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A metabolic state of elevated ketone bodies in the blood, breath & urine. Ketosis a normal response to low blood glucose levels, such as those produced by a low-carbohydrate diet, ketogenic diet, interval fasting or fasting. Ketones produced by the liver provide energy for the brain & other body cells, allowing homeostasis to be maintained in the absence of food consumption. 

Ketones are always present in the blood & those levels increase when glucose reserves are low as the liver starts primarily metabolizing fats acids. Fatty acid oxidation increased during prolonged exercise, fasting, interval fasting & with carbohydrate restricted diets. 

The ketones acetoacetate, beta-hydroxybutyrate, and acetone produced by the liver also act as signaling molecules. When carbohydrate restriction responsible for ketosis its known as nutritional ketosis. A low carbohydrate, moderate protein diet called a ketogenic diet. Ketogenic diets are well known as a treatment for epilepsy and type 2 diabetes. 

It turns out that exercising lowers blood glucose levels & increases ketone production. The benefits of exercise are extensive, but we see similar effects with fasting, and interval fasting. A complex series of changes occur in the human body when a person discontinues feeding for prolonged periods. 

Staying well hydrated important for health, but its very important during water fasting, such that long duration fasting can cause dehydration. Adding a pinch of salt to your mouth while water fasting can really help to stave off hunger, especially during the first 2 days of fasting. 

Eating a heavily reinforced behavior, with a pleasure reward related to flavor and aroma enjoyment, without which people would have did off a long time ago. Feeding can be a pleasure trap, as many strange chemicals are added to processed foods. These psychoactive & hormonal modulators added as SOS salt oil & sugar - hyper concentrated foods to make the food taste better so you get a bigger dopamine hit from eating foods that contain the pleasure trapping Sugar, Oils & Salt- in excess of course! Fool the brain with salt oil & sugar the reason that so many processed food are unhealthy. 

Salt is meant to be used as a spice to enhance flavors of foods. Sugar should be used sparingly as a spice like salt. Processed foods oils are bad for people, cook with butter or lard, coconut oil or almond oil, or something other than refined ultra processed vegetable oils that flood the body with trans fats that are cardio-toxic. Reducing SOS in your diet will reduce inflammation, reducing pain & suffering. Food companies work with pharmaceutical companies, since eating junk & processed foods cause diseases that big pharmaceutical companies are happy to sell drugs to treat! You go to a traditional doctor & they will tell you that you will never get better, because they are only used to manage the consequence of dietary excess, they are not aware that its even possible to heal people! After fasting, sugary foods & salty foods have less appeal. 

If you tell people "your fat, sick & miserable because of what you are eating" and that does not always go well with everyone. Just like telling an alcoholic that "Your drinking in excess is the reason your life sucks, so stop drinking", they are not going to be receptive & will likely tell you to blow off or worse. You can't tell someone who is fat, "hey, eat less & move more" that will only upset the person & cause them to use food as a crutch & abuse diet as a way of coping with the negative comments you said to them. Most people do not respond well to critical judgmental comments, especially normative statements where your telling them that what they are doing in their life is wrong- that they Should be doing something else. This is why I share these facts on my blog. I want people to choose to make healthy lifestyle changes because they understand the scientific facts! 

Watch This : The Mind-Blowing Science of Water-Only Fasting | Dr. Alan Goldhamer

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