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I was An Atheist, then Agnostic Scientist, Skeptic, Then I realized Something After Reading Pascals Wager

If faith in God has no meaning, nothing. But when people find faith in God only good things happen to them inside, where they change, through being renewed by believing in something other than other people or vanity, or things of this world that corrode & fall apart due to entropy. If you ask out loud right now "Christ Jesus, are you real? If you are real, please appear to me in my dreams, confirm within my mind that you are real & show me your heart of love; Father God, in the Holy Name of Christ Jesus, I come to you asking if you are real, and if you are real, please reach through to me and show me that you love me, that you care about me, that you want a relationship with me, and I ask this in your Holy name, thank you Father God, Thank you Holy Spirit & Thank you Christ Jesus" then go to sleep & see what happens. 

I have challenged many people in real life who are filled with unbelief, skepticism, doubt, and even dislike for faith, to try praying to God to ask God if he is real, by humbling themselves enough to pray in private asking Christ Jesus with sincerity in their heart, if he is real, and if he is, to appear to them in their dreams, and every single person I have challenged to this "had a spiritual experience" that convinced them in the conscious experience of reality that God is real, that Christ Jesus is real and that the Holy Spirit is real, and every one of these former unblievers is now a reader of the Bible & believer in God through Christ Jesus who asks for guidance from the Holy Spirit daily, for mental and emotional renewal. 

Watch "The Case for Christ" on Amazon & see what the story tells you. There is ample historical evidence that Christ Jesus died on the Cross and rose again & more than 500 people saw him after he died on the cross. No doubt that Christ Jesus the man died on the Cross and from injuries the Romans inflicted on him, even hitting his body with spears, causing blood and water to spurt out before his dead body was removed and place in the stone cave covered by a large stone. That means that when Christ appeared to all those other people later on, he overcame death, meaning that he was the legitimate and only begotten son of God. 

Faith is a leap without evidence, though if you really dig into the historical evidence your heart will start to change. C.S. Lewis's Book "Mere Christianity" makes an interesting example since C.S. Lewis was an outspoken atheist who eventually became a born again Christian Believer in God through Christ Jesus & explains this in detail in his book "Mere Christianity" Get a copy on Amazon <- Click here :) 

It is of the utmost importance that if you are truly seeking God, you must read the word of God, in the Holy Bible, starting with the New Testament, and learn about Who Jesus Christ Is, and Who you are to God, and read it early in the morning while your mind is fresh, by waking up earlier, read it out loud to yourself even if no one else can hear you, because faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God, so if you read it outlaid you will hear the word of God, and our words have way more power and deep significance that almost no one today appreciates, namely because what we say out loud can be heard in every other realm of existence by beings that have no bodies & never sleep & have the ability to hear us in ways that are scientifically astounding using quantum physics we are only just starting to develop as a mainstream aspect of scientific inquiry at the bleeding edge of researching into quantum computing, dark energy, and other aspects of what Einstein called "Spooky Action at a Distance" which is now known as Quantum Entanglement, something used in classified communications satellites. 

The CIA has codified something called Remote Viewing, which is an act of evil because it takes your mind, soul, will, emotions, out of your body into the Astral Realm, the next dimensional layer of existence above the macromolecular reality we live in, or cold condensed energy atomic material element phase since all ordinary matter in our universe made of energy via E= MC^2 or Energy = Mass times the speed of light squared, in other words all matter is made of energy. 

This is why the fusion of the hydrogen atoms in a cup of water could power all human activity on Earth, enabling the complete decarbonization of all energy with a clean abundant energy technology called atomic fusion, what happens on the Sun to the tune of 600 million tons of hydrogen fused into helium 3/4 atoms every second, and even though the Sun is 93 million miles away from Earth, the third planet from the Sun, you can still get a sun burn by too much sun exposure, even though the sunlight being filtered through Earths atmosphere. A sunburn an example of what a radiation burn is like, since the UV portion of sunlight is ionizing radiation that damages skin cells and DNA with things like melanoma as a long term consequence of repeated solar skin damage. People from dim areas of Earth have lighter colored skin so they can make vitamin D with less sun energy exposure, while people that live near the equator where its brighter have darker skin to give them natural sun-screen so they make adequate amounts of D3 with long duration exposure to sun that would give a light skinned person a bad sunburn. Thus having darker skin actually a genetic advantage in terms of resisting photo damage from sun exposure. This is part of the reason that people with much darker skin tones tend to look younger longer into older age. Also a reason why bigotry & racism based on skin color is flat nonsensical & anti-scientific, and ungodly, cruel, mean, unfair, stupid & ignorant. Christ Jesus as a human man had a medium dark skin color, not light skin color like people from norther Europe. Christ Jesus also did not speak English as some ignorant US leaders have claimed. I feel ashamed to even have to mention that, but then again there are people today so diluted with confusion that they believe the Earth is flat or that vaccines cause Autism or that NASA never put human men on the Moon. Don't worry about these arguments of today, focus on the Gospel. I suggest starting the New Testament by reading Ephesians, Romans, then Matthew, then the Psalms, the Peter 1 & 2 - as that worked well for me, though Meg recommends reading the entire New Testament, since its only less than 1000 pages, and many people chew though romance novels that are longer. Its not about reading fast, and reading the Amplified version seems to help improve understanding since it expounds on the writing by filling in with modern English vernacular expressions that are not readily obvious to non-intuitive or logical people like me, who like verbose explanations that really spell out exactly what is being said.

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