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It is what it is, whatever, or "It's what It's" in new lingo lol

Calm down, take a few deep breaths, everything is going to be ok. Look at the bright side, find the silver liner to every situation or circumstance. 

Think of your favorite color, favorite music, favorite food, favorite drink, favorite person, favorite book, favorite website, things you are appreciative of or thankful for & focus on those things to instantly improve your mood or outlook or give you something today worth looking forward to, to keep you going, even when times get hard or tough or thinks look bleak, there is always another way forward, never give up entirely until your dead! 

So many issues to “care about” but you only have so many hours in your day & issues you have to attend to daily, so why care about things outside of your control instead of paying better care of your diet and lifestyle where you have agency to make a difference, focusing more on your health so that you can have more energy to spend making the world a better place for all people by setting a good example with your optimal lifestyle! 

It’s not about being selfish or selfless, it’s more about time and priority management. Your not only not everyone, you also have a limited budget not just of money but of remaining time you have alive, or time you have alive free of diseases that afflict so many older people stealing their brain functions and memory performance but also bone density and muscle strength 

So many people concern themselves with that next purchase, shopping, clothes, appliance, remodel, vacation, electronics, gold coins, bitcoins, fancy cars, motorcycles, zip code envy, or you name, claim it, let it rain money or is that currency losing value. 

You can not take "It" with you when you die, money, things, stuff, no matter what you try, and remember you heard it hear first on the low down, real hush hush, on the QT, on Aaron Kenneth Schwarz's personal blog "Thinking About it" because everything you think or do starts with patterns of electrical chemical exchanges in the world, in the biosphere, in all living things, in every body, in every brain, hydrogen plus ions shuttling out of mitochondria forming water in condensation reactions as electrons are exchanged from oxygen we breath to make ATP from ADP continually in cell mitochondria using macros & micros from our diet as chemical inputs to form all the fresh, to fix & repair & replace dead or dying cells during our time alive, and to energize movement & thinking of all kinds, even in our gut where microbes help us break down food in what is now known as the gut biota or microbiome of the human digestive system. 

Mind your own business, take care of your own railroad, do your own thing, think differently, so what, who do you think you are, what makes the difference, get your priorities in order, stop wasting time, back to work, what are you doing, stop that, move sinner, get going, carry on, keep your head down, look the other way, there's nothing to see here people. Do these phrases remind you of anything? They should! Your should be able to make sense of these black marks on the screen if you can read English writing, or go ahead and have Google translate the webpage into your local language and enjoy :) 

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