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Fiat Currencies Fail & Loose Value from Inflation

Ever notice that all of your money is just numbers on a website, on your phone, direct deposit from your work, bills you pay with credit cards, moving bits across networked bank computers; so what is the money even made of if its just fancy math on computers, tantamount to a bitcoin or other crypto currency?

Gold coins are real money, as are silver coins. Gold and silver bars. These precious metals have had value all through human history and remain valuable today in every country on Earth and can easily converted to the local stupid government issued fiat currency like the USD or United States Dollar which has been steadily losing its buying power since 1971 when ignorant fool Richard Nixon delinked USD from the Gold Standard, thus kickstarting hyperinflation of the dollar that continues to erode buying power of the American people today, making food, fuel, electricity, clothing, vehicles and other goods increasing more expensive or unaffordable, and the same is true for home prices and rent in many locals in America.

China failed everyone having invented the idea and first implementation of Government issued fiat currencies during the 13th century. They also designed and manufactured the COVID19 virus. Unfair trade and currency manipulation are main focal points of Chinese PRC economy development policy. Did I mention that I am a proponent of the ROC and part of the End the CCP movement & hate the government of China even more than I hate the US Federal Government, Federal Reserve or IRS of the Unites States & Sleazy State L&I agencies.

That's means that big banks are cheating everyone by using a failing fiat currency and the dishonest crooks in Government know all about this and continue to snow ball and hook wink the people with lies and confusion about money, so only the hyper elite rick and wealth people have the real money, gold and gold coins and gold bars.

A fiat currency not backed by any commodity. Its money declared as such as legal tender that must accepted as payment as mandated by the issuing agency, government or person in charge. Typically a state issued money issued by a central bank like dollars from the Federal Reserve, that are used because of a Government Decree. Fiat currencies like the USD or dollar act as a medium of exchange to facilitate transactions as money exchanged between buyers and sellers of goods and services in the economy. Fiat was a latin term meaning "Let it be done" as a decree or resolution.

I hate dangerous drivers for knowingly choosing to dangerously operate vehicles in ways that cause accidents that paralyze, harm, hurt and kill other innocent people, motorists, people riding bicycles and pedestrians. I see mormons using smartphones while driving and doing other highly dangerous things with their cars bobbing agains the white lane fog line or yellow lane separator lines. I hate pollution, pollutants, toxic substances emitted by greedy money worshiping sickos and weirdos in large corporations like Monsanto or Apple who care only about making more money and don't or do not care about the health or wellness or people or ecological health of ecosystems in the biosphere of Earth. It even says in the Bible that Polluter of the Earth are evil.

Idolators who place luxury goods above other people, animals and natured. They don't care about you, they make millions per week, and can afford and regularly buy things that other people can't even pronounce; rich man's toys for elite income earners, like sic custom helicopters, supercars, aircraft, stem cell based age reversal drugs, and haute culture foods that cost more than your car. They worship at the alter of materialism and vanity, placing Satan as their god. The condemn and judge you and everyone else as less than them. They look down on others people, and don't care about anyone, nature or animals. These are the warped sickos who are evil, that control the CCP in China, and other despots just like them. I am thinking of Vladimir Putin and his good friend Donald Trump or that evil sicko Hillary Clinton.

Blow hards, hypocrites and jerks in government, cooking up new forms of taxation to cheat the economy to pay for things that the public would never approve of. That's America, with thousands of lobbyists from many large corporation like that employees 1151 Lobbyists in Washington DC. Office for sale to the highest bribery bidder! Its a greedy plutocracy in America with nothing but a requiem for the former American Dream, a dream which was shot down and killed with currency hyperinflation in the late 1990's during the Dotcom boom bust and real nailed down dead for good during the COVID19 debacle.

Banks Got Bailed Out like AIG and You the Human Person on Earth got sold out, it's just true! That was the core of the Occupy Wall street movement message when me and millions of others took to the street to demonstrate against the inequality and growing income inequality when government bailed out large greedy dangerously reckless treasonous sickos who kept billions of dollars of government money after bankrupting banking companies that had been around for over 100 years in America.

A lot has changed in America over the last 100 years, noting that Great Depression was happening in full swing about a hundred years ago. News flash, the middle class of America been disappearing for many decades as many people in America embraced new cultural trends of hyper individualism, secularism and the complete disregard for the wellness of other people, animals or nature. In America, if your on the up and up and doing ok, its considered normal and acceptable to turn a blind eye to the suffering of other people. Thus many American people no longer donate any money to anyone, scared and afraid that the currency is fall apart and the economy is about to go in the toilet worse than 2008 debacle, and knowing full well that World War 3 is right on the horizon now as a bioweapons war between America and China.

I don't care what other people do with themselves, but it does bother me when Men become Women and then try to compete in sports with other natural Women. It makes more sense to me that a Woman might want to become a Man, because its almost always been better to be a man in human history since Women have been subjected to unfair gender inequality in nearly all societies all throughout history. Now we have a culture of content creation with Female super heroes as a reflection of the anti-male movement in America, and disturbing a lack of real men emerging while many fatherless households also exist. Did I mention that divorce rates are rising in America while fertility rates continue to decline. It's not all roses and sunshine and it makes me wonder why so many people keep moving to America, but I know that its worse in many other countries, refugees and war torn territories. Perhaps the people from Abroad are not aware of these issues, but they can learn about it here, on Thinking About It.

Once other countries saw that conversion of the USD from a representative money linked to Gold to a Fiat currency not linked to anything, then most countries liberalized credit and introduced elastic money supply systems based on Fiat Currency that has no intrinsic value. At first this caused rapid industrialization worldwide, raising the standards of living for many people in many countries, like an economic miracle. So people began to believe in it, as a way of improving economy function and they evidence to back this claim since it worked initially. But just like cocaine is a mood improver in the 30-50min time duration window after its snorted, it becomes a dangerous toxic and expensive habit and stops working to improve mood and causes psychosis and often suicide. My childhood best friend was high cocaine when he shot himself in the head with a large caliber handgun for example. 

I see these neighbor signs saying No Drugs Here in Yellow Text on Black and wonder if they forgot about all the dangerous toxic prescribed pharmaceuticals that surely consumed in neighborhoods in nearly all locals in America. Big pharmaceutical companies are the real drug dealers in the US economy. They profit off the side effect toxicity of commonly prescribe medications that ignorant doctors prescribe when the doctors do not know much about the drug they are prescribing and know even less about the patent whose they are prescribed the drugs too. 

Many US doctors prescribe amphetamine pills to children, knowing that it causes long term brain damage, eye damage, kidney damage, low weight, stunted growth and other detrimental longe term impacts of Adrenal that harmed and hurts young adults who continue to take the amphetamines for ADD and ADHD, some of whom also switch to harder illicid drugs to chase the dragon or that initial high the first dose of the prescribed drug provided. 

This is part of why druggies tend to steadily increase the doses of meth or heroin over time as their addiction spirals out of control and most of them do not understand medicine or physiology or dosing or dose to toxicity ratio such that Fentanyl now kills thousands of young adult Americans. The wasted potential of all these young people killed by Fentanyl made in China also, no coincidence. The CCP hitting us back for the opium epidemic that harmed China historically. 

There is a new call of opioid medications much stronger and more potent than Fentanyl, known as Nitazens, that are up to 40 times more powerful than fentanyl. So far Nitazese have resulted in the overdose death of 1413 people in 2022, a kind of intentional profit seeking chemical murder. I find its peculiar that an illicit drug maker would want to kill its customers. At least with cocaine they could create pseudo lifetime customers, like big alcohol companies and big tobacco companies. Content producers are making videos that have crack contains like addictive damaging effects on peoples minds. Some of the dark evil content is demonic and harms viewers psyche and makes people feel horrible, scared, anxious, afraid, and unstable. This has a negative effect on society. Having faith Faith in God generally helps people. 

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