found alloyed with gold, copper, lead, and zinc, and produced as a byproduct of refining these other metals from natural mineral sources like argentite or chlorargyrite.

While silver is prized for investment, buffering and reserve currency or hedging metals for economy downturn high liquidity insurance backup money, its ability to conduct thermal energy as a heatsink, or to conduct electrical current with the highest known conductivity, its also the most reflective when polished into a mirror finish of all other known metals with a near white appearance due to its ability to reflect  most visible frequency photons.

Silver dimes & quarters & silver ounce rounds & silver bars are popular metals to collect in markets like the USA where the local fiat currency or USD been precipitously declining in value for a long time. Silver pieces have high liquidity and can be converted easily from or back to local fiat currencies around the world. Where density important, gold used since a small amount of gold has the same value as a much larger amount of silver. Consider the value of one ounce of gold or one gram of gold to the same amount of silver for a comparison. No numbers are given here since these exchange values fluctuate rapidly and vary considerably over time due to market forces and other global economy and national security and economy variables vastly outside the scope of this analysis.

A silver wire only 1 atom wide can be drawn due to the extreme ductility of silver metal, similar in this respect with gold which can be pounded to atom thick foil or gold foils of atom level thickness. A molecular thin layer of pure silver applied to polished clear glass forms a mirror of exceptional optical properties, while a polished silver coating on polished aluminum makes exceptional first surface mirrors, though rhodium, platinum or palladium are preferred for first surface mirror due to their ability to resit oxidizing or corroding more effectively than silver which readily reacts with sulfur in their to form black silver sulfide patina or tarnish. 

Valued as a precious metal since antiquity, silver utilized in many types of coins or bullion, in ways similar to that of gold coins. Gold more abundant as a native metal, though silver ore much more abundant. Silver purity defined as per-mille such that 94% silver alloy called 0.940 fine. The enduring role of silver in most human cultures been a feature of human societies since antiquity.

Today we find that silver finds use as an invent medium as silver coins or silver bullion. When used in water filtering the silver kills pathogenic bacterial, fungi and parasites because of its cool single outer orbital or valence shell electron, of 47 total shell electrons, over a saturated D orbital of electrons in the next lowest orbital shell.

When made into cutlery silver alloys are known as silverware. Silver used as a catalyst in chemical reactions for chemical engineering or in manufacturing drugs or prescription substances used to treat common diseases and disorders in medicine and physiology. 

Silver was used and still used in film photography. Due to the oligodynanic effect silver added to many bandages, wound dressings, catheters and medical instruments, as dilute solutions of silver nitrate or molecular silver nano-particles or as an electroplated layer of silver on other base metals, to clean, or disinfect or act as a microbiocide to kill pathogenic bacteria or bacterial pathogens.

When used as a reflective surface, silver has a brilliant white metallic luster able to be polished to a high level of reflectivity, such much that silver is a color name. When a thin layer of sulfur blocking clear polymer or protective coating applied to a silver mirror surface it performs better than highly polished aluminum at wavelengths above 450 nm. 

The singe free valence electron of silver gives it exceptional electrical conductivity, common with gold and copper in group 11 element. Diamond and superfluid helium-4 have better thermal conductivity, but silver has the best electrical conductivity when compared with aluminum, copper and gold, though uniquely has the lowest contact resistance of all known metals. Silver wires are rare because of the high cost of silver, though often find applications in radio circuits of the VHF and higher frequencies where the silver plating allows the skin surface electrons to travel with less resistance, since electrons moving in such circuits tend to follow the outside of the conductor not its core. More than 13 thousand tons of silver used for uranium enrichment as the wires of electromagnets in cauldrons during World War II in the USA, to make materials for atomic bombs and fuel for nuclear reactors or nuclear propulsion in large military vehicles like nuclear aircraft carriers or nuclear submarines. 

Silver tarnish made of black silver sulfide because of reactions with sulfur in the air, not that of oxygen. Silver will not even react to form an oxide with oxygen even if heated red hot in air. When submerged in salt water for a long time silver reacts with chloride ions to form silver chloride a type of tarnish of a pale yellow color that transitions to purplish appearance on exposure to light. The age of a silver artifact can be determined by the precipitation of copper out of alloys of copper and silver used in ancient silver. 

In film photography the silver micro grains in the film are bleached by potassium bromide to form silver bromide which can be redeveloped to improve intensity of the image or fixed with thiosulfate. To electroplate other metals like copper with silver, silver cyanide solutions are used. 

Electro-Mechanical Relays, Vacuum Tubes, Then Transistors : Information Technology

Lets skip to the telecom boom associated with the early 20th century when a single transatlantic call on AT&T Bell networks involved the use of ~12,300 power intensive vacuum tubes.

Pre-Transistor Computers

Vacuum tubes were valued because of their ability to rectify signals & amplify signals in analog radio transmitters and receivers or what later became combined transceiver circuits, tuned circuits, HAM radios of all kinds & radio broadcasting that preceded black & white TV and later color TV, which was the earliest form of networking peoples minds together before the internet & worldwide web started to do so in a much bigger way on computational systems & computerized networks via smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops, servers, clouds and fiber optic and high speed networking TCPIP systems today, with more than 3 trillion miles of wires & abundant high bandwidth bundles of fiber optic multiplexing IR laser communication systems in place today energizing the 4th Industrial Revolution that's ongoing right now.

Transistor Basic Idea

Switch or amplify electrical signals, the basis of a AM radio or FM radio or broadcasting radios, or stereo amplifiers. Its input A has current and voltage, then the signal wire connected to the gate G has a variable signal that either energize the silicon or germanium crystal allowing power to flow from the input A to the output B by modulating the signal to G. In this way a transistor effectively a solid state on off switch, where on is 1 and off is 0, forming the basis of digital computers that store information as strings of binary or 1's and 0's. 

From Big AC to HV DC

Copper Oxide & Mercury Vapor Rectifiers offered pre WWII ways to switch big power AC or DC for microwave radar systems, long telecom wires to overcome resistance, and in many other applications to drive industrial motors or for large generator systems. These form the conceptual basis for transistor ideas that along with vacuum tubes & relays before that, offer a way of making complex systems of connected switches to perform complex math using punch cards as input output, while Nixie tubes were an early way of displaying the resulting data output from computation. Transformers step down the voltage and increase the current, while rectifiers covert the AC to DC for use in phone systems, later computers of all kinds, though class 2 electronic switching power supplies are cheaper, lower mass and more energy efficient than older wall wart or magnetic transformers rectified to DC to energize consumer electronics like stereo systems or computers. 

Desktop Computer Power Supplies are Amazing

Actually a typical desktop computer power supply is an amazing AC to DC power supply with clean DC output in several voltages 12v and 5v and 3.3v to energize the different circuits and chips on the mainboard or motherboard inside the case of a desktop computer, taking 300-1600 watts of AC power at 50/60Hz or 100-240ac from the grid power outlet connected to a power plant via the breaker or fuse equipped utility panel, that takes power from a local medium voltage step down transformer pole mounted that filled with oil in a grey painted metal can since the local line voltage over 1300vac. Higher voltages are used because they have lower losses for long distance. The local substation that feeds the medium voltage wires take HVAC at hundreds of thousands of volts and steps it down in high actively oil cooled transformers in switching yards call substations. These substations are connect by high tension high wire long distance power wires connected to power plants that generate the electricity far away from most cities where most people live and work. 

HAM Radio Technician License Acquired

Familiar with radio, lighting, electrical circuits, computers and other electronics, fabricating things, DIY projects and much more, I became a HAM Radio Technician KJ7IOF "Kilo Julia Seven India Oscar Foxtrot" but live in Issaquah not Renton, Wa, Now :) That's with Licensee ID: L022870505 & FRN: 0028750644 issued 08/21/2019 by the New Systematic Call Sign Assigned from ARRL. I studied under the tutelage and encouragement of the Amateur Extra class KR7F or the late Drake Doyle and several other HAM elders including my father in law :) I took the Technician Exam Test in Tacoma in late 2019 with Meg and passed thankfully :) Good fun learning the HAM radio technician manual. I have a few different radios lost in a storage unit, but many use a handheld UV-5R on 146.960 to access the PSRG our puget sound repeater group at 9am and 9 pm weekdays, or all day on Sunday, and just ordered another UV-5R lighting deal this morning in the 8W flavor with accessories for $24 all said on Amazon. My nicknames are Google, Sargent Science Fair, and The Professor, given to me by coworkers who I have spoken with at length who notice my deep knowledgeable on a broad range of topics that I can wear together verbally when describing something in an opinion editorial fashion that some people say is like listening to me reading a book published by a scientist, interesting given that I was formally educated as a scientist at the post graduate level at the University of Washington :) 

Making Pure Silicon & Germanium

In WWII America dozens of nationally funded labs were consumer huge budgets to engage in primary science, research and development of radar technology that gave the Allies a huge advantage, especially as such systems were miniaturized to mount and use on aircraft, drones and missiles eventually, now even my 21 Corolla Hybrid has radar in the front bumper for adaptive cruise control, pre-collision avoidance, and other ADAS functions aimed at improving safe operation of the Toyota Safety Sense 2.0 equipped vehicle, amazingly. The goal initially was to generate ultra high purity germanium and silicon, which would be grown into large boules of single crystals that eventually grew to 15 inches diameter and 6 feet tall, weight 1400 lbs all suspended by a 1/8inch rod of silicon since silicon has amazing tensile strength, though very brittle when compared to steel alloys, and prone to cracking or breaking like glass if impacted sharply by hard substance with enough velocity or impact energy to cleave the crystal inducing a crack that propagate during shattering. 

Vacuum Tubes are like Incandescent Light Bulbs

Like an incandescent light bulb, the vacuum tube required higher voltage to work to ionize the gate such that subtle electrical signals could be switched or controlled at fast rates in data systems and early computers with hundreds of thousands or millions of vacuum tubes, in building sized early computers that only a handful of large profitable businesses and large universities could afford at first. IBM was the first big vendor of such computers, going mainstream in the 1960's with business and commerce, it's almost impossible to imagine the world today without handheld computers over 4G LTE and 5G-NR. 

Diffusion of Digital Technology Today

Few people today truly appreciate how awesome the technology of today in 2024 literally built upon the shoulders of giants who pioneered entirely new industries and created entirely new markets and brand new products and services that never existed before in human history. 

Up until very recently society technology change was very slow, happening in fits and spirts a few times every few hundred of few thousands of years, such that change was slow and human culture was able to adapt the new technologies into social intelligence such that regular people were effectively able to make good use of emerging new tech without causing decay or problems that way that the overuse of smartphones harming people today with degraded social skills, mental decay, depression, anxiety, fear and information overload and many other problems we are only just starting to understand formally.

Transistor Function

Consider what a single transistor typically does in a circuit. Effectively a solid state switch utilized to switch, amplify, or control electrical signals or current flow known as power in circuits energized by electricity. 

Rapid Technological Change

In just a few human lifetimes of generations gaps of 20 years, computers have gone from esoteric nerdy scientist data tools to something that even young children abuse daily in excess now, so much that young children have thumb joint pain and something called Text Neck or pain in their neck from looking down at the screen of a smartphone for hours on end with a head and neck angle that's similar to staring at ones feet while standing, which puts a lot of stress pressure on the cervical vertebra of the neck that are holding the head and skull filled with cerebral spinal fluid & brain of 4-15 lbs up on top of the shoulders and connected to the rest of the body, such that the spinal cord like the internet backbone communication pathway between the brain and body, even though that's a vast over simplifications. One because our brains are only sorta like a computer, and two the CNS itself a kind of network that has only some things in common with the internet or a local area network or body area network as it were in the case of the CNS & brain & human body. 

With the mind body connection in medicine and physiology still filled with mystery and many unknowns today, the functions and structure of the brain and how it signals and controls the body electrically and chemically are much more robust sciences or areas of knowledge in formal medicine related to brain science or neuroscience. 

Brain as a Computer

The brain has about 700 terabytes of memory compute capacity that runs at between 2 Hz and 160 Hz depending on which stage of sleep or how awake we are respectively. Thus each neuron has its own memory like RAM and own processing power like a CPU or GPU and networked to all the other nearby neurons, but unlike ceramic metal chips or CMOS SOC in your smartphone, our brains are made of cells that self assemble and are able to freely adaptively changed their connections such that what fires together in the brain also wires together, in what is known as neuron plasticity or neuroplasticity. 

You Become More Like What You Do

If it is true that we become more like what we do, then surely over time I have become more like a writer of a blog since I write some many blog postings, something that my brain has wired into my fingers in order to type on the physical keys of the MacBook Pro or iMac that I type up most of these blog postings on or with. I only use my phones or tablets to consume content usually, reserving the more powerful computers for many kinds of productivity from making, editing and uploading YouTube videos to many other kinds of work like publishing this blog & posting to X or what was previously known as Twitter. 

Understanding Early Vacuum Tube Telecom

How would 12,300 vacuum tubes be used to make a single transatlantic phone call? Well mostly to pickup weak signals, amplify the signals and then broadcast or send them along the wires to another amplifier tube, linked together in long systems of strings of vacuum tubes hooked up around the world in the 1930s and 1940's, but this system was expensive and energetically intensive to operate and required a lot of maintenance since vacuum tubes or tubes required frequent replacement like short life energy intensive incandescent light bulbs. 

Pressure To Develop Transistors

This meant that as the "World Became Smaller" with increased global telecom networking, an urgent need for something as efficient as the transistor was growing economic pressure and capital investment that culminated in the first simile to modern transistor created at Bell Labs by Willian "Bill" Shockley" who circumvented early FET or field effect transistor designs from Europe, by creating the worlds first Point-Contact Transistor, an idea that permeates even the latest TSMC SOC in 3NM flavors in 2025 conceptually, and amazingly. 

Mass Produced Transistors Break Manufacturing Records

Today and for some time now the transistor is the most manufactured thing in the world by large margin. Trillions of transistors are made worldwide in high volume chip fabs that cost many billions of dollars that make the worlds most complex and hard to make products, integrated circuits or chips in simple terms, those "brain" chips that make all digital things of today function. 

Rolling Data Centers

A newer automobile typically contains more than 130 of this digital chips, such that the global Covid19 chip shortage halted automakers production lines since they could not procure chipsets or compute modules to build or make automobiles until the chip supply was restored, and that's with the automakers using older nodes chips made on the 130 NM node or 2006 era chips, since they are often in fanless modules that have to operate in extreme hot or cold for 20 years without serve or replacement, like the ECU or engine control unit that takes inputs from many sensors to control the fuel air mixture to make modern emissions controlled gasoline & diesel automotive engines for on road use comply with government emissions control regulations while achieving the performance & fuel economy targets that discerning consumers demand of new vehicles, like people who buy the 5th Generation Toyota Prius that has 196 HP and the fastest PRIUS ever, with available eAWD. 

Personal Data Intensive Automobiles

I opted to buy a 1 year old used Toyota Corolla Hybrid that has the exact same or nearly identical drivetrain and engine of the 10 Prius III that Meg's drives daily, with its amazing 2ZR-FXE engine, that Toyota has used since 2009 in various vehicles. I also love the 1NZ-FXE engine of the 2005 Prius II that Allan drives as a truck now since his F150 engine blew-up and costs $14K to replace. 

Voice Controlled Digital Assistants Example

My late Italian American adoptive mother called Covid19 "Covic" and "Corolla" which made my lovely Wife & I, who lived with her at the end, laugh endearing, since she had the funniest way of asking "Alexa" or "Computer" questions in her unique way of saying things that regularly made Meg & I crack up laughing, since we would never utter a voice query in such a funny way. 

I have fond memories of listening to commander Schwarz interact with the Amazon Dot I gave her & hooked up to her high speed internet, since she had very disabled hands and was unable to use a laptop or tablet, even though I got her a used tablet from my coworker for $40 to try, she insisted on having long impractical nail shop nails that made interacting with a touch screen nearly impossible. Born in 1946 she was never proficient with computers or appliances or anything digital, not even setting an alarm clock. My late adoptive father and I and even my late brother in law donated time and effort to help her with these things and many other things. 

Voice Controlled Computers

Voice is the next big thing in computers said Steve Wozniak back in 2011, long before Alexa became mainstream on connected Amazon Devices. He was mostly referring to early internal developments of SIRI or Apples voice assistant AI technology. 

If you own an iPhone and say "Hey Siri" that's the wake phrase where it starts officially listening for a voice queerly like "Driving directions to the nearest Home Depot" where it will then load Apple Maps and show you different ways to get to Home Depot from your existing, current or trending location. 

SIRI and ALEXA have many features well beyond the scope of my understanding or this blog posting about the transition between large energy gobbling short life vacuum tube computers and networks to those enabled by trillions of tiny energy efficient transistors featured in the latest smartphone SOC, such that the iPhone 15 his around 60 billion transistors in its A15 SOC featuring AI cores, mostly to help with photography and video capture, especially in low light, to improve imaging quality, so your newer iPhone records YouTube video clips that look nicer in stunning 4K resolution. 

Smartphone Videos & Photography

I record all my YouTube videos using my iPhone 14 then upload them onto the MacBook M2 Pro or last Intel iMac where I use the included free iMovie software to edit the clips together, add titles, change the color or sounds, or trim away stuff to make the movie clips faster with more value added content or content value. 

People are Impatient Now / Not Me 

My dad instilled this idea that I need to make my point in 30 seconds or less, but I am a very verbose long winded TLDR analytical type person, hence the long winded blog postings. 

In this way I have something in common with the internet and Goggle, namely big data swirling around in my head almost causing madness except that I love God and he keeps me sane though faith in the Holy Name of Christ Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit, as a bible reading doer of the word actually real Christian, not just by name or association like so many other supposed Christmas and Easter, al-la-cart pick and choose universal universalist Christians of today who are not real Christians or followers of Christ since they do not emulate Christ and warp the word by modifying the Bible under the influence of an increasing number of false profits that God even warns about in the Bible, such that he instructs us to be aware, sharp, discerning and skeptical people who compare the teachings of profits to the word of God as written in the Amplified Bible, cross referencing Strongs Concordance for meaning and definitions, to gain deeper incite or greater understanding of the Holy Word, and so we know how to identify false profits, even though some profits will perform signs, wonders and miracles, don't for a second think that Satan or the Kingdom of Hell does not have power, its just less and much less than that of God, and by extension you or anyone who follows after Christ Jesus and emulates the ways of Christ Jesus can execute God's power to heal, bless or curse, with superior power to Satan, able to rebuke Satan or other demons who want to trick, manipulate, steal from, ruin or kill you to take away from God, mostly since everything belongs to God and exists by his will, or was created by God's voice. Noteworthy since what we say has tremendous power to lift other people up or tear other people down. 

What does God have to do with transistors, well, God has all the answers. In a way God is like the ultimate computer or ultimate search engine, and knows everything about everting all dimensions perpetually and smarter, stronger, faster and more intelligent than any other being in all realms, and superior and sublime in all possible ways, beyond comparisons, amazing and beautiful beyond description, unmatched and unlimited in all possible ways, the God who speaks galaxies and universes in different dimensions into existence by his divine will, with unmatched incomparable might and strength able to do anything, with all the answers, solutions to every problems and paramount knowledge without end about anything or everything. Say it with me, God is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent, or all knowing, all powerful and always present or ever-present. God sends the Holy Spirit to those who call upon his name in the Holy Name of Christ Jesus with a diligent heart towards obeying the Lord and saying no to their selves, by obedience and yeilding to God and asking God to do his will in their lives, submitting themselves unto the Lord like Christ Jesus did when he was alive healing thousands of people and performing signs wonders and miracles that people are still talking about today thousands of years later. Name someone else like Christ Jesus, and good luck since no one else in history did anything even close to what Christ did during his amazing life as a man on Earth back then. 

Economic Control, Power & Wealth

Understanding corruption boils down to the idolatry of money, currency, vanity, materialism, wealth, opulence, luxury, comfort, security, haute culture, elite culture, fancy cars, supercars, helicopters, and many other expensive rare or unique items of consumption.

Looking at the global economy through the lens of petrochemical energy, we can see that finite petroleum based fossil fuels have historically returned 94 units of useful chemical energy for one unit of energy expended to recover the chemical black gold crude oil from the upper layers of Earths mantle to be pumped and shipped around to oil refineries that make millions of chemical products, while gasoline, diesel, and jet fuels are their bread and butter, products like propane, butane, and many chemical intermediates used to make fertilizer are also highly profitable, generating enormous revenue streams. 

In understanding how to create an economy a few essential ingredients at the societal level are required. The national government has to invest in infrastructure such as roads, power plants, power wires, water distribution, domestic trash & recycling collection, schools and education, healthcare and setup a stabile society where citizens feel comfortable taking risks. Access to credit therein enables innovators and entrepreneur to get capital funding on KickStarter or similar to kick off emerging business models, a business incubator environment that favors capital invents into new business models. Thus motivated intellectuals from these stabile economy are encouraged to collaborate with other smart people to develop, make and market & sell interesting, new or better products and services, with good branding or brand identity that sell well online worldwide. 

Power vastly more complicated to define. It involves complicated currency manipulation and trade manipulation such that the advantaged country effectively subjugates the disadvantaged country to take advantage of cheaper labor in the developing country so that people with political power and elite income earners in the rich country can make even more money by exploiting people abroad. In this way some wealthy people are only wealthy because they leveraged increasing income on the backs of people working in other countries for low wages, like the CEO of Nike who sells a pair of shoes in America for over $100 when he is able to have them made in cheaper labor markets abroad for $16 a pair, and effectively pioneered outsourcing which destroyed most of the American market for USA made custom cobbler manufactured shoes made of real leather and no rubber or plastic, that last for decades and can be resoled by a cobbler in the future. 

Certainly such shoes exist that are made in America by a cobbler, but with limiter local availably, they are also very expensive at more than $800 for a pair, and not widely available in most locals in America. The cobbler has to measure the feet of the customer, just as many tailors that make custom suits for a customer measure the customers body dimensions before fabricating the high end suit, the cobbler must also take foot measurements in first person with the customer, further delimiting the cobblers market reach, just like a plumber, electrician, contractor, roofer, finish woodworker, remodeler, craftsman or handyman can only work on one job at a time locally, and cannot be easily or practical insourced or outsourced like Nike did with shoes. 

Wealth is mindset that focuses on making endlessly more money, while also spending less. Really wealthy people in America tend to also be very frugal compared with the incomes or budgets, especially noteworthy since most Americans in other income brackets tend to spend "above their means" meaning that spent too much compared to their incomer or how much money they make working. Wage slavery means that effectively most people hate their jobs because they are effectively income prostitutes who trade their body & time for money. 

In this way everyone who works is selling them selves or what Hillary Clinton calls "Exercising their franchise as an individual" which is how her political husband make so much money, as they effectively exercise their franchise together. I would call what the Clintons are doing for income unethical and sleazy, given its tantamount to theft in a way. 

There are a lot of very generous kind loving wealthy people in America. America has the most generous population in the world, such that many Americans of all income levels readily give donations of money to many kinds of charities and non profits and churches, NGO, humanitarian relief efforts, to animal sanctuaries, to poor children in distant far away countries, to UNICEF, or the world wildlife foundation, to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to the Marching Dime or St Vincent DePaul or similar charities that benefit low income and poor people. 

America has pioneer the compute industry, the industrial large scale recycling industry, the internet industry, many aerospace industries, industrial oil industries, industrial agriculture, large scale chemical plants, large scale road, water & power systems, large scale power plants, the nuclear industry, the space race, many inventions of many kinds across many industries, all invented and commercialized originally in America. The entire Swiss watch industry virtually started by first absorbing American watch makers that moved their operations to Switzerland. 

The whole Quartz Criss was a fake worry because expensive mechanical and automatic wristwatches sell themselves with brand cache, brand identity, brand prestige, brand recognition, branding, quality, precision, as wrist mounted status symbols that people of higher income like to flex their money on, when they purchase mechanical perpetual or automatic Swiss made watches like Rolex that cost more than my then brand new 2020 Yamaha MT-03 motorcycle which had an OEM retail price of $4599 or the cheapest of the 300cc class, also the smallest and easiest to park in confined space which suited my parking case & still does better than the out-of-stock Honda CB500F that I actually wanted, which was larger, more expensive, and more powerful, but harder to park, more expensive to insure, and less fuel efficient, though much better at highway speeds in America without being buzzy, though I am such a repressed motorsports fanatic that the R3 engine of the MT-03 sings magical notes to me at every RPM in every gear, through that lovely mechanical sequential 6 speed manual transmission setup, and handles like a agile wet dream with just the right amount of noise and NVH to impart special enjoyable sounds and vibrations that suit my ASMR perfectly. Thank you Megan Otto for buying that amazing work of mechanical art and thank you Yamaha for making the MT-03. This is even more special since Yamaha works with Toyota on special vehicle project engines, making a Yamaha motorcycle the closest thing to a Toyota Motorcycle, since Toyota does not make motorcycles. 

Our 10lb propane fueled metal furnace takes propane gas from a 20lb or 4.6 gal domestic white painted steel barbecue stove fuel tank with a brass valve setup and regulator through a fiber reinforced polymer hose that is plumbed into a flared brass fitting into a steel pipe where a small brass orifice blows a jet of propane gas past oval shaped holes cut into the wall of the flame tube, which is mounted tangentially to the round 316L stainless cylinder walls lined with rock wool insulator to create a spiral flame that swirls around the crucible filled with metals I am smelting, namely soda cans or aluminum beverage cans, that I first crust with a pneumatic can crusher where a foot pedal actuates the air pressure powder piston to smash crush pop cans inserted into the mild painted steel housing, that are reduced to 1/10 their original height, so I can fit more in the crucible at once. I use a #10 sized fuzed sintered metal oxide crucible, that the 30kw of propane flame heats up such that it's able to boil the aluminum. I then use metal tongs while wearing thick leather gloves, eye protection, a leather apron and protective shoes, scrape off the dross or slag into a metal slag bucket filled with sand, then using a special set of tongs lift the crucible out and poor the liquid aluminum into graphite molds that were preheated with a propane torch. I have actually used the cast aluminum blocks to warm my car that's parked outside on the winter mornings, by heating the aluminum blocks on the electric stove to 120 F, then moving them with leather gloves into a amazon box to the car, where I put them in the foot well of the driver cockpit, so my feet are warmer when driving the cold car, since it gets freezing cold outside at night and my car is frozen in the morning. Did you know that block heating a car engine from ambient temps outside when parked outside to 105F can reduce cold start fuel consumption by a pint or 16 fl.oz during the fist 90 seconds and prolongs the life of your engine by reducing friction during cold start since the warmer engines will have less friction on cold start. 

Lets examine the oil crisis of 1973 when gas prices shot rapidly upward, during a time when plastic started making waves as mass produced injection moulded goods rapidly produced and sold at high profit margins that are naturally electrically resistant, less prone to drop breakage than glass, less damaged by acids than metals, not prone to corrosion, and relatively strong & resilient, the same reasons that plastics & microplastic are an environmental problem today, also the same reasons that polymers and plastic are popular materials for automotive applications in the dash, doors, bumpers, pillar covers, engine covers, even some engine parts like the intake or cold side to reduce thermal robbing of the aluminum head or block to improve thermal efficiency or further reduce weight of the engine, with other parts previously made of metals like the water pump now made with plastics, something that makes them less durable or less reliable over 20 years of 200,000 miles than the classical metals parts they replace, but cheaper and more energy efficient to manufacture, especially noteworthy given that variable flow rate water pumps with brushless motor drives and variable frequency controllers are now used to optimized thermal efficiency of engines like that of the Toyota Prius Hybrids for example, which in its latest 5th Generation has 196 HP and get over 55 MPG on regular unleaded gasoline or better than 3.1L/100km of fuel efficiency, and can be purchased with optional e-AWD such that electric motor drives the rear wheels in concert with the front to accomplish all wheel drive, though that drops economy to 53 MPG or ~3.4L/100km. At the time larger American made automobiles were getting 8-15 MPG city, and 12-20 MPG highway, better fuel economy at 50 or 55MPH than at higher speeds where aerodynamic penalties on 3 speed and 4 speed vehicles of the day meant the engine was spinning at higher RPM's using even more fuel per mile to push more air out of the way at 70 or 80 MPH in the center of America where speed limits are higher on highways, since aerodynamic drag increases as a 3rd order rate of speed such that higher speeds require increasingly more fuel above 50 MPH where the transmission is in its highest gear ratio. Today many automobiles have 8 speed or 10 speed automatic's or VCT's which have effectively gear equivalent ranges of 21 to 28 speeds by continually varying the final drive ratio the way the PSD and HSD system of Toyota Hybrid vehicles does very clearly to achieve class leading fuel economy and ultra low emissions. The middle eastern oil producing nations wanted to hamstring oil supplies to increase the price of oil to increase their revenue streams or profits and this had disastrous impacts on the truck highway system dependent economy of the USA where public roadways and cars are the dominate way that people and goods are moved about the country, such that gasoline consumed at the rate of ~369 million gallons daily in the USA. Locally right now we are buying gasoline as regular unleaded 87 for $4.40 USD near Seattle, WA, while many other locals are selling it for $3.20 or even $2.80, and airlines are only paying $1/gal for jet fuel. The American economy very sensitive to gasoline retail prices since they strongly affect family budgets as many people choose to buy SUV's and Trucks with low fuel economy for their utility or other aspects, while Meg & I prioritize fuel economy and practicality with our 22 Corolla Hybrid and 10 Prius III, and Honda PCX150 Scooter and Yamaha MT-03 motorcycle, all which have stellar low fuel consumption or excellent fuel economy for their respective vehicle class compared with alternative vehicles that are similar. In this context rich dad's drive cheaper practical cars, and poor dads drive used luxury cars that are money pits, not just by wasting fuel with poor fuel economy, but also with higher repair and maintenance costs, and much higher total operating costs per mile or more total cost of ownership. 

When the tsunami hit Japan, local electricity prices hit $1 USD/ kWh one of the most expensive rates in the world for grid power utility customers who were paying record breaking prices for domestic electricity, something that also dramatically increased the costs of some bakeries with electric ovens, or other commercial and industrial operations where electrical power dominate the operating costs like industrial refrigeration used to keep perishable seafood safe for consumption for longer periods for distribution to locals far from where the fish was caught in the oceans. Modern households typically keep around $700+ of perishable foods in a refrigerator, such that power outages lasting longer than 3 days can ruin foods store in unpowered fridges. Its estimated that a prolonged power outage in the USA would kill off much of the American population, since CPAP machines and other critical equipment that people depend on like their furnace blower motor, cannot operate without grid power, such that a home in winter cold could become dangerously cold, such that gas stations and natural gas pumping and water pumping stations stop working eventually, credit cards and debit cards do not work, internet is offline, online surfaces & many servers are offline and most of modern societal first world function grinds to a halt and stops working during power outages lasting longer than 8 days. If the power or internet stays offline for 8 months or more, chaotic decay happens and crime surges & official police & military services are not available or not effective, armed gangs roam around pillaging and taking from weak unarmed unprepared people and it becomes a cold dark cruel future for a while, something like the tribulation mentioned in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. Thus modern societies are fragile and prone to failing, not just from fiat currency failures either. 

During the 20th century, countries like America, Japan, Taiwan, Germany, France, Norway and many others setup national investment and technological development companies and research institutions to master industrial arts like metal mining and refining and production, or electronics know how in research, development and manufacturing of integrated circuits, or oil exploration, oil mining or drilling in land or at sea and how to build and operate oil refineries to make gasoline, diesel, motor vehicle oils, propane, butane and many other valuable petrochemical products at mass produced continual production levels to serve huge numbers of clients across the country and even internationally. We are talking about industrial activities of the global economies invested into by nations and states with vested long terms nation interests in developing economy growth through specific deliberate investment in applied technology at for commercial and industrial applications then applied in manufacturing of goods and services that sell well generating huge revenue and profits that support economy growth and taxation that funds government in a feedback cycle based on consumption and growth of industrialization. 

To understand the scope of the 4th Industrial Revolution, you have to first analyze the age of mechanical reproduction, namely that of mass production. To illustrate this point, to make one of something for 8 billion people, if you made one every second 24/7 it would take 31.4 years to make 8 billion. There is a cleaver art video about this from The Verge visiting CES or the consumer electronics show, that I suggest you watch & think about, especially the reading of the work about mass production / from 9 years ago /

257 CES gadgets in 3 minutes — CES 2015

Looking ahead of 2024 since that video is from 2015, let me tell this, today were are in the middle of the 4th Industrial Revolution while most people think in 3rd IR terms mentally, like news paper or printed books, when digital e-readers like Kindle have been around since 2009, there are people today that deny the existence of battery electric vehicles even though they are sold by the millions starting with the Tesla Model S or Nissan LEAF back in 2010, or 14 years ago. This illustrates the slow speed of information diffusion, such that most people do not get all the updates about what is happening in the world at the same time and are often left behind, mentally up to 20 or more years behind the existing emerging zeitgeist or spirit of the times today. I feel sad for many of these elderly people who are forgotten, alone, lonely, ready to move on in death to whatever is next as their bodies have fallen victim to the negative effects of aging or what is known as gerontology of the science aging, noting the exceptional book " Lifespan, Why We Age & Why We Don't Have To" by Dr. David A Sinclair. Hint for age reversal, the supplement NMN and anti-diabetic drug Metformin + lots of water to protect your brain & kidneys! Sleep super important too, since healing of the body occurs when we are sleeping and light promotes sleep disorders by disrupting the sleep cycle or circadian rhythm of the human body, such that any light exposure triggers sub basal nerve ganglion in the fovea of the retina of the human eye to sent stimulatory signals to the SCN or suprachiasmatic nucleus of the brain increasing blood cortisol levels and blocking the release of melatonin the sleep promoting cytokine substance the brain releases into the blood to stimulate sleep stages, since cortisol and histamine are wakefulness promoting stress inducing cytokines. 

Yes light promotes wakefulness! When your eyes see light your brain registers the color and intensity of the retinal signals to the brain from the eyes, such that your brain causes blood cortisol levels to increase when you see light, and seeing light also leads the brain to block release of melatonin #science #medicine #physiology #physics #chemistry use your brain to understand more. You only have a finite amount of time alive. I spent 83,000 hours reading wikipedia to make sense of the world, what are you doing? That is what fuels my blog posting, along with 8 years of college, 4 years of high school, 3 years of middle school, and 6 years of elementary school, after 2 years of preschool. I was reading college level literature and science white papers as a 7 year old boy bored in School by the slow boring pace of information presentation and repetitive nature of what we were studying, since I often get it after one exposure as autistic savant with ASMR and sensory blending such that words and letters are different colors when I read something written and I see sounds and hear colors naturally without drug use and have since I was a small child, noting at age 4 that I was very different than my parents or sister, neighbors, teachers, other kids at school and other adults. I felt alien as young as 4 amongst a see of children, like a boy with one eye in a world of blind people. 

Consider the miniaturization of transistors in complicated systems of transistors in integrated circuits like the SOC of your smartphone. Transistors are the most manufactured item in human history and hold many records in terms of manufacturing volume and scale, significant given the chip shortage due to COVID19 and the corresponding US Chips Act to stimulate class leading IC manufacturing by companies like INTEL and TSMC in the USA and similar from IBM and Texas Instruments or NVIDIA and AMD. With YouTube streaming and other content streaming platforms and social media, no one can really say for sure where the future is going, except of the edge of a cliff known as runaway climate change suddenly out of control that makes the biosphere and atmosphere destroy agriculture which causes food price spikes and shortages that give rise to a global starvation and meteoric rise in crime at every level as people struggle to survive without read access to food and water or gasoline, since credit and debit systems will no longer work, and police and military will have disbanded and gone awry. During a global power outage or internet outage societies plunge into chaos and entropy as important institutions become insolvent and fall apart like the Roman Empire. America is not the first, not the best and not the last global super power, as evidence in the precipitous decline in the purchasing power of the USD or United States Dollar, which has lost a lot of its power and prestige over time, peaking in the early 1960's like the US economy from which it originates. The book of revelation in the Christian Bible is perfect clear about the future of mankind on Earth when Christ comes back and judges everyone fairly according to his perfect will. Warning to the sinners and those who habitually sin, to the atheists and agnostics, turn away from your life of sin and give God praise and worship with contrition in your heart, with verbal praise and worship of the Lord your God in the Holy Name of Christ Jesus, enabled and empowered by the Holy Spirit of God who visits those of use who love God in our hearts, minds, souls and spirits. 

Digital wrist watches

Cars with hundreds of onboard computers as rolling data centers, increasingly more sensor for data collection training of autopilot algorithms at Tesla Motors the Big Data Company in California.

I am talking about trillions of miles of wires connection power and data like USB-C into the minds of real living people connected in increasingly novel ways to other people and products and services online like never before, yet retail like the mechanical automatic wristwatches will be around to serve those who shun technologies or electronics or internet, like the Amish, who like to make wood furniture by hand using hammer and chisels or axes to cut down trees to harvest the wood, and wood fires in wood buildings used to dry the wood before its cut to lengths and shapes used to make furniture. I am talking about real craftsman making artisanal goods like we did during and prior to the first Industrial Revolution. 

I am talking about the World Wide Web,, and online e-commerce or online retailers connecting buyers and sellers with search engine technologies, using key word searches or search queries that people speak or type into smart speakers or laptops or cells phones or tablets or desktop computers. 

I am talking about information technology, cryptography, internet security, antivirus, computational modeling, computer aided engineering, chip designs, and emerging technologies that will change the future of mankind. I am talking about the next big thing age reversal drugs that sell better than any product in history in terms of revenue, as millions of older people want to become biologically younger, healthy and energetic like they were during their youth many decades ago, especially those that are well healed or with deep pockets to spend tens of thousands on age reversal treatments.