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Demons (Evil or Unclean Spirits) Are Beings without Bodies

At the CE5 contact event Dr. Steve Greer and his followers sitting in circles in rural locations who use their thoughts to "contact and invite aliens" to visit them, then photographing and capturing images that straight look satanic. I am not exaggerating, look at the images Dr. Greer has captured and tell me that thats an extra terrestrial super intelligent alien, when it obviously looks like a demon. 

I am not suggesting given the vastness of the universe, that humans are alone as the only sentient sapient species or that Earth is unique as a planet hosting biological life base on carbon and DNA, and pressure, temperature, gravitation field, vapor pressure, water cycling and similar conditions we find on Earth.

JWST or the James Web Space Telescope images in very low energy infrared mostly. Using these tools NASA has discovered thousands of Earth like plants around other stars, just in the Milky Way, and there are billions of other galaxies like the Milky Way. Our galaxy contains hundreds of billions of stars and trillions of planets.

Obviously some people are bad actors and many are not. So if human or super human intelligent aliens exist, we know that some of them are bad actors and other are not. 

I want you to watch the video in the following YouTube link about The Universe, Outer Space and the Fermi Paradox Great Filters by Arthur Issacs

Fermi Paradox - "Question" / why Universe appears empty of intelligent life besides ourselves (human) / 
The Speed of Light at Astronomical Distances 
(Slow over vast AU distances) 

Consider that when we look into the vastness of the heavens we are looking at ancient light and have no idea what is happening in real time in vastly distant parts of the universe.  It takes light at the speed of light 30,000 years to get from the center of the Milky Way to Earth. 

Light at 299,792,458 m/s or meters per second takes 8 minutes to go ~93 million miles from the Sun to the Earth where photons and heat can energize solar PV, plants, and many other aspects of climate and weather on Earth by evaporating water and imparting solar thermal and photon energy that energizes photosynthesis in plants and vitamin D production in human skin respectively :) 

You are able to acknowledge that God exists, and by extensions it is also possible that many other beings like Angels, Demons and the Devil might exist. Take for example that many lower case gods are worshiped by people all around the world. About 95% of humans on Earth alive today have faith or spirituality and worship some kind of god lower case. There are an increasing number of Christians around the world now. 

Christianity increasing in popularity even in Islamic countries. In largely secular America there's been a huge resurgence of people going to Church to Praise of Worship God, who started reading the Bible on their own, who are hungry for spiritual health and healing. 

There is only one master supreme God who controls and owns everything in all dimensions, who is the master designer or clock maker who create all life, and has unlimited power, knowledge, skills and is everywhere always and see's and hears everything about everything and knows everything about all things that happen, such that no one can hide anything from God. 

Every single person will die and their soul, will, mind and emotions will be judged by God, with his device sublime supreme understanding and fairness. Be warned, if you live a life of habitual sin, not only will your heart be hardened with unbelief, but God will blot your name out of the book of life, such that when your are before him, he will say to you "I do not know you" and then cast you into hell for eternal damnation. 

Demons have a mind, will and emotions. They use quantum mechanical manipulation to possess, demonize, oppress, torment, confuse, manipulate or harm people. Demons can take over a persons body and cause the person to do evil things to other people, animals and nature. Consider the pedophiles that rape children, they are choosing to participate with a sexually perverted unclean spirit by engaging in illegal immoral unethical conduct with minors. 

Many millions of children are abducted into child sex trafficking rings and the USA the leading consumer of these abusive horrid services. Criminal gangs and organized crime rings systematically abduct children. Watch the movie "The Sound of Freedom" produced by Mel Gibson starting Jim Caviezel as the protagonist, based on a real life story of an actual hero who saves children from child sex trafficking.

Demons will whisper into peoples minds with the person own inner voice so that the person thinks those images and words and thoughts are from themselves, when in actuality the person is just unwittingly being influenced by a demon who injects those evil sick thoughts that the person still has a choice not to engage. 

Ultimately every person has free will and agency to do or not do something that is in their mind. When we read and know the word of God then we have a reference point to compare our thoughts with, in order to captured our thoughts and make sense of them, and tell if they align with God's word or not or even just "is this who I want to become" as a reflective self analytic question. 

You as a person have the power to rebuke these thoughts and say inside your mind "No, I am not going to do that, that is not who I am, and not who I am becoming, I am a man or woman of God and will serve the Lord my God, or at a minimum I will not harm other people, animals or nature because it does not feel right in my heart. It is not about your feelings, it's about a cognitive choice to do the right thing when no one else is watching. Everyone knows right from wrong because it says in the Word that God has encoded into peoples heart a basic ability to discern good from evil. 

Obviously in this post I am referencing chapters of the New Testament, literary works of Dr. Henry Wright, and Derek Prince, who I watch in his YouTube videos. I am drawing on many different ideas as usual with my posting, with the express intention of helping other people turn away from sin and start living an honorable life of doing what is right according to God which aligns with what people know is right in their hearts. 

Take a look at this YouTube video by Derek Prince about how to Free Yourself of Demonic Influence

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