Globalists New World Order Conspiracy

Deliberately polluting the air, water & food with toxic substances to depopulate by increase diseases

Notice all Fiat Currency losing purchasing value ? Dollar, Euro, Yuan, Ruble, all weaker with time? This due to increasing amount of Fiat released, known as quantum easing by evil people doing it to tax everyone secretly while also ruining the global economy; A House of Cards //

Adam Smith "The Wealth of Nations

10 Principles of Concentration of Wealth & Power 
Reduce Democracy & Shape Ideology 
Redesign Economy & Shift Burden 
Attack Solidarity& Run Regulators 
Engineer Elections & Keep Rabble in-Line 
Manufacture Consent & Marginalize the Population

Elites' vile maxim "All for us & nothing for anyone else" Does that sound like increasing income inequality today Perpetual merger & acquisition unto 1 mega corporation One Government, One World Order, One Currency Take the Mark of the Beast to be able to Buy or Sell

Ask yourself, why are so many people dying of cancer? Why are so many people dying early of cancer?

COVID19 vaccine shots that block parts of the DNA that protect against cancer

After taking the COVID19 vaccine & boosters both Meg & I have experiences inexplicable disease pathologies that we had zero symptoms of before getting these Pfizer BioN Covid Vaccine shots. In my case I have had colorful goo & blood existing my anus at all times & the medical tests show idiopathic cause as in the western disease doctors have no idea why this is happening, the colon scan shows early signs of stage 1 colon cancer but the blood tests show negative for any cancer, so the doctors tells me "Your probably just eating something your allergic too or drinking too much alcohol or very stressed out or exposed to something at work with toxic effects, but do not worry about it, just use toilet paper or underpants liners to catch the goo, cut back beer & candy, lower your blood pressure with regular exercise, and cut back on metformin by eating less sugar, starch & carbs, increase healthy protein & fiber in your diet & switch oils and fats to olive oil and butter and see how that works.

If we look at the Woke Agenda, it says that human overpopulation a blight on the health of the biosphere, making life worse for all people, and all future generations, with excess emissions from the increasing scale of industrial activities of all kinds making climate change accelerate faster, causing more forest fires like those in California while confusion prevents efforts to pump filtered sea water from the long Pacific Ocean coast of California in flexible pipes with pumps to put out the forest fires with filtered sea water.

Micro's are missing from a lot of food, and they constantly focus on macros, when that misses the essential value of vitamins & minerals such that those micros are essential for overall health. Food grown on industrial farms now less nutritious that the same foods grown in the past before radical industrial farming with huge diesel machines the size of buildings that cost as much also, such that only large agrochemical companies like Monsanto can afford to do industrial farming or agriculture of GMO mono crops in enormous farms of tens of thousands of acres to get the lowest cost per bushel, of crops also sprayed with RoundUp or glyphosate that is a proven carcinogen.

What happens to umbilical cords & aborted babies, they are liquefied in special blenders to harvest the pluripotent stem cells as cell line inputs to monoclonal antibody biological medications & similar PAB or polyclonal medications prescribed, that down or up regulate various biological axises of the body to modulate disease pathology, but tend to also have weird intense side effects because the MAB & PAB broadly diffuse in all the flesh of the body, including where they have bad effects or unwanted side effects, so my doctor says he only prescribes MAB or PAB to people who are not helped by safer low dose small molecule prescription drugs that have been around & safely used for decades or GRAS generally accepted as safe, like metformin to help patients suffering from dietary excess type 2 diabetes or metabolic syndromes.

Alex Jones & Joe Rogan Podcast tell people factually accurate truth unlike legacy media fake news. So more people today get their facts from reliable sources that seek to expose the lies of colluded mega corporations & huge conglomerates that own legacy media & have a woke liberal internal message to trick, confuse & manipulate people with the goals of the New World Order run by the Woke leaders.

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