Colon Cancer vs Cheap Cooking Oil Exposed

Rape Seed Oil sold as cheap vegetable oil, not only has nothing to do with vegetables, but also goes through 56 industrial processing stages like crude oil does at an oil refinery. Be clear, cheap cooking oil very unhealthy with virtually no Omega 3 fats & far too much Omega 6 fats, & it's made from GMO industrial farming seed oils & just like hydrogenated cotton seed oil sold as Crisco rife with trans fats poisonous to the human cardiovascular system, these cheap cooking oils are UPF or ultra processed food & included as an ingredient in many commonly sold snack foods or UPF food sold in colorful bags & boxes with long ingredients listings, artificial colors, abundant amounts of sugar, unhealth fat, no fiber & too much sodium or salt. 

Use EVOO or extra virgin olive oil, cold pressed. I like authentic French & Irish organic butter for cooking & cook pasture raised eggs in such delicious expensive butter :) For higher temperature cooking we use Avocado & Peanut oil, we as in Meg or I, depending on who is cooking, since we alternate. 

Western Diets are associated with high quality evidence with Diseases of Civilization
Cancer, Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Obesity & Chronic Inflammation, Many Autoimmune Diseases
We know that many artificial colors in UPF are known human carcinogens & there is high quality evidence that children who eat a lot of artificial colors in UPF foods have higher incidence of ADD & ADHD & cancers that normally only affect very old people & almost never affect very young people. 

SAD or Standard American Diet known worldwide to promote disease & disorders, causing people to become fatter & sicker around the world where such diet trends are adopted locally. This means we are literally exporting harm by teaching people to replace traditional diets with western disease promoting UPF heavy diets, such that in America a typical grocery store or supermarket has more than 100,000 edible items, about 73 percent of which are UPF & include ingredients that most people do not understand, cannot pronounce & have no idea what those strange chemical names even mean, listed in the ingredients, including ambiguous listings like Natural & Artificial Flavors. Evil when such vague terms are used to hide up to 10,000 different shelf life bliss point flavor chemical additives specifically added to blog leptin the hormone that makes people feel full after eating, so that people can eat many servings of UPF in sequence, empty calories of UPF foods with low nutritional value, so no matter how much they over eat different UPF they never get the essential micronutrients & feel fatter & sicker with time because of specific dietary deficiencies of critical vitamins & minerals. 

In the western world its common to think about food with nutritional labels in terms of Macros or Macronutrients like Carbohydrates, Fats & Protein content in grams per serving, but while that kind of information can be useful it also misses the bigger picture of essential vitamins & minerals typically missing entirely from empty calorie UPF snack foods for example. UPF makers typically fortify them by adding in tiny amounts of vitamins, but this never replaces the kind of highly nutritious food that people have been eating in traditional societies made of real whole natural foods still sold around the outer edges or borders of a grocery store, all the perishable stuff like leafy greens, veggies, fruits, berries, nuts, seeds, beef, chicken, fish, eggs, milk, dairy, all real food, natural with one ingredients, ingredients that people cook homemade meals at home with or at least they did in the past when Mom was a stay home mom & dad went to work to earth the income to pay the bills, but economic changes mean that Mom & Dad have to work to pay for life's basics, especially if they have children, at least in an near big cities like Seattle, WA, USA where homes in the suburbs that originally sold for less than $100,000 now sell for more than $1 million. 

Many people tight on income or short on money economize at the grocery store buying cheaper foods, but so often the cheapest stuff also UPF and not health to consume as a primary part of anyone's diet. Fastfood restaurants are guilty of making food with or like UPF, too much salt, sugar & unhealthy fat, not enough fiber, quality protein or critical essential micronutrients, or what could be called empty calories like so many alcoholic beverages & sodas sweetened with HFCS or high fructose corn syrup, both of which cause fatty liver disorders. 

Cup your hands together into a bowl shape, that is a serving size relative to your body size more or less, eating more than that in one serving can be dangerous to your health by impeding digestive processes that must convert what you chew up into a liquid that can pass nutrients through the membranes in your small intestine as thin liquid broken down previously by bile & stomach acid, then into the portal vein of your liver, then to your large intestine for moisture extraction, while the kidneys filter the blood. Your body also has an apocrine system which moves fluids in your lymph nodes & skin & organs which is also filtered by the liver & kidneys. Our skin absorbs chemicals applied to it, so do the mucus membranes in our mouth, throat, stomach, you're a wet warm sponge as a person, and that is why so many pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, industrial pollutants, heavy metals, vehicle exhaust & microplastics are so harmful to health, because these toxic poisons get into the body where the block enzymes, steal electrons, inactivate enzymes, cause oxidative stress, pop membranes, damage mitochondria, or do any other method of toxic negative harmful impact on health by damaging cells & organs that translates into diseases & disorders in medicine & physiology respectively. 

Dawn Phenomena

When you sleep, your body enters an anabolic state of rest and recovery. Many people sleep at the end of the day for 4 to 9 hours at night before waking up to start the next day. Some younger people required even more sleep when they are developing, like babies & teenagers, as that time in life requires more time in anabolic build, repair, recover states when we are sleeping. When we are awake, we are in a catabolic state, where stresses of many kinds break down things in the body, sweat blood & tears if you make it happen with action on that farm, hunting, cleaning, doing yard work, working out, getting hot & sweaty with fitness activities or similar. 

Our body undergoes dawn hormonal shift processes to help us wake up in the morning. Melatonin from our brain that helped us sleep well gives way to the anti-inflammatory cortisol steroid the helps us wake up & stimulate getting out of bed & getting going. Your liver dumps glucose into your blood so that when you open your eyes your brain has glucose to process the imaging signals from your eyes so you can see to coordinate all the movements of your day with vision, balance & coordination, all choreographed by your brain, which is in a cerebral spinal fluid filled skull of bone isolated from sound & light from the world. Your CNS is your brains control internet of the body with each system of the body like a computer of its own. The human gut for example a powerful brain with 11 billion neurons, which is why what we eat so important to our immunity, brain function, fitness, overall health, energy levels, body mass, bone & muscle strength, & so many other aspects of health strongly influenced by what we eat or drink. That makes diet or what you eat or feed your family worth thinking about more & prioritizing health foods in your budget. 

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