I dropped my phone :/ from desk heigh onto the hardwood floor, but my foot slowed the phone down! The impact did not break the screen, as phone screens often break when phone impact the ground. Every 2 seconds someone in the USA breaks a phone screen. Made of glass is cool, except that it shatters easily. Be gentle with your phone if you want it to last? People upgrade to new phones for psychological reasons before they break their phones. The phone is going to be in someones possession for 6 months to 10 years, with a median upgrade centering around the 18-24 months interval. Poorly treated overcharged lithium ions lose most of their battery life after 24 months of constant 100% overcharging at night (which swell shrink fatigues the anode while also causing cracking of the cathode). Lithium ion batteries last longer when kept charged between 30 & 80%
I tried many software repair efforts before resorting to a partial disassembly given the number of small screws. In the end it was more time efficient to do the mechanical repair.
I found the video about this repair using google on youtube. Have a look for yourself!