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UPF lies, Avoiding UPF Based on Science, Not a FAD / The Ugly Truth of Toxic UPF

I am talking about the worlds largest food company Nestle, a group of maniacal sleazy profit worshiping heathens who will stop at nothing to target obese people with nutritional lies & confusion messages or rhetoric, tantamount to witchcraft, aka serving Satan and the Kingdom of Hell, the dishonest immoral unethical jerks in control of Nestle and majority shareholders of Nestle (billionaires & their friends) don't care who they sicken, harm, hurt, or cause diseases, suffering or premature death. 

Did you know that the regular consumption of UPF proven to kill more than 30 million people every year with preventable diseases like T2D or type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure or hypertension, heart disease and many cancer can be sourced to metabolic disorders or Mitochondrial dysfunction & hormonal suppression of leptin the "I am full hormone" such that many UPF have added ingredients to block Leptin signaling, promote ghrelin the hunger hormone, and to chemically modify the consumer so they continue eating without feeling full or satiated. 

Watch This

Let me say this another way, executives at Nestle work directly with food scientists and doctors to deliberate formulate UPF ingredients to hijack the brain & body of people who eat the UPF into eating more and more, even if they are gaining weight and developing dietary excess diseases. In other words, they are deliberately designing foods to make people eat more and if you dig deep enough there are financial connections between big food, big Pharma and world governments, in a world where more and more people are becoming wise to the industry lies, understanding that real food raw and minimally processed, usually found around the border or outside edge of a grocery store or supermarket, namely whole nuts, seeds, leafy greens, root veggie, meat, fish, dairy, or food that was food 1000 years ago long before the invention of OREO cookies or Rice Crispy Treats. Try to make flaming hot Cheetos at home with the same ingredients that you find on the packaging of such things and you will quickly notice that it's impractical to make UPF at home. That's because no one has the ingredients or processing equipment to make UPF at home, not without great effort. Why would you make crap thats bad for you like that anyway. 

Make no mistake, this is bliss next item a bliss point achieving treat made with salt, fat & sugar, like so many UPF. It will taste so amazing you will want to eat more. You have been warned, and this is a nutritional improvement over the commercial Rice Crispy Treat that comes in a foil plastic blue wrapper, that my wife Meg thinks taste chemically disgusting like cool whip vs real home made whipped heavy cream with powder sugar added to taste. The home made versions are better for your health and taste just as good or better without any strange chemical additives or artificial garbage. 

A Healthier Crispy Rice Treat

Add a stick of butter to a medium saucepan & heat it until the butter melts, then add organic marshmallows about 10 oz or a medium bag, and stir while heating the marshmallows in the butter over medium heat until you have a thick sugary buttery sauce. Now add organic puffed brown rice crisps and fold them into the heated sticky binding mixture until you achieve a uniform consistency mixture that you can press into a dish coated in butter until it cools. Cut to shape and you can even throw a pinch of salt on each piece to make it taste way better. 

These have a short shelf life because they are no shelf life enhancing additives, through you could add vitamin C powder and vitamin E to the butter marshmallow mix to slightly enhance the shelf life a bit. These are still not food, in the sense that your cloning a commercial product that is a novelty snack food, not an apple or celery with peanut butter, but an ultra palatable food made using trickery and advanced knowledge of food processing, tantamount to witchcraft, in the sense that your manipulating the person eating this snack, puffer rice treat, by using sugar, butter & salt together to hijack their brains flavor experience, making something so delicious that visually anyone will enjoy it, but if it is eaten in excess regularly will caused metabolic syndrome diseases because it lacks fiber, and has too much sugar, and nothing nutritionally good for health, more just a treat to enjoy as a desert item like ice cream or similar.  

Watch this YouTube video

UPF all about making people eat more, so the UPF manufacturer can make more money! All they care about is the money, not the health of people that eat the UPF. They known that eating UPF bad for health and the very people who own and profit from UPF never ever feed any of it to anyone they know, they never eat UPF themselves, and they talk among their friends about real food, food that was food for thousands of years, usually prepared by a private chef for the billionaires who own and profit from the UPF ultra processed food sales. Sleazy self absorbed narcissistic jerks who no normal person would ever want to be friends with. These are dispicable humans or bad actors as bad as Adolf Hitler. These warped sickos are knowingly and deliberately manipulating world governments and the biochemistry of people that eat UPF to make it so that they sell more UPF, and so no government blocks or regulates in a way that would reduce UPF sales. UPF all about making more and more money by any means necessary. 

Added Sugars w/ Different Names

Agave nectar, Brown sugar, Evaporated cane juice, Malt syrup, Fructose, HFCS, Honey, Maple syrup
Cane crystals, Fruit juice concentrate, Molasses, Cane sugar, Glucose, Raw sugar, Corn sweetener
High-fructose corn syrup, Sucrose, Corn syrup, Honey. Syrup, Crystalline fructose, Invert sugar
Dextrose, Maltose, Malt Extract, Coconut Sugar, Beet Sugar, Coconut Juice Concentrate, Beet Juice Concentrate, Dried Fruit, Fruit Juice, Fruit Sugars, Malt, Candy, Malt Syrup, 

Modified Starches break down into sugar in the body very quickly after they are eaten, so many processed foods have carbs and starches that are just made of polymerized or linked sugar molecules that break back down into sugar in the body, such that when you eat starchy carbohydrate processed food like pasta, bread, baked goods, pastries, deserts, soda, juices, snacks, junk food, fast food, UPF, your overloading your body with simple high glycemic index carbs that have little to nothing in common with real natural food like a apple or strawberry or avacado or organic milk or beef or chicken or fish or leafy greens or nuts or seeds. 

Here is a list Image of Real Healthy Foods to Eat from Dr. Sten Ekberg 

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