Do you remember being a little boy or girl, 3 or 4 years old, where everything was a surprise, where you were constantly learning, experiencing new things, making new social connections, your brain exploding with acetylcholine, cells shimmering building up your body, ATP surging energy in every cell 24/7 as you became bigger, taller, stronger & smarter every year until suddenly you find yourself as an adult reflecting back on how you got to where you are now.
Think of your earliest memories, now slowly scroll through your childhood memories, when you transitions to becoming a teen, then young adult, the transition in your early 20's through the end of high school then through college as your brain started forming its final full adult configuration at 25 to 27 years of age.
Ask yourself why people are always chasing new experiences when they can afford to do so, or even though cheap content they stream, or why listening to the same song your really liked at first becomes less enjoyable the more you listen to that song. How many times can you watch a movie & get the same hit of enjoyment, does chasing the dragon not only apple to the abuse of illicit drugs but perhaps even common experiences like that video game that you were completely addicted to at first but became old news & boring to play after some time.
Novelty something that all peoples brains chase for enjoyable stimulation or activation of the complex of symphony of electro chemical activity bursting actively across the brain even while your asleep dreaming, but faster when your wide awake fully aware & lit, engaging life to the fullest. Elastic brain activity increases & decreased depending on what you are doing, so taking that mountain bike down a narrow trail with lots of tight curves & bumpy rocky soil at full speed in your 20's, or skiing or snowboarding through gladded upper alpine snow covered hills dotted with tree's & tree wells in the snow that can suck you in & cause you to crash if your slip up & make an error, or while driving where if you make an error it becomes a car accident.
Do you function at your peak on the seat of your pants like olympic athletes or F1 drivers? Did you know that physical exercise that increases your heart rate & breathing & makes you hot & sweaty also turns on your brain, increasing blood flow to the brain, the same reason that sitting around too much sedentary causes the blood to pool up in the legs, gravity pulls the blood down, & slow metabolism from not moving much also means that blood pooling in the legs increasing the odds of a stroke, clotting or embolism. Eating too many carbs or starches made of polymerized sugars that break down into blood sugar when you eat then, or God forbid, eating sugar directly the easiest way to pack on body fat & become fatter & sicker with all the diseases associated with being sedentary & never getting hot & sweaty exercising.
Your brain is largely dedicated to making sense of the world & figuring out how to articulate your bones & muscles too move within the world so that you can make it happen, all the things you do in your life. Your brain rums REM dreams to keep your eyes & visual system from being hijacked by the brain that changes itself with neuron plasticity such that if your were to bind your eyes for 2 weeks so you can't see anything, then take the binding off so your eyes can see light again, amazingly it takes a few days for your brain to rewire your retina to the occipital lobs for brain processing of imaging signals, but while your eyes were bound with covers preventing light in for 2 weeks your brain rewired the occipital lobs to process touch so you could read brail with training with amplified signals from your fingertips, almost the opposite of neuropathy from chronic high blood sugars & high blood pressure associated with eating ultra processed junk foods in excess or the diseases of civilization from eating the western industrial bagged & boxed foods typical of the standard American diet or SAD.
Our brains is always wiring up taste, smell, proprioception, touch, hearing & sigh signals, to try to operated effectively more or less, so that even though the brain in a bone capsule filled with cerebral spinal fluid, dark & silent, that hidden brain can still make sense of phenomenon so that you as a person can enjoy full functioning adulthood interacting with people & things that comprise all the choices & decisions you make in your lifetime alive before dying from some cause of death because no one can get out of this life as a human on Earth alive, no matter what they do, for we are made of space dust of 126 different chemical elements most of which were made in stars bigger than the Sun that supernova blew up long ago, spraying those elements everywhere until they accreted into part of the Earth eventually becoming part of you & me & every other living thing in the biosphere of Earth.
From ashes to ashes that space dust in our body becomes parts of other people after first breaking down, becoming plants & animals that eat those plants, over very long time intervals, all chemicals are recycled in the biosphere of Earth, using solar input energy from the sun, or chemical energy from valence electron exchange that are the core mechanism driving all chemical reactions of all kinds, including in biochemistry of all lifeforms, and the inorganic chemical reactions that form volcanoes, nuclear decay isotopes, everything rock or mineral, the hills, the soil, all things share the same chemistry and all life shares the same kinds of DNA, at least until we use aerospace & space travel to find space aliens on other planets in other celestial systems vastly far from our local solar system, as in many light years, so far that chemical rockets do not carry enough energy to access such in useful time frames.
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