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Transistors (Electronic Switches)

Transistors are the most manufactured product ever in history, & almost as influential as electricity itself. 

NPN junctions, effectively electronic switches. At the most basic level, all digital computers operate with 1 on or 0 off binary streams of data, or compressed summaries thereof the RAW data that take up less memory footprint on SSD's or hard drives which store data, or tape drives for bulk big data storage. 

Amplifiers, power supplies, mother boards, switching information and current flow, power and data, the transistor a pervasive product in the form of chips that contain billions of transistors in each chip. 

Watch this about doping silicon diodes & transistors, replacing tiny amounts of pure silicon with phosphorus creates a lot of mobile electrons in the P doped silicon, so applying a voltage to P dope silicon wrapped in N (Boron atoms) doped silicon, means the P junction can easily be turn on to allow current to flow from N1 through P1 to N2 forming the NPN junction transistor switch where N1 the source, P1 the input, & N2 the drain. 

At chip fabs of Intel, TSMC using ASML hardware, transistors are mass manufacturing 24/7 in high volume lithography based chip making equipment on huge wafers cut from giant crystal of doped silicon, later ion implanted with phosphorus ions and nitrogen ions to make PN junctions.

CO2 laser blasting droplets of liquid hot tin to make deep UV light mirror optically controlled to reflect patterns laser etched into nickel plates into hundreds of layers of logic & connecting wires copper bonding all the transistors together with miles of tiny wire networks in tens of billions of transistor systems etched into up to 256 chip layers in complex CPU like the latest Lunar Lake lower power high efficiency mobile focused chips for ARM windows via Intel :) 

Designing a chip takes hundreds of electric engineers specialized in IC design using special chip design software on high performance desktops, working together in small teams clustered into huge teams to make new leading edge chip designs to be later validated and put into high volume chip fab wafer processing production. 

SSR Solid State Relays in higher power systems controlled by micro-controllers, used in CNC, autoclaves, brewing systems, AC systems, chillers, fridges, microwaves, ovens, washers, dryers, many appliances operate with switches, relays, SSR, chips in microcontrollers. A typical 2024 automobile has more than 120 IC chips or integrate circuit chips, like the SOC or system on a chip brains of a smartphone. 

Say "Rolling Data Center" The Tesla Model 3 effectively a car crossed with an electric motor battery system and tablet computer all connected over mobile broadband 5G connection present in the ECU of the Model 3, that streams sensor data to Tesla Cloud Computer for Autopilot Training that Tesla sells to other automakers for self driving technology, as Tesla Motors makes more money selling autopilot training data collected from all the Tesla EV cameras and sensory than Tesla makes from selling BEV's to the public worldwide. Big data is worth farm more than all the cars sold by Tesla every year. 

That's why the chip shortage during COVID19 debacle slowed down automakers since they lacked the IC chips needed to complete the assembly of the vehicles they make & sell, and thats just the tip of the iceberg of problems created by COVID19 outbreak and corresponding market slowdowns, product shortages, and price gouging for flour, toilet paper, crab meat, and even automobiles selling used for higher prices than brand new. 

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