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Supplements Scamming Sick American's with Imbalanced Gut Biome & Dietary Disease Pathologies

Macros are how many grams of protein, carbohydrates & fats you consume in food & beverages daily

Micros are your micronutrients, vitamins & minerals required to make use of macros

Dietary Imbalances

In wealthy industrial countries a few pattens known to cause disease can be widely observed

Ultra processed foods comprise up to 73% of what grocery stores are selling, tracked statistically; this means that people are eating industrial junk made of bland long shelf life powders extracted from plant sources that taste like nothing so many so called natural flavors & colors or artificial food dye or any of 10,000 different food additives approved by the FDA since only the manufactures of such do the safety studies motivated by the profit margin to approve whatever they are testing to say it is safe for human consumption, yet so many food dye have been proven to damage DNA, cause increased rates of ADD & ADHD in children who consume them regularly & are implicated in causal factors driving increasing rates of Dementia & Alzheimers diseases

Too much added sugar, fructose or the worst HFCS high fructose corn syrup which is also probably the major reason for Non-alcoholic fatty liver disorder epidemic today, mostly in sweetened beverages that I call engineered fluids such as soda or pop with added HFCS & many other questionable ingredients like phosphoric acid to preserve flavor; essentially acidic fluid that eats tooth enable away & bad for gum health while also damaging cell mitochondria in a way that promotes increasing rates of obesity & metabolic syndrome diseases & disorder epidemics, such as the kidney failure & type 2 diabetes & chronic dehydration epidemics plaguing public health worldwide today in 2025. 

What of taking a high quality multivitamin to cover gaps in micros?

Not all supplements are bad, some of them have superior biological value, able to be easily digested & so their components have high bioavailability to actually accomplish replacing minerals or vitamins missing from the industrial western diet where such supplements sell really well. There are more than 10 million different supplements available today, for more than any person can reasonably understand or keep track of, so only research online often clouded with fake news or misinformation has any possibility of providing a person with useful information about what the best supplements would be to improve their health. 

This is meant to be a thought provoking reflection on why so many Americans are fatter & sicker every year despite spending more on healthcare than any other nation. It is what people are eating.

Let's consider Lectins, in raw uncooked vegetables, irritating the gastric system with irritable bowl syndrome or similar causing bloating, gas or fluid leaking from anus, ask me how I know. Chronic stress, depression, anxiety, frustration, anger, loneliness, isolation, bleak outlook, hopelessness, self hatred, bitterness, unforgiving, many kinds of negative thoughts are also toxic like heavy metal exposure, as in such negative thinking disrupts homeostasis. Notice I did not stutter or mumble. Say FACTS! 

Many people do not even want to hear the truth, rejecting it upon exposure, especially doctors who are often 10 or 20 years behind gut health theory & science of how the gut biome strongly affects the immune system, body mass, energy use in the body & body energy levels, mental fatigue or alertness. A healthy gut promotes clear thinking, improved immunity, improved mobility, more energy, more endurance, longer run time per day if you were a battery, a health gut makes you feel like a child with boundless energy even in old age. Any disruption of the gut biome produces broadly negative impacts on health overall. 

Eating for Two like Dr. Pradip Jamnadas suggests in his Youtube videos. That means getting enough prebiotic fiber & probiotics at the same times so that your gut biome produces gut healing superstar butyrate which repairs leaky gut & restores gut health. Taking probiotics alone are not normally effective because they are destroyed by stomach acid & bile enzymes, they have to be clearly riding on digestive fiber, prebiotics to make it to the lower GI where they can improve gut microbiome diversity.  

How to improve Metabolism

Move more, get hot & sweaty, HIIT, jump rope, swimming, hiking, going for a regular walk daily, doing VR workouts at home when the weather outside miserable. Activity as in get off your duff & go do something like bicycle riding that makes your heart pump harder, makes you breathe harder, that makes your body hotter & sweater, soaking your clothing in body sweat so that you have to wash the clothes afterward & take a shower to rinse the chloride ammonia onion like sweat off your body. 

Weight Loss

Eat the right things in smaller servings & move more regularly with physical activities. 

Everyone wants to lose weight when they are fat, usually after eating a western diet for many years they gain weight & become bloated & feel less energetic & sick more often. They try metformin & for a while that and Lisinopril lowers their blood pressure & the anti-diabetic pills seem to lower their HbA1c & balance their blood glucose levels. 

But without changing their diet to a healthier diet & increasing their activity levels, the body weight will not go away & they usually keep putting on more body fat & becoming fatter & sicker despite the medications to treat their conditions, which are usually based on dietary imbalances. But figuring out what the patient is eating relies on the patient keeping an accurate food journal of ALL foods & beverages, including weights in grams of each for precision, to figure out their metabolic rate or what they have too much of in their diet or not enough of in their diet, or what to cut out of their diet, mainly sugar UPF or ultra processed junk foods & eat less often, skipping meals & only eating when actually hungry. 


Many Prescription Drugs are Stupid like the Doctors Prescribing Them, Doctors who know almost nothing about the drug they are prescribing, who know even less about the patients they are prescribing drugs too, & even less about about the conditions they are prescribing drugs to treat. Many western MD's are nothing more that highly educated pill pushers who effectively work as pharmaceutical sales representatives. 

Many Prescription Drugs are Scam with Toxic Side Effects

Over time however the drugs stop working as the body develops tolerance to these chemical substance that are not natural or organic & have no human history exposure & were mostly invented with chemical synthesis at for profit pharmaceutical companies where are renowed for selling dangerous toxic drugs to the public in America, with goofy ads on TV featuring adults dancing around in flights of fancy while teaching no one anything useful or interesting about how the drug promoted works or why it can cause side effects in some people, the cell target or cell signaling target, what it up or down regulates or any biological science, just marketing fluff to covey the idea that if you talk to your doctor about it, taking it will make you happy like the people in the commercial, and that drug may be available to you free of cost if you meet income eligibility requirements & apply for free access. 

Fasting Scientifically Proven to Reverse Metabolic Syndrome Diseases

Many health Cliniques in social medicine countries with universal state funded healthcare, Germany for example, have long embraced water fasting under medical supervision to help overweight or obese people reverse diabetes type 2 or pre-diabetic patients with something now widely know as Type 3 diabetes, a major cause of cancers & obesity rate increases. 

Cancer cells love high blood sugars, that excess elevated high blood sugar fuel the cancer cell proliferation, the same reason that water only fasting cause autophagy to eat cancer cells in cell recycling processes that scavenge the body for anything to make ATP, including excess skin formed during weight loss while body liquifies body fat for ketone energy production metabolic fuels ketogenic while water only fasting for up to 5 days at home. If you plan a longer fast it is best for your safety to do so with medical supervision, at the True North Center in California for example. 

Fasting only safe for obese adults looking to lose weight, since fasting will force the body to burn stored body fat as energy to make ATP to fuel cells in the body & brain. That means people can survive without food for up to 40 days as even Jesus Christ fasted for extended water only fasting periods. All major & many minor world religions feature fasting of some kind for different intervals. 

Fasting was common all through human history long before industrialization enabled season-less grocery stores like Safeway where I can buy an Apple or Orange 365.25 days per year, making it super easy to overeat in America for example. Even easier to become fatter drinking HFCS sweetened soda as that will jerk up your blood sugar almost immediately, & if you do not immediately engage in physical activity that elevated blood sugar will be stored as body fat increasing. Sitting around & not moving much will also slow your metabolism making it much easier to gain weight even if you do not eat very much & skip meals. To conserve energy even a large human adult body can reduce its metabolism to less than 500 calories per day if they hold still & do not move much. 

This ability of our body to throttle metabolic rate was essential in ancient history during food shortages for survival. Sadly these calorie conserving genes are still active in people today making it exquisitely easy to become overweight without meaning too or accidentally. If you fat it is not your fault, you have been brainwashed by ads of many kinds & your imbalanced gut microbiome may be the cause of obesity more than what you eat. Most fit thinner people have a diverse gut flora that also promotes enhanced immunity & more body energy, so they feel more energized like small children even as adults with thin fit bodies, able to work out more easily, with more endurance, stamina, agility, balance & coordination. 

This entire post was inspired by a discussion I had about supplements with a dental hygienist named Grace  who asked me about NMN right away at my dental cleaning appointment, sparking a very engaging discussion about macros & micros & diet choices that peaked by interest in getting too know her more & associate her with my wife. 

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