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Heat Pumps COP of 5.3 to 7.2 (Good Quality, Higher Initial Cost) Cost Less to Operate & Use Less Electricity for Cooling or Heating

Air source mini-split heat pumps are the most energy efficient way to cool or heat indoor spaces, especially important in hot summer months where outside temperatures climb above 110 degrees & worse in areas above 95 degrees with 100% humidity making it nearly impossible for the body to cool itself with sweat effectively, areas in Kansas or Arizona during the hottest summer days. 

In these hottest heat stroke weather conditions, air source heat pumps offer cheapest way to effectively cool indoor spaces with the least amount of electricity. They work like AC units, but with better fans, superior brushless motors, vastly better heat exchangers, well designed to efficiently couple air movement with thermal movement to transfer heat energy for heating or cooling. If the system has a COP of 5.3 that means 1 units of electricity, or 1 kWh of power can move 5.3 units of heat for cooling or heating. 

The best Mitsubishi mini-split heat pumps I was able to find have a COP of over 7.2 but work better as AC than for heating. You have to pick a system that is matched to the climate & weather of your area. Professional installers charge around $1000 for the few hours + special skills & parts to setup you mini-split heat pump. They can run on a standard 115v 15amp breaker too, so no special high wattage wiring required either. 

A well designed interior heat exchanger for AC use in summer can also remove moisture from the air to lower indoor humidity, & clever units capture & purify the water adding a sprinkle of salt to make it alkaline for human consumption or straight air distilled condensed dehumidify captured water for indoor plants, edible indoor plants, herbs, spices you can grow near, on the sill of or close to windows that get sun, though some indoor edible plants can grow in bright rooms & a very low power blue red plant growing LED lamp, bulb, strip lights or grow lights can be used before the sun comes up or after the sun goes down to boost your indoor gardening output by giving the edible plants the energy they need for A & B chlorophyll to covert CO2 you exhale inside your home into O2 the plants breathe out, as Humans & Plants have an inverted gas exchange symbiotic relationship this way. 

20 kilovolt positive wire suspended above negative metal mesh grid suspended in rows of plants where early morning fog happens can produce water dripping down to irrigate & has the highest liters of water per watt of electricity of any technology in the Plasma Channel YouTube video or related MIT research. 

Anyone who has operated a vapor compression dehumidifier knows these strip water from the air & condense it into a tank that has to be emptied of gallons of air distilled water, but this water not fit for consumption because it's not sanitary & contains no ions needed to make it safe for consumption as distilled water can strip electrolytes like sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium from the body & its strongly recommended to never consume distilled water without first adding a small amount of electrolyte powder to it. 

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