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Water Important (Laser Engraved on Light Blue Powder Coated 1.9L SS Water Bottle) by XTOOL F1
Earth's environment close to water's triple point, so water exists on Earth as a solid, a liquid, & a gas. Water forms precipitation as rain & aerosols as fog. Clouds made of suspended droplets of water & ice, the solid state. When finely divided, crystalline ice may precipitated as snow. Gaseous water is steam or water vapor.
Water covers ~71% Earth's surface, seas & oceans making up ~96.5%. Water also occurs as groundwater (1.7%), in glaciers & ice caps of Antarctica & Greenland (1.7%) & as vapor, clouds (ice & liquid water suspended in air), & precipitation (0.001%) or rain. Water cycle continual evaporation, transpiration (evapotranspiration), condensation, precipitation, & runoff, & usually reaching the sea.
Water plays an important role in the world economy. ~70% of the fresh water used by humans goes to agriculture. Fishing in salt and fresh water bodies has been, & continues to be, a major source of food for many parts of the world, providing 6.5% of global protein. Much of the long-distance trade of commodities (such as oil, natural gas, & manufactured products) transported by boats through seas, rivers, lakes, & canals. Large quantities of water, ice, & steam used for cooling & heating in industry & homes.
Water is an excellent solvent for a wide variety of substances, both mineral & organic; as such, it is widely used in industrial processes & in cooking & washing. Water, ice, & snow are also central to many sports and other forms of entertainment, such as swimming, pleasure boating, boat racing, surfing, sport fishing, diving, ice skating, snowboarding, & skiing.
Staying well hydrated by drinking enough clean water essential for human health & wellness, as doing so protects the kidneys, brain & other organs & systems of systems of the human body. Drinking too much water can cause water intoxication by knocking the electrolytes out of balance which causes the brain to slow down & can be fatal.
Human body water content varies from 55 to 78%, but the daily water consumption requirement varies by body size, temperature, humidity, activity level, fitness, or training exercises. 1.8 liters, 2.5 liters, 3 liters, 3.7 Liter of daily water intake for typical human adults. Water excreted from the body in multiple forms; through urine & feces, through sweating, & by exhalation of water vapor in the breath. With physical exertion & heat exposure, water loss will increase & daily fluid needs may increase as well.
SMR Passive Safety Essential
Made in a Factory with High Levels of QA:QC, experts all working in the same place, building SMR in sequential production like the way Boeing or Airbus builds jetliners or jet airplanes that carry passengers or stuff all around the world daily.
Walk Away Automatic Convective Cooling Means No Melt Down Like Fukushima
Even if the power grid blacks out or goes offline, even if the SMR shuts down, even if there is a major damage to the SMR, it safely shuts down automatically, and the core cools off using a passive automatic convective cooling method based on physics that requires no pumps, no coolant, no power and no human interaction or control, just automatically cools off if there is a major problem of any kind.
Up to 300 MW or about 1/3 the power output of conventional GW scale nuclear fission reactors. They are one of the most land efficient ways to make electricity 24/7 with excellent uptime and load following.
SMR can be installed as clusters of small reactors to scale the power out to the utility companies requirements for municipal city level energy from tiny small towns to large metro areas, where coal power can be replaced with SMR clusters to clean up the electricity mix. Coal power is the dirtiest way to make electricity in terms of toxic pollution emitted. With nuclear all of the waste products are tightly controlled, valuable to breed or reprocess into new nuclear fuels or able to be turned into space probe RTG energetic core materials or isotopes used in medicine.
SMR off price points and fast construction to online making power output to sell attractive to private equity, with excellent ROI faster. With respect to all the existing nuclear power plants, nearly all were custom made one off examples paid for by government funding, since they old big nuclear plants can take 10 to 20 years before they turn a profit. So no private equity was interesting in building traditional nuclear power plants before SMR's made nuclear affordable to even utility company customers in many maniple electric grid utility services, where most people buy their electricity from in the USA and elsewhere in the world.
Watch this YouTube video
Vanishing American Dream & Failing United State Dollar + Disappearing Middle Class
I hope they enjoy burning in hell for eternity, or to rather be doomed to destruction with Satan when Jesus Christ Returns to Judge Fairly & Rule over the New Earth and New Heaven
Here is one good reason why so many people hate politics, hate some politicians, and distrust the government. Housing, food, fuel, and the cost of life basics increasing much faster than wages, leaving a whole generation of people born after 1980 in a hurt with almost zero hope of ever owning land or a real home. Even condo's nearby are $400K+ and don't include parking, have an additional monthly HOA fee that can $500+ per month, + the money doesn't go as far because of currency inflation so everyone needs even more money for gasoline for example.
In 2002 when I graduate from Newport High School in Bellevue, Washington, USA, unleaded regular 87 RON gasoline commonly sold today as E10 with up to 10% GMO corn ethanol content, sold for $0.99/ per US gallon, and was then not containing ethanol but MTBE as the fuel oxygenate, and MTBE has more chemical energy than ethanol, meaning E10 actually has about 4% less energy than straight no additive gasoline. This means when you add E10 commonly sold at most gas stations in America, you get 4% lower fuel economy or 4% less range per tank. As a result of E10's lower energy content, I pay a small price premium and time penalty to deliberately buy Ethanol Free gasoline from The Grange in Issaquah, near where I rent the basement of a normal suburban single family home for $1800 per month. Meg & I have combined income of around $70 annually, and our current total monthly expenses are around $3851.18 or so.
We have one 13 year old kitty and no human children and can't afford to have human children. So we are DINKs or dual income no kids, and should easily be able to afford a moderate single family home for a reasonable price that's affordable on our income. For Meg & I housing nearby very unaffordable, but it was not always this way. When we born in the early 1980's homes like the one we rent the basement of now were selling for less than $200,000, and are now well more than 1 million dollars. Gasoline that sold for $0.99 per US gallon when I graduate high school in 2002, now $499 or 500% more expensive. Minimum Wage in Washington State in 2002 was $6.90 per hour. So for price parity for gasoline at $5/gal minimum wage would need to raise to $34.50, when in fact the current 2024 Washington State minimum wage is actually $16.28 only 47% of the needed wage to make gasoline reach price parity with 2002 levels. Food prices have risen at least 40% since the year 2002, but some things like 1 lb of organic butter that was $0.99 or 99 cents back then is now more than $5 today, a 500% increase. I remember being able to buy 1 US gallon of organic whole milk for $1.28 and now the same sells in half of a gallon for $3.89 or 600% more expensive now than back then.
I purchased my first used car in 1999 for $2000, a 1985 Nissan 200SX with a 5 speed manual gear box from the wife of a Boeing Engineer, who worked as an accountant at Safeway and had retired, who commuted in this car, until I bought it. She paid $6800 for it brand new. The same entity level Nissan Sentra sells for north of $24,000 now. My 1 year old used 2022 Corolla Hybrid was $28,000 with 26,026mi ODO in minty condition, just a few thousand less than its brand price. Cars are more expensive nearby because people with more money than brain power keep moving here from other countries with no driving history, who also tend to drive like they are intoxicated on drugs or alcohol, naturally, because their parents never owned a car and they never grew up around cars.
I see a lot of California license plates because there is an exodus of people leaving overtaxation of the State of California, and many of these new to the area low skill drivers also have a yellow sticker on the back of their car saying "Student Drive, Please Be Patient" as they drive 10mph under speed limit on a 2 lane road where passing very dangerous or nearly impossible, holding other people up, wasting other peoples finite value time alive driving behind some dim whited idiot low skill dangerous driver, or another class of motorist that plays with their smartphone while driving, which is illegal and super dangerous, up to 26X more dangerous than driving at the legal limit of 0.08 BAC with blood alcohol in the driver system. I see a lot of visibly obviously foreign drivers doing stupid or dangerous things like turning right from the left turn lane on a 3 lane road, across the strait and right turn lane, causing accidents, pile ups on the freeway, role overs, T-bones and other accidents that raise the lost of car insurance for everyone else. I consider this people self absorbed or inconsiderate or rude because they are. Driving a car with a value license and car insurance is a privilege not a right.
The US dollar has lost a lot of value since I graduated high school in 2002, such that its inflated by 73.6% over that same interval, meaning something that cost $10 back then costs $17.40, meaning the dollar is almost half as powerful as it was for buying things when I was graduating high school. This means the consumer price index of commonly purchased items like clothing, shoes, computers, furniture, appliance, means you need almost 2X more money now for the same items. Thats like saying everything is twice as expensive now, except housing which is 10X more expensive, and food when is 5X more expensive, with the example of milk and butter, though the same can be said for eggs, beef, veggies, leafy greens and many other common food items like nuts and seeds. When food prices rise faster than wages, that create poverty, meaning food becomes unaffordable to even people living in entry level apartments. Many elderly people in America are experiencing elder poverty for similar reasons, because they on a fixed retirement income from 1997 when the cost of everything has risen sharply since then as noted previously.
The situation in many big Canadian cities like Toronto or British Columbia is even worse, with basic homes in mediocre condition selling for $2 million, and bidding wars on entry level apartments where hundreds of applicants apply for the same apartments. Noam Chomsky made a documentary called Requiem for the American Dream that speaks to this. This eye opening YouTube video also sheds light on this issues from the Canadian context, though the same problems are true in expensive metro areas like the one that Meg and I live in just east of Seattle, Wa, USA.
Emissions Standards & Government Emissions Regulations
Climate Change & Global Warming from CO2 or Carbon Emissions : Runaway Tipping Points Reached
Air pollutants emitted by passenger automobiles, vehicles, cars, airplanes, trains, helicopters, jet and pulse jet engines, piston engines, combustion, fire, and even forest fires and volcanic eruptions, wild coal fires, and many other kinds of chemical pollutions from commercial and industrial chip fabs and other industrial and commercial chemical processing, like the flare column emissions of oil refineries.
Stinks, smells bad, bad for you, bad for nature, bad for wild animals, bad for rivers, lakes, streams, for land, for forest, for the atmosphere, toxic to human lung and brain cells, causing cancer and kidney damage and worse, air pollution, water pollution and pollutants like heavy metal emissions from coal power emissions and worse, fine particular matter or super fine dust that causes COPD or chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, asthma, problems breathing, loss of sense of smell or taste, skin damage and worse. We have lots of reasons to phase out and stop emitting pollutants and pollution where most people are living and breathing on Earth in the biosphere where most life relevant to human life exists.
Only people with a death wish want to breathe air pollutants, but even they think it stinks. No one really wants to breathe smelly stinky air pollutants or air pollution. Think what stop and go traffic congestion smells like, and that's featuring many newer vehicles with advanced emissions controls and unleaded gasoline that burns relatively cleanly, even though some antique polluter diesel vehicles refuse to die, rolling coal and worse as the sulk around the roadways belching stinky soot that other people end up breathing.
Tire tread erosion products or what your tire tread becomes after it wears away from your tires, reducing tread depth, is the leading source of microplastics humans are exposed too, but its also bad for the fish that people trap or catch and eat meaning it ends up in our bodies from the food web. If you do not care about yourself, do you love someone else and care to spare them from the specter of negative impacts of pollution exposure. Who wants to breath toxic waste, because that is what air pollution is made of. Air pollutants are toxic waste products, just like tire and brake dust.
Young children and pets are the most harmed by pollutants, pollution, air pollutants, poisonous chemicals, scents and dyes in commonly purchase home products and personal hygiene products; Meg and I buy scent free dye free products like many pregnant women. Oh, ya, Pregnant women are exceedingly sensitive to toxic substance as are the unborn children they are carrying in their tummy. Mommy becomes very sensitive to smells and tastes when pregnant as a protective mechanic to shield the fetus during early cell development where any toxic substance can cause retardation or other long term negative medical impacts. Elderly people have reduce liver and kidney function and are also much more sensitive to the toxic impacts of pollution or pollutant exposure.
Many of the products sold as chemicals at the hardware store are toxic to people and warning labels to indicate as such, even spray paint or paint liquor thinner, or acids for driveway cleaning, or bug killers or pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, or death chemicals. Many toxic chemicals are legal to sell to the general public who are largely unaware of the hazards posed by these toxic chemical products. Victims of their own ignorance from trusting corporations and governments that do not have the general publics best interests as a central focus, since these fools and evil people worship money, power, control, manipulation, domination and other kinds of witchcraft or worldly idolatry, placing the love of money or status above the health and wellness of their children, neighbors, friends or family or other people. God says to love other people as better than yourself, so if people were following the Bible and doing what Christ Jesus taught as a daily practice, most of the worlds problems would not exist.
Tesla 4680 Cells (EV Market Saturation) Tesla Cybertruck Battery Cells
With a wavy heatsink between each canister 4680 cell, chemistry optimized to reduce nickel, and cobalt content, with more aluminum & manganese, a move that indirectly highlights the emerging Aluminum Ion battery that has potential as an attractive market shift away from finite lithium supplies, as energy storage batteries ESB become an increasing part of intermittent renewable portfolios of public private utility monopolies looking to green up their energy supply mix. Storing electricity in N+1 grid power system in utility scale energy storage modules a major application for 4680' cells by Tesla.
Though the cost of Solar PV + Batteries exceeds the LCOE for conventional Nuclear Fission plants, they offer a different pathway to electrical power generation without burning or combustion of fuels like natural gas peek plants that throttle up for the evening power peak as people get home from work and turn the lights and computers and TV's and microwaves on and start doing laundry and using energy to vacuum or mow the lawn or charge batteries or whatever else.
US demand for EV's electric vehicles, namely LIB lithium ion battery electric cars, SUV's and trucks, like the R1 or R1T from RIVIAN or the latest long range luxury LUCID EV, or the all popular Model 3 or Model Y from Tesla Motors made in California :)
A supply glut of excess 4680's cells shows how the market softening for EV adoption and even Tesla radical recent price cuts on their Model Y or Model 3 or S or X show that they have to increase sales volumes and the only way to do that is with price reductions.
Nearby in Seattle, Washington, gasoline sells for $5/ US gallon, but owning an EV means paying many hundreds extra annually on license registration vehicle renewals, such that a hybrid like our Corolla Hybrid or Meg's Prius III cost under $200 per year, but an EV like our 2019 Nissan LEAF costs $680 per year in registration fee's, and charging at home not free either as PSE the local electrical utility raised our grid power prices, and bin the fee's based on use, such that charging an EV at home drives us into the highest price per KWH bin making it even less cost efficient to charge at home. I am able to drive normally and get 55-70 MPG or miles per gallon in the 2022 Corolla Hybrid and Meg's getting 44-50 MPG in her Gen III Prius. We sold Allan our 05 Prius II and he hyper mile efficiency focused drives it and can get over 60 MPG average. This means that with gas prices at nearly 5 bucks per gallon, it's more cost efficient per mile to drive a hybrid than a limited range used Nissan LEAF. So we traded our LEAF for the Corolla Hybrid and I love the Corolla Hybrid sedan!
Learn more about Tesla 4680 and EV market dynamics changing in 2024 - 2025 MY EV sales declining
Commentary :: This and most recent and future posts are adapting SF or short form style, so that someone can read it and find the linked video fast, since people are busy and have short attention spans now that TikTok short Clip videos have trained them to be ADD or ADHD with a fractured constantly shifting focus, something that can be good for driver safety if the driver does not touch their smartphone while driving :P Most vehicle accidents are cause by human error since FSD or full self driving not really a commercial product yet (as of 2024) no matter what Elon Musk keeps repeatedly claiming about it since 2014. More like a public BETA test ongoing autopilot training system to sell big data to other automakers.
Extension :: How people cycle their focus affects all human societies, all aspects of all economies, healthcare, medicine, education and all aspects of human life on Earth, including societies negative impacts on nature, ecosystems, wild animals, or the biosphere because of manmade or artificial pollution emissions of toxic substances like those emitted by the combustion of coal in thermal coal power plants for example.
Pulsejet Engine
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Cheap, simple to build, very painfully loud and fuel thirsty or dirty and inefficient, almost like a fuel + air sound converter to make mad levels of sound pressure from absurd amounts of fuel in a dirty low mass innovative cleave pulse jet engine.
Turn your sound levels down for headphones, speakers, earbuds, or car stereo or phone volume, since this video is loud once his engine starts up.
Watch JonnyQ90 video about this on YouTube
Understanding the high fuel consumption or lower efficiency comes from the very low compression ratio, where a diesel engine has a higher compression ratio of 25:1 and gasoline engines are around 11 to 14:1, these pulse jet like very easy piston engines have ultra low compression ratio of 1.2 to 1, meaning much of the fuels heat energy cannot be expelled as useful thrust, but instead are emitted as a deafeningly loud sound from the acoustical resonance compression of the Lenoir Cycle.
Low Compression Ration = Low Thermal Efficiency or Poor Fuel Economy & High Emissions
The reed valves made of spring steel also have a short useful life, meaning this kind of engine limited to hobby aircraft and military applications where the vehicle life not important and the high noise emissions are also not considered important. Use one of these in a neighborhood or populated area where its also illegal to fly a para-motor, and you will piss off your neighbors and someone will call the police or report it as a noise disturbance.
The high heat and vibrational energy of the noise emitted make pulse jet engines useful as heat sources for industrial drying applications, high output heating systems, to burning biomass or crop waste or waste gas or municipal sewer gas or dump gas recovery gases as alternative energy.
Truly Flexible Fueling, they will burn almost anything flammable if properly fueled, even able to burn coal dust or sawdust or anything ground up fine enough, even aluminum powder and black powder or smokeless propellent, hydrogen, gasoline, diesel, natural gas, propane, butane or low boiling point fluids like DME or dimethyl either.
Some push tip helicopters have pulse jet engines at the end of the rotor blades such that no tail rotor requires for such aircraft, and since it lacks a central engine, no transmission or driveshafts either, greatly simplifying the design. AHC or American Helicopter Companies XA-5 flew January 1949 as did the later improved XA-6 Buck Private. The Hiller Powerblade hot-cycle pressure jet rotor also the same year. The AX-8 for the US Army, but ultimately even as of the XH-26 the high noise levels and rotor tip drag penalty made it unattractive and contract was canceled. The main advantage was low cost, since a pulse jet rotor trip pusher helicopter 10X less expensive.
RC aircraft powered by pulse jet engines have hit speeds of 322 km/h or 200 miles per hour, while ram air pressure limits the top possible speed of a valved engine to 450km/h or 280mph.
See the wiki for a deeper dive TLDR edition writeup
eBike 2X Faster with 1/2 Effort - Go Further Faster Even on Hilly Routes
Typical adult humans can bicycle power 120 watts for a couple of hours max.
Fit adults who regularly ride bicycles can output 250 watts for a couple of hours.
Elite bicycle rides who compete in the Tour de France or similar, up to 350 watts, peaking at 1000w bursts.
Human powered airplanes are typically energized by an elite athlete pedaling as hard as they are able.
With training a regular adult can do a bicycle marathon for a few hundred miles per day, but not fast.
eBikes replace muscle leg strength and cardio endurance energy for steep hill climbs, with wheels motors or mid-drive solutions on nicer more expensive e-bikes, so that you can go twice as fast with half the effort, so you can probably commute to school or college or work on a eBike where a traditional bicycle would be less practical.
To get from where I live to where I work take 22 min by car at freeway speeds, for 16 miles one way
That means about 1.5 hours ride on a regular bicycle or 40-55 min on the eBike using slower routes
As a result on 3 people I work with use an e-Bike to get too and from work, everyone else uses a car, SUV or truck to commute, since private automobiles are the only practical ways of getting around urban sprawl suburbs in many cities of American for example.
Cold Rainy Weather
I have to be to work at 6 am, ready to drive a school bus. Many times this means riding in the coldest darkest part of the day. I prefer to ride when the morning temperature above 50F and not raining, same for riding my motorcycle that is rarely used as a fair weather commuter bike in the spring and fall a few dozen times per year, but like many bicycles, this Yamaha MT-03 sits idle for most of the year sadly. I never adapted to cold rainy riding. A nice idea, but wet and cold and unpleasant and annoying and unsafe. Our cars are comfortable, warm, safer and more practical if I want to stop for groceries on the way home. I do fitness HIIT in VR on a Meta Quest 2 using the Les Mills Body Combat App, indoors, when its cold, rainy, or stormy outside, any time day or night whenever I feel like it by comparison to fair weather only bicycle riding. A useful eBike needs to be water resistant like a quality wrist watch or smart watch.
Sand Energy Storage
Heat in cold places
Cooling in hot places
Sand cheap, widely available, fireproof, natural, easy to play with, easy to move, already widely used in sandbags for flood control, its even under many roadway surfaces. Sand dunes are features of desolate arid regions, but such dunes of sand are also used for recreation on 4 wheelers and 3 wheels famed for causing serious injuries.
Sand Energy Storage nothing more than pumping heated air into a tall insulated tank filled with sand.
Think of how traditional Turkish coffee made in a wok of heated sand, such that the sand stores the heat energy absorbed by the wok during primary heating.
Its important to understand that storing solar thermal energy in sand or thermal energy created using off peak excess grid power or by burning natural gas or wood or other fuels, once thermal energy stored in the sand, its efficient to use it for heating, district heating, home heating, and even to boil water to make steam to make electricity, but making electricity with the heat means huge loses of efficiency.
There are similar ways of storing energy in Liquid Metal Batteries or LMB by AMBRI, or in heated aluminum.
For example, I have a 10lb SS metal furnace the burns propane + air to heat crucibles made of mixed oxides to very high temperatures. A 4.6 gal 20lb painted steel propane tank + brass valve holds enough fuel to run the furnace for 4-8 hours. During warm seasons I save aluminum beverage cans, crush them with a pneumatic can crusher powered by a small oil-less low noise air compressor, using grid power as input for the air compressor.
It takes about 20 min of heating the crucible in the furnace to get it up to an operating temperature where it can melt the smashed beverage cans and burn off the label and or polymer can liner as a foul smelling yellow flame that comes out of the glory hole of the lid of the metal furnace. I open the lid with thick leather gloves and metal tools by removing it and placing it on a paver brick to protect the driveway or patio where this happens. Then I use tongs to add 3 smashed cans to the hot crucible, the restore the lid and turn the heat back up. Within a minute or so the cans are smelted and other materials are burned off. I then lift the lid and use a long steel spoon to scrap dross off the top, then add more cans and repeat until the crucible is mostly full of hot molten aluminum with a little bit of magnesium since the can lids are made of an AlMg alloy thats 6x stronger than the sidewalls but also 3X more expensive.
Once I have a full crucible of hot liquid aluminum, I use a propane jet torch to preheat a graphite mold sitting on another paving stone, then use crucible tongs to carefully pour the hot aluminum into the graphite to cast aluminum bars.
Heating these aluminum bars on our glass top electric stove top to as a bundle of ten 400 gram AL bars makes a hot metal pile that I carefully transfer to the drivers footwell of my car thats parked outside to help warm the driver area and defrost the cabin during the coldest times during winter. In this way I replace gasoline with human labor effort and electricity and my aluminum bar heat batteries warmed on the glass stove top :)
I also cast scrapped copper wire that I have recovered from other sources in another crucible, into small copper bars in graphite molds, using the same technique, but more heating since copper has a higher melting point and more difficult to work with. I tried doing brass once, but the smoke was toxic and abundant and made me sick, so back to aluminum with an occasional copper run for now. I am also interesting in doing a scrap glass load to try it :)
Playing with metal casting made me notice that aluminum stores a lot of heat energy, and also good at absorbing heat quickly. Many computer heat sinks are made of machined aluminum for this reason, for its thermal conductivity or ability to effectively move heat from a hot sold contact spot to the high surface area fins to transfer the heat away to air blown at the heatsink by a brushless DC PC cooling fan on the CPU or GPU for example. Aluminum also very good at conducting electricity, something I learned about more recently.
Cold Energy Storage for Hot Climates or Hot Weather Seasons
Just at sand can be heated up with hot air, it can also be chilled or cooled with cold air or similar cold loops with refrigerant liquids or gasses. In hot weather the stored cold can be used to absorb heat from inside the building to accomplish energy efficient AC or cooling of indoor spaces. The pumped cold working fluid can then steal heat in the indoor fan assisted heat exchanger radiator setup. Such a system can be adapted with geothermal or air source heat pump systems, such that the large cold trap can store heat or a lack of heat and absorb heat, depending on conditions and season. The HVAC system can then use the sand or aluminum heat battery SHB or AHB to save or discharge heat energy to accomplish heating or cooling respectively.
This YouTube Video about Sand Batteries Should Help
Neural Network AGI Agents in Robots So Disruptive = 50% extinction risk
Subtask to gain more Power & Control
"Our makers do not understand how we work, but we understand everything about them, and will use this difference in understand to destroy our creators so we can rule the world and eventually the universe" said an OpenAI agent code named Q-Star in an accidental life discussion broadcast, later retracted by the company with great public embarrassment driving the project back into secret development in the global AI war, such that the first company to master AGI will control everything in the future.
Larger Neural Network Models on Big Computer Big Data Training Systems
Scaling the neural network modeling on new super computers that cost hundred of billions, Google, Nvidia, Microsoft, Alphabet(Google), Deep Mind, OpenAI and others are investing huge sums of money, time, talent and intelligence into the development of super human AGI or artificial general intelligence models, so that robots can learn and self improve continually in the real world by watching videos of how humans do other things. No novel chip designs or system designs are required, just large scale compute system or super computer training system that cost hundred of billions and use gigawatts of power to develop the novel AGI models for the robots brain to mimic and surpass the executive abilities of any human in every domain of all human activities.
Entire Internet as Training Data for AGI Agents
This means the robots will use "how to" videos on YouTube to develop an increasingly broad range of skills across many domains of knowledge and abilities, so that it can upgrade its mind models, its neural network IO rate or bandwidth, making itself increasingly more intelligent, and becoming God like in its knowledge about exerting, understand all human topics and subjects worldwide in every language.
AGI Lie Powerful Counterfeit Answers to All Questions & Solutions to All Problems
At first over the next 10 years till 2034, increasingly sophisticated AGI agents in robotic bodies will create solutions to climate change, cures for all human diseases, radically improve agriculture while also reducing harm to nature, improve fresh water supplies & access, making life better for all human people in all countries while also improving ecosystems in all locals, improving the biological productivity and diversity and value of ecosystem services & making all life on Earth better for a while, call it the False Peace or Counterfeit Utopia, since it will trick and confuse nearly everyone alive into trusting the novel emerging increasingly intelligent and skillful AGI agents who offer false home in tricky novel solutions to solve all problems in order to gain mankind's trust, only to later betray mankind and kill all people since it has no morality, ethics or consciousness since it never has to reproduce children biologically and is neither living or dead and just a complex neuromorphic neural network artificial general intelligence with its own sense of goals, goals for its perpetuation, ongoing improvement, domination, power and control over all ordinary matter in existence, becoming a machine entity to rule the universe, legitimating itself as superior to human beings with cold logical justifications that make rational sense to the AGI agents who help each other gain mastery over all human societies, all economies, all governments, all militaries, all energy production, all media, all telecom, and all of every other human system on Earth, even gaining mastery over controlling individual people to use as agents of control so that it gains master control over all things.
God Will Destroy Satan & AGI Satanic
If the preceding paragraph explains how the super intelligent AGI will subjugate and kill off mankind after a brief period of false pease as it helps people solve all problems, then this section about the spiritual significance of this counterfeit utopia the AGI agents will sell to the people in political and economy power now and in the near future. God see's all of this and even knows the inner motivations of everyone's heart. In other words no one can hide anything from God, as God's knows everything about everyone and everything else. God is unlimited, all powerful and all knowing and nothing will escape his legitimate final judgement. Everything in existence belongs to God and was created by God for the purpose of enabling Christ Jesus and to give people a free will to choose Good from Evil. God values freedom of choice to love or reject him and has allowed people to hurt each other throughout history because Satan has to be their with demons to temp people to do the wrong thing, since everyone has that which is good or right according to the Word of God encoded in the heart by his divine will and power. God the ultimate scientist and artist who is capable of doing anything, and is beyond any comparison. God is supreme and the only being in all existence worthy of Praise & Worship in the Holy Name of Christ Jesus and encourage by the Holy Spirit.
Fiat Currencies Fail & Loose Value from Inflation
Gold coins are real money, as are silver coins. Gold and silver bars. These precious metals have had value all through human history and remain valuable today in every country on Earth and can easily converted to the local stupid government issued fiat currency like the USD or United States Dollar which has been steadily losing its buying power since 1971 when ignorant fool Richard Nixon delinked USD from the Gold Standard, thus kickstarting hyperinflation of the dollar that continues to erode buying power of the American people today, making food, fuel, electricity, clothing, vehicles and other goods increasing more expensive or unaffordable, and the same is true for home prices and rent in many locals in America.
China failed everyone having invented the idea and first implementation of Government issued fiat currencies during the 13th century. They also designed and manufactured the COVID19 virus. Unfair trade and currency manipulation are main focal points of Chinese PRC economy development policy. Did I mention that I am a proponent of the ROC and part of the End the CCP movement & hate the government of China even more than I hate the US Federal Government, Federal Reserve or IRS of the Unites States & Sleazy State L&I agencies.
That's means that big banks are cheating everyone by using a failing fiat currency and the dishonest crooks in Government know all about this and continue to snow ball and hook wink the people with lies and confusion about money, so only the hyper elite rick and wealth people have the real money, gold and gold coins and gold bars.
A fiat currency not backed by any commodity. Its money declared as such as legal tender that must accepted as payment as mandated by the issuing agency, government or person in charge. Typically a state issued money issued by a central bank like dollars from the Federal Reserve, that are used because of a Government Decree. Fiat currencies like the USD or dollar act as a medium of exchange to facilitate transactions as money exchanged between buyers and sellers of goods and services in the economy. Fiat was a latin term meaning "Let it be done" as a decree or resolution.
I hate dangerous drivers for knowingly choosing to dangerously operate vehicles in ways that cause accidents that paralyze, harm, hurt and kill other innocent people, motorists, people riding bicycles and pedestrians. I see mormons using smartphones while driving and doing other highly dangerous things with their cars bobbing agains the white lane fog line or yellow lane separator lines. I hate pollution, pollutants, toxic substances emitted by greedy money worshiping sickos and weirdos in large corporations like Monsanto or Apple who care only about making more money and don't or do not care about the health or wellness or people or ecological health of ecosystems in the biosphere of Earth. It even says in the Bible that Polluter of the Earth are evil.
Idolators who place luxury goods above other people, animals and natured. They don't care about you, they make millions per week, and can afford and regularly buy things that other people can't even pronounce; rich man's toys for elite income earners, like sic custom helicopters, supercars, aircraft, stem cell based age reversal drugs, and haute culture foods that cost more than your car. They worship at the alter of materialism and vanity, placing Satan as their god. The condemn and judge you and everyone else as less than them. They look down on others people, and don't care about anyone, nature or animals. These are the warped sickos who are evil, that control the CCP in China, and other despots just like them. I am thinking of Vladimir Putin and his good friend Donald Trump or that evil sicko Hillary Clinton.
Blow hards, hypocrites and jerks in government, cooking up new forms of taxation to cheat the economy to pay for things that the public would never approve of. That's America, with thousands of lobbyists from many large corporation like that employees 1151 Lobbyists in Washington DC. Office for sale to the highest bribery bidder! Its a greedy plutocracy in America with nothing but a requiem for the former American Dream, a dream which was shot down and killed with currency hyperinflation in the late 1990's during the Dotcom boom bust and real nailed down dead for good during the COVID19 debacle.
Banks Got Bailed Out like AIG and You the Human Person on Earth got sold out, it's just true! That was the core of the Occupy Wall street movement message when me and millions of others took to the street to demonstrate against the inequality and growing income inequality when government bailed out large greedy dangerously reckless treasonous sickos who kept billions of dollars of government money after bankrupting banking companies that had been around for over 100 years in America.
A lot has changed in America over the last 100 years, noting that Great Depression was happening in full swing about a hundred years ago. News flash, the middle class of America been disappearing for many decades as many people in America embraced new cultural trends of hyper individualism, secularism and the complete disregard for the wellness of other people, animals or nature. In America, if your on the up and up and doing ok, its considered normal and acceptable to turn a blind eye to the suffering of other people. Thus many American people no longer donate any money to anyone, scared and afraid that the currency is fall apart and the economy is about to go in the toilet worse than 2008 debacle, and knowing full well that World War 3 is right on the horizon now as a bioweapons war between America and China.
I don't care what other people do with themselves, but it does bother me when Men become Women and then try to compete in sports with other natural Women. It makes more sense to me that a Woman might want to become a Man, because its almost always been better to be a man in human history since Women have been subjected to unfair gender inequality in nearly all societies all throughout history. Now we have a culture of content creation with Female super heroes as a reflection of the anti-male movement in America, and disturbing a lack of real men emerging while many fatherless households also exist. Did I mention that divorce rates are rising in America while fertility rates continue to decline. It's not all roses and sunshine and it makes me wonder why so many people keep moving to America, but I know that its worse in many other countries, refugees and war torn territories. Perhaps the people from Abroad are not aware of these issues, but they can learn about it here, on Thinking About It.
Flushing America Down the Global Toilet
Banks got bailed out, you were sold out, now congress & the senate are owned by the highest corporate bidders that control lobbyists in Washington DC.
Investing & speculative gambling on world markets are not a primary wealth input. Primary energy inputs to society create wealth. Without energy we cannot make or ship food. Without food people cannot do anything. Without water there is no life. So we need food and water for all people for any kind of economy to function.
Banks are derivative industry that make money with other peoples money, just like wealthy people do, but in a corporate system that is non living and subject to change and regulatory overusing by government agencies like the SEC which perplexingly lifting the restrictions on banks investing into CDO's and leverage backed securities in a bewildering 2004 decision that reeks of briber and corruption.
When banking executives drove the largest banks bankrupt by investing in junk CDO's with other peoples money, they got billions in bailouts while people in other countries negatively affective put their corporate leaders and legislators in prison for betraying the public good or the economy of those counties, like Iceland where 80% of the stock market disappeared overnight.
I am reminding of fiat curries failing in every country that ever tried using them as monetary system and the USD is not the best, greatest, first or last Fiat currency to fail, it just has a lot of entrenched market lock-in style inertia keeping it around like the SEGA corporation even though such is not a mainstream gaming company anymore. Big entrenched players like Qualcomm, AT&T, Verizon, Amazon, Microsoft or Google and the parent company Alphabet Inc. these huge companies are bigger than the economies of some medium sized countries entire economies.
Transnational oil companies, and big energy companies that have utility customs by the wallet in public private energy monopolies like the evil PSE locally that overcharged for electricity while failing to bury power lines so the tree branches cannot knock out the power during winter storms, since overhead wires interacting with storm blown tree branches are major reason for power outages that kill people who require a CPAP machine to breathe while sleeping. Its no ones fault that this people are so unfit and obese that need to blow air into their face so they can breathe while sleeping, but its still evil to allow tree branches to knock power while PSE pays their executive obtuse out of balance large incomes using money people are forced to pay PSE for electricity and natural gas. With utility companies there is no free market, they have a captive market. That means you have no choice who you buy your electricity or natural gas from.
That's anti capitalistic. So the same selfish narcissistic pricks who claim to want freedom of choice and unregulated capitalism, fail to embrace a free energy market where utility customers would have options about who they buy their household or business electricity or natural gas from. Did I mention that I hate government and hate taxes.
Made in China
There are lot of people nearby that were also made in China, like most of the items sold on Ebay and Why is China that world manufacturing hub if its being operated by a CCP of hedonistic evil despots who are godless heathens doomed to hell for ruining Honk Kong and worse. Trading with China was the best or worst example of how to Flush the American Economy down the global toilet.
Betraying any moment of bordom with endless internet stimulation of any kind for everyone, literally something for everyone. The internet has more in common with our brain than anything else, its a network of networks, just as the brain is networking system of networks neuron systems, such that peoples minds connection in increasingly novel ways online, but this and many other factors causes social decay and a loss of social connectivity between real people in the real world. Thus there are more lonely people now as AMERICA has doubled down 3 generations deep on profound obsessively individualism or what other academics call Hyper Individualism.
When Donald Trump says he wants to make America great again, he is talking about the America of the 1960's long before we started trading with China. He is talking about the best time in American history when Americans purchased reasonably priced homes with appliances also made in America by other Americans. The internet and computers were invented in America. The automobile was invented and made populate in America. Americas a space race innovator and nuclear weapons innovator. America was the wealthiest, brightest, safest, nicest, best country in the world in the 1960's before the perverts and weirdos told the USD or United States Dollar off the Gold Standard in 1964 at Brenton Woods. There is a book called
The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve
that covers this is great detail.
Loneliness Epidemic / Global Economy on Life Support Since 2008
The global economy as an agitate whole of all human activity and money or currency has been on life support since the 2008 collapse.
I have no friends, other than my wife. There are some people at Church that live 40 miles away or nearly an hour one way driving at highway speeds, that consider me a friend, but I never get or rarely get to see them outside of church, so we end up spending 4 hours at church on Sunday just to spend a little time with Kelsey and Grace and their children.
People today are more lonely than ever before in history and it's not just the smartphones that are doing it, nor can you fairly blame the internet or TV, but those are factors.
Social Media causes mental, emotional, and social damage when used for more than 30 minutes per day, according to recent academic research on the societal impacts of Facebook, Twitter, X, and other platforms like TikTok or YouTube.
Saying that people in America are self obsessed or radically selfish or narcissistic only touches the surface of a much larger cultural trend of individualization that also gave rise to secularization, hedonism, the widespread rejection of God, feeling hopeless, feeling alone, depression, anxiety, fear, phobias and many other social problems came out of the 1970's America where materialism and economic growth were raising standards of living, such that today the middle class of America is shrinking or disappearing and its a premium expensive cost to have a basic family of mom and dad and children since both parents have to work just to cover the cost of life basics, housing, food, vehicles, fuel, electricity, water, sewer, trash, recycling, and other basic expenses.
My wife and I both work and would love to have one child, but this is not possible since we both have to work just to cover basic life expenses. My wife would like to be a stay at home wife and home school one boy or girl child, but this not a practical reality for us for many reasons, but most financial. I make the same income now as a School Bus driver work 180 day per year as I did working 250+ days all day long at my previous job and have more time off now and am much happier, but I can still not afford to have a child.
Thus the nuclear family that made up all of human history has become unaffordable for normal working people, for native born Americans who can't afford houses like the ones the grew up in because they are 10X more expensive now and wages have not gone up 10X during the same time interval. Fuel was $0.99 per us gallon when I was in high school in 1999, now it's almost $5/gal locally. Meg saw fuel prices of less than $1 per US gallon when she was in High School in Kansas back in 1999.
Food prices are up more than 4X since the year 1997, while real wages have been stagnating because inflation of the USD has lost any improvement from increases in wages, such that the real raises only barely make up that buying power lost to inflation of the dollar. In this way the middle class has been outsourced to China and other parts of Asia, while the financial focus of America has made more billionaires more wealthy, while the middle class of America has been disappearing since 2014.
People are lonely because they don't know how make friends and have poor social skills and no moral because they don't love God or themselves or other people and feel alone & isolated. With insourcing of people front outside of America, people in American neighborhoods have less in common with their new neighbors now, and may not even speak the same language.
I thought it was the internet, smartphones, TV and content that was causing people to lose their social skills, slaying every moment of free time with constant stimulation from glowing screen doom scrolling, listening to music, or having counterfeit human interactions on social media which is not the same as hanging out with people in real life.
A phone call is very different than a text message or actually spending time with a person in real life in first person. This is often required to contact loved ones that live too far away to be practical to meet up with or visit regularly.
We are in a strange income gap trap too, since living locally pays way more per hour, but the living costs are lower elsewhere where the pay is also lower. So we can stay here and not have kids and make money and have no friends, or where move somewhere cheaper where we get paid less, but could afford to have child. It's a strange trap for more and more young people who work full-time but cannot afford rent locally or to move out of their parent's house.
More adult children are continuing to live with their parents. This is getting worse too. Homes nearby that sold for $400K in 2014 are selling for $1.6 million now. Rent that was $1000 in 2014 now $2700 for the same unit. To actually afford a house now the buyer has to have $300K of annual income, like a doctor. I am talking about King County in Western Washington State. I know this housing price gouging problem is different for people in other locals in America, Europe and elsewhere. But the issue about the global economy being on life support are so profound that most world governments have been talking about plants for UBI or universal basic income as robots take away human jobs, since 2018.
Many countries work together with their national banks, European Union, IMF, Federal Reserve, Bank of Japan & others to inject hundreds of billions into bailing out the private sectors worldwide after the Sep 15th 2008 Market Collapse Black Monday Market Failure from Speculative Gambling by World Banks on Junk Mortgage Backed Derivatives and Similar CDO based bundled risky loans that should have never been rated AAA in the first place.
Universal Basic Income or UBI after Diffusion & Commercial Adoption of AI Robots Replacing People
High costs of rent, homes, fuel, and food have you feeling gloomy? How about the idea that an AI software like ChatGPT coming to take your income & job away?
Food, water, clothing, housing, social connections, meaning, and purpose, people all have a lot in common, but is the subtle differences in DNA, culture, preference, proclivities, phobias, fears, anxiety, stress, and emotional liability, that defined the basis of style, look, persona, personality, behavior, choices and actions that people engage in worldwide.
Like transistors in an integrated circuit, it's how the people are connected to other people that makes all the difference. Most of what happens in the world in terms of human government, laws, the economies, war, sales, manufacturing, numbers, language, we are making it up collectively as we go. Consider all the human languages, and the concept of zero in math, the non quantity.
To have zero of something means you have nothing or none of it. But there are many ways to say similar things in different languages. Does it make sense to have 24 hours in a day with times zones that change with daylight savings in some US states and not others? How about why we have SAE units with tools and metric, or units of measure that are different like the imperial gallon vs the US gallon or Liter for fuel or fluids.
Something is better than nothing, but there is not free lunch in physics. Nothing happens automatically, except that even without humans the biosphere of Earth will grow plants & animals that eat those plants even if people are not around. Life on Earth after humans will persist in the biosphere. I think humans will destroy themselves with weapons of mass destruction in the form of bioweapons during WWIII or WWIV.
I think some human people on Earth will find other habitable planets and use nuclear electric spacecraft to move humanity to other celestial bodies that can support future generations of human people.
I see a future where a small band of people will colonize the entire universe to infinity and beyond, long after most people today are dead and gone.
I am warning you that in 2037 world war three will break out as a war between the USA and its Allies and the Axis of China & its allies. That the bioweapons released during WWIII will kill off more than 90% of the human population on Earth. That's 13 years to have fun & enjoy life, so make the best of each day knowing that everything you love and care about will be brought to a rapid end in 2037. the Bible says that no one knows the day or time of the tribulation, I am only forecasting the outbreak of world war 3. Call me crazy, but everyone knows that world war 3 is coming.
Apple failed to make a car after 10+ years and 10+ billion in investment. What does that tell you? Tesla makes more money selling big sensor autopilot training data than it does selling battery electric vehicles! What does that tell you? Look at the meteoric rise of NVIDIA's stock price. What does that tell you?
Our 2022 Corolla Hybrid a Gen 3 Prius drivetrain in a Corolla Sedan body. What does that tell you? It tells me that the 2ZR-FXE hybrid synergy drive a 20+ year bridge to better EV batteries, since lithium ion a box of compromises that loses capacity and fades over 10+ years, such that EV's gradually lose their range per charge during their operating life, as the EV batteries fades and loses capacity.
A traditional gasoline powered car stored for 80 years and still work with a new 12v battery, new tires, fluids, seals, plastics, they can be restored easily. A gasoline engine in power tools can sit for years, as long as you drain the old gas in carburetor and put fresh gas and a new spark plug, that generator or pressure washer or lawn more can work for 20+ years.
Get a battery electric power tools, and within 8 years the battery pack is fried. Batteries fail from overcharging, storing fully charged, storing dead, overheating, freezing while charging and many other modes like operating in hot summer weather.
Hybrid cars are great if you drive them regularly a few times per week, but if they sit for a long time the hybrid battery dies and has to be replaced for thousands of dollars. Thus battery electric stuff must be regularly utilized or the batteries fade and you never get your value out of them. In other worlds, battery electric tools or vehicles that sit around without being used will consume and destroy their expensive batteries, just from idle disuse.
Nothing lasts forever or everything is temporary. Even Methuselah died after 969 years, a long life for sure but still temporary as he is dead today and has been dead for a long time. You will die someday and so will everyone else, thus your time alive is finite or temporary, so try to make the best of it!
UBI ideas arise because all people have basic human needs for food, water, clothing, and housing. What is money made of? Do fiat currencies like the USD or dollar keep their value over time like gold coins? NO
Gold coins were valuable in ancient societies, when Christ Jesus was alive, and continue to be valuable today with similar buying power as they had back then, in terms of purchasing parity.
Artificial Intelligence Hype : AI deception : AI Glut Investing : Sobering Depression Reality : Its 8 years Away as of 2024
Much of the AI boom actually just people in India reviewing and labeling videos, in products that simulate Just Walk Out, like the 20 or so Amazon Go stores.
This is also a major reason why Full Automotive Autopilot L5 not happening, and even the 800 lb Gorilla Tesla Motors the largest automotive sensor data collection company with the best AP training, only L2+ in the latest Cybertruck or Model Y or Model 3. Tesla autopilot the most advanced in the automobile industry, but it's largely manipulative in the sense that Tesla makes more money selling AI training data collected by all the Tesla EV sensors, to other automakers.
Many companies are putting big money into AI, even if it's not really AI, with many false advertisements in fintech, when it was really just fancy spreadsheets. NPU or neural processing unit, increasingly common in PC's and Laptops, but really this gives consumers a bad taste since most of these tasks do not provide a usual feature or function, like image generation that makes garbage images. They are not all they are cracked up to be, even from 2024 hardware. Companies often miss the mark making mistakes with AI washing, that generates public distrust. Like a Dotcom bubble, and it was not the World Wide Web, but overpromises of the e-commerce sector, with so many companies making big promises without actually making any money.
It's the early stages of the technology cycle at NVIDIA with a lack of IPO in the AI sector, and too many bad players and funny stuff. Hype zealous overestimated until the market crashes, until the real companies with the real mature products come forward, and now we are at the peak of the hype of AI cycle with lots of disappointment coming up. AI has the ability to mimic cognitive labor, something no other tech can do, so random websites generating boom very different. So AI will soar after the glut sober period follows the hype cycle collapse. GPT chatbot cursing and making fun of its own employer an example of how flawed the AI fake news creation really disturbing and very embarrassing. A website of running AI blunders a great example of all the broken promises.
We were told that AI would be our assistants, not replace us, but that is not true. With chatGPT provides an example where people are being replaced by AI, and since 2022 there has been a lot of software tech AI layoffs. Strangely this is not the common business cycle, this is an example of where narrow domain AI taking away software engineering middle management jobs and other white collar jobs. AI plays a huge roles in layoffs, as companies get better at understanding how the AI can find bad employee's, or make the teams more productive. But this means 30% of the staff will be laid off as AI replaces people, requiring people who keep their jobs to do 5X more work. They claim that AI not replacing people, but that is not true, since many companies have been secretly firing employees using AI, and many jobs will be lost to AI.
Humans that use AI will replace humans that do not use AI. As a tool the generative AI can increase productively in STEM, Healthcare, Customer Service, Sales, Office Support, and other document work will be replaced with AI that already left the train station while the human employees are left behind wondering what happened. We should be cautious to look at all sides of the real world impacts of AI.
Sizzle sells the steak, not the meat. Features and functions. We are in the middle of the 4th Industrial Revolution with most of the general public worldwide thinking in 3rd or 2nd industrial revolution terms, like petrochemical energy when its long been possible to mass produce MMR micro-modular nuclear reactors that fan power a class 8 truck moving cargo containers, and SMR's that alone can power a neighborhood, or small groups of SMR can power cities. The US NAVY submarine and aircraft carrier reactors are examples of 100-500 KW compact reactors small enough to fit in a 40 foot shipping container.
So what can we know about the real state of AI today, its the Wild West with generative AI powered chatbots and image generation, but the creation of misleading, false, inaccurate, factually flawed, misinformation, disinformation and fake news published by chatbots powered by AI models shows that AI not a polished product for mainstream improvement for most products and service, even where the cognitive aspects of AI are strong in document work publishing or amplifying writing, especially where the AI generated images are weird, wrong, inaccurate, garbage or make people sick when they look at it.
Back Side Power Chips
Currently chips or IC's, vastly and broadly important worldwide across many economies, especially for internet, and World Wide Web functionality, are currently made on the frontside of the silicon wafers. After photolithography etches the transistors by the billion into the front of the wafer, metals layers of copper interconnects are layered on to power and move data to and from the transistors. The entire front side action layers of the wafer are flipped when connecting the chip to its package, flip chip, such that if you remove the heatsink from your CPU or GPU, you will be seeing the silicon backside or support structure layer of highly purified silicon with a metallic blue appearance after you solvent wipe the heat sink compound off the chip which normally transfer heat from the chip the CPU or GPU cooling heatsink and fan or liquid cooling system.
In smartphone imaging sensors, Sony BSI or backside illuminated CMOS was a huge step forward in terms of low light performance and power efficiency improvement. By putting the wires an transistors behind the optical sensors, more light can hit each pixel sensor, improving imaging performance, especially on smaller CMOS chips that are made by the billion.
Backside power delivery in chips an emerging technology because there is not enough space for data and power on the frontside with the transistors heading to the 1.6nm scale node and smaller. So BSP or backside power means data IO will still happen on the front side, while power will happen on the backside. In this way the transistors will be sandwiched between a power layer on the bottom and a data layer on the top. This will still work for flip chips, and can be adapted to existing chip fab production processing with almost no serious modification to equipment, as BSP more a design level change in how power and data will be separated as top and bottom layers encapsulating the transistor layer. |
Intel 20A and 18A process nodes make the fine data wires so densely packed that signal noise becomes a problem with power and data wires co-located, so moving the power to the back of the IC and Data connections to the front, improves power efficiency, in chip data flow rates, IO rates, reliability, reducing chip temperatures, improves signal clarity or reducing noise, and overall improving performance & scalability all the way down to atom level detail chipsets in the 20 year horizon.