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Child Marketing UPF in Colorful Boxes & Bags with Humanized Animal Mascot Graphics that Seem Cool to Children & Adults

Pollution the #1 mass killer of people via diseases, disorders & death premature caused by exposure to commonly emitted air & water pollution created by burning carbon fuels that release air pollution, acid rain, climate change acceleration and worse.

When renewable energy & nuclear fission energy advocates are talking about the urgent global need to decarbonize energy, that literally means we have a global moral imperative to stop emitting pollution, since much of the electricity generated worldwide results in pollution because of coal power, the dirties and most toxic way to make electricity, coal power exists today because coal abundant and cheap as the input fuel to coal thermal plants. The problem with coal combustion stems from the inclusion of heavy, toxic and radioactive elements in the coal that are released into the world when the coal is burned to make heat energy used to steam water to force past power generation turbines at coal thermal powerplants common around the world today. 

What does carbon energy have to do with UPF marketing to children? Well firstly, children and elderly people are more sensitive or more easily harmed by pollution exposure. But eating UPF like eating pollution because UPF contain up to 10,000 different chemical additives, added to block a sense of feeling full when eating, such that people are able to eat 40% more calories if they drink HFCS sweetened soda while eating a meal. People can easily scarf down multiple bags of UPF bliss point engineered flavor chips or potato chips, which are actually often made of GMO Soy & Corn, not potatoes, like Dorito chips.

UPF Examples

If you tried to make a blog of Fruit Loops at home the same way they come in the box from the store, such would require hundreds of special ingredients, many of which would be unrecognized chemicals that only jargon chemists even understand how to say the name of, and you would need thousands of dollars of special processing equipment that would easily fill your kitchen entirely. That means a UPF contains more than 20 ingredients, very hard to make the same way at home with common cooking or baking methods or kitchen tools you already have. Candy bars are flavored with 60 different essential oils in tiny amounts to make the Snickers bar taste super bliss point delicious, though the GMO peanuts soaked in RoundUp tend to make a spice chemical taste in peoples mouths now after the eat the latest versions of Snickers made this way. 

I often throw Oreo Cookies under the bus as a prime example of an unhealthy UPF that sells really well and widely consumed to the detriment of public health, harming and hurting the people that eat this garbage the same way that smoking cigarettes harms health or abusing alcohol harms health, but nearly everyone now knows that smoking and heavy drinking are unhealthy while few people really understand what a UPF is or why eating UPF so harmful to public health. In large part because they make UPF seem child safe with PG graphics that draw the eyes of children towards the brightly colored graphics of the UPF box or bag place on shelve of grocery stores at the eye level of children who are walking along side their parents grocery shopping with a big metal cart. 

Now to be transparent, I few times per year smoke an organic all natural cigarette made by American Spirits in the light blue box. I also drink beer or spirits in moderation though Meg & I are taking a break from alcohol for a Dry December 2024. I also sometimes buy and eat Oreo Cookies, Fruit Loops, and other unhealthy throwbacks to my childhood in America. Meg mentioned Candy Cigarettes that were designed to warm children up to the idea of cigarettes being good or ok, so they would be more likely to try real cigarettes as young adults able to legally buy tobacco, a cleaver insidious strategy that lost its gusto in 1994 landmark legislation banning Big Tobacco from marketing their products to children. Thus Joe Camel & the Marlboro Man disappeared and boxes of cigarettes at Dennys in vending machines went from $1.50 to $6.75, then $8.25, then the cigarette vending machines disappeared, like phone booths with coin operated phone on landlines, which also disappeared, like many magazines and newspapers, something known as legacy medium, though radio one of the oldest forms of information news still around on AM & FM worldwide, perhaps in part because that was the first way to share information before TV and now internet took the reigns. 

I share the toxic effects of UPF because I have a moral duty to help protect other people who don't understand the way I do, since I have done years of research to learn how to undo type 2 diabetes which I previously cured, and how to reverse high blood pressure, which I also cured, mostly by removing UPF from my diet or not eating any UPF regularly. 

Iodine deficiency affects nearly 2 billion people, which means their thyroid glands cannot produce enough T3 & T4 hormones that have broadly important biological effects in the human body in terms of promoting homeostasis or overall health. 

Magnesium deficiency also very common. This has broadly negative effects as well. Micronutrients are super important to support all the cellular processes of the human bodies cells, essential for human health. 

Industrial agriculture failed to protect soil from nutrient depletion, so foods grown on industrial farms in America for example are less nutrient dense now, such that eating spinach in 2024 provides less nutrition that eating the same kind of spinach grown in the 1920's. There are areas in the midwest of America where the farm soil levels are 30 ft lower than they were in the 1960's, because of wasteful runoff promoting spray irrigation for example. Commercial farms fail to integrate compost into the soil, they never rotate crops for nitrogen fixation, and use petrochemical fertilizers and pesticides, all practices that make the resulting foods widely available much less nutritious now. 

UPF are created with GMO corn, GMO soy and GMO wheat, first turned into desiccated or perfectly dry tasteless powders, used as neutral base materials in the creation of complicated UPF chips for example, which are fried in GMO rape seed oil itself a UPF, then coated in hundreds of synthetic chemicals, colors and flavors, in what is known in the UPF industry as Bliss Point Engineering in industrial food processing. That means that common well selling chips or crips are not actually a real food in any normal sense of the meaning of the word Food. 

UPF foods have more in common with car paint or industrial lubricants like synthetic engine oil or commercial aviation fuel, also made with ultra processing at oil refineries using equipment that costs tens or hundreds of billions of dollars in todays weaker fiat USD $ money that lost 97% of its value since 1913 due to progressive continual inflation, especially in 1974 when the US dollar was taken off the Gold Standard, before which it was a representative currency, after which it became a fiat currency and can fail just like the fiat currency failed from hyperinflation in Germany after WWI or World War One. Every fiat currency in history has ended up failing from hyperinflation and the current US dollar can also fail from hyperinflation if the sleazy jerks at the Federal Reserve fail to act to prevent hyperinflation of the USD2024 or Dollar of the United States of America. 

Biomass & Sustainable Fuels For 1000+ Years

Fire allowed man to cook animals & plants he or she hunted or gathered. Cooking increases calorie density and digestibility, making it easier for early humans using fire to sustain themselves.

Coal, diesel, gasoline, natural gas, propane, butane, LNC, CNG, jet fuel, 100LL, there are many kinds or grades of hydrocarbon fuels made from crude oil or petroleum, and many kinds of natural gas from oil wells collected and sold, and many grades of coal burned to make heat, steam & power, that is electricity connected to power grids to distribute electricidal energy to utility customers loads, appliances, lights or bulbs, heaters, blower motors, vacuums, Wi-Fi routers, to charge EV's or portable electronics, like recharging smartphones or smartwatches, to power fridges & freezers, to energize gas pumps, water pumps, natural gas pumps, electrical energy to heat oil at oil refineries where oil is column distilled into many different streams of chemical gases, liquids and solids left behind like tar.  

Making heat & power burning or combusting coal & crude oil produces a lot of toxic air, water & land pollutants & pollution emissions, not just huge amounts of CO2, but also CO, PM, NOX, particles, fumes HC, smoke, soot, just as crude wood fires are dirty burners, carbon and hydrocarbon energy have a emissions debacle as the pollution emitted this way causes more diseases and death than all other known causes. 

In other words, pollutants emitted from burning fuels the world's most prolific mass murderer, because of how the emissions have toxic effects on human health but also poses existential problems like Peak Oil supply declining and cost increasing and economic effects thereof, or climate change acceleration which could doom life in the biosphere of Earth. For 100 years acid rain has been corroding infrastructure and making bodies of water with fish more acidic, causing trillions in losses of both biomass in waterbodies and rusting & corrosion of steel, rebar & masonry in infrastructure and vehicles.  

Biofuels offer a renewable way to make cleaner fuels, and we can and will make gasoline from goal with Coal to Gasoline CTG and Natural Gas to Gasoline or NGG, to make synthetic gasoline & diesel sold at millions of commercial gas stations for at least 300 more years. We continue to increase efforts to collect waste gas from trash dumps and compost as an alternative to oil well natural gas, known as biogas recovery technology. Old tires, plastics, used motor oil, these are additional sources of alternative oil feedstock inputs for oil refineries to make synthetic lubricants & fuels. 

3 trillion Trees & trillions of tons of Algae + Cellulosic Ethanol / Methanol to Gasoline & Diesel, we can make wood for buildings, furniture, & fuel for thousands of years, for cardboard boxes & paper production, for paper towels and toilet paper. We are never going to run out of trees to cut down or Algae to harvest from the oceans. Not especially because atmospheric CO2 increasing which helps increase Alge levels and fuels more prolific growth of plants & trees. Get your chainsaw ready, wood is going nowhere and will continue being a fuel for thousands of years. It seems those ancient cave man fires set an example that wood pellet stoves & furnaces today still derived their primary chemical input from :) 

Broken Heart Drawn Towards That Which You Know Is Wrong

A blessing in many ways, but it also makes me want to scream loudly, I feel like I am exploding or coming undone & somehow like it, even though I hate it. This reminds of something that Paul talked about in the Bible without disclosing exactly what he was struggling with. 

Something inside of me that feels normal, feels natural, could even be logically defensible, but that which I know is bad, wrong, probably illegal for time, a sin against God and my wife to even ponder such thinking, but I don't even know where it came from or why it bounces around in my head tormenting me. 

I know it's not me, and don't like it, and hate it, but then again somehow it became part of my brain by protein synthesis, a powerful idea, a deep affective idea, hope for the future, an insanely intense collection of thoughts, something that pulls beneath the surface, there was a song about this, by Linkin Park. Its not evil, not from demons, not from Satan. It involves the appreciation of nature, natural beauty, but feels like a kind of idolatry because of how the aesthetic focus on supercars came out of nowhere. 

There you have, super ultra-low volume rare expensive high performance composite cars with amazing drivetrain technology that cost a fortune to buy and even more to own and operate legally, not at all practical, possible the pinnacle of materialistic excess. So, I am just as bad as any arrogant billionaire who buys one and enjoys it, since such lives in my heart, to pursue excellence in automobiles. To this end the Lexus LFA the finest vehicle ever made! 

There are aspects of my 2022 Corolla Hybrid that are superior as a daily road vehicle. I have to leave it at this, even though there is a entire other thought thread of want that is similar but unspeakable. Proving even as a man of God I am still a deeply flawed hypocrite sinner desperately in need of sanctification through repentance. I am deeply afraid that If I died in an accident in the near future God would say "Go away, I did not know you" because of how crooked I am on the inside. I told my pastors wife about this and she told me roughly what follows. 

My pastor's wife Dana tells me "Aaron most people have off color or bad thoughts, and sometimes they even like those thoughts, like your saying, but you never have to give into acting them out, and besides by rejecting them as false imaginations, you become stronger at obedience to God and he recognizes the struggle you have and even understand your struggle more than anyone else for he understands everything, but rewards people who reject unclean thoughts, and it's probably such that you like so many other Christians will put into the outer darkness, but not sent to hell, because you proclaim Christ Jesus as your Lord and Savior will like them achieve Salvation and who choose to try best to Love God in heart, such that God knows this, and will just put you on the sidelines when Christ returns with all the Saints and those who did his will to rule over the Earth for a thousand years" see the book of Revelation in the Bible for the reference. That quotation is an expansion and adaptation of what was actually said since I am unable to quote her from memory exactly, so, in my long form description I tried to communicate the main ideas she said in my own words. 

Ok so I also get hit on by women that are 25 to 33 years old, who are single mothers because the husband left randomly, and they notice I am "Cute, smart, friendly, and interesting" after hearing me talk with other faculty and staff members, then I hear through the grape vine so & so was wondering if you wanted to hang out or going a date or she can cook you dinner or something like that. I tell all these ladies who show interest in me about my lovely wife would take deep offense to a home wrecker trying to win over my affection to cause me to file divorce with my wife, which I will never do, since no one is able to offer me anything that would cause me to give up on Meg who has repeatedly saved my life & to whom I have been luck enough to save her life multiple times & I know she needs me around to have a happy life & I would never betray her. Now, if Meg leaves me or chooses to divorce me for some reason, and I ended up single, then maybe, I might, probably not, ever data woman with children. That would be totally unfair to me since I do not & have never had children. Meg & I are DINKS as in dual income and no kids, only a kitty or house cat, which Meg' treats like a special needs child by being incredibly supportive of our elderly kitty. 

Finding a high-quality wife where I live in Washington State, USA, King County, as in intelligent, loyal, honest, fair, reasonable, not materialistic, not vain, not silly or wasteful, who loves animals, who loves me, who is generous and kind and loving, who wants a traditional Christian family order at home according to Biblical teaching about proper family order. This list of attributes so extensive that I did even believe such a person exited in King County like this, but that is because Meg is from central Oregon where real Americans not these deranged woke liberal nut cases, happen to be into guns, God, family & real loving inclusivity of all people, not woke hate speech censorship and one party government control idea of the radical woke left extremists. Smaller, smarter, relatively fit not fluffy also, able to hike me with or bike with me, almost athletic, into healthy home cooked meals, who does not eat UPF items, who is into staying hydrated with a healthy sleep schedule. I am married to a miracle, a amazing beautiful, lovely loyal practical artistic frugal fantastic helper who constantly shows me loving kindness in all sorts of ways, making coming home to her a real joy and something I actually crave with fondness in her absence, looking forward to seeing her again, for with Meg I can be truly comfortable or myself & feel at ease. It takes me months of daily exposure and interaction with a new person to develop even a base level of comfort being my real self in private. That made dating a horrible mess for years before I met Meg when I was 27. My earlier 20's was a blur of drugs & crazy high speed dating that ended so many trial runs that I burned out and stopped trying to find anyone to be with, and that is about the same time that my former friend Jae tricked Meg & I into meeting at his place. I thought I was going over to make beer but Meg answered the door and the first out of her mouth was "Hey, have you heard of Kombucha?" causing a flashback to a PCC visit where I had first looked upon such a strange beverage wondering what kind of weird hippie chick would be into drink tea with fungus growing in it / lol but that proved that she was possible as bizarre and strange as me, around 6:30PM, we leave Jae's house and go to a "Bible Study" and Stuart & Mary Pennington's former home, but drove there in my car only to sit outside and end up talking all night. We actually saw people coming and going in the background though the front window but were so engrossed in a back-and-forth discussion that we both lost track of time, and the bible study had ended when we looked at the clock, 2 am, lol and we both had to work then next day. We stared dating officially in 2010, on June 16th, it was a hike to Rattle Snake Ridge, and apparently, I ranted and raved about political and technological issues with society, typical. One year later we went to this park in Seattle, and it was National Dump the Pump Day as in alternatives to driving vehicles that burn fuel sold at gas stations. We even got "Un driver's Licenses. We kept dating for 3 years and got married in 2013. At first we were more almost passive former Christians who had been burned by people from churches nearby and were not keen on reading the bible and watched Netflix and played video games during our downtime, at first in this tiny Studio Apartment on 112th in Downtown Bellevue, called Xcaliber that's painted green and purple. I had a proto liberal libertarian scientist skeptic worldview and Meg also bucked being brain washed by mainstream media because both of her father's told her in different ways when she was growing up how the government and media are a giant cluster of corruption and fake news & much worse. We are both highly skeptical of any news coverage since mega media has big corporate big budget woke NGU strings attached to promote the GLTBQ ...or 620 different personal identifiers. /

It can be hard to find good employees or loyal partners, as many people today are hopelessly selfish and have no interest in marriage or a godly order at home or morality and ethics, who habitually sin in different ways and who have a cold heart towards God and other people and animals and nature, who care only about money, status, comfort and fancy things, can you say glib zip code envy greedy & materialistic. Snobs and people who value money & gold above God & other people, who are guilt of idolatry & who are completely unfit to be a partner in love with me or Meg. We need a high-quality person to be with, for long term companionship, to grow old together with, and most people are not even close to the caliber that either of us would be compatible with. 

They have to be pro-gun, pro God, prolife, pro real loving kindness, and literally do what the Word says in the Bible about proper Christian Conduct, an increasingly rare set of personality traits. I am a college educated cold blooded assassin trained and perfected in a USAP, warrior & defender of America, sworn by oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America from all enemies foreign or domestic. 

Do you think Americans will be safer during World War Three WWIII if fewer are armed because of increasing left gun control laws enacted? If you do, your wrong. Criminals do not follow gun laws and procure guns illegally, in grey or black markets, paying with cash, including automatic with silencers, ghost guns made from parts or other. 

No laws can make parents love their children or make children love their parents. Where did all the high-quality people go? Where did real men go? Why did we start trading with the CCP, the most unethical government in the world, why is currency inflation of the US dollar out of control and why is the US Federal National Debt climbing towards $37 trillion soon?  How about more artificial flavors and colors in your food so you get cancer faster? How about more air pollution to subsidize the carbon energy industries profits by sacrificing public health to pay for it, did you know that pollution emissions are the biggest mass murderer in all of human history, that pollution is emitted on a grand and increasing scale today in ways that sicken and kill more people with preventable diseases and death than all other causes combined. Pollution is the world's most prolific mass murderer. 

Peak Experiences Can be Very Dangerous if they are Chemical

Smoking Crack Cocaine or Methamphetamine Crystals, shooting liquid opioids directly into a vein, cooking codeine in gasoline, there are many chemical shortcuts to temporary bliss, but none of them are sustainable even for one human life & tend to be highly damaging to a person's life & health. 

Be careful with your brain, you can't buy another one yet!

They are called hard drugs or narcotics because Fentanyl can easily cause fatal respiratory depression, so the use of fentanyl literally suffocates to death unable to breathe, like holding film over your mouth & nose so you can't breathe, it's a really unnerving panic feeling that no one wants & dying like that is horrible. It's an icky cringy feeling of physical panic when plastic film blocks your ability to take another breath in.

In my middle twenties I took many MDMA pills and was rolling while at music festivals, doing acts I will not speak of, but even being touched was outrageously stimulating and pleasurable. Holding someone's hand and sliding the fingers gently around & against produce what felt like a stream or orgasms, but that peak experience cannot be replicated and afterwards left me feeling depressed and sad, since I chemically hijacked my brain serotonin signaling system by taking pills of MDMA of varying purity produced on the black market and purchased with cash, one the only reasons cash is still around. Most patrons of sex worker and illegal drugs don't want charges for such on the debt or credit card accounts to keep such activities anonymous, for privacy reasons. I am not here to judge anyone but living in habitual sin a pathway to self-destruction with things as cringy as hepatitis or herpes or HIV or worse. Now I drink coffee and that seems to work :) 

Well-adjusted people do not have to murder other people to get enough stimulation to enjoy life. Serial killers have a dopamine signaling deficiency disorder where they have to engage in highly dangerous illegal harmful sick activities harming other people unto death or worse, to get a sense of enjoyable stimulation from life. Common drugs of abuse like heroin and cocaine also exploit the brains dopamine signaling system, causing neuron death in the brains reward centers that making going pee enjoyable, so we continue to go pee, and similar for pooping, fun drugs released by the brain for the brain when we poo in order to motivate future pooping. In other words, everyone's brain is getting high on its own supply of internally made brain fun drugs that the brain makes for itself and uses for itself, the same brain that names itself & coordinates all human activities, good or bad, worldwide. 

Meg says that demonic influences cause people to have evil thoughts, and while most people reject such thoughts, some people go along with the voices in their head and do evil sick acts to other people, usually causing harm, injury, or even death, in acts of murder. When interviews such people say 'Voices in my head told me to do it" almost confirming what Meg' speculates to be true based on her understanding of the Bible or the Holy Word of God as written in the Bible. I am sure this spiritual reality is true for the following reasons. 

The visible spectrum that our eyes see is only as tiny slice of the entire electrodynamic spectrum. So human people are mostly unable to see most of what is actually happening, in all those other colors that our eyes are unable to detect. Now people working on technology developed microbolometer array or FLIR forward looking infrared which can pick up weak faint pink beyond red long wave IR emitted by all warm bodies as head phonons similar to visible light photons. Effectively FLIR means rows and columns of chip scale thermometers that measure tiny differences in phonon density or a measure of molecular vibration of distant objects, such that FLIR enables visual color imaging of invisible infrared heat energy, and is able to see through fog & rain, which why forward looking infrared camera are so common on military drones, space satellites and in some hunting scope applications, but also used by HVAC tech to trace hot wires or sources of heat in systems like HVAC or parts of such systems, by electricians and automotive tech to look at heat in power panels or engine bays, in aerospace to inspect the hot turbine engines during operation, to look for hot spots during early development to work out solutions to reduce hot spots that could burn up the carbon fiber epoxy shell covering of high bypass jet engines used on passenger aircraft like Boeing 787 or Airbus A321 Neo as examples. 

Adding infrared like JWST or the James Web Space Telescope allows NASA to look deeper into history at very distant faint object emitting very weak phonon streams of very low energy level, which is why the JWST system has a multi-layer heat shield, since the ultra-sensitive IR imaging element cooled to cryogenic cold temperatures to make it even more sensitive to tiny variations in phonon heat packet density or give it superior low energy resolution able to distinguish very faint very distant objects or phenomena imaged by such superlative technology.

But there are many other colors that Visible or IR like X-ray band, or gamma band, even longer waves, the spectrum extends infinitely in both directions from increasingly higher energy on one side and increasingly lower energy on the other side. Effectively there are an almost unlimited number of ways to image reality in different spectral ranges with photons of different energy levels. Multi-spectral imaging systems are also common on military attack drones that shoot surface to air missiles at targets to destroy vehicles or similar, cell towers, power plants, roadways, manufacturing plants, to harm the economy by shutting down critical industry, taking out the power grid, and destroying important roadways to limit movement. The military industrial complex of America has fueled much technological innovation at NASA, at the DOE, for commercial Nuclear Fission Reactors based on earlier atomic bomb physics via the Atoms for Peace program for example. I have a little Seek Thermal dongle that plugs into my phone turning it into an IR imaging system, amazingly!  

Piston Ring Miracle Technology in 2023 F1 Car Engines

Enginering contains word engine as in steam engines the first reciprocating piston engines that fueled with coal dust or external combustion steam fueled railroads & the first & second industrial revolutions before crude oil based gasoline & diesel fuels made from petroleum deep borehole pressure extraction mined from Earth's crust, the easy oil party ended in the middle of the 20th century, yet fossil fuels today represent about 98% of all transportation energy primary inputs. We are running on ancient sunlight people, plants that died millions of years ago, buried deep under heat & pressure closer to Earth's hot core, these plant biomolecules broke down into hydrocarbon chains, liquids, gases and solids like tar. Known as black gold, oil has created more wealth than any other thing in human history. With petrochemical agriculture, known as the Green Revolution, we enable human population to go from 2 billion people to almost 8 billion people at the same time today. 

Watch this

Piston engines will remain as prime energy movers in vehicles of all kinds for hundreds of years because we already know how to convert coal and natural gas to gasoline, otherwise called synthetic fuels, biomass, renewable feedstock, waste oil, old tires, coal, natural gas, wood, dump gas recovery, trash waste gas recovery and compost gas recovery, there will continue to be ways to economically make feasible engine lubricating oils, gasoline & diesel fuel for at least 300 more years, mostly as synfuels or short for synthetic fuels. Add in biofuels 4th && 5th generation and cellulosic ethanol, and methanol to gasoline, and you have 500 more years of biofuels as drop-in replacements for unleaded gasoline or on road diesel. 

During the next 200-years nuclear fission and fusion energy technology, including classified quantum energy technology will enable the 6th Industrial Revolution to transition all of societies energy to nuclear electric with more than 15 billion years' worth of radioactive fertile and fissile elements in the crust & oceans, we will never run out of new nuclear fuel rod making minerals. The Sun become a Red Giant and boil the oceans off of Earth before we run out of easily mined uranium or thorium taken from Earth's crust or the world's oceans by aqueous chemical polymer bead extraction. Even the ocean water can be converted to hydrogen gas & oxygen to enable more rocket fuels & even cleaner space launches. 

10,000 Gs of acceleration, 1000 C temperature, 300 Bar or 4000+PSI of pressure, F1 engine achieve thermal efficiency greater than 50% with piston rings that are a technological material science miracle of applied knowledge. 

Refined over more than 100 years of innovation across 4 major industrial revolutions, engines are not going anywhere, in thanks because of Toyota & Subaru who eschewed the battery electric hype in favor of better engines and hybrid synergy drive technology or hybrid & plug-in Prime Toyota Lexus vehicles. Big daddy of Automotive Toyota has been moping the floor of the global automotive landscape for more than 60 years, showing all the other automakers how it's done in superlative engines like the 2JZ inline 6 or vehicles like the Lexus LFA! Tens of millions of Toyota's Corollas (Little Crown) sold over 12 generations since the 1970's or the preeminent off-road all-weather OG SUV beast Toyota Landcruiser's since the 1970's. Prius Hybrid superstar for more than 20 years with 15 million sold worldwide! I believe that Toyota is keeping the Economy of Japan on life support and the most valuable company in Japan, along with Sony & Honda. 

During the Steam Engine era, pistons were made of hardwood & sealed with leather rings or rings made of tar infused rope (note no plastics or polymers were commercially viable, other than latex early on, from latex trees, mostly made in fiber latex belts and tires for bicycles and cars. By the late 1800's it was cast iron pistons with cast iron piston rings for sealing. 

Engines convert hot expanding gas into rotational energy!
That means gasoline burned in air creates hot expanding gas to shove the piston down
The pistons connecting rod translates the force of the hot gas shoved piston to the cranking of a shaft
The crankshaft kind of like the Pedal on Bicycle, while the fossil fueled piston is like the legs of the bicycle ride, that is both impacts down thrust on the pedals or pistons to spin the crank in order to turn the wheels and propel the vehicle forward with torque or power. 

Engines suck in fuel & air, or a turbo or super charger compresses such into the intake, then the open intake valve closes by spring pressure & camshaft control. Now inside the cylinder a mixture of fuel & air compresses as the piston moves upward decreasing the volume inside the cylinder, which pressurized the fuel air mixture. Just after top dead center where the piston reaches the high point of compression and position, a spark plug emits a hot arch of electricity to ignite the fuel air mixture which undergoes a deflagration pressure and head generating chemical reaction to make water vapor & CO2 mostly, which combined shove the piston down imparting mechanical energy into the wrist pin & connecting rod onto the crankshaft which combines the piston power of many pistons to produce continual torque pulse output into the transmission or power split device, to shafts connected to the vehicles propulsion wheels, that is that the metal wheel covered in rubber tire translate the engine chemical energy from the fuel into forward motion that pulls or shoves the tire across road surfaces depending on drive configuration. A read drive shoves the tires across the road, while front wheel drive pulls the tires across the road, both are kinds of traction, which is why soft compliant fiber & steel wire reinforced rubber tires from the interface for concrete, asphalt or gravel or dirt roads. Vehicles, roads and tires have improved much since the 1960's. Much cleaner in terms of emissions today, the on-road passenger vehicle, car or SUV, has advanced emissions controls that cut tailpipe smog emitted by 95%. 

Suck, Squeeze, Bang, Blow

Suck in fuel air, squeeze to compress it, bang it with spark, extract useful work, blow exhaust gas out, reset/ loop function. The Engine Control Unit or ECU takes many kinds of sensor data to precisely control the pulse width injection of fuel through the electronically controlled fuel injectors with MAF sensor intake & crank position and knock sensor in block, it mixes signals with DAC ADC mixed signal control, especially the fuzzy logic of the automatic transmission, analog circuits. Most ECU are computer, digital, with hard drive SSF storage and passive heatsink cooling. New 2025 automobiles have more than 150 chips, as in integrated circuits like the SOC in your smartphone. A full self-driving car also a rolling uploading big data center with lots of high-powered compute onboard. I just put a computer in my car's glove compartment, but I can hold the internet in my hand in iPhone or Android Samsung models over 4G LTE or 5G NR mobile broadband now. Can you say Apple Maps, Google Maps, Hey Google, Hey Siri, Hey Computer or Alexa. It's voice control now. Can you imagine when the cars become spiritual or self-aware? I am not even sure that such is possible, but the age of spiritual machines means that we use the math of our brain, DNA and Epigenetics to design machines that exhibit the same exquisite detail in form and function. 

Early coal gas fueled, or coal dust fueled internal combustion atmospheric free piston and captured double action piston engines were only about 10% thermal efficiency, but the 4 Stroke Otto cycle compressed the air & fuel before spark ignition, raising thermal or fuel efficiency to 30%, 300% better than atmospheric engines. 300% better is an enormous and amazing improvement, or radical innovation. Imagine if we magically increased your income by 300%. With a compression ratio of 3.5 to 1, these low compression early engines also were fueled by low octane variable quality gasoline. 

Out of Round piston rings become round when compressed as the piston inserted into the cylinder, and innovation from late 1860 that radically improved piston sealing internal combustion engines. Stacks of 3 or 4 or 5 or 7 rings help to keep the oil in the bottom of the engine, lubricating the crank bearings and piston rings and con rod bearings, while the hot gasoline air combustion gasses kept above the piston to extract useful work to spin the vehicles wheels for propulsion. 

By 1880s splash oiling systems and compression rations of 6.5:1 meant commercial on road vehicle engines quickly adapted in an era when battery electric vehicles sold well. People at the time thought about horse drawn carriages, and when Henry Ford asked his customers what they wanted they said "better horses" when he wanted to sell the Model T. I know I jumped a few decades there, this is blogging not the encyclopedia. 

In modern engines for 2025 onward model years, engines piston rings have to exhibit a carefully designed balance of contract pressure, ring height, area, tangential pressure, balancing sealing of combustion against fiction forces from the rings scraping the oil film on the cylinder wall. This desire to minimize friction in the engine to reduce tailpipe emissions and improve fuel economy, but if the ring is not tight or snug enough then blow by would cause oil dilution that has plagued the 1.5 L Earth dreams turbo engine of Honda for example. That means combustion gases squeak by the rings into the engine oil, along with some gasoline and vapors thereof, that foul or dilute the oil with contamination faster. Such engines are prone to early loss of compression and require more oil changes with special additive engine oil to seal the rings properly. 

I think it would be ethical or moral for Honda to recall and repair such engines with appropriate solutions that result in longer engine life and long oil life between oil changes. Piston Ring Contact Pressure means the force that is exerted on the interface between the outer edge face of the piston ring and the inner wall surfaces of the cylinder coated in a thin film of oil by the pistons lower oil control ring. It's a careful engineering balancing act to design good piston ring sealing while also reducing friction, requiring extensive R&D and working well with the Toyota problem solving manufacturing ways. Radial Pressure Distribution means the force the piston ring exerts outwardly against the cylinder walls. Piston rings rectangular contact area also transfers more than half of the combustion heat into the cylinder wall, so that the water-cooling jacket filled with engine coolant can transfer heat away from the aluminum alloy block to the aluminum fan assisted front radiator to dump waste heat out of the engine and into the world. 

Low pressure oil control rings help to keep the engine oil out of the hot gas combustion at the top, known as the lubricating bottom end of the engine, the oil control rings sit at the bottom of the piston and gently scrape oil back into the crankcase. Ring twisting in the 1920 offered yet more improvement to the balance between sealing hot gas above and oil bellow the piston. Keystone wedge rings with trapezoidal shape and different angles enabled a reduction in carbon deposits of turbo-diesel engines in heavy duty Class 8 on road truck engines, which prevented ring sticking in the compression rings of such engines. 

Oil control rings helped to reduce oil consumption and cleaned up exhaust emission in early carburetor automotive engines by the 1930's and onward. 3-part oil control rings developed for aircraft engines in WWII made their way into automotive engines, made of graphite cast iron, then nodule cast iron, offering bear wear resistance and thermal conductivity. Annealed or heated to increase ductility, the modulus of elasticity increases making the rings longer lasting or more durable. Quench rapid cooling chrome steel to make rings enabled increasing of the microstructure strength in high performance engines. To enhance ring life the ring steel often nitride coated, as in dipped in a hot chemical bath to impart a wear resistant nitride coating which literally imparts nitrogen atoms into the steel that radically improve its wear resistance. Spring steel center control rings in 3 ring systems are also able to maintain their spring pressure at higher temperatures. Hard chrome coating piston ring materials made them last 3X longer still. Molybdenum coating rings in the 1960's flame or plasma sprayed. Physical or vapor deposition phosphate or copper coated rings emerged in the 2000's as on road vehicle development & tighter emissions control laws favored engine friction reduction technology. 

Once more, I will say it again, engines will become vehicle mounted electricity generators, yes, I know they already are with the alternator & battery, but I mean operating at one specific most efficient RPM speed, as in peak thermal efficiency with lowest possible emissions. In other words, in range extended electric vehicles the engine acts as an onboard primary energy input generator converting gasoline into kWh or electricity to use in the axial flux propulsion motor drive system of the REEV or PHEV or as range extenders, like I3 REX model from BMW or that Prime RAV4 from Toyota. The Automotive Range Extender Engine Generator reminds me of an aircraft APU or auxiliary power supply turbine generator unit, that makes 400hz electricity on passenger aircraft like the Boeing 777 or Airbus A321 Neo as examples, or my personal favorite the Boeing 878 Dreamliner :)

I dream of blended wing aircraft carrying hundreds of passengers worldwide while using 70% less fuel and releasing 90% less noise near airports during takeoff when the engines are loudest. The inboard blended wing ducted fan high bypass engines of NASA designs that Airbus & Boeing can easily commercialize blend atmospheric air with hot turbine exhaust to minimize heat signature and noise emissions of such amazing novel aircraft designs, like that of the B2 Spirit Stealth Bomber, or blended wing passenger aircraft flying international routes between countries where the superior fuel economy translates not only to ultra-low emissions of heat, smog & sound, but also radically enhance flight endurance or range per unit of fuel or fuel economy in automotive terms. 

With a titanium alloy expander and silicon carbide coated top & bottom ring in 3 ring piston rings of current F1 engines, the pinnacle of engineering technology applied to make superlative piston rings. Only 1 compression ring and 1 oil control ring, the 5-axis slow precise machined low mass F1 engine pistons are shape mass optimized so the engine can hit 15,000 RPM. These engines are so tight cold they have to heat them to 154 F in order to use the external starter motor to get the F1 engine started. 

In 2022 onward road vehicles 0W-16 fully synthetic motor oil designed to work in concert with extensive friction reduction between the piston rings and cylinder wall while still maintaining good hot combustion gas sealing and oil scraping functions needed to ensure good engine life and longer intervals between oil changes. Such is the case with the 2ZR-FXE engine of our 2022 Corolla Hybrid. I has a spin on oil filter thank the Lord our God, vs that goofy VW inspired plastic filter cartridge noise of Meg's 2010 Prius III, that wastes more paper towels and gloves and not eco-friendly the way they claim. I take the old engine oil and filter to the local Autoparts store for recycling. 

Lower quality automakers consider 1 quart of oil consumption every 1000 miles or 1 liter of oil consumption every 1600 km, normal. I am telling you and want you to comprehend that Toyota makes engines with superior thermal economy and radically less oil consumption using higher precision manufacturing of the engine parts and better QA: QC during assembly of the engine or the TMS Toyota Manufacturing System, producing cars of superior durability or long-life operation with basic maintenance. Long lasting high quality durable cars & SUV like Prius, Camry, Corolla, Tacoma, Tundra, Landcruiser, Toyota mops the floor of the automotive industry as the clear leader of superlative high-quality vehicle with legendary reliability, though a few examples of blunders in models that had bad engines or bad frames that rust out easily or carpets that get caught in the pedals or something like that. Not even Toyota has a perfect history as an automaker, and they are the best Automaker overall. 

Emergency Backup Generator During Power Outage from Windstorm & Personal First Computer Build History

Emergency Backup Generators
Perhaps $800 to $1400 USD2024 for 2200 watts peak & 2000 watts nominal

Meg purchased a Honda EU2000 in December of 2017 from Home Depot in Tukwila, WA, USA for $899 
I have kept it full of ethanol free gasoline with Sta-Bil fuel stabilizer added
I keep a logbook in the box with the rebuild reference & owner's manual & a pen to record use data
I pull open the box, remove the top box with the paperwork, spare spark plug & tool, then open the top of the giant plastic bag and fold the bag over the open box flaps. Inside the bag the generator is covered by the OEM silver polymer fabric HONDA cover which had a VELCRO flat that I open so that I can grab the top handle to pull the 25kg generator + 1 gallon of fuel in the tank, out of the box, then set it up outside. I close the choke, and turn the bottom handle to on, then turn the top of the fuel cap lever to on, then grip the pull handle and hold the generator with my left hand while I pull the cord with my right hand to start the engine. As soon as the engine runs after pull starting & turn the choke back off & let it warm up for about 30 seconds before plugging in an electrical load, typically a small electric space heater of 500 watts, 750 watts or 1500 watts to low, medium high test the ECO mode once its activated 3 minutes after the engine started. I then run the load and alternate modes and load level for 15 to 30 minutes, recording the data in the logbook with runtime or ODO time the engine had operated in minutes. Every 1400 minutes it gets an oil change with synthetic car oil that I have on hand for automotive oil changes DIY style at home. It holds 13.1 fluid ounces of engine oil and has a small white dip stick in the bottom left corner, once the single easy big black screw loosened to the service door which has insert hinges so it pivots when opening at the top so you can easily lift the door out of the way to service the carburetor or change the oil. Another smaller access door that pops free at the top near the generators handle enables access to the sparkplug. 

Recently we had a power & internet outage due to a windstorm that hit the Pacific Northwest, at one point causing a power blackout that affected 3 million people. From Tuesday 11/19/2024 at 5:55 pm until Friday 11/22/2024 at 9:14 pm there was no grid power available at our home. Outside daily temperatures were between 40 and 56 F, right now its 34.5 F and falling outside, Happy Thanksgiving. Internet was out until 3am 11/24/2024 when the WiFi regained an Internet Connection. 

We used a 12/3 extension cable to run the power through a gap in the downstairs slider, running the generator at the edge of the patio with exhaust blowing away to vent correctly, then used duct tape to cover the gap on the slider to keep cold air & exhaust smell gases from leaking in. I arranged patio bricks to make a crude exhaust diffuser to further reduce the sound emissions and also to direct the exhaust gas away from the patio. I had to refuel the generator with about 4 gallons of fuel. 

I ran the generator from 6pm to 8:30pm 11/19, then 8:30am to 8:30pm 11/20, then 8:45am to 9pm 11/21, then 9am to 9:27pm 11/22. It had 999min ODO when I first started it to make electricity to help with the power outage. At 1400min ODO I did the first oil change, then when the power was restored, it was late, so I turned it off and went to bed. Next morning I woke up and changed the oil, refilled the fuel with stabilizer, then stored it all carefully in the box for active standby, ODO reached 2800 min in the log.

We used the 1600 watts to run our Fridge, electric space heaters, our Blu-ray Player and LED TV, a dehumidifier to dry the bathroom some. We never lost hot water because this home we rent space from has a natural gas water heater that works even when grid power is lost, something we tested on the first evening without power. I took my bicycle for a ride for the first time in a couple of years and Meg & I went and played tennis at the closest public park with tennis courts that were still slightly wet and gladded with tree debris because of the recent windstorm, with winds that peaked at 77 MPH. Without power or internet at home, we went for more walks, spent more time reading the bible, cooking over a tiny butane camping stove on our dinner table.

Normally our indoor home temperature peaks at about 70 during the day and dips to 65 at night, but during the power outage the natural gas furnace was not able to work without the blower motor energized or board logic control powered on, so the inside temperate dipped to 52 at night and with very method plausible including some sun assist on the day we played tennis, we were able to heat to a peak temp of 65. These are in imperial Fahrenheit temps America lol I really like metric too, it's so much easier to think in Metric numbers, especially doing math with metric measurements. Imperial units are bizarre and speak of the random nature of human cultural history or lack of applied international units' standards. 

Weird not having internet for the first time since I first went online at 12 years of age in 1995 over a dial up connection to AOL using Netscape navigator in Windows 95 OS on am Intel desktop with AGP dedicated graphics card over the blue VGA cable to a Viewsonic Color CRT monitor that I purchased used from a computer recycling shop. I got the desktop parts, tower, power supply and cable, keyboard wired and wired mouse, from a computer shop in Kent Washington for $480 that I had saved from mowing my neighbors' lawns for a fee since age 10. My adoptive father thought it was a good idea to let my build a computer from parts, since I had a library book about how to home build a computer from parts that I had rented from the closest public library on Newport Way in South Bellevue. At this time a 10-speed white child bicycle was my primary vehicle, so my dad drove me to the computer shop perhaps 25 miles away, to get the computer parts. I build the computer on a Saturday during the school season that year 1995-96. It was a big gray heavy box. The monitor plastic was white, and all the cables were black. The keyboard and mouse were ivory warm white colored plastic. I think it featured a 100mb hard drive where I installed the OS over an IDE CDROM drive that a family friend who worked at Microsoft operating the Microsoft Store on the Microsoft Campus in Redmond gave me as a Christmas Present, both the OS install disk & CDROM drive. 

Age Appropriate Gender Education

 Parents of children in public elementary schools have taken their young children out of public school to private schools since the public schools are having transgender woke extremists come to assemblies to teach young children about gender fluidity or gender questioning or some other cultural terrorist level woke nonsense that offends and upsets most regular people worldwide.

99.999999% of Adult Humans are Heterosexual where XX women have sexual relations with XY men, fact check that, especially if you are a progressive liberal or part of the Woke movement. 

That means the overwhelming vast majority of the general public around the world find WOKE offensive when it extends to allowing boys to compete with girls in athetics if the boys claim to identify as a girl. This results in many girls being injured by boys, and boys being faster & stronger also steals the number 1 spot on sport teams, girls sports teams, where the boy as the best player get the scholarship, stealing from the next best girl or female on the team. 

That's immoral, unethical, unfair & unreasonable. If we allow boys & men to become women, that erases women & totally nullifies the idea of gender equity or women's rights, so that men & women have equal opportunities. Title 9 was to allow girls and women to have girl or women sports teams in schools, including colleges. Men born XY male should never be allowed to compete on teams of women or girls boy XX female #science #biology #history #womensrights #morality #ethics #fairness #equality What kind of deranged sicko wants boys to compete on a girls sports team? Most people think the idea of this is rediculous or outragous & reject and oppose & disagree with allowing an XY boy or man to join an XX girl of female sports team. 

DRAM took Intel from a 2-man Startup to a Fortune 500 Company, Holy Silicon Valley Moore's Laws Transistor Trillions of Dollars Miracle

Transistors have created more wealth & prosperity than any other technology in the history of mankind!
Think of how many different jobs have been created or changed by integration of internet connected computers of many kinds. Mainframes, servers, cloud compute, e-commerce, online, WorldWideWeb, Wi-Fi, NFC, Bluetooth, 4G LTE, 5G NR mobile broadband smartphones, tablets, laptops, smart watches, wearables, internet of things, information enhanced automobiles with hundreds of chips, integrated circuit modules connected by miles of wire & onboard in vehicle mobile internet via cellular data built into the ECU or master control module so that if the 12V SLI AGM battery has power it uploads "Blackbox" data to the automakers continually, usually at 3am to avoid interference from sunlight or other users, when RF noise levels are lowest. 

Blockchain & crypto are not just new currencies like Bitcoin or BTC but also a way to verify ownership of assets like homes, vehicles, land, buildings, machines, jewelry, drugs, gold, organs, or whatever people want to buy with anonymity, almost like cash providing a personal data security layer, since when you pay with cash no information about you is exchanged, well people use cryptocurrencies to buy LSD online for example, to pay for limbic fluid exchange services of many kinds with sellers of the oldest service business in the world, you know what I mean. While money itself cannot buy a "Nice Life" as many broke former lottery winners in America can explain, it can pay for nice stuff, and if you have enough, as in hundreds of millions or billions of dollars, then you can exert power politically or more often economically, by pressuring news agencies via NGO's that you fund to promote your specific special interests into the public discourse in social media platforms & conventional sources of news like newspaper or TV spots, TV channels, Radio Shows, Podcasts, YouTube videos. 

Digital as in 1 one & 0 zero, or to turn transistor switches on and off, binary code, machine code, executable on CPU or GPU cores, RAM or Random Access Memory is a high-speed data buffer for the processing cores to store & retried blocks of data from briskly, to que new information into the data registers of the CPU system or GPU cores. RAM is the high-speed computer memory, like a human brain working memory, where the SSD or Hard Drive stores long term slower data, like human brain long term memory. CMOS or the way chips or integrated circuits or computer logic, means Complimentary Mixed Oxides, as in how they use photopolymer & images laser etched in highly polished nickel metal reticle masks to bounce deep UV light though mirror optics into layer patterns for the hundreds of layers needed to construct billions of transistors in systems of systems with miles of wire interconnections to the chip pin out so the data & power can flow into & out of the chip, from the power supply or battery, to the hot chip usually heat sink fan cooled, to the IO stream into & out of the chip & main or cache memory, to the rest of the computer for the screen keyboard human input graphic display interface, or touchscreen app click to launch or activate on your smartphone handheld computer camera. 

H1 Hummer, Not Suburban w/ Body Kit H2 & H3

I am talking about 55mph max speed, tough enough to drop from a helicopter, turbodiesel V10 torque monster, AWD with rear wheel steering, heavy strong durable, not particularly fuel efficiency, but not everything is about saving fuel or lowering emissions. The 40 ft long school bus I drive, also turbo-diesel inline 6, gets a lofty 5.6 MPG or miles of travel per US gallon of commercial diesel fuel, made from petrochemical feedstock or crude oil or petroleum at an oil refinery.

Only 1 in 4 adult humans in the worlds owns a car of any kind, that is an automobile with an engine. 

Be yourself, your unique self. If you like Hummer, good, enjoy one. Freedom means you can do whatever you want, no one is chasing you around telling you what to do, you have agency & free will to do as your please. If that means driving a H1 Hummer in America, kudos, enjoy your fueling costs, as for me, its ultra-high fuel economy with ultra super low emissions, the kind that I enjoy, going further with less fuel and lower emissions of toxic climate changing smog pollution emitted. 

Some people value appearance, comfort, utility, functions, they don't consider fuel economy or emissions. I am college educated scientist and academic savant & value lower emissions & higher fuel economy or premium efficiency. I like smaller, compact, smart, reliable, efficient, intelligent solutions, even in automobiles, so the Corolla Sedan Hybrid LE was the best of all, cheap, reliable, efficient, clean, dope handling, super hypermiling able, fresh, durable, well made, Toyota Superlative Made in Japan ^^ 

G-Wagon made in Austria by Magna Styer superlative since the core design was 1984 & was made mostly by hand until 2024 when Mercedes decided to shut it down & make it based on some other road vehicle design that's probably better in sizzle ways that sell the automotive steak, aka features not performance or durability or longevity or long life strong harsh condition operation superlative like the OG G-Wagon, making such a collector's item as they get long in the tooth or older.

I never liked the H1 Hummer as a personal use road vehicle, but I am not everyone. I am glad there are people who like the OG Hummer made by AM General, not that half-baked clone copy that GM made in H2 & H3 which are effectively just GM Suburban's with body kits. 

Well made means Lexus Toyota to me, as the only automaker selling cars, trucks & SUV's with proven legendary reliability, covering trillions of road miles in all conditions. I regularly drover our 2005 Prius in heavy snow, up to 24 inches deep or more, having to dig it out with a snow shovel, to go snowboarding in my 20's, mostly at Alpental. Say this, Camry, Corolla, Rav4, 4Runner, FJ Cruise, Landcruiser, Lexus Sexy Performance, Toyota has been mopping the floor of the automotive sector worldwide for many decades now, as the only automaker to sell highly reliable automobiles to the general public worldwide. 

Honda did this well from 1980 to 2014, but after that Honda cut corners & started selling less refined less reliable models sadly, it actually makes me sick. I love Honda motorcycles deeply, and have a deep humble appreciation for the history of Honda, so selling BMW like unreliable models makes me sad for what Honda has become. 

Toyota on the other hand, has sold some less reliable vehicles over the years, but broadly speaking has a epic reputation for selling highly reliable hybrids for example. Our 2010 Prius III running strong as is our 2022 Corolla Hybrid with the same engine drivetrain but upgraded battery & E210 Corolla Sedan Body that's 650lb less mass than the 10 Prius III. Our Prius III gets 48 MPG while the Corolla Hybrid gets 64 MPG, even though they have the same engine, its the MG1 & MG2 & Traction battery in the Corolla that got upgraded with newer technology. 

I am not here to be a cheerleader for the AM General H1 Hummer, I just like authentic originals, the real thing if you will. Perhaps I am old fashioned & understand and comprehend and appreciated that some people have different tastes or preferences than other people. Do yourself whatever makes you happy & do not judge other people, you don't know what there life is like or enough about them to be a fair judge anyway. So some people like, make enough money, and have a preference to drive an OG H1 Hummer or G-Wagon or high-performance Lexus, its not your place to tell other people how to live best since you have no idea, otherwise you would be doing it yourself. 

Lead others by example, not with words. People read my blog postings to learn something, so I try to teach & share what I care about. I care about people having pleasing, reliable cars that work all the time with minimal downtime for Maintenace or repairs. I am talking about 5 generations of Prius sold by the billion as a hybrid electric superlative automobile of any generation. I am talking about eAWD with electric motors in the rear axel & hybrid synergy drive upfront, or the RAV4 Prime with almost 500 HP performance :) Toyota Landcruiser the ultimate automobile by any reasonable definition. Go anywhere, do anything, it's the brute strength of SUV originals for many generations driven daily all around the world in the worst road conditions, in the harshest places, reliable anywhere. My goal is not to help Toyota sell Landcruiser, only pointing out what is true with evidence. 

I personally value spending less money on gasoline sold locally for almost $5/gal US. So Prius II, Prius III, Corolla Hybrid, but I inherited a 21 MPG 2001 B5 Audi A4 2.8 Quattro Made in Germany from my late adoptive mother C. Schwarz. LSD front & rear axil + Porsche designed PDK Tiptronic 5 speed automatic w/ steering wheel buttons to shift or a side ride plus minus shift on the PRNDL shifter, this is a road legal compact rally art worthy if tuned properly sedan that can pull 3600lbs of trailer, mobs in snow, and cruses at any US highway speeds or more easily all day long on Primum 91 R-M/2 Octane Gasoline. Heavy solid doors, the 30V V6 engine tuned professionally, its something special that I would never buy with leather heated seats & a fully moon roof & BOSE premium audio, so elite that it was $42,821 in 2001, nearly $65,800 in 2024 USD. I paid $28,218 for the Corolla Sedan Hybrid 2022 in 2023, and $9117 for the 2010 Prius in 2018. A4 was free minus $5K in repairs & some title transfer, licensing & insurance fees, plus any fuel used. 

I am not going to buy a Hummer, though our 2013 Honda PCX150 also has a cruising speed max of 55 MPH like the OG hummer, but the PCX gets 83 MPG on regular gasoline ridden 2 up with Meg on the back or over 104 MPG ridden solo are suburban speeds. I have an increasing fondness for the G-Wagon though I will never get one as a road vehicle or for any other purpose, for even the A4 overkill as a third car. I also have a 2020 Yamaha MT03 motorcycle, e-bike, e-scooter, Segway Mini Pro, that's a lot of wheels & tires, but only the cars are fast enough for highway or freeway use, for road trips with Meg & I and kitty riding with us. 

Certainly, a Hummer H1 or G-Wagon would work for such, if lower speeds for higher fuel economy would work. I tend to drive for fuel economy to save money since I am frugal investor on a shoestring budget as a School Bus Driver and have to be wise to make and save & not spend my money on an SUV fuel budget since I drive a lot, that would cost a lot in fueling costs. 

You might think supercars are a dumb waste of money, but they are rich men's toys for people who are very different than you. Sometimes it is what it is not that makes IT something desirable for someone. There are billions of potential customers, people just like you or me, some who have deep pockets for such automotive contrivances. Literally applied engineering flights of fancy, since a used Toyota Prius will go too & from just as well in stop and go traffic as the Latest Supercar, without all the expense and fuss & probably also vastly more reliable & fuel efficient and cheaper to fuel & insure, since the Prius popular around the world & made by Toyota the worlds ultimate maker of vehicles with a long proven history of legendary reliability like the many models of Landcruiser sold worldwide.

Sucralose-6-Acetate Formed in Digestion of Sucralose Genotoxic or DNA Damaging even in Tiny Amounts

Artificial Sweetener Sucralose metabolite formed during digestion sucralose-6-acetate is genotoxic meaning it damages DNA causing long term negative health impacts, even small doses of it are extremely hazardous. That means accelerated aging if you eat anything containing even tiny amounts of sucralose. 

I have been warning people about the toxic poisonous artificial food additives, such as almost all artificial coloring substances proven to cause cancer & ADD & ADHD in children & outlawed in Norway 2011 and even Canada 2023. Many artificial colors are made from Coal Tar, a thick black substance extracted from coal by heating it. 

A rich source of chemical feedstock base molecules that can be easily chemically manipulated using industrial chemical processing methods, coal tar-based food additives are broad class including other synthetic food additives made from crude or petroleum or petrochemical feedstock. 

In common sense language, these stabilizers, UV inhibitors, pigments, coloring substances, anti-oxidation, anti-corrosion, preservatives, many of these synthetic chemicals added to food are perfectly fine used in automotive paint, wire insulator, to color plastics or polymers or lubricating oils or even as fuel color additives, or in non-edible applications, but are completely nonsensical or illogical to add to anything that people or animals eat because they have toxic effects on living cells in animals, plants, people, fungi, bacteria, and have broadly well demonstrated with scientific evidence poisonous toxic effects on human health which is why so many countries have banned such substances from food & beverage applications. 


CMOS Logic Transistor Systems Chip CPU GPU MEMORY COMPUTERS the SOC in your SMARTPHONE

This information novel & special & unique & of high value, it speaks upon that which unleashed untold wealth & prosperity worldwide more than anything else in history// 

$Trillions upon $trillions of wealth created in Israel, Silicon Valley California, AMERICA USA, in Singapore, in Taiwan, TSMC, or the Netherlands ASML, or Qualcomm or Apple Silicon, holy Deep EUV 3nm & smaller process nodes, this #transistor #technology created more shared wealth & prosperity than any other product in the history of mankind worldwide, and is the most manufactured thing on Earth by a large margin, that is transistors made by the trillions of trillions of trillions daily 24/7 in chip fabs that cost billions of dollars to build and just as much to operate in high volume chip manufacturing.

We are talking about thousands of millionaires, and hundreds of billionaires, all because of transistors in all of the different products featuring transistor logic today, probably hundreds of thousands of different things have transistors enabling their functions. A new 2025 automobile has more than 150 chipsets, mostly in the 3D fuel map dynamic ECU, for VSC or vehicle stability control, or cool new ADAS stuff like LKA or lane keep assist, or AEB automatic emergency breaking Toyota Safety 3.0, or FSD full self-driving at Tesla Motors, can you say automotive autopilot level 5 all season all conditions better than any human autonomous vehicle control. How about the internet or world wide web, how many transistors or chips make that happen 24/7 around the world? Yea, that's right, transistors + electricity enable almost all aspects of modern life, global trade, e-commerce & much more in governments & intelligence communities, like SpaceX Starlink Satellites & the cool rectangular portable Starlink Mini transceiver Wi-Fi 5 backpack portable kit.

The SOC in your smartphone 2025 features up to 256 layers of logic & wires connecting billions of transistors made on the state of the art latest chip fab nodes using equipment so complicated that it takes thousands of engineers years to design, test & verify the latest ASML chip fab equipment, some of which melts tiny drops of tin hit by a 10,000 watt CO2 laser to make deep UV light bounced off precision mirrors & and laser etched nickel metal mask with the information for each chip layer on each reticle mask custom 8K laser cut with the logic patterns, that flashes high resolution compact images onto a large silicon wafer made in an argon 4000C hot pull furnace into a boule that weighs 600kg & held by a silicon thread of only 1mm in diameter illustrating monocrystalline silicon's incredible tensile strength, even though its brittle as glass & similarly easy to crack or break with a sharp hard impact or striking it with something hard like a steel zirconia ceramic metal reinforced rod. The Chip fabs are a marvel of modern engineering, applied technology & commercialized science. 


There are so many kinds of logic & IC or integrated circuits, it is genuinely hard to fathom how much transistors impacted all economics worldwide & how transistors with electricity continue to fuel economic changes in service economies based on consumption of streaming and products and subscription services of all kinds. I am talking about 1st world economies like Norway or the USA, Japan or that of Germany or Israel. EPROM or Think FPGA or ASIC crypto of all kinds today. 

Understanding Human Nature: Deep Dive Weaving Ideas into a Complex Web

Let us start with a few key phrases related to understanding why so many people like watching sports, looking at car accidents when they drive past one, why museums exist & much more. 

My goal is to help you understand all these topics, so that people can be enabled by this knowledge to somehow make the world a better place by reducing pollution and upgrading everything with better technology that harmonizes with ecosystem functions, to create more cleaner electricity, faster internet, better healthy soil in farming, gardening and agriculture, to help remediate and clean up polluted bodies of water or land or air. In order to make the world a better place continually fixing problems, using our collective intelligence as teams to make improved optimized and updated products, services and solutions to all problems as they arise, making the best of our finite time alive as individuals. 

Human Brain Seeks Novelty

Everyone is doing this, like it or not, it is also why many adult men find younger beautiful women so attractive. If why some younger beautiful women seek after older wealthier more stable less crazy less risk-taking men, as younger men tend to be terrible husbands and terrible fathers, always chasing other women to practice reproduction with, or men if they are gay in that way that's different but similar. Its why people like playing new videos games for a while but move on to other video games when they get bored or tired of the previous one. Its why you tire of listening to a specific song after listening to it too many times. 

New or the Same, Our Preferences Alternate 

Our brain seeks novel experiences with food and drink, but also like consistency or familiarity, or similarity. For some people peanut butter never becomes boring to eat. For others like me who keep playing CS: GO for 20+ years online via STEAM, I like it because it reminds me of feeling way stronger and healthier in my early 20's, when I was more "Active" in all ways, fitter, happier, faster and more coordinated, but vastly less educated, less skilled and less knowledgeable. 

Wiser with Older Age

Now at 41 I have been around long enough to generate summaries or cliff notes of systems or ideas, so that I am able to understand way more across a broad domain of topics. I set out as a child to learn as much as possible as a lifetime student of reality with a strong "SCIENCE" or Fact Seeking focus as a lifestyle, the internet fueled the acquisition of knowledge in a way that would otherwise be impossible. My brain hybridized with Wikipedia after reading it for tens of thousands of hours, via 3-5 hours per night for 20+ years. 

Promoting Ideologies

I promote STEM on Twitter now X, on this blog, and have for many years. I believe that educating all people about why owning guns makes everyone safer during World War 3 very important for example, the same reason the second amendment to the US constitution gives Americans the legal right to bear arms or own guns and ammo as citizens united under human rights granted by the US Constitution. Read it U.S. Constitution | Constitution Annotated | | Library of Congress

A gun is a mechanical "force" amplifier, giving bearer of the gun the ability to kill for self-defense, when hunting, to shoot targets for sport, or in times of war to kill the enemy or agents of the Tyrannical government that we have a moral duty to remove from power. This is why police carry guns, so they can yield deadly force to protect themselves from armed criminals who will easily out gun or kill police otherwise. Police in nearly all countries carry a pistol in a holster hip mounted easy to access quickly with a high-capacity magazine filled with ammo, like a Glock 17 with 21 rounds of ammo. 

How Guns Work

Guns are mechanical systems like an engine, but radically less complicated both in terms of system of parts and operating principles. In a gun, a spring loaded metal pin activated by human hand finger pulling the trigger, hits the explosive mix primer cap or gasket in rim fire ammo, to generate a hot fire lance jet of burning gas to ignite the bullet propellent powder, lacquer coated nitrocellulose grains, to generate 2000 to 50000 PSI of gas pressure to shove the copper coated lead bullet down the rifled grove spin stabilizing metal barrel of the gun, such that a muzzle flash emitted as the bullet exits the barrel at thousands of feet per second, slowed handgun ammo, faster rifle ammo, sound pressure and light and particles in the muzzle flash give a huge report of light and sound, giving away the shooters location easily detected, though a silencer can soak up the sound and light to suppress such position indications, radically protecting the hearing of the shooter by lowering the sound pressure level. Wearing eye and hearing protection while shooting can achieve a similar protective effect. Silencers also have to be cleaned regularly with solvents as the muzzle flash chemical components foul the silencer, barrel, receiver, or moving parts of a gun. 

Proper Gun Care for Longer Useful Operational Life

I recommend regularly cleaning guns that are fired, with gun cleaning solvents and Q-tops, gauze, brass brush to scrub the barrel, similar, watch a "How to Clean & Lubricate Glock Pistol" video on YouTube to learn more. The idea is to remove the powder combustion products that form when the bullets pressure producing percussion cap and powder burn to generate heat and pressure to shove the bullet down the barrel. That leaves a residue of poisonous gunk that fouls the guns movement with carbon soot and goo and worse, which is why gun cleaning solvent on cleaning swaps or swatches, helps to scrub the gunk out of the gun. Use a high-quality gun specific lubricant and lube guide specific to your gun to lubricate all the friction surfaces protected by lubrication. Engines in automobiles shover the pistons down with heat and pressure from burning gasoline with air to create torque by spinning the engine crank shaft via the connecting rods like your legs pumping the pedals of a bicycle, that in turn spin the wheels and tires to move the vehicle. In this way metal moving down cylinders powered by chemical reactions, makes engines and guns similar. They also both release pollutants, though that is far easier to remediate and mitigate with automotive emissions controls as such systems are vastly less practical and not better than a silencer on a pistol or rifle. No matter what you do, the barrel will wear out after thousands of rounds, but you can replace it, the rest can be cleaned and oiled. Springs eventually need to be replaced. There are other wear items, but you can easily obtain replacement parts, you can even build a pistol entirely from parts with no serial number, or a taboo Ghost Gun :) 

Working Memory of Human Brain

When you are awake, actively thinking, driving, walking, typing, operating a chain saw, playing with your smartphone, at a baseball or soccer game in first person watching the players, at a museum, working the land or soil on farm with hand tools like a plow or rake to remove weeds or plant seeds, watering your garden, playing video games, using apps, doing internet searches, think of all the different things that human people do or are able to do.

When you are sleeping dreaming, your brain can simulate objective reality as if you were awake with your senses sending your brains working memory information, but instead your brain is playing back information that was already encoded into your brain as protein synthesis that literally changes the structure and function of your brain during your waking time and even while you are dreaming, so dreams are your brain playing back information you already know, often in somewhat hard to follow or strange narrative or stories, where you just suddenly appear in the dreamscape, then try to make sense of the sequence of events that your brain produces as an inner light show using DMT so you are literally tripping balls or having a strong persistent high quality photorealistic hallucination while dreaming. 

When you are awake you can remember about 4 complex ideas at the same time if your brain is in good working order as a fully formed brain as an adult of about 25 years of age with some real world life experiences living on your own away from your parents making income and paying bills and taxes, buying and driving cars or trucks or SUV's or scooters or motorcycles on public roads with thousands of hours of experience. 

This is why new employees are never the CEO, it takes about 8000 hours to become an expert with a given domain of knowledge or skill, and to be a good CEO you almost have to be a sociopath or hyper selfish, since the goal of the CEO to maximize revenue from sales profit by any legal means. 

That means that some CEO's of smelting facilities for example, knowingly make choices that result in lots of toxic pollution being emitted that while legal, because of a lack of regulation in Russian Nickel Platinum Mining, such polluting activities are allowed without emissions controls to reduce toxic emissions. 

Those toxic emissions from large smelting pits of metal ore produce toxic acid rain with heavy metal content. Arsenic was sprinkled consistently all-around Tacoma by a copper smelting company that gave rise to the aroma of Tacoma, Washington State, USA. Arsenic is a toxic metal, and many thousands of tons of it were released by the open pit copper smelting, that rained down on all the soil for miles in every direction. Many people living in that zone that grew a garden with edible plants ended up getting arsenic poisoning from eating the plants, because the arsenic released ended up in all the soil nearby. 

In the area around the unnamed Russian Nickel & Platinum mining area, is a closed city, as the air and land has been and continues to be heavily polluted continually by emissions from the mines smelting activities, while acid mine drainage has ruined the rivers, streams and lakes in that local; these are owned by a hyper wealthy Russian Oligarch, who is actively upgrading the metal smelter with emissions controls now to radically cut down pollutants emitted, so make the air quality better, and water quality better. 

Pollutants like fine PM or particulate matter, are easy to understand when SMOG or heavy visible air pollution makes breathing more difficult, causing asthma rates to increase along with more lung cancer, COPD & worse like stokes, clots, earlier mortality or reduced life expectancy & worse. But many pollutants like dioxins are invisible and hard to detect or understand, like microplastics, or dilute hydrogen sulfide, or dilute clean burning gasoline engine vehicle emissions that still contain dangerous amounts of carbon monoxide not broken down by the catalytic converter, which are also sometimes stollen by criminals who seek the money from the value of the palladium, rhodium, platinum slurry coated ceramic honeycomb core of such devices that they jack up the vehicle and cut out, leaving the owner of such vehicles with a loud straight pipe and dash MIL lamp illuminated, because the downstream O2 sensor wire was cut and removed along with the cat. 

Vision & Eyes & Occipital Lobe / Optic Nerve / Sensing Light with Eyes

Light pollution from screens of phones, TV, laptop, tablet, computer, lamps, lights, bulbs, causes sleep disorders or difficulty sleeping or staying asleep, because the light acts on the SCN part of the brain to regulate sleep wake cycle or circadian rhythm. In other words, light helps wake you up, which makes sense given how the Earth has a tilted rotation that gives rise to variable day length throughout the seasons of the years, given that the Sun relatively fixed location, and the Earth on its tilted axis takes about a year to orbit the Sun. The way the sun lights up the moon also tells you about the celestial location of the moon and sun relative to the Earth if you think about it. 

We have two eyes that record around 7 MP in the Fovea of the Retina where sharp high contrast color imaging signals come into the brain via the optic nerve, send after crossing paths, back to the occipital lobe which is almost 1/3 of total brain mass in the back of our skull, where the brain is floating in a bath of cerebral spinal fluid and connected to the sensing organs and body with a high speed broadband like in body networking system call the CNS or central nervous system. Using other methods, we can see in flying spots, 30X per second, with about 10,000,000 to 1 contrast, 100 million colors, at about 150 MP or megapixels, if you scan and stare at something intensely. 

To see the brain control eye movements, you have to use a high-speed camera, since eyes glance around at incredible speeds in the tear lubricated eye sockets, with eye lids that release a special kind of tear that keeps your eye from drying out more quickly. Vision signals from the eye get forward & back propagated in the brain, as vision is our most powerful sense. Thats why people are able to watch screens and perceive the idea that the 2D color slice images presented in rapid succession represent the 3D reality record or simulated in computers with many kind of digital image processing technology used for CGI or video editing in Hollywood, California, USA for example to make big budget sci-fi or action films like Ready Player One or Free Guy. 

Sound Processing in Brain from Ear Signals

For all intents, taste in the mouth, nose, hearing & vision are all tightly connected to the brain since they are in the head near the brain. As sound pressure waves hit the ear lobes they are channeled or concentrated into the ear canal where hairs covered in ear wax help to keep bugs out, such that the Ear Drum sends electrical signals via moving the cochlea nerves to generate signals, moving inner ear hairs that generate nerve signals so we can hear sounds. Air is made of oxygen, nitrogen and water vapor and able to carry sound pressure waves from sources of sound to our ears, but those waves, just like the waves on a still pond of water that form when you throw a rock into it radiate away and dissipate, sound rapidly dissipate as distance from the sound source increases. Sounds from one side of a still body of water can be heard more easily on the other side because the still water acts like a sound mirror that helps to propagate those sounds over greater distances more effectively. 

When we eat or drink, substances in the food or drink activate receptor on the tongue and nasal bulb, that generate taste, aroma, flavor signals, so the brain can use these to help coordinate digestion which is controlled by 11 billion neurons of the Human Gut, which is controlled by the brain. Thats why chronic stress can cause digestive problems. If we are stressed out, our brain sends stress signals to the gut, thinking perhaps we ate something poisonous, to force the gut to eliminate faster, causing diarrhea, loose or runny stool or water poop with goo in it. 

I have such a problem because I am constantly stressed out over all the bad shit happening in the world, which can all be solved if people woke the fuck up and stopped wasting time doing pointless crap. Most of what people use their waking time to do does nothing to solve all the world's problems. 

Most people are hopelessly stupid and self-absorbed or radically illiterate such that they can't even drive a car correctly or safely after thousands of hours of practice, since they prioritize playing with their smartphone while driving dangerously. Look at Russian Driving Accident Videos on YouTube to understand how stupid drunk drivers all sorts do of dangerous accident-causing bad driving poorly with low skill as imbecilic fools who should never be allowed to operate a motor vehicle of any kind, especially on roadways with other skilled motorists. 

Then again radical income inequality in the world means that only 25% of human adults actually owns a car. I was astonished to learn this as an American as the only practical way to get around America quickly to actually be a working adult, is with a car, truck or SUV. Using the metro bus locally also means sitting next to smelly homeless people who have no hope of ever owning a car, since they choose to live under a bridge and not work. Now that might sound cold spirited since we know many homeless people are deeply mentally ill and using illegal street narcotics to self-medicate, usually not sharp with dosing such that many overdose on Fentanyl lately, when the previously used Heroin, or opioids with a much safer dose safety ratio. It's very easy to overdose with Fentanyl because it active at microgram quantities that look like a small grain of salt, where other street opioids require many hundreds of grains of salt worth to have the same effect. 

Balance & Coordination, Muscle Control Thinking in Brain

Did you know that being clumsy actually indicates a brain problem, since the brain using eye hand coordination, such that people who become surgeons who played video games as children and teens and in college while studying medicine, such surgeon gamers have 27% better performance and lower error rates as surgeons performing surgery, because playing the video games for so long during their brains formatting into adulthood, radically improves their eye hand coordination. 

Playing video games also tends to increase balance, as does playing sports or doing physical activities that require rapid muscle balance control, like playing basketball, hiking steep trails, skiing or snowboarding, surfing. Eating enough protein also essential to maximize adult brain functions. Avoiding too much sugar as an adult seems to prevent brain fog and other degenerative disease of the brain that harm older people who ate a mostly carb high glycemic index Standard American Diet or UPF junk as a lifestyle of also sitting around too much and not learning enough and never working out enough to build up a sweat, which also strengthens bones, joints, muscles and improves balance. 

Easy for me to be an Arrogant Prideful Jerk 

Many people who speak with me or read my blog think I am doctor, which is sad, because I am not, and understand medicine and physiology better than many doctors who legally practice on the public. My parents warned me when I was 8 years old that my life would be somewhat challenging because I was blessed by God with an insane level of understanding things easily that other people were not as lucky to get genetically. 

I can speak to chemists, engineers, lawyers, doctors, other experts in software engineering in their field specific jargon easily to the point where they think I work in their field. How sad that Jeopardy winners are so rare, though I met many people way smarter than me in the Air Force that control military drones now but used to fly fighter jets, these men are also bigger, stronger, smarter and much nicer looking as superior examples of a mentally sharp, physically stronger, morally straight adult human American male elite :) English was my least favorite and worst subject all the way through school. 

I hate grammar rules and the spelling rules in English are consistently inconsistent. There is a YouTube video called English is a Giant Meme that explains in great detail what I am talking about. Many people did predict and told me when I was a child that as an adult, I would go on to publish that was edifying to other people who read it. I read MSN articles and wonder if the writers smoke plastic as a hobby. How can so many people who work in publishing be so inarticulate? 

I am not as intelligent as a I sound, there are huge holes in my understanding, I don't know very much overall compared to what could be know, the way God understands, I just put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into watching tons of documentary films, reading lots of encyclopedia, even the printed version as a kid, when even dial up internet was rare and computer at home had orange or green text screens running DOS as the operating system, and big 5 inch black plastic magnetic floppy disks that held and astonish 700 kilobits of data storage capacity. My parents had purchased a printed volume of the Encyclopedia Britanica on a shelf storage system that I spent a lot of my childhood reading. By 10 I was online using a computer that I built from parts, later upgraded to Windows 95 from 3.1 / to browse wed rings about high voltage and high energy physics, lasers and chemistry. It was this delta when high speed internet happened that my brain became hybridized with internet access fast enough to keep me learning new ideas faster than I was able to keep up with, even more so now. 

Liberal Democratic Constitution Erosion Dangerous

Abusing Underage People

Child sex trafficking of boys and girls, famous liberal democrats like Puff Daddy & Jeffry Epstein. What kind of person sexually abuses a young child? Why are most of the pedophiles registered as democrats or part of the democratic party? 

Talk about Tabo, what kind of sick fuck allows pedophiles to register to vote? They are felons and should never be allowed to buy guns or vote, I advocate for banning sexual predators from driving by taking away their driver's license since that would limit their access to other victims. 

I would also ban such sexual predators from using any sort of internet, with a bracelet, neck electronics, ankle monitor wearable long battery life on body network monitoring system to make sure they are never even near another child. 

Immigration Violations

Flying in undocumented people from nations outside the USA to vote in US elections involves a network of costly expensive complicated well-coordinated felony abuse violations or illegal activities on many levels. 

Blocking people from showing their legal ID at a voting place in California literally means that people who would not be legally allowed to vote are voting, hence there were more total voters in the last election between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump in late 2024. 

If we just look at the math, it becomes obvious that hundreds of thousands of people who bypassed the US borders by being flown into critical to win the election swing states in order to tip the favor for the democratic party. 

Liberal Dying Media 

TV, Newpaper, Radio & Magazines are classical way of distributing information controlled by large liberal companies that have been around for more than 100 years and have deep pockets and deep connection in governments. In the 1950 the liberal bias in mainstream media companies listed previously was around 60%, so some conservative counter arguments or bias reduction was presented since not everyone in the general population or general public is liberal. 

Honoring Traditional Values

Many Americans, more than half of actual citizens of America have conservative values and ascribe to the Republican Party that defends Faith in God through Christ Jesus, Men or Boys, Family with a Mother and Father & Children, the Sanctity & Precious Value of Human Life, Conservation of Land, Using Innovation Paid For By Private Capital to Reduce Pollution Emissions with Profitable Companies Competing with Fair Free Market Functions to Make Green Renewable Clean Electricity and Less Polluting Vehicles of All Kinds! 

Free Access to Factual Information

Thankfully YouTube, Google, the internet, smartphones, ground news, BBC, there are objective factually accurate news sources available over the world wide web to computers, laptops, smartphone cell phones, tablets, smart speakers, wearable displays like VR goggles, there are many ways to access alternative channels of information. 

Freedom of Speech or First Amendment Protection 

If you do not already know, Elon Musk purchased Twitter in order to protect the first amendment or freedom of speech part of the US Constitution and the most important provision or addition. You should be free in America to say whatever you want, so long as you're not inciting other people to commit acts of crime. 

Social Double Standards Are Unethical

SJW's are regularly guilty of social manipulation so extreme it's almost like mental terrorism. They talk about inclusivity and then espouse racist bigoted ideology about men, people of faith, married traditional couples or families, and even call gender or sexuality into question. 

Real inclusivity means with words and actions treating, speaking with or to, and behaving in ways that reflect treating all other people with dignity and respect, being loving, kind, polite, reasonable, fair, decent, pure, clean, with manners, and a duty to God and your country to be mentally sharp, physically strong & morally straight, ethical, honest even when no one is watching, especially in secrete, to do, think and say that which is of good repute, that which is honorable or good, even if examined broadly by all people publicly. 

Guns Protect Honest People During War

I also like the second amendment or right to bear arms, even Kamala Harris said that if someone invaders her home they are going to get shot, as she & her husband own guns. I like the gun laws of Texas and believe that America should nationalize the guns laws of Texas. You cannot tell me that some radical fascist sick political party will not take control of the US Government and go on a hunt to kill specific Americans. 

American Civil War Repeated

I can foresee another civil war in the USA in the future. I imagine being part of the Resistance, a leader who defends freedom, liberty, democracy and the Constitution of the United States by any means necessary from enemies foreign or domestic. I am a patriotic hero warrior & will not stand idle if a sick government takes power. 

Democrats Want One World Government 

You need to understand that many members of the Democratic party want to take away your right to Free Speech, Freedom to Assemble, Freedom to Own Guns, Freedom to Vote, they want to hijack and have been doing everything they can, to hijack elections. What kind of democracy do you have if the democrats control the election so that only democrats are elected. We almost went to a one parts system with Kamala Harris, who herself is not a bad person, but beholden to dark forces in spiritual places that control the puppet master elite billionaires from Hollywood for example

Democratic Sickos In New York Killed His Pets  

Feds in NY went to a law-abiding member of MAGA or Make America Great Again and stole his pets & killed his pets before he could even attempt to recover them. This is the radical left liberals in the NY government in the state of New York who hate conservative men, using the law illegally to steal a person's personal property, pets, and then kill the pets as a political terrorism move. Radical liberal democrat sickos tried to shoot and kill Donald Trump 3 different times leading up to the election that he won to become president again. 

Rigging Public Shootings & Mass Shootings

This tells me that the Democratic Party and people like Hillary Clinton are behind or responsible for organizing many mass shooting events as false flags in order to try to take more gun control measures into the congress and senate to erode the second amendment protections, since the Radical Left what the government to operate a State Planned Economy where diplomats in their manipulated perverted one party Dem Lib Government will control all aspects of how all people live, including AMI or alternative minimum income. 

National Debt Going to Bankrupt the USA If Federal Spending Not Radically Reduced

The US Dollar has lost 97% of value since 1913. The US Economy has been on a bad decline since 1973 when the Fed took USD off the Gold Standard deliberately to manipulate the currency resulting. If this continues the USD or Dollar will have no value to pay private or public debts. In other words, the dollar will become useless if the Fed does not radically reduce inflation and strengthen the dollar with extreme reductions in federal spending. 

America or the USA Can Be Bankrupted

If US Federal Spending not radically reduced, the entire US Economy will belong to foreign governments, like the CCP, which would almost for sure kick off WWIII or World War Three or World War 3. Let me say that again. If we do not stop federal overspending, America will be bankrupt fast! 

UK & Netherlands Examples

Consider the highly liberal Jimmy Savile who abused more than 212 children sexually ages as young as 8 in the UK which has also been falling apart socially and economically since 1850, on a slow gradual decline under liberal leadership in the House of Commons. Overtaxing slows economic progress and slowly increases national debt until the debt consumes the government and economy. 

The economy of the Netherlands or Dutch has been on a slow decline since the Tullip Bubble popped, kept alive by the East India Trading Company and national investments into ship building, port development and logistics. Essential global trade was the playing card that the Dutch Government went all in on in order to save their economy. They also legalized soft drugs to encourage drug tourism.