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2013 Leaf Single Charge Range Explored

Eva the 13 Leaf S & Meg & I Blink Charging at the Ballard Fred Meyers

Officially rated at 75mi per charge (EPA), the owners manual tells that the single charge range you will experience as a LEAF operator varies between about 47 mi worse case and 138mi ideal 38MPH cruise case. That old saying YMMV fits the LEAF range estimate like a glove.

To buy the Leased Leaf S or Not * Updated July 2014

Lost Image Credit : Probably Nissan Motors 

I got a spiff deal on a leased 2013 Leaf S : with $2k due at signing, and $200/mo for 24mo : lets say the residual I owe at the end of the lease is $16K. Here I am going to run the numbers to see with words and symbols how keeping the Leaf would affect our long term family budget, vs buying a 2015 VW Jetta TDI value edition which rang out in my prior calculations to roughly $3,500/ year for 20 years. 

VW EA 288 TDI Clean Diesel

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The all new EA 288 common rail turbo diesel from VW is a 2L torque monster that meets the toughest next generation 3.0mg/mi particulate emissions targets set by the US and EU governments. This is the soul of more 40+ MPG vehicles from VW where going farther with less fuel and lower emissions is the cool "Think Blue" technology.

1000+ miles per charge : The Electric Vehicles of Tomorrow

(Image via 
The Hybrids of today (Prius Family) and ev's of today (Leaf, Model S) are going to become the technological grandparents to vehicles of the future with futuristic batteries that are lighter, more powerful, safe and durable. From the Chevy Volt to the Porsche 918 Spider, Plug in Hybrids are going to become the next platform to be adopted by the millions all over the world.