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Awake Sleeper, Stop Believing Obvious Lies

Do you actually think any government cares about you? If you do, you are diluted or confused, the governments of the world are just sleazy people beholden to the special interests who paid for the expensive election campaigns in exchanged for special favors. It's bribery & corruption every way possible & non of it includes any considerate of you or any other normal person. 

The dishonest jerks in power in world governments are just puppets of trillionaire & transnational corporations. In 2008 many people realized that big American insurance companies, banks & investment institutions got bailed out while the global general public got sold out, literally, not just figuratively, they literally sell your personal information, spy on you, own your online account, computers via EULA & all sorts of other high level fraud & abuse so dark and perverted that most people do not even want to think about it, or it would upset them & make them throw up with disgust. 

How many children are abducted worldwide every year and inducted into the child sex slavery industry patronized by the world's wealthiest perverts? How many young women seduced into an offer for a modeling job end up being drugged with date rape drugs, raped & left for dead? 

How many young men near fishing docks in Asia are abducted onto pirate fishing boats, force feed food laced with meth to keep them away for days as a time before they might be lucky enough to be freed by that benevolent billionaires asian woman who dedicated her life to freeing enslaved young men from these evil pirate fishing vessels. 

You think that cold or flu viruses are funny, they kill people every day, yet people leave their homes sneezing & coughing, onto buses, school buses, into work place, into markets, into grocery stores, where the sneeze & cough vectoring illness via the viral pathogen they were too selfish to stay home as rest from until well, which almost everyone knows now after covid19 debacle taught the entire world to stay home if sick until well or healed before going back into the general public. 

No one cares about you, only you do, and maybe not. You can't count on anyone else. As WWII proved, normal people are able to engage in horrid acts of evil under the right circumstances. You or I are no better than anyone else, we are all flawed hypocrites in need of correction & increased social intelligence. 

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The Global Economy is About to Collapse

You heard it first here, on my blog, the blog they demonetized, yea, they (the Man) took away my pennies per month of earnings from ads because I said something unpleasant or unpopular, like Alex Jones, but won't even tell me what it is that I said that caused them to take away the ad's & tiny venue? Even so my blog more popular than ever now, since I tell the absolute truth on my own accord, owned by no one other than God! 

Ever wonder how the US economy functions with $36 trillion in national debt? If you took all debts in the USA into account that number is actually $90 trillion, so credit & consumption are the economic drivers keeping this global house of cards upright for now, not for long, within 2 months the entire global economy is going to collapse worse than the Great Depression, literally not just America, but all the economies that are linked to America are all going to experience radical loses of value of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, 401k, evaporating into thin air, the dollar losing all of its remaining buying power instantly, plugging the entire global economy into the dark ages almost as bad as a long duration global power outage, but just wait, it is worse than that.

Ever get the sense that something weird is going on in the background, that something is just not right but you can't quite put your finger on it mentally? Have you noticed a sense that something is deeply wrong, something systemic, something far bigger than you, than your city or state, that something evil is brewing on a global scale about to be unleashed like a global atomic war but on the economic level, if you have been feeling that, you are correct. 

No mainstream media will cover this because such media, legacy and even modern social media is beholden so special interests with deep financial control, power, sway & influence worldwide, so they have black listed topics like this, because it can cause hysteria, but be assured this is just a PSA warning.

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YouTube Video Clip Examples I Make

3 brand new just posted video clips on my personal YouTube channel #videos #shorts #clips

Bigger Tea Cup #shorts #4k #video #clips

Globalists New World Order Conspiracy

Deliberately polluting the air, water & food with toxic substances to depopulate by increase diseases

Notice all Fiat Currency losing purchasing value ? Dollar, Euro, Yuan, Ruble, all weaker with time? This due to increasing amount of Fiat released, known as quantum easing by evil people doing it to tax everyone secretly while also ruining the global economy; A House of Cards //

Adam Smith "The Wealth of Nations

10 Principles of Concentration of Wealth & Power 
Reduce Democracy & Shape Ideology 
Redesign Economy & Shift Burden 
Attack Solidarity& Run Regulators 
Engineer Elections & Keep Rabble in-Line 
Manufacture Consent & Marginalize the Population

Elites' vile maxim "All for us & nothing for anyone else" Does that sound like increasing income inequality today Perpetual merger & acquisition unto 1 mega corporation One Government, One World Order, One Currency Take the Mark of the Beast to be able to Buy or Sell

Ask yourself, why are so many people dying of cancer? Why are so many people dying early of cancer?

COVID19 vaccine shots that block parts of the DNA that protect against cancer

After taking the COVID19 vaccine & boosters both Meg & I have experiences inexplicable disease pathologies that we had zero symptoms of before getting these Pfizer BioN Covid Vaccine shots. In my case I have had colorful goo & blood existing my anus at all times & the medical tests show idiopathic cause as in the western disease doctors have no idea why this is happening, the colon scan shows early signs of stage 1 colon cancer but the blood tests show negative for any cancer, so the doctors tells me "Your probably just eating something your allergic too or drinking too much alcohol or very stressed out or exposed to something at work with toxic effects, but do not worry about it, just use toilet paper or underpants liners to catch the goo, cut back beer & candy, lower your blood pressure with regular exercise, and cut back on metformin by eating less sugar, starch & carbs, increase healthy protein & fiber in your diet & switch oils and fats to olive oil and butter and see how that works.

If we look at the Woke Agenda, it says that human overpopulation a blight on the health of the biosphere, making life worse for all people, and all future generations, with excess emissions from the increasing scale of industrial activities of all kinds making climate change accelerate faster, causing more forest fires like those in California while confusion prevents efforts to pump filtered sea water from the long Pacific Ocean coast of California in flexible pipes with pumps to put out the forest fires with filtered sea water.

Micro's are missing from a lot of food, and they constantly focus on macros, when that misses the essential value of vitamins & minerals such that those micros are essential for overall health. Food grown on industrial farms now less nutritious that the same foods grown in the past before radical industrial farming with huge diesel machines the size of buildings that cost as much also, such that only large agrochemical companies like Monsanto can afford to do industrial farming or agriculture of GMO mono crops in enormous farms of tens of thousands of acres to get the lowest cost per bushel, of crops also sprayed with RoundUp or glyphosate that is a proven carcinogen.

What happens to umbilical cords & aborted babies, they are liquefied in special blenders to harvest the pluripotent stem cells as cell line inputs to monoclonal antibody biological medications & similar PAB or polyclonal medications prescribed, that down or up regulate various biological axises of the body to modulate disease pathology, but tend to also have weird intense side effects because the MAB & PAB broadly diffuse in all the flesh of the body, including where they have bad effects or unwanted side effects, so my doctor says he only prescribes MAB or PAB to people who are not helped by safer low dose small molecule prescription drugs that have been around & safely used for decades or GRAS generally accepted as safe, like metformin to help patients suffering from dietary excess type 2 diabetes or metabolic syndromes.

Alex Jones & Joe Rogan Podcast tell people factually accurate truth unlike legacy media fake news. So more people today get their facts from reliable sources that seek to expose the lies of colluded mega corporations & huge conglomerates that own legacy media & have a woke liberal internal message to trick, confuse & manipulate people with the goals of the New World Order run by the Woke leaders.

It is what it is, whatever, or "It's what It's" in new lingo lol

Calm down, take a few deep breaths, everything is going to be ok. Look at the bright side, find the silver liner to every situation or circumstance. 

Think of your favorite color, favorite music, favorite food, favorite drink, favorite person, favorite book, favorite website, things you are appreciative of or thankful for & focus on those things to instantly improve your mood or outlook or give you something today worth looking forward to, to keep you going, even when times get hard or tough or thinks look bleak, there is always another way forward, never give up entirely until your dead! 

So many issues to “care about” but you only have so many hours in your day & issues you have to attend to daily, so why care about things outside of your control instead of paying better care of your diet and lifestyle where you have agency to make a difference, focusing more on your health so that you can have more energy to spend making the world a better place for all people by setting a good example with your optimal lifestyle! 

It’s not about being selfish or selfless, it’s more about time and priority management. Your not only not everyone, you also have a limited budget not just of money but of remaining time you have alive, or time you have alive free of diseases that afflict so many older people stealing their brain functions and memory performance but also bone density and muscle strength 

So many people concern themselves with that next purchase, shopping, clothes, appliance, remodel, vacation, electronics, gold coins, bitcoins, fancy cars, motorcycles, zip code envy, or you name, claim it, let it rain money or is that currency losing value. 

You can not take "It" with you when you die, money, things, stuff, no matter what you try, and remember you heard it hear first on the low down, real hush hush, on the QT, on Aaron Kenneth Schwarz's personal blog "Thinking About it" because everything you think or do starts with patterns of electrical chemical exchanges in the world, in the biosphere, in all living things, in every body, in every brain, hydrogen plus ions shuttling out of mitochondria forming water in condensation reactions as electrons are exchanged from oxygen we breath to make ATP from ADP continually in cell mitochondria using macros & micros from our diet as chemical inputs to form all the fresh, to fix & repair & replace dead or dying cells during our time alive, and to energize movement & thinking of all kinds, even in our gut where microbes help us break down food in what is now known as the gut biota or microbiome of the human digestive system. 

Mind your own business, take care of your own railroad, do your own thing, think differently, so what, who do you think you are, what makes the difference, get your priorities in order, stop wasting time, back to work, what are you doing, stop that, move sinner, get going, carry on, keep your head down, look the other way, there's nothing to see here people. Do these phrases remind you of anything? They should! Your should be able to make sense of these black marks on the screen if you can read English writing, or go ahead and have Google translate the webpage into your local language and enjoy :) 

Somewhere In Between

 Do you remember being a little boy or girl, 3 or 4 years old, where everything was a surprise, where you were constantly learning, experiencing new things, making new social connections, your brain exploding with acetylcholine, cells shimmering building up your body, ATP surging energy in every cell 24/7 as you became bigger, taller, stronger & smarter every year until suddenly you find yourself as an adult reflecting back on how you got to where you are now.

Think of your earliest memories, now slowly scroll through your childhood memories, when you transitions to becoming a teen, then young adult, the transition in your early 20's through the end of high school then through college as your brain started forming its final full adult configuration at 25 to 27 years of age. 

Ask yourself why people are always chasing new experiences when they can afford to do so, or even though cheap content they stream, or why listening to the same song your really liked at first becomes less enjoyable the more you listen to that song. How many times can you watch a movie & get the same hit of enjoyment, does chasing the dragon not only apple to the abuse of illicit drugs but perhaps even common experiences like that video game that you were completely addicted to at first but became old news & boring to play after some time. 

Novelty something that all peoples brains chase for enjoyable stimulation or activation of the complex of symphony of electro chemical activity bursting actively across the brain even while your asleep dreaming, but faster when your wide awake fully aware & lit, engaging life to the fullest. Elastic brain activity increases & decreased depending on what you are doing, so taking that mountain bike down a narrow trail with lots of tight curves & bumpy rocky soil at full speed in your 20's, or skiing or snowboarding through gladded upper alpine snow covered hills dotted with tree's & tree wells in the snow that can suck you in & cause you to crash if your slip up & make an error, or while driving where if you make an error it becomes a car accident. 

Do you function at your peak on the seat of your pants like olympic athletes or F1 drivers? Did you know that physical exercise that increases your heart rate & breathing & makes you hot & sweaty also turns on your brain, increasing blood flow to the brain, the same reason that sitting around too much sedentary causes the blood to pool up in the legs, gravity pulls the blood down, & slow metabolism from not moving much also means that blood pooling in the legs increasing the odds of a stroke, clotting or embolism. Eating too many carbs or starches made of polymerized sugars that break down into blood sugar when you eat then, or God forbid, eating sugar directly the easiest way to pack on body fat & become fatter & sicker with all the diseases associated with being sedentary & never getting hot & sweaty exercising. 

Your brain is largely dedicated to making sense of the world & figuring out how to articulate your bones & muscles too move within the world so that you can make it happen, all the things you do in your life. Your brain rums REM dreams to keep your eyes & visual system from being hijacked by the brain that changes itself with neuron plasticity such that if your were to bind your eyes for 2 weeks so you can't see anything, then take the binding off so your eyes can see light again, amazingly it takes a few days for your brain to rewire your retina to the occipital lobs for brain processing of imaging signals, but while your eyes were bound with covers preventing light in for 2 weeks your brain rewired the occipital lobs to process touch so you could read brail with training with amplified signals from your fingertips, almost the opposite of neuropathy from chronic high blood sugars & high blood pressure associated with eating ultra processed junk foods in excess or the diseases of civilization from eating the western industrial bagged & boxed foods typical of the standard American diet or SAD. 

Our brains is always wiring up taste, smell, proprioception, touch, hearing & sigh signals, to try to operated effectively more or less, so that even though the brain in a bone capsule filled with cerebral spinal fluid, dark & silent, that hidden brain can still make sense of phenomenon so that you as a person can enjoy full functioning adulthood interacting with people & things that comprise all the choices & decisions you make in your lifetime alive before dying from some cause of death because no one can get out of this life as a human on Earth alive, no matter what they do, for we are made of space dust of 126 different chemical elements most of which were made in stars bigger than the Sun that supernova blew up long ago, spraying those elements everywhere until they accreted into part of the Earth eventually becoming part of you & me & every other living thing in the biosphere of Earth.

From ashes to ashes that space dust in our body becomes parts of other people after first breaking down, becoming plants & animals that eat those plants, over very long time intervals, all chemicals are recycled in the biosphere of Earth, using solar input energy from the sun, or chemical energy from valence electron exchange that are the core mechanism driving all chemical reactions of all kinds, including in biochemistry of all lifeforms, and the inorganic chemical reactions that form volcanoes, nuclear decay isotopes, everything rock or mineral, the hills, the soil, all things share the same chemistry and all life shares the same kinds of DNA, at least until we use aerospace & space travel to find space aliens on other planets in other celestial systems vastly far from our local solar system, as in many light years, so far that chemical rockets do not carry enough energy to access such in useful time frames. 

Understand How China Leapfrogged Past Every Other Economy

You might snicker at a GDP personal parity of $15,000 USD 2025 for the average Chinese person, like I did when looking at that number at first, since such an income would be abject poverty where I live, where you have to have a household income of at least $55,000 to even have a basic apartment, used car, nothing fancy, its impossible to have a full normal working poor life where my wife and I live on anything below $55,000 per year in income after taxes, otherwise you would require government assistance. But everything in China is cheaper, & more importantly during its growing industrial main sequence it was much much cheaper than today, the cost of labor in 1980' China was around $1 USD 1980/ hour, building a factor was cheap & the CCP was super friendly to foreign investment, helping anyone who wanted to make something in the PRC at every level to build the manufacturing, setup supply chain for inputs, sign legal documents, get power setup, housing, people to man the factory, they literally pioneered rapid industrialization better than any other country in the history of the world.

If we consider the purchasing parity of $15,000 USD2025 in China, that's like have $95,000 Euros 2025 in terms of what it enables a Chinese person to buy in terms of housing, clothing, vehicles, goods.

How to Grow an Economy

The CCP setup infrastructure investments via State Owned by CCP capital invested, building power plants, steel plants, copper plants, rare earth mines, roads, rails, airports, all the critical essential inputs of energy, water, sewer, building, roadways & rails, all connected, with continual investment into education, research, science, technology, a potent mix of private foreign investment with brutal efficiency CCP infrastructure build out, and even though that resulted in some ghost cities or ghost towns, or roads to no where, China went on a building spree for the last 30 years, really the last 50 years, and even as far back as 80 years ago, and has been an Ally of USA the entire time. 

Capital or Money or Currency, think Value Added Profit, Invested into Development of Primary Inputs

Talent Creation Education, Higher Education, Experts, Research, Science, Innovation

Technology Means Applying Intelligence to Materials to Make High Value Added Goods & Services

Value Added Economic Growth Created when Intelligent People Motivated to Make Money (Profit) work as teams with collaborating other teams, to apply emerging information to make improved new better innovative products & services that they then market & sell to people who want it to make their lives better, and with tens of millions of people, all doing that in different ways, a giant economy of vibrant mix of different industries emerges, mixing power, intelligence, humans collaborating, to build, create, fix, repair, update, upgrade, to make it happen making the economy grow.

20th Century & Prior Economic Miracle

The Problem with Europe & also America is that they underwent peak economy growth more than 100 years ago, that is England or the UK, the Netherlands or Dutch, the Germans or Germany, Italians or Italy, French or France, & Spain or Spanish, while America was the new up & coming multi economic miracle mixing soft social programs like social security during an era of government investment in hydro dams for clean power & electricity & to irrigate farms in the American southwest where sun means more farm output, and into highways, rails, roads, cities, colleges, universities, hospitals, power, sewer, water, natural gas, & heave innovation in core science & core technology development from 1950 to early 2000, the US was the leader in all matters of innovating products & services. 

America Pioneered Made In China 

In many ways in the 1960s, all the business people in the US moved factories out of America to China because they obtained a 3X advantage in lower operating costs, with easier cheaper factories, cheaper labor, better access to materials and supplies, excellent logistics for export to global markets, China set up the means and mechanism to enable foreign investors to bring trillions into China, then by cloning and copying at first, the Chinese learned the core technology, started teaching it to Chinese people in school, and by early 2000's PHD level Chinese scientists & tech experts were working directly with industry in China to innovate applied technology, while costs of everything in China were still lower than America or Europe. 

China Becoming Expensive Now

Today in 2025 the cost of living in China on the rise & the CCP companies are outsourcing to cheaper parts of Asia like Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, India, Bangladesh, places where labor really low cost, where government ready to partner to bring in money and economy growth, where its like 1980 China when European & American companies kept coming to build industrial production of everything, such that China became the worlds manufacturing hub, well that created so much progress that now Shenzhen so expensive in terms of housing, retail rent, building costs, factory costs, that its not cost efficient to make electronics there anymore, so FOXCONN builds factories in CCP in cheaper cities like FEZ in rural areas where all such things are less costly, but they are running out of poor cites with the correct capacities in China, so many Chinese companies are outsourcing to cheaper markets now. 

Where did Hard Drives come from, America

How about Computer History, America

Satelite Commercial, America

Automobiles Mass Produced, America

Software Industry, Search Engines, Apps, America

Industrial Farms, Highways, Freeways, Air Travel, America

During the 20th Century America was sizzle popping in terms of Economic Progress from 1950 onward, though by 1971 Richard Dildo Nixon took the US dollar off the Gold Standard, so after 1973 OPEC oil spaz, the Economic Growth in GDP & real wage increases virtually stopped in America. In other words while people income continues to increase in America, the number of misleading because inflation from Fiat quantum easing means the real purchasing power of Americans has been stagnant since 1974, with no real increasing in actual wages in terms of what that weaker money today actually buys. I have complained for years now, about unaffordable housing nearby, where homes that sold for around $100K in 1980s are selling for more than $1 million today, while wages did not go up like that, so much elder poverty exists because their social security payments are fixed at 1999 levels while gasoline, groceries, clothing, medications, everything else in terms of lifestyle basics for consumption to live has become 2X or 3X or 4X more expensive, making more older people proportionally more poor with time.

Spain was the world's economic superpower in the 1700's, France slightly later, England after that, Germany, America, Italy, Japan

Toyota Lexus makes the highest quality vehicles in the world, a product of the Japanese industrial miracles from 1960 to 2002 & Toyota a major part of the Japanese economy today.

South Korea took off after 1970 & the economy of South Korea will peak in about 2030, like the US Economy peaked in 1968. The German Economy peaked by 2004. The Italian economy peaked by 2014. These are my loose opinions, but the main idea is that the G7 countries already peaked long ago, while China not only has no national debt & hundreds of billions in surplus, they also have been stockpiling real gold coins and bars, since the Chinese Yuan a weakening fiat currency, worse than the dollar, part of why it was so much cheaper for so long to Made in China manufacturing on many levels. I think the Chinese Economy will peak in 2080, then new up and coming like Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Laos, Cambodia, Viet Nam, those cheaper countries will have economic peaks in the 2100 years, since they have not accelerated yet. India has at least 50 more years of rapid economic growth.

So if you want to invest, invest in economies that are up & coming undergoing early industrialization with lots of room for ongoing economic growth, while the labor & everything else in those counties is still cheap so manufacturing stuff there gives your company a huge profit advantage. 

Global Economic Collapse Pending : A Worldwide House of Cards that WWIII Blows Up

The most important blog posting I have ever published, this is more than a PSA, it is a HARD WARNING, URGENT EMERGING GLOBAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE

US dollar slowly losing value due to inflation of 3-9% annually, such that in 30 years, in 2055, the $100 US Bill will have about the same buying power as $12.50 twelve dollars fifty cents does today in 2025 / but consider also that inflation a hidden tax that takes away purchasing power of your dollars such that you have to invest in high dividend yield stocks or profitable businesses that return at least 12-14% annually in terms of profits or dividend payments in order to avoid being penalized by income inequality because the dollar keeps losing value or its ability to pay for products & services or be used to service (pay off/ down) any loans public or private. At least dollars have high fungibility better than gold coins or silver coins, in terms of the ease of spending money on a credit card or debit card (use credit cards they are 50X safer in terms of transaction fraud)(pay off monthly credit balance to zero out 0.00 balance monthly to avoid being screwed by interests charges, which would be like paying more for the stuff you buy. 

USD dollar a Ponzi scheme where the Treasury of the USA writes an IOU called a Federal Treasury Bond to the Federal Reserve Banking System, which then create more Fugazi trillions in new currency (not money, not gold, fiat currencies are enforced by government & have no real value) so more funny money enters the Federal Government which increases National Debt continually, as the dishonest jerks in the Congress & Senate of the USA spend fake money like a drunk pirate on stuff the public would never vote for, on USAP programs that even the Congress & Senate would never vote for, & all sorts of other wasteful government agencies, that continually increased the number of Americans that work for the Government until the US Government became the largest employer amongst all other US businesses. 

Read the Book (click blue hyperlink text of book title below to go to Amazon) or you can get a used copy at Half Price Books or similar used book store nearby. 

The Creature from Jekyll Island : A Second Look at the Federal Reserve

Fiat means fake currency, real money like silver or gold coins have had value through all modern history going back thousands of years, since silver & gold are tangible useful metals that can be utilized in a bewildering array of different products & services, with intrinsic useful value as metals, and the same can be said of copper, aluminum, steel & iron, platinum, lead, nickel, cobalt, go through the periodic table, the human body itself contains 126 different chemical elements. 

Back in 2008 the collapse of major financial institutions in America followed up by Government bailouts & stimulus packages, also during 2020 COVID19 debacle, but the problem started when Richard Nixon suspended the conversion of US dollars to Gold & from Gold to US dollars, pegged at $35 per ounce of gold, thus converting the dollar from a representative currency to a FIAT or fake currency made up by governments that issue such low brow unintelligent unwise foolish prone to hyperinflation & total loss of value fiat currencies of many kinds used in many countries today, all of which have a long term trajectory of total loss of value & fiat currency collapse or extreme runway hyperinflation like the Weimar republic of post WWI Germany & the stellar failure of its currency, also a fiat currency. 

How about the Russian Ruble during the collapse of the Soviet Union & end of the global Cold War, today 1 Russian Ruble worth 0.009 dollar US, having declined in value vs the dollar significantly over time as evidenced in the following image of currency conversion, noting the orange line of the graph showing the rapid loss of value of the Ruble vs the Dollar, when the dollar itself has lost 97% of its purchasing power since 1913

Governments around the world are using every national debt trick under the sun, every cleaver financial instrument, complex financial math from the worlds smartest people, smoke & mirrors at the highest level to prop up the house of cards that the current global economy philosophically consists of, noting that it does not take much, certainly less than world war 3, to blow that house of cards over & cause all fiat currencies to experience runaway hyperinflation losing all purchasing power or value instantly. 

Yes, the economy you work in can & will vanish suddenly with little warning. Get your heart right with God, in the name of Christ Jesus as your Lord & Savior, cause its not going to get bumpy or like COVID19 closures, its going to devolve during WWIII into a horror or hell on Earth as bad or worse than worldwide nuclear war. 

Diseases will spread rapidly of many kinds due to the release of bioweapons of every kind during WWIII. Food shortages, power outages long terms & global internet blackout for months, will not only cripple most services, it will cause a total collapse & up to 99% of humans worldwide will die within just a few months. 

Look, maybe you have notice that something just does not seem right, that something about business as usual just does not feel the way it should & you know in your heart that something major happening in the background, something really bad, like that weird feeling people had for the couple of years leading up to covid 19, but this time you know its bad like world war three or a global economic collapse much worse than 2008. 

Have you noticed that housing prices that had been soaring for the last 10 years are now slipping 10% less & days on market of houses for sale increasing to 100 days with no offers, well your not alone, people all around the world are noticing signs of the economy slowing down suddenly. What most people do not know is that voting for Donald Trump as the next American president actually kept world war three from breaking out suddenly & Trump says, in one of his recent speeches that once he talks to Vladimir Putin his longterm friend, the War in the Ukraine will end righty away. 

I voted for Trump to protect the US economy from rapidly collapsing, a chaos goal of the extremely left woke movement that actually espouses the idea of depopulating the world of people, so they can wrangle control as a one party global super power rising from the ashes of what fell apart & actively seek to subvert global economies using NGOs & crooked banking to destabilize markets & short & call & all sorts of currency & market manipulation, including de-platforming anyone who pipes up about their evil schemes by labeling such person bigots when the woke are actually espousing racism towards Men, Christians, Married Couples, & endorse gender confusion by suggesting that a person can identify as up to 620 different things. Like a bag of beans or a coffee machine or a rock, because obviously such people must have been hit in the head by a rock at high velocity to have enough brain damage to suggest someone identify as an inanimate object, when we all know people are either Men XY genetically or Women XX genetically #Science #Biology 

It is hard to know how many people at the highest levels of governments know that the Federal Reserve Banking System, Federal Treasury Bonds & the Treasure are along with the Governments of France, Japan, Korea, & many others, effectively running a giant Ponzi scheme at the highest level, which itself comprises most of the global economy today in 2025.

I started wondering how it is possible for all world governments to hold national debt at the same time, as if everyone owes everyone. Well, the answer was so disturbing that I almost blamed myself & committed suicide upon learning this. They, the people in power in world governments are engaged in an organized orgy of fake currency manipulation & creation sucking each other off with bribery & corruption of every kind & I use these grotesque terms because these sleazy jerks are not only spending in ways that directly continually increase national debt, they are old & know fully that your children & grand children will end up footing the bill with an economic betrayal historically unprecedented. 

Not only is life going to be harder for them, for future generations, it will be more expensive, more difficult, with less class mobility, increasing income inequality, into a small minority of halves and the great majority of people in radical poverty compared to middle class Americans today. Consider also that the biological warfare in World War Three will kill off 99% of people worldwide. Back to gold coins, silver coins & representational currencies, trade, bartering, urban gardening, suburban abandoned home deserts, no running water or electricity, advanced communal camping for the fittest of people that survive. Perhaps upon the ashes of this decay future generations will build another advanced civilization like we have today, hanging by a thread or coasting on fumes of better times past, the systems are poised to collapse at any moment & more people are feeling a deep seated unease knowing that someone bad about to happen that makes life a lot worse for everyone. 

Carbon Combustion Air Pollution vs Climate Change

Melting permafrost emitting methane 100X more potent as a greenhouse gas than CO2 emitted from the combustion of carbon or hydrocarbon fuels, biomass, wood, heavy bunker oil, coal, natural gas, gasoline, diesel, butane, propane, you know, the way people make heat for cooking & heating indoor spaces during the winter, or to make hot water for showers or cleaning dishes or laundry. How much is sanitation worth?

Do you think that breathing air pollution is good for public health? Then how can anyone defend the increasing use of coal as an energy source when its the most polluting of all ways of making heat & power in terms of toxic coal power emissions per unit of energy generated by burning coal. Nuclear Fission power reactors by comparison are by far the cheapest & safest way of making electricity, and that is an irrefutable scientific fact with lots of historical, current & emerging evidence.

Heat Death means that we create so much energy with chemical reactions that effectively everything warms to the same temperature so there is no remaining difference in temperature to exploit for power generation or any other propose in lifeforms, as all chemical energy has completely diffused to the lowest possibly energy states or with zero remaining chemical energy potential, heat death not exactly runaway climate change from exceeding so many global tipping points, it means that all the waste heat emitted from everything gradually continually warms the entire biosphere to an point where there is no difference & everything is the same temperature. Perhaps billions of years away, and by then the Sun will have swollen into a red giant & boiled off the oceans of the Earth anyways. Did I mention that even Stars in space are temporary & have a finite life. 

Try to make the best of your finite time alive while you still can, living with regret sucks. Consider living a life of service & adventure, more love, more joy, more happiness, more experiences, more action, more happening, more life in your time alive :) Good luck & God's blessing friends! 

What is more important, public health or climate change ? You might argue that UPF junk foods are more harmful that emissions of toxic pollutants, but there is no doubt that smog harms lung tissue, that traffic tailpipe emissions inhaled by people driving in traffic are not good for their health or the health of people walking or bicycling nearby. Even EV's emit more tire dust because of that fun acceleration instant torque from the electric motors & battery that make accelerating an EV more fun with low noise & so much smear your face into your seat Tesla Model whatever instant torque smile inducing silent acceleration, though there is something emotional about a manual transmission in an E90 M3 by BMW, for the real drivers out there, like me with a CDL who drive turbo diesel 40 ft long school buses with 63 children that belong to other people, a humongous responsibly that I gladly take on daily as an expert driver! 

Coal is cheap, cheaper than wood, gasoline, diesel, propane, even cheaper than electricity per thermal unit of energy created by burning coal, but burning coal releases enormous amounts of toxic heavy & radioactive metals & oxides thereof as fly ash, & particulate matter or PM toxic to lung cells, but also toxic to animals & ecosystems of all kinds. While coal power the dirtiest kind of electricity, nuclear fission reactor are the cleanest safest way of making electricity, and with SMR arrays being installed & more to be installed soon, we are in the middle of the 4th industrial paradigm & a nuclear energy renaissance to help decarbonize all sorts of energy worldwide, thankfully! 

Berk Gilman Trail 8.9 miles on Foot

Meg & went for a long walk yesterday, on one of our favorite trails in the Pacific Northwest, near Seattle, Washington, USA, it took a few hours, we averaged about 3 miles per hour

Staying active an important part of overall health!

Walking move the blood around your body & brain & limbs & muscles, burning glucose in the blood that got there from eating foods & drinking beverages containing such things a sucrose or fructose or HFCS

By the way, did you know that staying physically fit helps with emotional & mental health

Incredibly, the hormonal benefits, neurotransmitter benefits, strengthening of muscles & bones, fasting water-only for 3 days, intermitted fasting, calorie restriction with adequate nutrition & exercise all exploit the same cellular mechanism of the epigenetic and genetic expressions that respond to any of these lifestyle choices similarly, in other words, you get the same kinds of benefits from regular exercise as you do from intermitted fasting or doing a 3 day water only fast a few times per year

I share this valuable factually accurate information with the hopes that it will help someone, blessings and warm regards friends! Happy New Years 2025

Pollution Immoral Because it Sickens All Life on Earth

Understanding toxicity very simple / some emissions like smog from traffic or coal power plant pollution consist of smoke, fumes, soot, vapors, that when such enter the body, they damage membranes, blog hormones, inactivate enzymes, bind to oxygen or sulfur, form polymers that damage proteins, or chemically destroy DNA or epigenetic mechanisms. Its all about valence electron exchanges, such that toxic substances are reactive in living organisms like humans & insects, such that the substances applied for pest management on farms tends to harm the human body in a variety of ways that becomes diseases like many kinds of cancer or brain, liver or kidney damage.

A very small number of people profit from the externalities of pollution, such that emitting pollutants makes improves the profits of businesses they own & operate with low social intelligence or narcissistic disregard for the health or wellness or wellbeing of other people with the vile maxim "all for us (elite) and nothing for anyone else as their guiding principle. 

Profitable business emit pollution to subsidize their profits, because responsible preventing the release of toxic emissions expensive, requiring advanced emissions capturing technology, like DPF & Urea injection exhaust control of Diesel Engine emissions. Many pollutants would not exist if it was cheap & easy to retrofit power plants & oil refineries or chemical processing plants with eco-safe emissions control & capture systems, but such systems required capital expenses, engineering, upgrading or there is no free lunch in physics. 

To improve anything requires people to invest time, energy, focus, money, collaboration, intelligence, skills, gifts, abilities, with a common goal, with organization, and there are so many different problems to focus on, it can be hard to narrow the scope of where to invest government funding for example, where the biggest possible difference can be achieved. Sadly the private markets of the world fail to invest in the cleanest technology, nuclear energy for example, the cleanest safest way of making electricity, because a new nuclear power plant runs a capital cost deficit for up to 20 years before making & selling electricity to utility customers, but also have the highest long term return on investment, but investors are impatient & want quick returns because everyone running out of time alive. 

Innovation means feasible cleaner technology that makes better products & services while also reducing emissions of toxic pollutants or side reaction products. We can learn a lot from biochemistry via biomimicry to remove pollution from air & water to clean up the environments of Earth of previously emitted heavy metals & toxic acid mine drainage, that would be with GMO bacteria and yeast & reusable polymer beads capture systems. We can improve all industrial activity with smart cost effective solutions seeking problems today. In other words, we can make all human activities less polluting with more applied intelligence. Knowledge is power to improve anything, by applying skills and understand to solving problems. Knowing empowering because it shows people continually better ways of doing all things, to make better products & services that are eco-friendly & that do not harm or damage nature or people. 

Computer Universal Serial Bus vs Human CNS & Brain

Connecting computer peripherals, like plugging your smartphone into a desktop or laptop might include USB-C like this 2022 MacBook M2 MacBook Pro that only has 2 input output USB-C ports, incidentally that broke & I had to take it back to the Apple Store in Bellevue Square Mall to have it fixed for about $100 / since that's is also the only way to get power into it in order to charge the long lasting battery. 

Apple Silicon Power Efficiency Amazing

I say long lasting because this thing has amazing all day battery life compared to perhaps an hour or so on the 2020 F17 Asus gaming laptop. That is in part because this MacBook Pro M2 chip contains the SOC CPU & GPU cores & was made on TSMC's flagship ASML chip making such that the power efficiency blows the Intel NVIDIA chip combo in my gaming laptop out of the water, then again that machine has superior gaming performance via Windows 11 Steam and Counterstrike 2 :)

Signals Entering Your Brain

Your brain has things plugged into it, namely your ears to sense sound pressure waves in the air near your head, to see photons bouncing off other things in the fovea of the retina of your eyes, from your nasal bulb & tongue in your mouth to taste & smell via liquid gas chromatography sensing, & the proprioception from the nerves & muscles for both sensing & control for touch, balance & coordination so that you can move and do any of the myriad of possible things a person is able to do. 

USB History vs Type C Power Confusion

USB-A was that rectangular strong one way USB connector that's been on computers since 1996, with many charging cables or connection cables of many kind, its bigger & far more robust than that stupid micro-usb on so many android phones & similar for so long. While Apple went from USB-A to 30 pin then USB-A to lightning, now USB-C to lightning & USB-C to USB-C, or firewire too, USB-C with its flip & use either way connections only confused by power levels of different cables. Please excuse the detailed comparisons, but it requires understanding to prevent wire fires with USB-C cables. 

USB Type-C basic alone ports 5 volts 3 amps or (V)(A)=(P) 15 Watts

USB-C PD up to 20 volts 5 ams or 100 watts

USB-C PD 3.1 up to 48 volts 5amps or 240 watts 

HDMI kind of like your optic nerves connecting both eyes & cholera nerves in both ears, to pipe video & sound signals into your brain a high bit rates.

Food energy combined with CNS control of movement, thinking, muscles & balanced to get, prepare & eat or drink things for metabolic fuel, similar to the high power levels & data speeds of USB-C PD

Human Energy Levels

The typical human body runs at about 100 watts of energy, slightly less when sitting resting or sleeping, slightly more when walking, working out, and in fit athletes can scale to a sustained 250 watts for a few hours, while peak human output in very fit olympic athlete young men in their early 20's can hit 1000 watts for 10 seconds, and hold 700 watts for up to 30 seconds. 

Human Battery Life 

A human has a typical daily runtime of 16 hours with an 8 hours sleeping window & 7 hours of actual sleep, which varies considerably since young children can sleep 16 hours or more & very old people can barely sleep for 5 hours per night. The body energy levels in a young small child & very old person are much lower than that of a fit olympic athlete or elite performer in peak physical shape. 

Age, Activities, & Calories Required

In my early twenties I was hyperactive & could easily eat 8000+ calories per day in 5 huge meals, without feeling bloated or full & kept a tight muscular 155 lb body mass at 5 ft 11 inches tall, and would wake at 5 am & go full steam until 11 pm every day :) Now I am 41 years old & can get away with eating 3200 calories on slow days & need 4600 calories on high output days, & can slow my metabolism even more if I deliberately rest & barely move all day, I can get away with 2000 calories & if I am very careful to not move hardly at all, 1500 calories. 

Estimating Metabolic Rate

I am able to indirectly measure my metabolic rate & calories required by careful body mass measurement compared to VO2 max, breathing rate, heart rate, skin temperature & other health variables I track with Ringconn Smart Ring & Apple Watch Series 8, to iPhone Health & Fitness Apps, then compare that to what I am eating in terms of macros, while I mostly focus on micronutrients lately to get all the essential vitamins & minerals. 

Sleep Health Reflections 

I try to get at least 4 complete sleep cycles with deep sleep & possibly a few more light sleep cycles for rest, in bed for at least 9 hours to get at least 7 hours of total sleep, & able to work ok on 5 hours of sleep, but do better with 6 hours & feel even better with 7 hours, its really about getting more deep sleep time, though the increasing in REM time lately makes the dreaming even more interesting, even though its totally random, I mean the content of the  dreaming completely random. 

Transdermal Medications HRT Sticks vs Toxic Air Pollution & Toxic Food Additives or Water Pollutants Poisonous to Human Health

Everyone starts out as a single cell in their mother's womb, then what the mother eats or drinks or exposed too enters the blood stream of the developing fetus, which become a baby before being born into the world as as person just as you & all other people have done in history.

Transdermal Medications like Estrogen Progesterone Stickers for HRT or Hormone Replacement Therapy come with a highly folded very thin paper with technical information about how the medications works by being absorbed through the skin into the blood stream, so what of unhealthy or toxic cosmetics, makeup, personal hygiene items, toxic soap additives, microplastics, tire tread erosion particles, fumes from tailpipe emissions people breathe while driving in traffic in vehicles that even filter the air for the engines intake, but what about our nose, nasal bulb, throat, bronchial network & lungs? 

Where is the filter to prevent toxic or poisonous particles & fumes from traffic or coal power or other industrial emissions from moving beyond the thin membranes in the lungs or mucus membranes in the mouth or throat or bronchial network? What about smoking vs breathing smoke from fire, does it sound health to breath in ceramic dust when using a diamond blade to cut tiles, rock or concrete? Does it make sense to climb into a volcano to harvest yellow sulfur without a respiratory filter? All the literature about indoor air filtering systems make bold claims about the value of filtering out particles like fine particulate matter or mold spores or smoke or soot or fumes, even those fumes created by cooking in the kitchen inside without proper venting. 

10,000 chemical food additives are perfectly legal to add to UPF or ultra processed foods that comprise up to 73% of what the SAD or standard American diet consists of, or what people are buying at Safeway when shopping for groceries in America, since many Americans today have a low nutritional IQ & have no idea what I am talking about here, or are unable to integrate this kind of information into safer food purchasing choices by buying pasture raised organic eggs & high quality organic chicken & organic dairy not treated with recombined bovine growth hormone, from pasture raised cows that eat grass not grain. Farmers have known to fatter up livestock feed them corn, soy, wheat, grains, since grass fed cattle are not fatty, with lean healthier meat that's healthier to eat. Many people filter their water at home through activated carbon multi stage water filters claimed to trap pollutants & poisons that could be present in tap water even in parts of America where the water quality relatively good. 

Leptin blockers make people stop feeling full or prevent them from feeling satisfied or satiated while eating so they keep eating more than a normal serving with a popular phrase "Once you pop you can not stop" in reference to UPF chips in aluminized cardboard cylinders with a plastic lid wrapped in colorful graphics with bold flavor claims from all the Bliss Point additives synthetic & chemical designed to hijack the brain like smoking crack cocaine. UPF companies are actually using the chemical engineering & marketing playbooks of 1950's tobacco companies, mostly to market unhealthy UPF junk food to children who are unable to make sense of the trickery & easily fooled by the marketing actions of UPF companies who make "Free Games" for tablets & smartphones that children like to play where the mascot of the unhealthy UPF food the protagonist of the game. Ghrelin additives make people feel more hungry, while the bright coloring agents added creative visual pop since we know that people tend to "Eat with their eyes first" even though such artificial colors are the same kind used in automotive paint, & very unhealthy or poisonous or toxic to consume, especially the ones made from coal tar using industrial chemistry. 

Did you know that many small farms dust their crops with a 100LL fueled piston aircraft that also dusts the crop with micro-fine lead dust emissions from the engine. Dust their crops with fungicide, herbicide, insecticide, & pesticides, also fertilizers. Aspartame, Sucralose as artificial sweeteners are chlorinated carbon molecules that look very similar to many agrochemical molecules known to harm humans health, especially that of pregnant women or their babies. Did you know that older people & younger children are more sensitive to toxic or poisonous chemicals, in the children they have tiny liver & kidney, less body water & any toxins that enter have long term damaging effects, while older people have reduced liver & kidney function from exposure to all those crazy insane chemical food additives, pollutants of many kinds & agrochemicals & industrial emissions, like the fumes emitted at Foam Blowing facilities, Automotive Painting facilities, Industrial Chemical Processing & Oil Refineries but also unhealthy dangerous hazardous poisonous & toxic particles, fumes, dust, smoke & smog in traffic emitted from the tailpipes, brake pad & tire tread erosion, exhaust emissions like CO that are poisons or NOX or PM 2.5 or HC hydrocarbon fumes or Soot from diesel exhaust from old trucks or the soot & fumes & particles emitted by coal power plant emissions. 

The very thing that makes transdermal medications work the same reason that so many pollutants enter the body by going through membranes. In other words humans absorb things from the environment unintentionally. Through lax FDA regulation many additional poisons enter people as snack food additives like artificial colors that are proven with high quality evidence to be carcinogens or to increase ADD & ADHD in children who consume UPF artificially colored food & beverages regularity. Where UPF foods are adopted around the world in many countries people eating ultra processed foods are becoming fatter & sicker with all the diseases associated with the very toxic effects of the strange chemicals added to so many ultra processed foods or UPF. I think that many people working at the FDA are well meaning, but some of them are evil crooks who have succumbed to briber and corruption from many UPF manufacturing companies, the likes of whom make Oreo Cookies with 256 ingredients, most of which are hidden under vague terms in the ingredients as "Natural & Artificial Flavors" 

I was intent on drawing a parallel between local, state, & national economies with the cells, organics, & systems of the human body. In many ways all organs are made of cells, but the organs are also different & made of different kinds of cells, just as an economies is made of people, but different parts of the economy are made of different kinds of people, with different skills & abilities, different incomes, different buying patterns, different lifestyles, foods, beverages, sleep habits, hydration, content they watch, what they talk about, who they associate with, what they know, who they know, the people they great up with & much more. You can easily see that a person is multilayer just like an economy, or many modern economies with running water, electricity, high speed internet, microwave ovens, cars, SUV, trucks, homes, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, you know all hooked up paying property taxes & utility bills with income they make from working, getting to work in an automobile or car, battery electric, hybrid or ICE internal combustion engine powered vehicles of many kinds. 

The founder of gave an inspiring talk, about chasing your passion. My passion is to communicate these ideas to free other people with the factual truth from high quality scientific evidence emerging. I do not mention his name, but he is also responsible for the aerospace company Blue Origin. He started 25 years ago with the ideas of selling books online, when the internet was early & very new, back when UPS, USPS, FEDEX, DHL, moved boxes & packages, long before blue amazon trucks. Now billions of brown cardboard boxes ship Amazon Prime orders worldwide daily. Like many other big industries, the idea of people buying things from other people, retail, in first person, ancient in markets, shopping malls, bizarres, from local vendors, from stalls selling things of all kinds, especially food, or edible things like nuts, beans, candy, meat, prepared meals, street food, clothing, tools, equipment, computers, cell phones, smartphones, SIM cards, canned food, fish, beef, sauces, spices, gold & silver coins or bars, money exchanges, banks, currency exchanges, telecommunications, services of many kinds & much more. 

What about the person who comes to fix the crawlspace of home? What about the guy who services your roof, windows or siding? Who does the remodel, who can fix the electrical or plumbing? No robots or websites will replace contractors who fix & repairs homes, not for a long time & certainly not around the world, because people live in many different ways that the ways I have listed that typical Americans live. You become more like that which you continue doing over time, your lifestyle reflect the reality of where you live, who you interact with & what you choose to do with your time. I spend time writing these blog posting as a kind of community service, or what my friends all a Public Service Announcement from Sargent Science-fair or yours truly, me the guy typing these posting up on a physical keyboard with both hands controlled by the brain that changes itself. 

Colon Cancer vs Cheap Cooking Oil Exposed

Rape Seed Oil sold as cheap vegetable oil, not only has nothing to do with vegetables, but also goes through 56 industrial processing stages like crude oil does at an oil refinery. Be clear, cheap cooking oil very unhealthy with virtually no Omega 3 fats & far too much Omega 6 fats, & it's made from GMO industrial farming seed oils & just like hydrogenated cotton seed oil sold as Crisco rife with trans fats poisonous to the human cardiovascular system, these cheap cooking oils are UPF or ultra processed food & included as an ingredient in many commonly sold snack foods or UPF food sold in colorful bags & boxes with long ingredients listings, artificial colors, abundant amounts of sugar, unhealth fat, no fiber & too much sodium or salt. 

Use EVOO or extra virgin olive oil, cold pressed. I like authentic French & Irish organic butter for cooking & cook pasture raised eggs in such delicious expensive butter :) For higher temperature cooking we use Avocado & Peanut oil, we as in Meg or I, depending on who is cooking, since we alternate. 

Western Diets are associated with high quality evidence with Diseases of Civilization
Cancer, Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Obesity & Chronic Inflammation, Many Autoimmune Diseases
We know that many artificial colors in UPF are known human carcinogens & there is high quality evidence that children who eat a lot of artificial colors in UPF foods have higher incidence of ADD & ADHD & cancers that normally only affect very old people & almost never affect very young people. 

SAD or Standard American Diet known worldwide to promote disease & disorders, causing people to become fatter & sicker around the world where such diet trends are adopted locally. This means we are literally exporting harm by teaching people to replace traditional diets with western disease promoting UPF heavy diets, such that in America a typical grocery store or supermarket has more than 100,000 edible items, about 73 percent of which are UPF & include ingredients that most people do not understand, cannot pronounce & have no idea what those strange chemical names even mean, listed in the ingredients, including ambiguous listings like Natural & Artificial Flavors. Evil when such vague terms are used to hide up to 10,000 different shelf life bliss point flavor chemical additives specifically added to blog leptin the hormone that makes people feel full after eating, so that people can eat many servings of UPF in sequence, empty calories of UPF foods with low nutritional value, so no matter how much they over eat different UPF they never get the essential micronutrients & feel fatter & sicker with time because of specific dietary deficiencies of critical vitamins & minerals. 

In the western world its common to think about food with nutritional labels in terms of Macros or Macronutrients like Carbohydrates, Fats & Protein content in grams per serving, but while that kind of information can be useful it also misses the bigger picture of essential vitamins & minerals typically missing entirely from empty calorie UPF snack foods for example. UPF makers typically fortify them by adding in tiny amounts of vitamins, but this never replaces the kind of highly nutritious food that people have been eating in traditional societies made of real whole natural foods still sold around the outer edges or borders of a grocery store, all the perishable stuff like leafy greens, veggies, fruits, berries, nuts, seeds, beef, chicken, fish, eggs, milk, dairy, all real food, natural with one ingredients, ingredients that people cook homemade meals at home with or at least they did in the past when Mom was a stay home mom & dad went to work to earth the income to pay the bills, but economic changes mean that Mom & Dad have to work to pay for life's basics, especially if they have children, at least in an near big cities like Seattle, WA, USA where homes in the suburbs that originally sold for less than $100,000 now sell for more than $1 million. 

Many people tight on income or short on money economize at the grocery store buying cheaper foods, but so often the cheapest stuff also UPF and not health to consume as a primary part of anyone's diet. Fastfood restaurants are guilty of making food with or like UPF, too much salt, sugar & unhealthy fat, not enough fiber, quality protein or critical essential micronutrients, or what could be called empty calories like so many alcoholic beverages & sodas sweetened with HFCS or high fructose corn syrup, both of which cause fatty liver disorders. 

Cup your hands together into a bowl shape, that is a serving size relative to your body size more or less, eating more than that in one serving can be dangerous to your health by impeding digestive processes that must convert what you chew up into a liquid that can pass nutrients through the membranes in your small intestine as thin liquid broken down previously by bile & stomach acid, then into the portal vein of your liver, then to your large intestine for moisture extraction, while the kidneys filter the blood. Your body also has an apocrine system which moves fluids in your lymph nodes & skin & organs which is also filtered by the liver & kidneys. Our skin absorbs chemicals applied to it, so do the mucus membranes in our mouth, throat, stomach, you're a wet warm sponge as a person, and that is why so many pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, industrial pollutants, heavy metals, vehicle exhaust & microplastics are so harmful to health, because these toxic poisons get into the body where the block enzymes, steal electrons, inactivate enzymes, cause oxidative stress, pop membranes, damage mitochondria, or do any other method of toxic negative harmful impact on health by damaging cells & organs that translates into diseases & disorders in medicine & physiology respectively. 

Dawn Phenomena

When you sleep, your body enters an anabolic state of rest and recovery. Many people sleep at the end of the day for 4 to 9 hours at night before waking up to start the next day. Some younger people required even more sleep when they are developing, like babies & teenagers, as that time in life requires more time in anabolic build, repair, recover states when we are sleeping. When we are awake, we are in a catabolic state, where stresses of many kinds break down things in the body, sweat blood & tears if you make it happen with action on that farm, hunting, cleaning, doing yard work, working out, getting hot & sweaty with fitness activities or similar. 

Our body undergoes dawn hormonal shift processes to help us wake up in the morning. Melatonin from our brain that helped us sleep well gives way to the anti-inflammatory cortisol steroid the helps us wake up & stimulate getting out of bed & getting going. Your liver dumps glucose into your blood so that when you open your eyes your brain has glucose to process the imaging signals from your eyes so you can see to coordinate all the movements of your day with vision, balance & coordination, all choreographed by your brain, which is in a cerebral spinal fluid filled skull of bone isolated from sound & light from the world. Your CNS is your brains control internet of the body with each system of the body like a computer of its own. The human gut for example a powerful brain with 11 billion neurons, which is why what we eat so important to our immunity, brain function, fitness, overall health, energy levels, body mass, bone & muscle strength, & so many other aspects of health strongly influenced by what we eat or drink. That makes diet or what you eat or feed your family worth thinking about more & prioritizing health foods in your budget. 

Car Price vs Monthly Payments Scam Beware

Let us say you buy a car for $45,000 before taxes & license, out the door that is more like $50K

Monthly Payments Based on Term of Loan

36 months: $1,369
48 months: $1,057
60 months: $870
72 months: $746
84 months: $657

Look at how you end up paying 22% more on a 6% car loan for 7 years or 84 months 

36 months: $49,284
48 months: $50,728
60 months: $52,199
72 months: $53,696
84 months: $55,220

That means a rich person can walk win with $45K in cash, drive off with the new car.
If you have a payment, you are going to pay up to $10,000 more in interest charges, so the poor person who has to finance the car ends up getting hosed or ripped off & paying way more. 

Merry Christmas 2024 YouTube Video Custom Song #Love #4K #nativity #christmas #peace #joy #happiness

Jesus Christ was born of poor teen parents, in one of the most backward places of the Roman Empire

He recruited men to teach them the love of our Lord God, the master creator of all in all realms

Jesus is for you, in you, with you & about you if you love God the way he commanded & turn away from habitual sin. There is nothing you have done that God will not forgive you of if you pray unto his holy name for guidance & help & turn away from sinful acts & become godly & Christ like in thought, action, word & behavior, thinking of & treating other people as better than yourself.

I need Jesus Christ, God & the Holy Spirit badly on many levels & readily admit on X formerly Twitter why I need faith in God, because I am prone to many kinds of sin & disobedience & am a flawed hypocrite sinner no better than any other person & think of all other people as better than me because I have remodeled my heart after the example that Christ Jesus set after reading the bible 2X in 2020 & going to the For My Life retreat in Georgia with Meg my lovely wife. 

I will openly admit that I have an ongoing problem looking upon graven images, something that started as a teenager when my adoptive parents thought I was gay gave me heterosexual pornography magazines like Playboy & Hustler, so that I would pleasure myself (jerking off) to the images of physically beautiful young women featured in such publications. Their idea was that this could condition me to date girls of my age & pursue future relationships with women. What is most sad about this is that I was never gay & never found men sexually attractive as a biological XY boy & then man, my natural genetic gender. 

I am not against gay or lesbian or transgender people, only saying that I am a biological XY man married to an XX female named Megan. I only find women sexually attractive, not men. I also like when a man loves a woman & songs about this. I am old fashioned & prefer the nuclear family between mom & dad & children over modern examples of family configurations other than that, but am determined to show all other people loving kindness & not judge anyone, so that I might show people the love of God, the love of Christ Jesus who died for anyone who calls upon his name as Lord & Savior, so that they may not die in death but have everlasting life in heaven through salvation unto God through Christ Jesus, amen! 

In my early 20's my adoptive parents chastised me for not going to night clubs or clubbing to rapid date women to find what I "Like" & to have "A good time" as I alternated between serving missions for the Pentagon & coming home again to read Wikipedia for thousands of hours for many hours every day when home, to learn more about everything with an unquenchable curiosity to learn as much as possible to prove everyone who doubted my ability to exceed wrong. 

I worked out weight training, snowboarding, bicycle riding, hiking, increasing my strength & endurance to prove everyone wrong who doubted me, while college & Wikipedia helped me as a savant to increase my understanding & knowledge about all things, with a desires to become God like in understanding to prove everyone who doubted me wrong, to show up the people who bullied me & made fun of me in school for being weak, uncoordinated, gay, soft, & weak. I was determined to overcome, to rise above, to become exceptional in every regard, to show all the naysayers wrong & prove their inaccurate assessments of me were wrong & off basis. I was determined to become a literate scholar of many subjects, inspired by Leonardo Di Vinci & Albert Einstein & Nikola Tesla. 

I have many hobbies currently laser engraving, previously 3D printing, working on cars, making things with tools DIT style fixing, repairing & upgrading things. I have proclivity for advance scrapping & breakdown of broken electronics & pro recycling worldview & preference & like VFD's displays & LPS lighting with magnetic ballasts & other antique technology like Tube TV's & microwave ovens while I also embrace modern Hybrid electric cars since 2004 & promote Toyota examples on Myspace, then Facebook now X formerly Twitter. I like superior efficiency air source mini-split heat pumps as the best solution to HVAS for most indoor spaces. I promote Speed Queen reliable washers & dryers that last a long time in daily use cases in the real world, & Sun Frost fridges that use 90% less energy with intelligent designs made in California to order for expensive prices for the storage volume compared with other fridge brands for example. I really like the idea of going less with less fuel & lower emissions & our 100 MPG 2013 Honda PCX-150 scooter a great warm weather vehicle example of such, as is our 2010 Prius III or 2022 Corolla Hybrid. My current bike a 2020 Yamaha MT03 & with 40 HP it is fast enough with a top speed of 112 MPH. Incredibly I get over 60 MPG in both the Corolla Hybrid and MT-03 on regular unleaded gasoline. 

I want to encourage you by telling you that I am a work in progress, still being remodeled by God as I continue to seek relief from mental torment to do the wrong thing or think or act inappropriately. I have never actually cheated on my wife in first person, but have done so in thought, which makes me upset & hate myself. I often wonder what is wrong with me, that I would have such thoughts, but know where the entered my mind. Back when I was 16 years old living with my parents, when they gave me those taboo magazines, I had first experienced suicidal depression after taking a class in high school called contemporary American History, where I learn things that made me anger & bitter about the way the world is today & was recently. More recently I chose to forgive my earthly genetic father, who left when I was a newborn baby, traveling from America to India never to return. I chose to forgive the adults who sexually abused me as a young boy. I chose to forgive people who were mean to me in high school & college. I chose to forgive people who did me wrong, who cheated me, who betrayed me, who slandered me, who made me feel horrible by speaking intensely mean words to me, who cheated on me, who abused me, who neglected me, every person who did wrong against me, I made a conscious willful choice to freely readily forgive them so that God does the same for me when I die & face him for final  judgement in Heaven. 

I know that people struggle in different ways with temptation, lust of the flesh, idolatry, sin, & other kinds of inappropriate thoughts, but you never have to give into them & act on them. Just stop & say, it is ok, I know I am not perfect, but I am not that which I think or hear in my mind, & I chose to obey God, I chose obedience unto Christ Jesus empowered by the Holy Spirt. There is no such thing as a perfect person so do not feel bad if you need help like me. I share these hard truths, exposing my inner weaknesses publicly with the hope of helping someone else to make the world a better place for all people in a small way, even if I only help one other person that validates my life is meaningful with purpose. 

Emergency Backup Generators

Fukushima flooded nuclear power reactor meltdown was because TEPCO failed to follow GE's advice to put the diesel backup generators on the roofs of the reactor complex buildings. The reactors were built in an area on the coast of Japan that had been regularly & repeatedly hit with tsunamis for the last 6000 years according to the Natural History of Japan Museum Records. So why in the holy name of God would they not take that into consideration, especially when GE told them to mount them to the roof, not mount them to the ground where the backup generators needed to keep the core cooled could be easily flooded by an easily anticipated highly probable future tsunami. 

I have posted before that Meg purchased a Honda EU2000 small 1600-watt inverter generator that I have been actively maintaining in ready to roll status, filled & regularly exercised & tested, since 2017, with a logbook & manual for all repairs, spare parts & similar. I got the idea from the Pentagon many years ago. Though they would have 3 of each, one in active offline & two unopened in the box & a case of replacement wear part times to keep the system going & lots of fuel cans of stabilized gasoline, but I don't have their budget & can't legally print money or dept spend like the US Government for such. 

When I was growing up, every winter, there were local news stories on TV about Asian families living in Apartment complexes that ended up dying of carbon monoxide poisoning by running an emergency backup generator inside their unit during winter power outages. What I find astonishing, is the foul smell of the emissions from even our relatively small EU2000 made the patio outside reek with fumes that smell poisonous. What kind of confused person would not notice the horrendous stink emitted by such long before CO poisoning would become possible? Also, nearly all emergency backup generators are covered in CO warning stickers printed in 5 most common languages. Must Be Used Outdoors. Do Not Use Inside in an Enclosed Space. Warning CO emissions are Deadly, Only Use in Well Ventilated Area & similar. With graphics showing people choking on exhaust fumes with symbols of death & danger & hazard in ISO symbol graphics that transcend language barriers. I thought these people sounded brain dead or stupid when I was 5 years old. Now I understand that many people in developing countries cook over coal bricks in crude stoves without good exhaust control such that the indoor air quality gets worse as more coal is burned to make heat for cooking. Similar crude simple wood stoves burning sticks making sooty exhaust are used in crude housing where the fumes and smoke are not vented outside, such that indoor air quality gets worse as the fire burns, so such people when they move to clean air America might not notice the smelly exhaust as much, being used to smelling coal and wood fire fumes where they came from originally. So perhaps these people are actually more intelligent than I thought as a young child watching these local news stories of people who suffered CO poisoning by running backup generators inside their apartment, in nearly every case, the victims of generator CO emissions poisoning had recently moved to America from a developing country. 

You might have $400 to $1200 of stuff in your fridge, including temperature sensitive HRT or Insulin or similar that must stay cooler than your indoor temps, so having a backup generator that can run your fridge for 4 or 5 days during a winter power outage can be really helpful to save your stuff. You can also cook over a propane or butane stove, using pots & pans, like camping, on your deck or patio, during power outages, taking out frozen meat or fish or chicken or stuff from your fridge to cook like eggs. This way you can stay well fed during power outages. When the fridge not running, you can use the same generator to run a small 1500-watt space heater to keep your indoor space warmer when its really cold outside. If you have to run the 12-3 extension cord through a cracked window or patio door, cover the gap with waterproof duct tape you can get at a local hardware store for under $10 to keep the cold air out. You can cover both sides if you are careful. Foam packing wrap works great to put a layer of insulation over the tape & tape it into place. Use fuel stabilizer in the gas can & in the generators tank to extend the gasolines shelf life before oxidation from 3 months untreated to up to 2 years treated with fuel stabilizer. I also recommend running the generator for 15 min every 2 months to keep fresh gasoline running through the fuel lines, fuel filter and carburetor, or drain the entire system to dry, including the tank, fuel lines, fuel filter & carburetor to store it dry. I also recommend taking the spark plug out & putting a few ML of synthetic motor oil into the top of the cylinder to keep it lubricated while in dry storage mode if you do it like that. I prefer to keep mine fully loaded with fuel, fresh gas added ever time with fuel stabilizer added, run the generator every couple of months for 15-45 minutes with regular oil changes to keep fresh oil & freshen up your memory of how to do it. Keep a space spark plug & tools for changing it. Keep a 12-3 twenty-five-foot extension cord with outlet splitter so you can take power from your generator outside & use the cord to bring the power inside to run your fridge or space heater or water boiling kettle or whatever. 

Why a Honda Portable Generator

Premium, highly reliable, sterling reputation for reliability. Honda small, air-cooled carburetor fueled piston engines have a long history of stellar reliable operation. The EU 2000 highly portable, not very loud, has an ECO mode to vary the engine speed & power output to match loads, low noise regulated IGBT inverter with stable power & low noise sinewave output with excellent voltage regulation able to run sensitive electronics, and sips gasoline. During a recent 4 days power outage, we ran it from 8 am to 8 pm, or about 12 hours per day, and use about 1 gallon per day incredibly. I keep about 7.3 gallons of fuel on hand + 1.1 in the generator, so enough for about 8 days like this. Worse case we could use it a lot less, but even fired up our TV, 48-inch Vizio edge lit LED, and Blu-ray player (Sony BDP-360) to watch optical disc DVD & Blu-ray disc movies, run lamps, space heaters, run the fridge freezer & boil water. I just unplugged one thing & ran no more than 1500 watts on it at a time, since its nominal output max of 1600w can peak to 2000watts for 1 minute to get that Fridge compressor motor started :) At under 50 lbs. it is similar to lifting a typical 12 volt automative SLI battery, SLI means starting lighting & ignition, you know those heave lead acid batteries that power the engines starter motor to crank the engine over during cold start when you first turn the car on, before the alternator has a chance to put out its full output of power generator once the engine is running to recharge the 12v battery and power all the vehicle electrical loads.  

Don't Ask Don't Tell / Nearly Everything Slowly Improving Thankfully

 Many people claim that today is worse than the past because of expensive housing or currency inflation or more expensive gasoline & food, but we accept gay & lesbian & transgender people now & no one hunts down people with darker skin colors, at least not at a systemic level, sure there are some warped law enforcement officers who trigger the BLM or Black Lives Matter movement. My late adoptive father told me that "Gay men" were drug behind trucks by rope over concrete in the 1960's, so times back then were much worse for gay people who were forced to "stay in the closet"

Meg & I watched Synchronic about a bath salt that takes you back in time for 7 minutes & the protagonist an African American man, went back to the civil war times & several other past times when it was not safe to have very dark skin color in America, when slavery was still a big thing & legal. So in many ways, because of Affirmative Action, people of color have many more opportunities today than they did 50 or 100 years ago, at least in America. I can say for sure that the world in general has changed more in the last 50 years than it did in the previous 50,000 years. 

Be assured of this, there were fewer people alive at the same time even 50 years ago & it was much harder to live for most people back then. We made the world a lot more fair for more people in more places, with democratizing technology like the internet & smartphones worldwide, with a renewed & increasing interest trending now for more nuclear power & renewables as there is an urgent & growing need to decarbonize all electricity, & social pressure broadly applied by the public on law makers worldwide are making climate change a political and economic reality with increasingly stringent emissions control laws for automobiles for example, with Euro 6 for example, so automakers are required to use every technical trick under the sun to clean up the engines emissions, since tailpipe fumes are emitted at the ground level where most people are living & breathing the increasingly polluted biosphere or ground level atmospheric gasses polluted by ozone, carbon monoxides, particulate matter or PM, soot, smoke, hydrocarbon fumes, tire tread dust, brake dust, leaking engine oil, oxides of nitrogen fumes toxic & many other kinds of pollutants that are poisonous & continually leaked into environments worldwide by gasoline & diesel fueled & battery electric vehicles. 

So be thankful to be alive today, it's much easier to live, even though more expensive, than it was in the past with greater degrees of social equity thanks to progressive SJW's forcing changes into policy, but also the morals & ethics of God being more widely embraced with real genuine inclusivity that prevent all kinds of racism, even that against Christians by Atheists, which was reverse racism against white people & men & similar for a long time, but has fades as the woke movement loses popularity & replaced by genuine loving ethics & morality inspired by the Holy Word of God in the Bible & similar works from other religions that espouse showing everyone loving kindness as a primary life goal. 

We are seeing UPF fading to organic, whole natural & traditional diets, as more people recognize that industrial junk food and snack food is making more people fatter and sicker worldwide. We are also embracing biofuels, more recycling, lower emissions cars, cleaning up factories, many people are out capturing plastic from the oceans, making wood from used chop sticks, there are more types & kinds of novel upcycling in profitable business. Even fast fashion and big carpet are using recycled feedstocks now. More soy ink is replacing petrochemical ink in packaging, and biological glue in cardboard replaces petrochemical glue. 

There is a renewed interest for water conservation and soil improvement even at American industrial farms owned & operated by Monsanto amazingly. We are even seeing space trash being addressed by SpaceX! There is a lot improving & tons to be happy about. Think about how the FBI nailed Jeffry Epstein, Harvey Weinstein & Puff Daddy lately. I love seeing justice served & there are more dash cams & door cams catching bad actors, crooks & liars in the act, so the honest decent people are made whole or not cheated in the end. Our Toyota Corolla Hybrid get over 60 mpg, so even though gasoline cost 4X more than it did when I graduated high school, my car also uses 5X less fuel, so it is actually cheaper to operate incredibly.

European Car Sales Slowing as Profits at VW & Others Dry Up

Hailed as a savior of the automotive industry emission debacles, battery electric vehicles were thought of as a carbon free when powered by nuclear & renewables to offer a way to decarbonize transportation, but market forces meant not everyone drank the EV cool aid as market saturation of early generation lithium ion NCR & LFP EV's gave rise to slowing sales in combination with expiring government purchase price offset incentives meant in the early 2010's to stimulate market adoption of next generation automobiles,.

Deals like the Cash for Clunkers or fuel wasting dirty emissions SUV's were traded in for hybrid vehicles from Toyota like tens of millions of 5 generations of Prius sold now, which amazingly get more than 40 miles per gallon & in some cases more than 50 miles per gallon & up to 60 MPG + with hypermiling or energy efficient safety focused predictive driving tricks & techniques designed to improve the fuel economy of any vehicle or energy economy by up to 40% by driving smoother & steady & trying to keep speed & predict light changes with slow approaches so less fuel required to speed back up again. 

In motorsports & automotive culture there is a saying that you as the driver are the most important nut to tighten in the vehicle. Also, it can be a lot more fun to drive a slower less powerful vehicle fast than it is to drive a powerful fast vehicle slowly, and in the real-world traffic congestion means that using that supercar not always feasible or practical or possible, in stop & go driving conditions.

Nuclear Fission the safest possible way to make electricity 24/7, a scientific fact with mountains of supporting evidence, irrefutable & beyond debate, as flaky intermittent renewables like Wind Power & Solar Power do not make 24/7 Firm Baseload Power & to make such produce 24/7 requires renewables with incredibly expensive energy storage systems that make such vastly more costly per unit of electricity generated than even less efficient older nuclear fission reactors. New SMR reactor clusters are so cost effective & fuel efficient, that even private power utility companies can afford to install an SMR array. 

What is the point of having a BEV if you cannot recharge it during a power outage from a natural disaster or winter storm outages. Also BEV range significantly less as the battery ages & if you're going 70 MPH up an mountain pass in sub-freezing conditions, using the HVAC & heat to highest settings, meaning only about 50-60% of the fair weather range before the battery charge depleted requiring slow recharging that takes 500% longer or more than adding 350-700 miles of gasoline energy to ICE vehicle fuel tank at any of millions of gas stations open to everyone around the USA. In these ways BEV's are not a miracle solution, & the instant torque of the electric motor also shreds tire tread away up to 6X faster, resulting in more tire tread microplastic dust emissions, which are by no means eco-friendly, as the leading source of microplastic emissions worldwide. 

In most European cities the public transportation system exceptional in most regards. Most of Europe was developed long before automobiles became a popular well selling product, back when people walked or rode horses pulling carriages. For many decades recently, small turbo diesel sub compact cars able to fit on the smaller streets & in smaller parking space sold well in many western European countries. But tighter emissions controls laws & similar cultural trends towards cleaner technology favors the use of bicycles, enclosed bicycles, scooters, motorcycles, & cleaner at the ground level where people are breathing gasoline powered cars. There are also many incentives for European people to not own a car & rely on their relatively good public transportation systems. In these ways we can clearly see why the automotive market for European automotive sales declining now, & similarly why the profits of so many European automakers drying up or disappearing, which should give rise to jobs cut from VW & similar cutbacks & cost cutting measures to shore up the financial health of European Automakers in the face of increasing sales declines. 

Italy’s youth emerging obesity via pizza, pasta, protein, potatoes, & pane "bread"

Obesity primary cause from dietary excess of sugars, starches & carbohydrates eaten in servings that are too large too many times per day compared to the persons activity level or how much or how often the exercise hard enough to become hot & sweaty like I do when I do Les Mill's Body Combat Meta 2 VR workouts for 10-20 minutes hitting virtual targets as they fly at me synchronized to music.

Many inactive formerly diabetic sedentary adults found a cure to pre-diabetes or Type 3 diabetes & others via adding in more walking & a healthier diet were able to reverse T2D or Type 2 diabetes & high blood pressure or hypertension like me :)

Diet or what you eat or drink not just about what, but also how much & how often you eat. Many people overeat large servings of food that are vastly excessive compared with their metabolism & activity levels, in terms of movement, standing, walking, steps, heart rate, breathing rate. 

Athletes ages 16 to 64 who are regularly physically active can eat more without penalty because their metabolic rate much higher from all the fitness exercises, they use to improve muscle strength & endurance to give them a competitive edge in sporting competitions or to simply perform at their best in the Olympics by regularly training. Body builders, very large men who lift weights or do weight training can also eat more protein & fat & carbs without a high blood sugar obesity issue.

High blood sugars resulting from eating carbs, starches & sugars become fat cell inflammation as insulin released to lower blood sugar levels causing the glucose to enter cells, eventually causes body fat to increase if no physical activity movements burn up that glucose and fat naturally. 

It is excess sugars, excess starches & excess carbohydrates that are making people fatter & sicker worldwide. A trending term online on social media known as SAD or the Standard American Diet which contains up to 73% of its total calories from UPF or ultra processed foods made with industrial chemistry & up to 10,000 different unregulated by the FDA chemical food additives artificial & synthetic that are more similar to car paint or cigarette smoke components than they are of any real natural food whole organic or what people have been eating for thousands of years.  

I usually bash UPF or ultra processed foods because of all the artificial unregulated chemical additives that look like pesticides in terms of molecular configurations or analogs of drugs like cocaine or like hydrocarbons from crude oil, as many artificial colors are made using industrial chemical processes from coal tar or the gooey thick fluid released when coal is gently heated. Those brightly colored candy contains carcinogenic substances that are proven with evidence-based science to cause cancers. This is why Norway outlawed artificial colors in food back in 2011. 

I also bash UPF because so many snack foods are over sweetened, and made in ways using industrial processing techniques & additives to increase shelf life with unhealthy ingredients that no one has in their home kitchen, in ways that would be almost impossible to make at home the same way without expensive special equipment regularly employed by UPF manufacturing of such snack foods sweetened with GMO HFCS industrial corn syrup from genetically modified corn so that it makes more fructose, the major causal basis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disorders since HFCS added to so many highly processed foods that are effectively empty calories like sugary soda or pop, and proven when consumed in excess to caused obesity and all the diseases associated with obesity. 

Eat Less, Eat Less Often & Move More

Start going for walks more regularly & gently increase the amount of time you walk as your fitness improves over the next few years. Drink more water and consider skipping breakfast or dinner & eating a large nutritious lunch :) Learn about Water-only fasting where you only drink water for 3 days. Learn about Intermittent Fasting or IF or Calories Restriction with Adequate Nutrition. Watch "The Science of Fasting" video on YouTube and "How to Reverse Diabetes with Diet" on YouTube. 

No snacking either, as that would keep your blood sugar & insulin levels elevated all day. Its chronically elevated insulin that results in insulin resistances that becomes Type 2 diabetes or T2D, usually also obesity or morbid obesity, because as a person has to abuse food like drugs for many years to become chronically inflamed or overweight. People as a adults have a finite number of fat cells, so to gain weight those fat cells have to swell up or become inflamed. Morbid obesity causes chronic inflammation which also causes heart disease. 

Chronically elevated blood sugars also cause neuropathy by damaging capillaries & cancer cells proliferate more effectively in a high blood sugar environment, so if you have cancer & eat more sugars, starches or carbs, that will fuel the cancer cell proliferation & result in earlier death or not surviving. Water fasting for 5 days by only drinking water for example lowers blood sugar & promotes fat burning, while Ketosis at first then Autophagy hunts down broken damaged and cancer cells to break them down for amino acids for cell repairs, as autophagy is a cleanup and repair mechanism activated by water fasting. 

Water fasting also increases BDNF making your brain & memory faster so you can think more easily to make healthy lifestyle diet & exercise changes that you have been hungry for in order to lose weight for many years :) There are tons of videos that explain what happens in the body when we water only fast for 1 or 3 or 5 days. I take vitamins & minerals with my water when water fasting, so I get the micronutrients needed for my fit body to make use of its limited body fat effectively.

Water Fasting Not Cure All

It can even be dangerous for some older people who are taking medications that cannot be stopped instantly without slowly reducing dosing with supervision & guidance from a doctor or nurse that you regularly consult about turning down the dose & what its doing in order to get ready to fast.

Water fasting for 3 days is also not extreme & many adults going in for a colonoscopy are required to drink a gallon or more of electrolytes for up to 3 days with no food prior to the procedure & many surgeries also require that the patient not eat anything & only drink electrolyte fluid for 3 days before the surgery to reduce complications. 

Taking zero calorie electrolytes with extra water while water-only fasting for 3 days the same reason I take my multivitamins & mineral supplement with my water in the morning while fasting & drinking my coffee black with nothing added, or tea the same way. Many fasting doctors will tell you to take pinches of pink salt throughout the days of fasting with extra water. 

In antiquity, since I make many foods reference to traditional diets, water was dangerous to drink because of water-borne pathogens, like fecal coliform from wild animals like birds pooping in watershed wild forest areas or similar freshwater lakes or streams used for domestic water. 

Fasting helps people undo Pre-diabetes or Type 3, water-only fasting for 3 days for example can almost completely undo pre-diabetes. With Type 2 diabetes, intermittent fasting by skipping breakfast or dinner, so a long window daily without eating, can gradually reduce blood sugar & blood pressure. If you have been interval or intermittent fasting for more than 3 months it might be time to consider a 3 day water-only fast to maximize autophagy and if you are obese you can extend to 5 days, but beyond 5 days you have to work with a nurse or doctor to take regular blood & urine tests, blood pressure & blood glucose tests to make sure you safe during a prolonged weight loss oriented water only fasting with vitamins & minerals or electrolytes added to some of the water to avoid electrolyte depletion. If you go more than 5 days, it can make the start of eating again very complicated with refeeding syndrome if you eat a large meal after not eating for 5 days. Stary with a small snack or small easy to digest meal, then wait 5 hours and one more, then call it a day. Gradually over weeks reintroduce more complex foods, using knowledge you gained about the scientifically accurate nutrition while you were fasting & studying nutrition & water fasting & fasting & health. 

When an adult human stops eating, it take about 3-4 hours for digestive processes to break down the food into a liquid for nutrient absorption by the small intestine & then transit through the portal vein into the liver or filtering detoxification organ, then to the lower intestine where fluid extracted that then goes to the kidneys for filtering so sodium & magnesium & potassium & calcium can be conserved, thus generating urine for the bladder to store before someone goes pee or urinates, the color of urine, its acidity, sugar content, & many other aspects all indicators of kidney & overall health, that is to say that you pee & poop can tell a doctor a lot about your overall health status.

Fasting & Starvation are the same thing, except starvation unintentionally encountered where fasting is a deliberate choice to stop eating & drinking anything except water, though I highly advocate & advise anyone water-only fasting to take a high-quality multi-vitamin & mineral supplement or electrolytes with some of their water daily while fasting. Caution, if you fast for more than 5 days, eat a small meal as your first meal of something very easy to digest, like veggie soupe, perhaps 250-300 calories worth. Wait at least 5 hours before eating a 400-500 calories meal. The following day you can increase to an 800-1000 calorie meal, and perhaps one 1400 to 2000 calorie lunch is enough for your body energy needs if you are sedentary or inactive & never workout or are very old. Eating too much too often makes people fat & sick with all kinds of diseases & disorders. What you eat is also important, but many people fail to understand serving sizes & also fail to chew up their food enough, which causes indigestion, gas & bloating. When we chew food with saliva enzymes in the saliva begin to break down what we are chewing up with our teeth of false teeth. When we swallow chewed up food it should be almost a paste, nothing solid, so the acid & bile in our stomach can react to further break down the food into a liquid for proper digestion.