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Obesity Explained

Starches and carbohydrates become blood sugar as soon as you eat them. Bread, rice, pasta, soda, fruit juice & other sugars & high glycemic index foods like ice-cream or cake or cookies. These sweet foods are ok sparingly, in smaller servings. Think of sugar like the cocaine of the food world. 

Becoming Blood Sugar

I want you to think of carbs and starches as sugar because they are made of polymerized sugars that break back down into sugar when you chew them, eat them or drink them. 

Serving Size Confusion

Eating servings that are too larger, bigger than your hands cupped together into a bowl, for example will stretch the stomach making it harder to feel full after eating a meal. 

Kidney Failure Epidemic Now

When a person thinks they are hungry, they are usually actually dangerously dehydrated and actually thirsty, but content, screen & light & sound pollution have desensitized them to the point where they don't readily perceive signals from their body. People are not used to listening to their bodies. They are used to listening to music, movies, tv shows and other content on YouTube of TikTok or other online streaming services. Prolong dehydration causes kidney failure. 

Sugar the Cheapest Food

Industrialized countries have made cheap processed foods full of carbs, starches & sugars the most affordable. Healthy omega 3 fat rich foods are expensive. Healthy proteins are expensive. Getting enough healthy fiber from fresh greens expensive. Sugar is one of the cheapest per calories food stuffs available.

Blood Sugar & Insulin Tells Body to Store Blood Sugar as Fat

Insulin, Insulin, Insulin, its high blood sugars from eating starches, carbs, and sugars that are making people sick with type 2 diabetes, pancreatic cancer, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, heart diseases, kidney failure, vision loss, AGE or advanced glycation end products are even widely implicated as causal factors of dementia and Alzheimer's diseases that rob elderly people of their executive function or mental capacities, of their faculties to think and make sense of the world, making it even more expensive to take care of people who now living longer. Is that worth thinking about? 

My Personal Diet Confusion Consequences

I have to say this for honesty reasons to feel ok about teaching you the above. I failed hard and gave myself both type 2 diabetes & high blood pressure from eating too much sugar, too often, in large servings. I did not understand that eating sugars were toxic because I was so hyperactive that I never gained weight. I did develop a lot of visceral toxic fat around my organs & my liver swelled up to 3X its normal size.

Confused Western Doctors

I went to 7 different doctors who did all sorts of blood tests & told me I was fine. I was waking up in cold sweats every night wondering what on earth was wrong with me. No western doctors would help me, and they didn't even test for diabetes because I am 154 lbs at 5ft 11in tall, or a BMI of 22 or so. 

So, they just assumed it was idiopathic or without known cause, possible a genetic factor or something that's hard to know like a toxin exposure at work on in the world. I am a TOFI or thin on the outside & fat on the inside person. Yes, that's a cosmetic unfair advantage as most people who ate the way I did for years would become morbidly obese as a result of eating that many calories of sugar & carbs. 

Free Bread Friday at Work

I found out at work that most of the obese people I work with also have diabetes type 2 and take metformin like me to treat it. An employee brings a mini-van worth of free bread to the lunchroom every Friday morning and the other employees descend on it and take their share of the carbs for free. Most of these people are also overweight, obese or morbidly obese and have no idea that bread is a carb or that carbs turn into blood sugar easily. 

Sugar as a Spice

Sugar ok when used like black pepper as a spice in small amounts. Sugar so addictive that it is probably hard to use it this way. Most baking recipes call for a lot of sugar for example. Many drinks contain a lot of sugar. Most processed foods contain sugar, or easy to dissolve back into sugar starches & carbs.

Salty Soda Cracker Experiment.

A salty soda cracker will become sweet in your mouth if you chew it long enough that it becomes a liquid as an enzyme in your saliva breaks down the starches and carbs in the salty cracker into sweet sugars that produce a sweet taste in your mouth. This is an easy proof that starches & carbs become sugars easily in your body. It's the excess sugars in our diet that are causing obesity. 

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