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Signal to Noise Ratio / EV motors & Batteries & Taxes :)

The RF environment in multi-family very busy with Wi-Fi & Bluetooth, but also 4G LTE & 5G + radio AM & FM plus terrestrial analog & digital TV signals. Even satellite beams of RF and radar from cars with newer ADAS systems and traffic speed cameras & other increasingly common sources of RF. Did you know that your microwave oven leaks RF while operating? Mostly back into the neutral wire such that if other sensitive electronics are on the same circuit they can misbehave. At some workplaces the lunch room microwave oven gets used nearly continuously during work hours and this causes problems with sensitive electronics used for diagnostic purposes and specialized scientific equipment. Even power conditioners are of limited use because of the intense back EMF the microwave circuit injects into the neutral wire which is bonded to the ground back at the utility panel. In AC there is really only black or red hot, white neutral & greed ground are earth, bonded to the earthen ground spike usually made of copper alloy that's pounded into the ground near the building. 

So how to our smartphones sniff out the right signals in these noise RF environments? Lets consider Wi-Fi channels & channels hopping & MIMO antennas. With these we can signal analyze find which channels are less noisy or less busy and then hop between them actively to keep bandwidth up and improve transceiver performance and signal fidelity or improve the dB of signals almost like a higher gain antenna except we are using software and tuning circuits and information to pick the best channels and dynamically channel hop. 

Not all signals are the same, and some squelching can dim off the unwanted frequencies. Not everyone a HAM or amateur radio nerd, but I am KJ7IOF friendly 73 :) I find electricity, circuits, logic,. batteries, electronics, networking, computers & other technologies from the information space very intriguing because of how they affect peoples minds. I use myself as an example, having gained access to the internet as a young teen, I started studying HV electricity & Tesla Coils & Lasers and physics. I am very interested in cryogenics, advanced ceramics, emerging battery technology, faster networking, better communications, better access to information, more transparency, improved technology, new solutions to bottlenecks, faster shipping, lower costs, things that made Prime so popular, they appeal to me to make a better life better faster since I am running out of time alive like everyone else but regularly think about it while driving the school bus or during the early morning hours alone like right now while drinking my coffee :) 

What is it about the Dyson V15 connect that makes it so much better than other alternatives. It has more intelligence backed into the design, sometimes in a bad way when a critical part made of plastic that was better made of metal or ceramic. The problem with plastics in high performance application, they break down over time and become dry and brittle and crack. On a positive note most plastics are waterproof and non-conductive, so they simplify power tool designs, but in the gears for example, metals hold up better over time. I say this because plastic gears are an example of design obsolescence, or the manufacturing designing the produce to fail at a specific time after the warranty expires. Such profit generating mechanisms are eco-toxic and produce excess waste & waste people's money while damaging nature faster, all so that an tiny opulent minority of billionaires who want for nothing can make more money, thus such is senseless or foolish or ignorant and creates unnecessary income inequality and increases the divide between the have and have nots in society. See Rich Dad vs Poor Dad and BWM water pump impellers made of plastic and why older higher mileage used BMW's are so unreliable and expensive to repair & maintain. 

Automakers like plastics because they are less energy intensive to process than metals at much lower temperatures, meaning cost savings in the manufacture that increase profitability. Replacing metals with plastics also makes vehicles lower mass which improve fuel economy or range in electric vehicles. Plastics reinforcing glass or carbon fiber make CRFP that's really strong, sometimes even better than most metals, and extensively used in military aircraft and even the Boeing 787. CRFP in BMW i3 too as the first carbon fiber intensive EV sold in moderate volumes as a compliance vehicle to comply with fleet level fuel economy regulations that governments impose on automakers like the gas guzzler tax. Hot press stamping hot glue CRFP essential to automotive because autoclaving parts in Teflon bags too costly for consumer vehicle manufacturers and really only make sense in higher value-added parts making for aerospace, or high-end tennis rackets & similar elite sporting goods. 

Polymers are the oil companies wet dream application in a post gasoline & diesel future as governments move to ban the sale of ICE vehicles to comply with increasingly stringent fuel reduction & climate measures to reduce acid rain and air pollutants. Its actually tire tread dust to the tune of 9 million tons of microplastics that is one of the leading sources of pollution from automobiles, especially heavy high performance BEV's like the Telsa Model S Plaid edition :) Torque from my previous Nissan LEAF would smoke the front tires, and that instant acceleration in an EV makes driving them loads of fun if you do not miss the exhaust & engine noise of high performance turbocharged gasoline & diesel engines that people associated with fun :) Electric motors give EV amazing nearly silent acceleration that shoves you into the seat & puts a grin on your face, something I really miss about the LEAF but its limited battery range & high registration fee's of over $600 per year vs $120 for my Prius, made that less fun. I hate being ripped off. I hate overpaying for anything. I would like to think that driving an EV that does not emit local air pollution would net a reduction in in registration fee's, not an increase. 

Governments are weird about wireless networks too. Look at your cell phone bill. What are all of those taxes. Your wireless carrier advertising told you $50 per month, but your bill is $90 after all the stupid add on fee's and taxes. What gives? Well, that's garbage & moderately dishonest, but the wireless company cannot tell you exactly what the fee's will be since those vary by location, such that some cities have more or less taxes added to cell phone bills. The creativity of government to invent new forms of taxation almost as absurd as their quantum easing of fiat currencies or currency manipulation of fragile fiat currencies like the US dollar or Euro or RMB in China. Gold & silver & platinum & palladium coins and bars are real money and maintain their value over long periods and have intrinsic liquidity in nearly every local worldwide to convert to the local currency in real time or on demand, and become especially valuable when there is a blackout of the grid and credit and debit cards are not working & when power cash becomes worthless during a war in the Ukraine for example or during a major earthquake or electrical storm from a CME from the SUN that kocks out grid power for prolonged time periods. 

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